Geo. Frank, of Greenville, was and are better able to meet all the growing needs of the church. in town Saturday. Frank Beamiss, a resident of Let every member of the church Saleslady wanted. Answer by be present. E. V. S tivers . Greenville, was doing business letter, care of P kess office. Eastern and Olympia Oysters any style, or in bulk L. F. Austin was a county seat in the Grove Saturday. E. W. Hai es was a business visitor Saturday. James Pechin, from the Roder­ Best Ice Cream. Also a fu ll line of Confectionery, Cigars and visitor in Portia: d Saturday. Mrs. V., H. Limber was shop­ ick farm, was in town on busi­ Best Jumbo Utah Land Plaster T obaccos ness connected with the water ing in Portland last w'eek. $12.50a ton. Pl.elps and Mizner. A. B. Caples made a business ditch, Saturday. John Wirtz has recently pur­ If you are going to need any trip to Cnemaw^ last Friday. OTTICE SHEARER chased an interest in the Scenic Forest Grove For Sale—Two year old walnut building mtl or lumber, see h. Theatre. W. Emerson at the Ward Lum­ trees at a bargain. J. Stribich C. Good and Gertie Nichols ber yard. Office in Dr. Ward’s E. S. Booth and wife spent took in the Aviation meet al building. 18-2t. Sunday in Hillsboro with friends. Portland Sunday. Magnificent Iridescent Glass William R. Dickison, of Dilley, Fruit and shade trees at whole Salad and Jelly dishes at Booth’s sale by E. A. Dixon or Forest was in this city on business Mon­ Jewelry store, for 15 cts. the day. Grove Floral Co. piece. A special and exclusive! Prof. Baker, of Pacific Uni­ novelty. It. i J. A. Thornburgh and wife spent Sunday at the Aviation versity, spent Sunday in Port­ Holy City Oratorio, Monday, land. meet in Portland. March 21st, Congregational1 Estella Boscow, of Portland, Church. Reserved seats at Ba­ Geo. McKibben and Joseph Osteopathic Physician Avery were transacting business visited Sunday with Manche zaar 50 cents, general admission Langley. in Portland Monday. 25 cents. 18-2t. J. W. Webb, the auctioneer, Forest Groye N at’ l. Bank Bldg. The F. G. B. Club met Mon­ Remember that the Home had business in Forest Grove day afternoon with Mrs. Wilber Bakery delivers free of charge; Saturday. OFFICE HOURS: McEldowney and the afternoon to any part of the city. J. Whelock Marsh, of Port- was an enjoyable one for the 9:45 A. M. to 4 P. ML, Monday, Wednesday Mrs. F. CoflYine, fr m North' land, spent Sunday with friends members present, who were: Yamhill, who was visiting Mrs. and Friday of Each Week Mesdames F. J. Miller, Chas. VV. E. Prickett, has returned in the city. Mrs. T. E. Lewis, of Cornelius, Hines, E. E. Williams, Willis home. spent Thursday with friends in Goff, John Thornburgh, Misses FOREST G ROVE Ind. phone 212 Lea Good spent Saturday and Forest Grove. Minnie Myers and Margaret Sunday with her parents, return­ Dr. Robert Nixon and h is Hinman. Dainty refreshments ing to her school at Sherwood mother were in Portland on busl- were served, Sunday e vening. ness Saturday. Mrs. Franii o n orson returned Card of Thanks Mis. Angie Sureney, who has home Sunday from Washington We desire to thank the friends been ill for some time, is in a where she hr.d spent the past and neighbors for their kindness very serious condition. month visiting friends and rela­ James and Pleasant Lee, of in help, and sympathy during tives. Patcou Valley, were in the city the sickness and death of their You take no chance in buying tne latter part of tne week. beloved husband and father. Victor Hard Wheat Flour at $1.60 A ustin H. G ates Bessie Ritchey, of Portland, is per sack. It is guaranteed to j M rs . A. H. G ates B Y THE spending the week with her please. Phone an order to youi G eorge B. G ates aunt, Mrs. Daniel Parsons, here. grocer. J ohn W. G ates Katherine Shannon came up J ames P. G ates . I want to rent a comfortable from Hillsboro Satuiday in the house, c'ose to business center, in Leresis of her music pupils here. with water and electric fixtures. Su bscribe for 111« P ress Mrs. Blanch Moore and small Rent must be reasonable. son Herman, of Portland, spent I " * G. E. S f . cour , P kess office. Sunday with friends and relatives «- E * D W . R . V V l R T Z “ Oregon'’ the new flour made Of its new Line and Train Service to | PracticaPand Sanitary Plumbing at the local flouring mills is new in Forest Grove. Myrtle Butler, of Hillsboro, hard wheat flour n.ade from blue visited with friends in this city PHONES — bell 21- IND. 681 stem wheat which they guarantee Oregon to be the' equal of any hard wheat over Sunday and attended the F o r e s t G r o v e , dance Saturday evening. flouron the market. The branch line connecting oodborn with W est If you are going to need any Spring and summer styles a:e Woodburn has been completed and passenger service now ready for the inspection of Bui’.dirg mtl or Lumber, see I. inaugurated on ¡he above date. my patrons and friends, and it j W. Emerson at the Ward Lum­ The follow in g is a schedule of trains arriving and would afford me much pleasure 1 ber yaid. Office in Dr. Ward’s building. 18-2t. leaving Forest Grove, with which connection is made to have you call on Tuesday, at G arden Home and We3t Woodburn for passengers Decorate your home wiih a March 15th an d following days. pair of the handsome Violet Iri-i to and from Woodburn: Respectfnlly yours, M ks . A. E. ! descent Glass vases, which are: D ixon , Main street. lS-2t A i Forest Grove Lv. Woodburn Ar. Woodburn Lv. Forest Grove The Knights of Pythias are displayed in the window o f 9:00 a m 11:80 a m 10:30 a m 8:40 a m It. busy perfecting arrangements j Booth, the jeweler. 4.40 p m 2:25 p m 12:40 p m 10:30 a m Among those who went to for the dedication of their fine 6:40 p ox .'ÍI 4:25 p m 4:00 p m 1:40 p m new home, Saturday, March 12th, Portland Saturday and Sunday For inform ation reir .ive to ticket.!, farer. e tc., sec the ticket t gei t and for the entertainment of the were Claud Smith, Capt. Geo. large number of visiting loyal Auld, Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin, M. CEO. F. NEVI NS. C. E. ALBIN Knights who will attend the Peterson and Mrs. Hartrampf. Tr.fT.c M«r,»grr. Pot:Und, Oregon to Beauty Ticket Afreet, Frr- •< Crove District Convention, which meets Watch losing time? Bring it and refinemi nt is included in our dis­ here on that date. to Abbott, watch repairer. Pat­ play o f things for the toilet. W. A. Hoge, formerly propri­ erson block, Pacific Ave., and The most delicate perfum es, t h e Probably purest o f talcum powders, the best o f etor of the Forest Grove Times, have it examined. cold creams. 18-2t. and for some time a resident o f ! needs cleaning. Portlan 1, is again among us after J. M. Hamblin, of Timber, P A M S IMPORTED PERFUMES an absence of nearly two years. was in town Thursday and re­ PAUL RIEGER'S EXQUISITE ODORS He and his wife have just re­ ports that the ground has been See our window display and g et turned from a several weeks covered with snow for three .package o f sw eet pea s.-eda FREE Successor to D YNAM ITE trip to Sou them California. They months, in that part of the coun­ armacy like Portland better than they do try. i ’ j an d Economical No hawing. No Headaches. Los Angeles, and think that TME u ° IO -C A T 6 D R U G G IS T S Mrs. Schaefer will have her FOR SALE BY Forest Grove is an ideal home display of Spring and Summer P hon es : Bell 231 Ind Banks, Oregon lohn Wunderlich towm. Mr. Hoge is contemplat­ millinery, on Tuesday and Wed­ FREt DELIVERY ing the purchase of a small farm nesday, 15th and 16th and fol­ in the near* vicinity to make his lowing days, to which all of the home. His many friends will ladies are cordially invited. extend to him the glad hand of W. H. Hollis went to Gales The Largest and Best welcome. Creek Saturday to confer with The regular preaching service some land owners along the line Selected Stock cl Jewelry, will be conducted by the pastor of the proposed electric railway r* Watches and Clocks in Washing ter L viUIl tT at the Christian church. At 11 with a view to ascertaining their o’clock a. m., the subject will be attitude toward the matter of “ The Sabbath: Should it be ob­ making right of way donations. served Today?” In the evening Thursday evening a reception the subject will be, “ Things that was given Rev. E. V. Stivers, Come and See the New Line of Goods Just Received- Bore us.” You are invited to pastor of the Christian church, All Goods Guaranteed as Represented attend all the services of the by the members of the church. church. The Bible school is in­ Rev. Sii.ers has just leturneJ creasing in working power every from North Yamhill where he M A IN S T R E E T Sunday. W e are better orga- has been conducting a series of r.:zed than w e have been before meetings. Local News items OYSTER HOUSE . Dr. C. E. Walker Announcement! Oregon Electric Railway Co. Opening * > 2^1910 it W GO DBU RN , OREGON A Every Ain A Blasting Good Business Trojan Powder r crest Luc ve PH ¡ AR TH U R SHEARER i .