\ I - - Country Items F orest G rove A d v ertisin g H. D. R O W E P ain ter and P ap er H a n g e r W ATTS >ME COMPANY B A K IN G I . F inest o f B read and P astro B a k e d D a ily . . J e t ell 6 loaves o f B read fo r 2 5 c e n ts FOREST GROVE 5acific Avenue IERSO NA PRICKETT D E A L E R S IN - Confedtionery, Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco CHOCOLATES LOWNEYS - - S O F T D R IN K S FOREST GROVE, OREGON .rrr SEE US B E F O R E B U Y IN G MERTZ 8c LATTA D E A L E R S IN Furniture, C arpets, L inoleum , P aints, O ils and G lass Both Phones Forest Grove H. L. DECKERT For Sanitary P lum bin g, S tea m and H ot W a ter H e a tin g .................................................... Pacific Avanue A. Forest Grove, Oregon C. MACKRODT SELLS A U T O M O B IL E S , M OTORCYCLES and BIC YC LES rO R C ftT GROVE OREGON C o m pl e t e l in e o f s u n d r ie s PIONEER DRUG STORE wm « -----------------------------------— ----------------- * L argest and B est S tock W e st o f P ortland : All Goods Bought Direct from Factory : PR IC ES R B ig h t C H A S . M IL L E R , P ro p . oth P h o n e s Fo rest Grove When You Buy A C am era, g e t th e b est. EA STM A NS’ rre th e best. l‘» l b Camera«, Kodaks and Supplies AT D R . H IN E S ' D R U G S T O R E Forest Grove Pool Room J. S. D R E W , Prop. Cigars, 1 obacco. Confectionery, and Soft Drinks. in Good Lunch Counter in Connection A C le a n , Q u ie t p la ce to s p e n d an E ven in g. FlmudT GROVE ir s ^ -QREGON Inside Decorations a Specialty Emma Dilley spent Friday in Portland. Mrs. B. Britton is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. S. Dilley. George Schoch is improving after several week3 illness. Ivan Senger and wife are en­ tertaining company from Port­ land. Some of the young people are preparing a short play in the near future at the Literary So­ ciety. A. T. Buxton had'his herd of \ dairying cows tested for tuber-, culosis recently. John Ihrig was under the care i of Dr. Wendt for several days recently, but is now on the gain. ’ . Bemiss and family, who have lived at Fair Oaks Farm for nearly a year, will become residents of Forest Grove this j week. We regret to have them go, but wish them success in j their new heme. PRICES A N D ESTIM A TE S FO R PAINTING C H E E R ­ FULLY FU R N ISH E D IN D FOREST GROVE PHONE 493 c. E. D I X O N - - - : F IN E B O O T A N D S H O E R E P A IR IN G : S h oe L aces S h oe D ressin g and R ubber H ee ls FOREST GROVE P A C IF IC AVE. W. F. SCHULTZ M EA TS A N D G R O C E R IE S All Kinds of Fresh Vegetables, Fish and Game in Season BUXTON Free Delivery to All Part* of the City There will be a dance in the Buxton Hall, March 17th. Ralph Hannan went to Hills­ boro on business Wednesday. Mr. Pease went to the P. R. & N. head camp on business, Tues- jday. Edgar and Walter Hannan are moving their families to luad- quarters for the summer. Herman Greener had one of his fingers severely mashed in a shingle mill neai Buxton. Benj. R. Perkins from Me-1 Minnville, who has been visiting his father, returned home Wed-1 nesday. Robt. Simpson and family, who have been quarantined on account of scarlet fever, were released this week. Mr. McKusick has sold the Hotel to Frank Donnelly who I will take charge of the house. Thursday. There will be a debate at the Buxton school house, March 8th. Question: “ Resolved that mod­ ern improvements are a detri­ ment to the laboring class." R O Y ITEM S A ll W ork G u a r a n te e d FOREST GROVE PAC. A V E N U E BO TH PHONES W . H . HOLLIS, Pres. E. j. M cA LE A R . Sec. FOREST GROVE ABSTRACT CO Successors to HOLLIS TIT LE & IN V E ST M E N T CO. Do a General Business of Abstracting and Conveyancing FO R EST GROVE Both Phones Both Phones Satisfaction Guaranteed A. S A E L E N S FRESH , S A L T and S M O X E D M EA TS Fresh Fish Every Thursday FOREST GROVE PHONES OREGON INDEPENDENT 741 PAC. STATES 33 Fashion Stables G O R D O N & BROW N, p rops. B. A. Killin and wife were shopping in Banks Monday. W. W. Ryals was doing busi­ ness in Forest Grove Monday. Rev. Stewart delivered a splen­ did sermon to an appreciative audience last Sunday. The Misses Chalmers, who are attending college, spent Satur­ day and Sunday at home. Milk-haulers find the continued rainstorm very disagreeable and where the roads are not graveled almost impassable. Mr. and Mrs. M. King and daughter Marvel, and little Merle, were transacting business in the county seat’last Friday. Miss Frankie Mathews, of Portland, who has been the guest of her cousin. Mrs. W. W. Ryals the last week, returned home Wednesday. Mrs. C. F. Griffin received word from Missouri that her par­ ents were in poor health. She left on last Thursday’s train for that state where she will visit her old home and friends. HIM FOR SALE The T. W. N. Dray Line of this city has a good three-seated heavy hack, with curtains, in ex­ cellent condition, for sale at a bargain. Call or phone. * - J ik First Class Rigs Careful Drivers Prices Right P acific A v en u e F orest G rove, O regon KNOB HILL ADDITION The choicest tract, lately platted to the City of Forest Grove Finest residence lots to be had in the city. On easy payments Write or Inquire of FEUX VERHOOVEN OR W. F. SCHULTZ FO R E ST G R O V E OREGON The Progressive Store G roceries, D ry G oods. B oots and Shoes A Fine Line o f G en era l M erchan dise Hoffman, Allen Co.