-•V- MOB DEFIES B A Y O N E T S . Disarms “ Tin Soldiers’’ — Genera Strike May Be Called. O R E G O N ’S NEW W A TER C O D E . SPEAK ON APPLE C U L T U R E . Methods of Registering Water Rights Dr. S. A Robinson, of Old Virginia, Under State Law Praises Oregon Apples. » + Philadelphia, Feb. 28.—According to a statement issued today by the Philadelphia Rapid Transit company, the amount of damage done today and the number of assaults committed by mobs were greater than on any prev­ ious day of the strike. Two hundred and ninety-five cars were wrecked, making 750 cars put out of service since the strike began. .. Six hundred and sixty-three cars were run up to nightfall, when all cars were returned to the barns. Salem—The following statement was Portland—Members of the Portland prepared by State Engineer John H. Apple Growers club were afforded ar. Lewis to refute some of the charges opportunity to listen to two addresses that the new water law passed by the at the regular meeting at the Y. M. C. legislature last year is too intricate A. recently. M. O. Lownsdale, of La­ and cumbersome: fayette, owner of one of the largest “ The assertion has been made that apple orchards in the Willamette val­ the Oregon water code is so intricate ley and having 30 years’ experience in Philadelphia, Feb. 23.—Three boys and restrictive in its operation as to raising apples, was the first speaker. were shot and probably fatally injured prevent or greatly check the use of He was followed by an address by Dr. and several received less severe S. A. Robinson, vice-president of the streams either for power or for irriga­ today in riots that followed the State Horticultural sbeiety of Virginia, wounds attempted resumption of service by the tion. and a member of the Royal society of Philadelphia Rapid Transit company. “ For the purpose of throwing some England. The shooting occurred in attacks on light on this subject a summary of the Dr. Robinson telling why Oregon filings made under this law in the apples bring the highest prices in the cars in the Northeastern section. Mar­ ket street, the principal business state engineer’s office between Feb­ markets of the world said in part: thoroughfare, was the scene of the dis­ ruary 24 and December 31, 1909, has “ You in Oregon are being taught to turbances all day. Cars were stoned been made. underestimate your competitors. There and two policemen were roughly hand­ “ A total of 464 applications for per­ are a number of sections which you mits to appropriate water have been must take into account. Canada, along led by a mob of several thousannd per­ filed, the estimated cost of the pro­ the St. Lawrence river and around the sons. A dozen arrests were made and posed work, as given by the appli­ Great Lakes, Nova Scotia and a few the prisoners were placed in a trolley This was stormed by the mob and cants, amounting to $30,000,000. The other sections are as productive as the car. ’ Drigoner8 escaDed magnitude of these figures can be ap­ Pacific Northwest and while th» apples Preparations were made by author­ preciated when it is remembered that of these sections do not compare with $2,100,000 represen'ed the total cost the first and second pack of Oregon ities to call upon the entire force of of all irrigation works prior to 1902, they are a good commercial apple. But the state militia if the police tomor­ according to the United States census, your apples are the best and it is be- row were unable to cope with the sit- President Murphy, of the and it is believed that $6,000,000 will canae they are the best that they draw : uation. Central Labor union, still regards a fully cover all expenditures made since the great prices. general strike of all unions in the city such date, including those of the gov­ “ The production of strictly fancy as inevitable, although Organizer Pratt ernment. apples will never be overdone. They said to oppose this move. “ The fees paid to the state in con- will always meet a demand command­ is Members of the State Fencibles, an nection with these filings amount to ing a high price, both because of the $9,700, a sum which more than covers small area fitted for such apples and independent military organization. 200 were placed on duty today, the cost to the general taxpayer of on account of the increasing popula­ strong, with loaded rifles. They were the state engineer’s department. No tion which is demanding the highest armed in the Kensington mill district complaint as to excessive fees or un­ priced apples. In New York City a detailed reasonable regulations or restrictions few years ago I saw apples piled on Northeast, a hotbed of sympathizers. Fifteen policemen quartered in the has been heard. Water right records the docks, simply glutting the market barn of the company at Ridge avenue are necessarily more complicated than and with a greater quantity sent in and York street narrowly escaped land records, and the applicant, or than ever before. They were being death tonight when the entire north- rather those which have appeared at sold—good commercial apples—for 75 1 corner of the building was blown the office, seem to think the cost does cen’s a barrel. Two trainloads of ap- east away with dynamite. The explosion not exceed the benefits. Sixty-two of ples were left standing unopened. But occurred just as C. O. Pratt,was about the 464 applications have been can­ with this glutted market Oregon ap­ to address a meeting of carmen at celed from the records and the water is ples were being held at $3.50 to $4.00 Ridge avenue and Dauphin street. subject to reappropriation. a bushel box and the dealers were glad “ The water code makes no annual to get them at that price. That shows C E N S U S O F O C C U P A T IO N S . charge for the use of water for 'power the way Oregon apples are thought of development, but limits the franchise in the East and what will be paid for or right to a period of 40 years, sub­ the very best. Questions Will Apply to Everybody in ject to a preference right of renewal the United States. “ Now, I am from Virignia, where under the laws then existing. It we can grow a very high grade of ap­ Washington, 23.—The “ occu­ should not be confused with a separate ple. But there is no fear of Virginia pation" q u e s tio n Feb. in th e U n ite d S t a te s law which provides for an annual tax being a competitor of yours for a gen­ census population schedule to be car­ of 26 cents to $2 upon each horsepower eration at least. The reason I would ried by the enumerators during the developed. But little complaint as to give as hereditary inertia although Thirteenth Decennial census, begin­ the excessive amount of these fees has there are some who may dub it ‘hook ning April 15 next, applies to every­ been heard from the small appropriator worm.’ A t any rate, they will not body living in the United States on the who intends to apply the power to his develop their land and the proprietors date mentioned, which is the “ Census own use. It is different, however, of the soil, the sons and grandsons of Day," and all the population schedule with the large appropriator and its re­ slaveowners, have such a great amount questions relate to it only. tarding influence is reflected in the of personal individuality that they In its printed instructions to enum­ small number of such filings made un­ cannot be made to co-operate, and co­ erators the census bureau holds that der this law. Only a few of the small operation such as you have at Hood the occupation followed by a child or a appropriators have paid the tax in re­ River is an absolute essential to the woman is just a important, for census sponse to notices sent out prior to Jan­ success of the apple industry.’’ purposes, as the occupation of a man. uary 2. Therefore the enumerators are told “ Forty-nine petitions for the deter­ PORTLAND MARKETS. never to take it for granted without mination of water rights on various inquiry that a woman or child old streams of the state have been filed Wheat—Track prices — Bluestem, enough to work bas no gainful occupa­ with the board of control. This $1.13(8)1.13%; club, $1.06; red Rus­ tion. board is composed of the state engin­ sian, $1.04; valley, $1.05; 40-fold, It is pointed out, however, that only eer and the division superintendent of $ 1 . 10 . gainful occupation are to be reported. each of the two divisions into which Corn—Whole, $35; cracked. $36 ton. By this is meant any employment, the state is divided. Surveys have Oats—No. 1 white, $31.50 per ton. work, profession or vocation by which been completed and testimony taken Hay—Track prices—Timothy, Wil­ the person working regularly earns on nine of these streams. All irrigat­ lamette valley, $20(8)21 per ton; East­ money or its equivalent. The fact ed lands, power plants, ditches, etc., ern Oregon, $22(8 23; alfalfa, $17(8) that a person has no gainful occupa­ along 11 other streams have been lo­ 18; California alfalfa, $16(817; clo­ tion is to be noted on the schedudle. cated and mapped during the past sea­ ver, $15(816; grain hay, $16@18. If a person is only temporarily unem­ son by the state engineer. In all, Fresh Fruits—Apples, $1.25(83 box; ployed on account of lack of work or 57,500 acres of irrigated land have pears, $1.50@1.75; cranberries, $8(89 sickness, or other temporary reason, been accurately measured and mapped, per barrel. the occupation which that person usual- at a cost of 7 X cents per acre. Potatoes—CtfHoad buying prices— ,y followg ¡„ to be reported. “ The most important of these Oregon, 708; 75c per sack; sweet po- a person has two occupations, the streams are the Umatilla river and all tatoes, 2%@3c per pound. enumerator must return only the more its tributaries. Crooked river, Squaw Vegetables—Cabbage, $1.50(8)2 per important one—that is, the one from creek and Tumalo creek, in Crook hundred; turnips, $1.25 per sack; ruta- wbjch the person gets the more money. county, Willow creek in M otto county, bagas, $1(81.25; carrots, $1; beets, If that cannot be learned, then he is and Willow creek in Malheur county, $1.25; parsnips, $1. to return the one at which the person also Little Butte creek in JacksoVi Butter—City creamery extras, 37@ spends the more time. As an illustra­ county. The popularity of the law 39c; fancy outside creamery, 35(839c; tion, the enumerators are told to re­ with respect to the adjudication of old store, 20(823 %c per pound. Butter a man as a “ farmer" if he gets rights has far exceeded the expectation fat prices average l% c per pound un­ turn most of his income from farming, al­ of the legislature, as the appropriation der regular butter prices. though he may follow the occupation for the state engineer’s office is so lim- ! EggB—Fresh Oregon ranch, 27%@ of a clergyman or preacher; but they ited that surveys cannot keep pace 28c per dozen. must return him as a “ clergyman ’ if with demands. Cheese—Full cream twins, 19(820c “ No right to the use of water ean per pound, young Americans, 20(8:21c. he gets more of his income from that occupation. be acquired except by application to, Pork—Fancy, 12@12%c per pound. and the issuance of a permit, by the Veal—Faney,12(8il2%c per pound. House of Lords Lacks Support. state engineer. Th® records as sum­ Poultry—Heos, 17%(818c; springs, London, Feb. 23 —The players in the marized above and the experience of 17%@18c; ducks, 20(8)22c; geese. 13 this office during the ten months of (314c; turkeys, live, 22%@24c; game of polities threw the cards upon 1909 during which the wafer code has dressed. 25(0 29c; squabs, $3 per dozen. the table in the house of commons to­ been in effect, leads to the conclusion Hops—1909 crop, prime and choice, day. The government is without the that this law is entirely satisfactory to 20(822e; 1908s, 17%c; 1907s, 11 %c allies necessary to carry legislation and the prospect is that the country will be the prospective investor and settler. per pound. stirred by another general election It has already stimulated the develop­ Wool—Eastern Oregon, 16(8 23c soon. up Premier Asquith announced ment of the state through irrigation. pound; mohair, choice, 25c. that the financial legislation would be Power filings and doubtless power de­ Cascara bark—4%