Inter-Social D eb ate. W ash in gton ’s Birthday E xer­ first and second prizes for the best writers among the girls, the cises. The inter-society academic de­ same for the boys, and a first The Washington’s Birthday ex­ bate between Gamma Sigma and and second prize/'for the two ercises given in Marsh Hi 11 last Alpha Zeta literary societies took showing the mo^f improvement. place in Brighton chapel last Tuesday evening by the Fresh­ The ability j p write 'well is of Friday evening. The question man class were unusually inter­ use to studams no matter what discussed was “ Resolved that, esting and well carried out. The line of W (K they may engage in barring the question of Consti­ entertainment began with selec­ later anjfno one should miss the tutionality, a law should be en­ tions by the orchestra, after oppor^pity to take this course acted compelling all corporations which Arthur Silverman gave a u n d y o n e of the best writing doing inter-state business to take reading of a Norsk version of tea sers in the state. out Federal charters” . The I the hatchet story. His imperso­ THOSE LECTURES ON PR3PHECY affirmative was upheld by Fred j nation of a Scandinavian, both in manner and speech was ver^ They will continue two weeks Grosse, Keith Abraham, and B. j yet at the Seventh Day Advent­ H. Mayfield of Alpha Zeta. The good, and held the closest atte ist chuach. negative side of the question was tion of the audience. Miss Pi erson’ s vocal solo, “ March 4, Court week in Heav­ supported by W. H. Haupert, Gray” was enthusiaiticalW^re Fire, Plate Glass, Health and Accident Insurance. en. Harold Benjamin and Clifford Surety Bonds March 5, The Lord’s Day or Rogers of Gamma Sigma society. ceived, and the chaw iinylittle More real enthrs'asm was man­ song of "W*H»een practicing these rules assiduously, for its coming tour of Oregon. Margaret Whalley spent the week end rt her home in Port­ land. spring. Mr. Garrison is a ex­ cellent writer and understands the best systems of handwriting as all those who have taken the course know. This is a three weeks course free to all students and there will be two classes every day, from 2 to 3 and from 3 to 4 in the afternoon. Some of the business men o f the town have offered some excellent prizes for those taking the course. There will be six prizes in all, We don’ t believe that you can find a better all round place to fit out the home than right at thia store. We don’t believe that you can find a place that will deal more fairly with you than we will. We don’t believe that, dollar for dollar, you can do QUITE as well anywhere elae. Those are our elaima—to prove them is our aim. Will you give us an opportunity to do so the first time you are needing something in our line? ROE & COM PANY L A Full Line of General Hardware BOTH P H O N E S F o r e s t G r o v e O regon