s Clippiu and Pasted ADVERTISED TOWN, GOT RESULTS FO RE ST G ROVE PRESS Published by Advices from Albany are to | G. E. S e c o u r & J. D. F o o t e ^ e^ect tfiat ^)ie|r advertising In the City of , F orest G rove , O regon , is . _ proving effective, they are THE BAMBOO ______ HAIR. .. a . alow but Sur» Poiton That I» Used THURSDAY of EACH WEEK, receiving many inquiries daily fay th# Javan«»». The young shoots o f tbe bamboo are Entered at the poet office at Foreat Grove, Oirn _ T 7 > . a covered with a number o f very flue ae mail matter of the eecond clas». k th e East. Among jjuirg that are seen under the mlcro- those whom the Linn County lit- scope to be hollow and spiked like T e r m s o f S u b s c r ip t io n erature has reached, and who bay°net8- These hairs are commonly CASH IN ADVANCE called bamboo poison by tbe white - OtWYear $1.60 - - Six .75 w a Lp ¡.H v a n ta ira + u „ i _ low , „ 1 '■ m 'a u K U — -------- — Months ______ W jll 1“ t laKe. »«vantage of the en re8lllem ln Java for . the from D i s p l a y A d v e r t is i n g rates on appli- cation. L o c a l R e a d e r s five cents per line o f seven words each insertion. Display advertisements for publics- tion in the PRESS must be in this office . not later than Tuesday evening to in sure appearance in current issue NOTICE nuiiul TO SUBSCRIBERS prospective settlers rates this month and next, are that murder forty families from Illinois and th1-00«*1 their is frequently committed »Keucy. t w e n t v f r o m W o o f V irm 'n ia When a Javanese woman takes a ,<• , . . . . . . *#ncJ t0 a European, according to an If 0 n e 8eC tlon o f t h e W ,I1‘ ° fflclal, Dutch reP °*- ab« either amette Valley is more prosperous haTe hlm or poison him if she gets the chance. She seeks any and every op- than others, the reason forit lies portunity of mixing these infinitesimal in the fact that the people who hairs among his food, and they serve populate it , realizing that oppor- the PurP*>«e o f irritating the whole iu ovueumuL ; The P ress will be mailed reg- ularly to all paid in advance sub- BcriV.oc« w hose subscriptions scribers, Whose SUDSCnpuons were received by the previous management, without additional cost NOTICE I desire to announce that Mr. G, E. Secour, an able newspaper man has purchased ar. inteiest in the P r e s s and will be assoc- iated with me in the conduct of the business. Mr. Secourcomes highly recommended and is a man of broad experience in ad- vertising and publicity work, He is thoroughly familiar with all the details . of . the printing 7 and publishing business, and is a practical man wlth^practical ideas. J. D. F oote . SALUTATORY „ , length o f the alimentary canal and set- X tumties are ail around tnem, ting Up maiignant dysentery, it may unite their strength and brains take a long time nnd many doses of arid d ig . instead of wasting e n - tb,B 80 calted p « i ® o " to effect the pur- . s: . _ pose, hut the native woman does not tire, and death will surely result. The male native win also try this method revenge for an affront. The planters know all tills and ergy in individual efforts. With- out exception it w ill be found th a t in in the t hp growing o-rnwincr to w n « , the th e that towns, . , , . , , people have adopted and are per- dreml t'be bumboo balr> but lt ,9 al. » ,. . » ,, , .. iecting plans tor the advertise- ways difficult to determine whether ment of their resources, and favor improvements which will ;uid to the material wi n 1th nf the community. There you will find enthusiastic commercial clubs and boards of trade, which ¡,re the mediums through which they work effectually. In order that Washington county and its towns may get theirsha-e of thp new-comers thU rnntrv nnH ,,t w tu r n e r s l to o m i s COUi t r y , and thereby increase in wealth and population, there must be con- is caused by the poison ,,bo1" naturally, when a lllm,"'l f « prey to attacks , ln Enslaud reign of ," I;J1be1 ,," ,,"e several """" "ecaa’° greatly v excited through cases 1,1 poiaonlug. and pai : lament enacted a,iuw boiling to death the pen- alty. This Jaw was on the statute j certed action on tne part of the citizens, No systematic adver- . . . . . . . . tisinp: is being done, and, though ■ it is a ‘Treat county with splendid It was books about sixteen years, ® a«le retroactive, so as to take In a case that chiefly prompted Its euaet- ment—that of Richard Uosse, other- Wise Coke, the bishop of Rochester’s tl,e dysentery or p'ataer ,ak,‘ M voyage to Europe.—rearson’s VVe‘‘k,ir’ AN INFANT PRODIGY. Sir John Evelyn’s Tribute to His Won­ derful Child. f >f itll tile stories or lufiiut marvels the most touching is ihut told by Sir John Evelyn in bis diary wheu be re- cords In his rjualnl. dignified style the j death of his wonderful little hoy: “ Died my deure sou Richard, to our inexpressible griefe and affliction. five years and three days ouely, hut at that tender age a prodigy for witt and learning. To give ouly a little taste o f them and l hereby glory to God. sense o f God. in two and a balfe old he could perfectly reade any o f ye English La tine or French or Gothic letters, pronouncing the first three languages exactly He had before the fifth yeare or in thal yeare got by heart almost the entire voeabulnrie o f Latin and French primitives and words, citld make congruous syntax. turne English into Entitle, and vice versa, construe and prove what he read and did the government and use of relatives, verbes, substantives, elipses and many figures and I ropes and made considerable progress in Co- tueuius .lamia, began for himself to write legibly and had a stronge pas­ sion for Greek As to his piety, aston- Isblng were Ids applications of Serip- tur(, fo tbe IM.<.a8|on i j e declaimed against ye vanities o f the world before he had seene any. So early knowl­ edge. so much piety and perfection! Such a child I never saw, and for such a child I blesse God, In whose bosom lie Is.” —Exchange. HELPING A SCULPTOR. Terrible Torture That Was Once the Law In England. The Fa vor Falguiere Did For Young Macmonnies. When Macuiounies. the American sculptor, was a young man working In Paris Falguiere. the famous FreucD sculptor ou one occasion entered his atelier and found there a beautiful Diana that had been for months "on the stocks" and was approaching a perfection measurably satisfactory to the sculptor himself. Falguiere became so absorbed In the work before him as to forget that lt was not his own He begati to twist and pull the dainty limbs o f Diana this way and thal. to punch her in the ribs, turn her queenly bead- for she was then only In clay, o f course, uud sus­ ceptible to impressions until at lust he had produced the very pose he de­ sired. "There, my friend: I like her better so." he cried, nnd skipped out o f tbe studio He had really intended to do Mnc- monnies a favor and had Indeed paid him llie greatest compliment o f which , he was capable, hut the young sculp­ tor was in distress, for ou comparing the remodeled Diana with a photo­ graph o f Falgulere's statue of the same character he found the French­ man had uneonsi lotisly made a prac­ tical replica ot the other Macmon­ nies did la I rest until lie ll.ld restored his statue to Its original pose of the P r e s s hav- opportunities few people who ~ V ? h K " S 2 * ing passed through some rather have not been here are aware ol a{ Rochester. The infliction was at- BW'f changes in the past few the fact. In this age of compe- tended with peculiar cruelty, as Coke weeks, we feel it incumbent u p - 1 ««on the imports.nee of adver- ^ on ourselves to oiler a few words tiding applies to st. ites and coun- a . few yenrs inter, in March, 1542, a of exulanation. ties as well as to the individual young woman named Margaret Davy In the coiuinualion of the in business. Experience teaches ™a(?nu i T. P ress among the li t of Oregt i newspapers, the publishers are counties in the state are setting ( withstanding the comparatively slow pace wiiich the others must i t™ vel oi uews ,n those days, the story prompted by a desire to maintain the » ,, , . . o f Margaret D avy’s trial and punlsh- meut soon B|>read through the klng- an enterprise in a community of to llo W or be outsit ipped. • — —— ! dom and aroused universal horror progressive people and to make Bolling to death remained on the stat­ In a nearby Oregon town the ute hooks, however, as long as Henry the paper a potent factor in the development of a section of great pastor of a church had occasion reigned, perhaps because the monarch beauty and unusual natural ad to thank his congregation for 57 himself had a dread o f being poisoned. hls death parlla' vantage, feeling assured that varieties of buttons placed in the ment repealed the law. •very effort of the paper to pro- contribution box during the past mote the interests of the com- month. Presumably they were Helping a Man to Suicide. »unity will I».’ substantially intenbdd for the tewing circle of It Is remarkable how a suicide by a C illy R ice and a Pin. I certain method or iu a certain place [ will lead to another o f the same kind. A surgeon o f the Middlesex uospital . I n London went into a barber shop to Billy 1.1. e. the negro minstrel, used to tel! the .¡lory of a man who picked ........... — 1 - The P ress stands pledged to up u pin ns lie was leaving tlie office , c ... ... . . o f n great merchant after au unsuc­ work for the growth an 1 per.na- A Seattle woman with violent he shaved. The barber spoke of a man cessful quest for work The mer­ nent prosperity of the city oi refi hair is suing her husband for who had been unsuccessful in an ut- chant. seeing the mans action from Forest Grove, and the develop- divorce because he called her himself by cutting his the window, called him hack and gave him employment, which kindness lie ment of fliVIhe territory tributary “ Uoddy” and “ Brick Top” in throat “ H e could easily have managed I t " repaid by becoming owner ot the eu thereto. public. Cruel and inhuman man. sa il tile surgeon, "had he been ac­ tire business in au •lueredihly short quainted with the situation o f the time. It will be the aim of the P ress carotid artery." Billy used to end his story by say­ to foster and encourage the ad­ "W hore should he have out V” asked ing thal lie tried that scheme once A R O U N D TH E CIRCUIT vancement of all educational in­ I the barber. The surgenu told him. lie when he was looking for work, drop- | at once left the room, and. unt return- plug a pin carefully on the floor as stitutions o f the community, that Corvallis Masons are contemp-1 '*>« »8 8°»“ 88 was expected the sur- he entered. He stated his wauls to present and futur<> generations lating the er ction in the near »« look for him «.m discov- the proprietor, who uot only had no may keep r pace ___ „ ____^ ----- with ‘ heintel- , . «red In in In the yard with hla head employment to offer him. hut remark­ lectual advancement of the most ‘ u*ure °* an UP to elate nve story nearly severed from his body.—Lon- ed to Ills partner as Rice picker! up progressive people of the state builJin*- T h e G » « * Times | don M a l l . _________________ ___________ tbe pin: "Say, If that fellow's so small as to and A Solar Plexus. steal a pin off Hie fioor. how much do The columns of the P ress will «PPearance and attractive d i­ On one occasion Sam Berger, the you think he'd leave In m.v till?" brawny tight manager, was In a small al ways he open to the various s,Kn> California town sounding some o f the D am ascus, "City of Magic.” religious denomim-tiens for the About 550 business men pnd residents as to the possibility o f hold­ All oriental ■ lly ot magic called up publication of church news and farmers from all parts of the ing a prizefight The local |>olloe force, by n slave o f the lamp to realize oue’s contributions tending; to promote state recently attended 0. A. C. a clownish looking ludivli ual. with a dream o f Hie orient; a city ethereally huge badge, heard o f Sum's Investiga­ lovely, exquisitely eastern, ephemeral, a healthful moral and religious during Fanners week, and found tion«. to be blown away by a breath like a “ You can’t hold no prizefight In HiS tone to the community. the short course very instructive tuft ot thistledown, uot white, hut While the P ress is in one sense and entirely to their satisfaction, here tow n." said the police force delicately pale with a pallor bolding threateningly lu his heat “ I be the a private enterprise, yet we want The Commercial Club of Ore- marshal" tones. “ It Is agin tbe law. i the faintest bint of a seashell flush; a city »lender, calm, almost mystic in Its all to feel that it intern s to stive ^on city is planning for a gala and I won’t stand for It." fragile grace, set In the heart o f a "A w . heat It." said Berger in dls great wonder o f green, the best interests of every worthy d&y March 12th< Xhe people of .............. a maze o f The people of gust. "W hat do you know about law? bright and ardent woods, beyond institution of the city, as well as County have been invited T°ur ver> appearance in publie which lie the desert spaces—this Is to promote a spirit of civic pride and indication8 point to a large “ * "^.leanorr-Upplncon^ Damascus from the mountain o f Jebel Kasyuu lt holds one almost breath­ and a desire to work for mutual and enthusiastic meeting, the Chatter.” less seeu thm from afar. - Robert advancement, and we make our T l h i T k '! : i ' i " k 1 ■ ' * Th B p»«kins U p , ... , ,, .. object hich ill b e to The famous u u je c i O UI f W WH IC H W vvJTl ue UI bring [»ring i«uu»u« p painter ainter i Fuseli uscii n had ad a Illchens iu Century. the church. sU,,,'s ,ha’ 11 W|U lu‘ nation. bow cu.,f cast that port feeling that "our lines are ¡n „Ipnsiint nlaces” and in pleasant placts . ami tne paper will receive sup­ according to its merits. G. E. Aureli S ecour an d J. ,b e in low ment much needed improvement o n th o r i v o r e r iv e r . 1). F oote j , . The incident of the elopement of tho Detroit man with his mother-in-lavv is a precedent for t k * M t nhHahment of a new order r th (.¡.¡„.p , together in a united fur chatter Due af ine cll,zens f ^ n e r in a united teilloon , of frWndll a TUU effort to secure from the govern- to hi» studio, and a ftw a few moment« io k o s A ny- of mother-in-law joke. . A n > thing in the n a t u r e of a change will be welcomed by the public. ♦ j ■i*‘ut in looking at the pictures they seated themselves and proceeded to in dulge in a long and purposeless talk Albany’s business men, believ- At la,t- 1,1 ”uo oi ,he »I'Khf pauses. * . . Fuseli said earnestly, "I had pork for ,nR .. that much more can , be ac- 4| nuor today " complished by co-operative eftort| "W hy. my dear Mr. Fuseli," ex- ----- ----- ---------- -- o f the odd startled group. than b> individual work, got , I claim “ What ed au one extremely rem ark!’ Rather a few days ago and orga- l t r - «tid the («In ter ingenuously ffizetl Under the official title of -W h y. Isu t It as Interesting and Im- .. . Men’s Association of a* ““y“ »1“* t“*1 baa ^ B u m i u s s M e n s Assouation o i for th. lMt hour?" Albany. Attorney-at-Law Collections and all business entrusted to us given prompt attention. A tto r­ ney for Forest Grove Collection Agency. Office Hoffman Bldg., Pacific Avenue Inependent Phone 505. FOREST GROVE J. D. FOOTE , Attomey-at-Law Collections and all business intrusted to me given prompt attention. OFFICI. H O F F M A N BU ILDI NG P H O N E IND. 5 0 2 J PACIFIC A V I N U I FOREST GROVE ! W . H. HOLLIS Attomey-at-Law Forest Grove Oregon H . W . V o l l m e r , M. D . P H Y S IC IA N BOILING TO DEATH. T h e person el • D gn tT eu . J. N. H O F F M A N AND S U G E O N Office in Abbott Building- B O TH P H O N ES F O R E S T GROVE C AR L H O FFM A N Sanitary Plumbing and Heating Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Basement Hoffman build­ ing. Phone 502. Albert C. Mackrodt Studebaker Automobiles Indian Motorcycles General Repair W ork North Main St., next to Peterson's WOOD FOR S A L E Maple, Fir, Oak and Ash, $4.50 and $5.00 per cord. Second Ave. and Fifth St. H. W. MILLER EDW . R. W lR T Z Practical and Sanitary Plumbing PHONES- b e l l 21 - I N D . 681 Forest Grove, Oregon M. J. Abbott Exclusive Optician OFFICE: Shearer’s Jewelry store VICTOR LIMBER Funeral Director and Embalmer.. . Chapel Modern Equipments F orest G rove O regon The PRESS Is fully equipped to do up - to - date Job Printing of all kind. W ork guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Not Exactly a Compliment. Hewitt — Ignorance Is bliss. Jewett — Y’ ou’ii better get yonr life Insured. Hewitt—What for? Jewlit - You’ re liable to die o f Joy —New York Times Our stationery is the very best, and our workmanship is un­ Generous. Stranger—Did you ever reveal your flshlug hole to a friend? Angler— | on ce _ Brooklyn I did t o a Life friend on his dsath- I’he mau who to too proud to ssk for Record Herald «« many -Chk-ago excelled. Try us and be convinced