t. For fruit trees see E. A. Dixon Mrs. Sharp, sister of Rev. Jim McCale was in town Thurs­ Father Buck, entertained a num­ day on business. ber of neighbors at a quilting party on a week ago yesterday Phil Porter of Gales Creek was afternoon. Dainty refreshments a Grove visitor Wednesday. | were served by the hostess. Rural carrier, Oliver Curtiss, That Oregon land is steadily took advantage of a two days climbing upwards, is shown by vacation last week to put his the fact that a few days ago 20 orchard in shape for spring. acres in the Hood River Valley Marshall Madison and Alec sold for $30,000, and little enough Hoodenpyle, of Scoggins Valley, in sight to fill the demand at that were in Hillsboro on business price. Saturday. They hoofed it across Ex-President Roosevelt may the hills and took advantage of the new road through the Thos. lead the Antarctic exposition to be sent from the United States, Todd place. Astlee Henry was down from was the statement made by Prof-| McMillan, of Gaston Saturday doing business essor Donald Peary’s North Pole party. in the Grove and incidently look­ For the best 25 cent meal in ing up a few friends in the Grove the city go to thr* city restaurant. and Dilley. Confe<5tionery, Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco L O W N E Y ’S ' CHOCOLATES I - - SOFT D R IN K S FOREST GROVE, OREGON SEE US B E F O R E B U YING ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- MERTZ & LATTA D E A L E R S IN F urniture, C arpets, L inoleu m , Paints, O ils and G lass Both Phones KNOB HILL ----------------------^ ADDITION had in the city. Forest Grove * On easy payments : Write or Inquire of I; FELIX VERHOOVEN OR W . F. SCHULTZ FOREST G R O V E OREGON I PIONEER DRUG STORE • *» ------------------------------------------------------------------- • ---- % L a rg est a n d B est S to ck W e s t o f P ortla n d : A ll G ccds Bought Direct from Factory : P r i c e s R B i g h t o th P h cneg C H A S . M I L L E R , P rop. When You Buy A C a m era , get th e best. EASTM ANS’ rre th e beet. Cameras, Kodaks and Supplies AT D R . H IN E S ’ D R U G S T O R E Forest Grove Pool Room J. S. D R E W , P rop . Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, and Soft Drinks. G ood Lunch Counter in Connection A C lea n , Q u ie t p la ce to sp e n d an E ven in g. FOREST GROVE OREGON SEE H. L. DECKERT For Sanitary Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating............................................. ... Pacific Avenue 1 Forest Grove, Oregon brood We have several applicants wishing farms to rent either on shares or for cash. Roswurm & Moulton. We keep the best lime and sul­ phur spray. Forest Grove Phar­ macy. When in town try the city res­ taurant. New management and first class meals. Fruit and shade trees at whole sale by E. A. Dixon or Forest Grove Floral Co. Finest residence lots to be v FOR SALE—A good sow. Ind. phone X252. Thurston Buxton was a Port­ land visitor last Saturnay. » platted to the City of A “ Sunday Special” is the ex­ cellent chicken dinner served at the city restaurant Art King and Harry Hill of East Gaston, returned from a business trip to Portland Satur­ day. Forest Grove The choicest tract, lately Roswurm & Moulton, dealers in real estate, fuel and ice, re­ cently established an office on the first floor o f the Masonic Building and have very elabor­ ately fitted up the same. Pres. Ferrin was in Portland Saturday on business. The glare from the burning Government building was plainly | seen from Pacific avenue near Main street, and was witnessed by several Forest Grove citizens. Joe Lenneville took in the fire at the Fair grounds in Portland, Interior of Parson’s Harness and Saddlery Shop Wednesday evening. Daniel Parsons, manufifcturer RETAIL STOCK in the State, Hugh Sparks has gone to the and dealer in Fancy Driving and wishes to thank the public for Puget Sound country where he Work Harness, Saddles, Collars, patronage of the past year, and will give his cartoon talk during Whips, Blankets, etc., also a announce that he will have for the next two weeks. Sam Law­ complete line of Trunks, Suit the 1'JIO trade a larger stock and rence 9 f this city, who is study­ Cases and Traveling Bags, Leath- more complete lines than'"et?T-J ing law at the University of er Goods of every description; before. Washington at Seattle, is “ Pat’ s” full line of Specialties; LARGEST F orest G ro v e , O re g o n advance man and has billed many of the smaller towns around Se­ attle. Clyde Hargrove, who received an appointment on the Ashland paid fire-department, left Friday for that citv. Mrs. Dr. G. F. Via, of Buxton, was in town last Friday visiting her relatives and returned home [ on Saturday morning’s train. An interesting novel soon to he written and published by Ore­ gon’s gifted writer, Eva Emery Dye, of Oregon City, will have its foundation in Forest Grove. It was here that the heroine lived and also was buried. For a num­ ber of years the heroine was a missionary to the Hawiaan Is­ lands and on her death bed she asked the natives to bring her body to Forest Grove, the resting place having been for many years under one of the large oaks near the main entrance to the campus. Later the body was taken to the cemetery for burial. While in Forest Grove last week Mrs. Dye gathered much data for her book. Mrs. Prilip E. Bauer, of Salem was the guest of her parents on Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Garison, on last Friday returning home by the way of Portland the same day. Wanted- 6 or 7-room house. Inquire at this office. LaGrande, eastern Oregon, is one of the cities that is forging ahead. The city council has just ordered ten miles of street paved. Attorney Foote was a Portland visitor Friday and Saturday. Mrs. J. M. Garrison went to Portland last Friday afternoon for a short visit with her daugh- er, Mrs. E. S. Huckabay. Watch for Mathews & Frank, with their Union Jack, the hand­ iest tool on the market. For use in the shop or on the farm. It will pay you to investigate it. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cotii Phones A. S A E L E N S FRESH, S A L T an d S M O K E D MEATS Fresh Fish Every Thursday / FOREST GROVE PHONES OREGON PAC. ST A T E S 33 INDEPENDENT 744 Fashion Stables GORDON & I ; I B R O W N , Props. Careful Drivers First Class Rigs Prices Right F orest G ro v e , Oregon P a cific A v e n u e Ü V. S. ABRAHAM Dry Goods, Shoes and Groceric 8 GOOD GOODS and FAIR PRICES Forest Grove B oth P h on es Forest Grove Meat Market Fresh and Salted Meats. Home Made Pork Sausage “ Just Like Dad Used to Make 'Down on the Farm.’ ’ Cash Paid for Hide* and Pelt. PHONES Fresh Fish Ererjr Thursday ■ ? l > l 7 i 21« M O O R E & W IL H E L M S O N —