Local and Personal P A C IF IC IN S U R A N C E HOME COMPANY M U T U A L FIR E PRINCIPAL OFFICE, FOREST GROVE, OREGON Will Save You More Than 25 Per Cent EMERSON & PRICKETT D E A LER S IN - Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco LOW NEY S CHOCOLATES - - SOFT D R IN K S FOREST GROVE, OREGON SEE US BEFORE BUYING -----------------— ...........................................................................................................M » M E R T Z 8c L A T T A Mrs. Dr. Pollock is recovering her friends are glad to know. Maud Hollinger returned from a pleasant trip spent in California. When in town try the city res­ taurant. New management and first class meals. W. R. Hicks, who is employed in Portland, is home for a few days. FOR SALE—A good brood sow. Ind. phone X252. Vern Nichols spent Sunday at home. Vern is attending school in Portland. Interior of Parson’ s Harness and Saddlery Shop We have several applicants Daniel Parsons, manufacturer RETAIL STOCK in the State, wishing farms to rent either on and dealer in Fancy Driving and wishes to thank the public for shares or for cash. Work Harness, Saddles, Collars, patronage of the past year, and Roswurm & Moulton. Whips, Blankets, etc., also a announce that he will have for Fred Gardner had the misfor­ complete line of Trunks, Suit the 1910 trade a larger stock and tune to cut his foot while cutting Cases and Traveling Bags, Leath- more complete lines than ever wood last week. er Goods o f every description; before. The Ladies Aid Society of the full line of Specialties; LARGEST Forest Grove, Oregon M. E. church met at Mrs. R. H. Austin’s last week a good attend­ ance is reported. Roswurm & Moulton, dealers Both Phones Satisfaction Guaranteed in real estate, fuel and ice, re­ cently established an office on the first floor of the Masonic Building and have very elabor­ ately fitted up the same. FRESH, S A L T and SM O K E D M E A T S J. Richardson and wife, of Payette. Idaho, are here visiting Fresh Fish Every Thursday Mrs. Richardson’s parents, J. F. McGill and wife. FOREST GROVE OREGON A “ Sunday Special” is the ex­ cellent chicken dinner served at the city restaurant. P A C . ST A T E S 33 INDEPENDENT 744 PHONES Mattie Beeks received a tele­ gram Tuesday morning from Nebraska containing the sad news of her father’ s death. Dr. Lowe, the well known op­ G O R D O N & b r o w n , Props. tician, will be in Forest Grove Careful Drivers First Class Rigs Feb. 14 and 15. Prices Right Mrs. M. Saltmarsh and niece, Verna Carrothers, of Portland, Forest Strove, Oregon Pacific Avenue were visiting for a few days at the home of C. A. Littler and wife. A few 1910 calendar post cards and fancy box stationery at half price. Forest Grove Pharmacy. A number of the Spanish American War veterans met at the office of Capt. Geo. Auld last For Sanitary Plumbing, Steam and Hot Friday in co-memoration of the W ater Heating................................................... 11th anniversary of the Filipino outbreak in Manila, on Feb, 4, Forest Grove, Orepr: Pacific Avenue 1899, and a very enjoyable eve­ ning was spent by the “ boys” recalling events at the front and exchanging reminscenses. The regulation hard-tack and army beans were on the bill of fare. R E A L ESTA TE , L O A N S , IN SU R A N C E You take no chance in buying Victor Hard Wheat Flour at $1.60 : : : : : : : : and Rentals: : : : : : : : per sack. It is guaranteed to please. Phone an order to your A. S A E L E N S D E A L E R S IN Furniture, Carpets, Linoleum, Paints, Oils and Glass Both Phones Forest Grove KNOB HILL ADDITION Fashion Stables The choicest tract, lately S platted to the City of Forest Grove * Finest residence lots to be had in the city. On easy payments Write or Inquire of FELIX V ER H O O VE N OR W . F. SCH U LTZ FO R E ST G R O V E H. L. DECKERT OREGON PIONEER DRUG STORE ^»---------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------^ 4 Largest and Best Stock W est of Portland : A ll Goods Bought Direct from Factory P r ic e s R ig B h t oth P h o n es F o r o s t G rove CHAS. M ILLER, Prop. W hen Y ou Buy A Camera, get the best. EASTM ANS’ rre the best. Cameras, Kodaks and Supplies AT D R . H IN E S ' D R U G S T O R E Forest Grove Pool Room J. S. D R E W . Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, and Soft Dnnks. Good Lunch Counter in Connection A Clean, Quiet place to spend an Evening. FOREST GROVE SEE OREGON V a lle y grocer. Mr. Bratzel spent part of his vacation in Gresham, Oregon, renting a house and repapering the same. He says its for his family, you’ ll have to ask him for further particulars. Watch for Mathews & Frank, with their Union Jack, the hand­ iest tool on the market. For use in the shop or on the farm. It will pay you to investigate it. For fruit trees see E. A. Dixon. For Sale—a choice span of mares, harness and wagon if wanted, 7 years old, sound and true, weight 2760 pounds. In­ quire at this office or phone lOx. “ Oregon" the new flour made by the local flouring mills is new hard wheat flour made from blue stem wheat which they guarantee to be the equal of any hard wheat flour on the market. That Oregon land is steadily climbing upwards, is shown by the fact that a few days ago 20 acres in the Hood River Valley sold for $30.000, and little enough in sight to fill the demand at that price. A R ealty Company A Farm With Stock for $S0 an Acre SNAP Phone, Ind. 2 1 4 V . S. A B R A H A M Dry Goods, Shoes and Groceric s GOOD GOODS and FAIR PRICES Forest Grove Both Phones Forest Grove Meat Market Fresh and Salted Meats. Home Made Pork Sausage Like Dad Used to Make ‘Down on the Farm.’ * Cadi Paid for Hide* and Pelt* PHONES h im IN D • ELL 701 241 Freak Fiah Every Thuradey M O O R E & W IL H E L M S O N i