Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, February 03, 1910, Image 7

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    P A R IS S T IL L S U F F E R S .
j F lo o d * Increase and Death and
tru c tio n S pread.
D es­
P aris, Jan . 28.— W aters of the Seine
creep slowly higher, each inch widely
extending the area of destrudetion,
s r» R T Bl 3 PRUNE O R C H AR D .
D A IR Y E X H IB IT A T S T O C K SH O W desolation and ruin.
W ashington, Jan . 31.— Postal sav- hours in an academic discussion of th e
Flood conditions had become much ings banks were discussed a t length in tariff w ith especial consideration of its
Syndicate W ill P la n t B ig T r a c t N ear O p p o rtu n ity Given M odel Dairym en
th e senate today. C arter of Montana, effect upon the present high p rices
ularly in the south and east sections. | leading off w ith an argum ent in favor of food products.
C a p ita l C ity .
to S ho w F arm s in M in ia tu re .
In the old L atin q u arter the situation • of tbe bill for which he is sponser and
Salem—One hundred and sixty-five
A unique exhibition of proper dairy was critical.
Jan . 27.— R egulation
acres of raw land have been purchased methods is being arranged by the state
The sidewalk of the Quai des Gran- oppose it.
Saying th a t the United of the prices of food through the ta riff
by a syndicate of Salem business men
board of health in connection w ith the
S tate s is the only first-class power is sought in a bill introduced today by
in the center of one of the best fru it
the Orleans com pany’s tunnel beneath,
districts in tbe vicinity of Salem, the Oregon livestock show a t the fair fu rth er extending the flood through the which has no postal banks, and recal­ Representative Sabath, Democrat, o f
Rosedale d istric t, and it will be set out grounds next fall. One of the leading ancient streets, practically the Rue ling frequent platform pledges, C arter Illinois. The bill places such a rticle s
of food as sugar, flour, eggs, vege­
at once w ith Italian prunes.
The prom oters of the plan is E. L. Thomp­ Jacob and around the In stitu te of proceeded to answ er objections.
He denied th a t postal banks would tables and m eat on the free list. T h e
trees have been ordered for 50 acres of son, whose model dairy a t Clover Hill France.
menace the present banking system, bill will go to the ways and m eans
the purchase, and they will be planted farm , near Deer island, has won atten ­
Many sewers b u rst in the Tw elfth
tion throughout the N orthw est. Mr. arrondissem ent, one of the biggest in saying the la tte r could not reach re­ com m ittee and is likely to rem ain
a t once.
mote rural d istricts. He said postal there.
The land is located seven or eight Thompson said:
P aris, the whole of which is now sub­
R epresentative Boutell, of Illinois,
miles south of Salem, and will be trav- i “ The fa ir next fall will give us the merged and has beenplunged into d ark­ banks would encourage th rift, draw
ersed by the Oregon E lectric when biggest educational opportunity we ness on account of the breaking of money out of hiding and induce for­ declared in the house today th a t tim e
eigners to deposit money in them , in­ would prove the tru th of P resid en t
th a t line is extended on to Albany. have ever had. We w ant to show c a t­ the gas mains.
stead of sending it abroad. He con­ T a ft’s assertion th a t the Payne a c t
The purchase w ss made of A rthur Ed­ tle th a t are best adapted for dairy pur­
Official figures of the stage of the
wards by Charles McNary, Dr. T. C. poses by reason of breeding, care and w ater are difficult to obtain, and the tended th a t the new system would only was the best tariff law ever passed by
We will have a city council a t a stormy session to ­ be an elaboration of the use to which congress.
Sm ith, H arry E. A lbert and Frank the tuberculin test.
A determ ined effort is being m ade
D urbin, an attorney, a dentist, a model dairy in all its p arts ready for night charged M. Lepine, prefect of money orders are now put, th a t it was
banker and a hop grow er and buyer. operation. This will, of course, be in P aris,w ith concealing the gravity of as constitutional as the money order by representatives from Pacific coast
I t is the first tim e th a t a group of men m iniature, but effective, nevertheless. the situation. The prefect defended system and would be a source of states to secure an appropriation fo r
building a fleet of subm arine torpedo
have entered the prune business in so We will show how feed should be his attitu d e by saying he was governed stren g th to p rivate banks.
The arm y appropriation bill, as re ­ boats for station on tbe Pacific coast,
raised and how it should be mixed for by the necessity of not unduly alarm ­
sy stem atic a way in this vicinity.
ported to the senate today, carries and the movement is under way to g e t
The whole tra c t is not to be set out the health of cows, the larg est produc­ ing the people.
$95,440,568. which is only $142,860 an appropriation in the pending navy
a t once. The best methods will be
In the m eantim e terror has been
“ Correct barn construction, the way struck in the h earts of all. The crust more than is appropriated in the bill bill for ten subm arines to be built im­
adopted and studied w ith a view to
The law for m ediately, all of them to be used on
m aking money. O ther improvements the stalls should be arranged, sufficient of the city seems ready to sink into as it passed the house.
the present year carried more than the Paeifici coast.
will be put on the tract, including a ventilation, adequate g u tte r drainage, the flood.
Every hour drains are
The postal savings bank bill, d rafted
unique summ er home, which may be the proxim ity of feed, milk rooms and bursting in new localities, causing a $ 102 , 000 , 000 .
The senate com m ittee on m ilitary
occupied from tim e to tim e by one or
subsidence of the streets, or a bulge of affairs added $517,860 to the amount by Senators C arter, Dolliver
Owen, a subcommittee of the com mit­
more of the fam ilies of the men who oughly. We will also show how m ilk­ several feet, while the overflow of the
fixed by the house for contingencies of tee on postoffices and postroads, w ere
are the proprietors of the model or­ ers should be dressed, and how they surface w ater from the river is tran s­
the army nurse corps, transportation, perfected today and was introduced in
chard. I t will be a plantation for should be clean in person and in hab­ form ing the inundated d istricts into
etc., maneuvers, shooting galleries and the senate by Carter.
farm ers and prune grow ers in Marion
form idable lakes and the streets into ranges and for blank am munition, but
I t was referred to the postoffice com­
and Polk counties to em ulate, and as an keep d irt from g ettin g into the milk, canals.
reduced by $375,000 appropriation for m ittee and probably will be reported
educational featu re alone it will be a will all be practically illustrated.
IN V E S T IG A T IO N W AS C O R R U P T barracks and quarters in the P hilip­ back to the senate tomorrow.
valuable asset to the prune grow ing in­
pines islands.
Unless the Ballinger Pinchot inves­
dustry in those counties.
Representative Hays, the Republican tig a tin g com mittee makes radical
Salem—An order has been issued re­ F o u r C h icag o G rand J u ro rs o f 1908
insurgent member of the house from change from the mode of procedure i t
F o rce d N ew Inquiry.
ducing the rates on potatoes and onions
C o nve ntion to C a rve N ew S tate.
California, will not circulate the peti­ has adopted, its work will be interm ­
Medford—The Southern leaders in
tion for a Republican caucus on the inable. One com mitteeman declared
th e m ovement to carve a new sta te out rate s on the Southern Pacific road, of the Federal grand jury which inves­ subject of amending the house rules, at today th a t at the ra te of progress se t
of Southern Oregon and N orthern Cali­
least, not before Wednesday of this at first session, it would take 19 yearn
fornia, to be known as Siskiyou, are N orthw est th a t has charged more for 1908 forced the governm ent, through week.
to complete the inquiry.
active w ith arrangem ents to call a con­
vention to devise ways and means.
W ashington, Jan. 26.— R epresenta­
angled fight in the house over the ques­
According to present p'ans the con­ The railroad commission has decided here today.
Concerning the inception of the tion of revising the rules of th a t body tive McCredie and Senator Jones to ­
vention w ill gath er in Y reka, Siskiyou th a t these charges of the Southern
present action, it is said there would took a new turn and assumed addition­ day appeared before the river and h ar­
county, C alifornia, not la te r than Pacific are unreasonable.
have been none, had the four d issatis­ al importance today when R epresenta­ bor com m ittee and urged an appropria­
March 15, and rem ain in session three
fied jurym en not sought the aid of tive Champ Clark, of Missouri, leader tion for W iilapa and Olympia harbors,
S tayton V ote s D ow n Bond Issue.
Prom inent men from all over
of the m inority, introduced a resolution which up to this tim e have not been
S tayton— The proposition to vote a t Judge Landis.
the te rrito ry affected have signified
This q u artet, it is said, was w illing providing for the election by the house provided for in the bill.
th e ir w illingness to attend and aid in $10,000 bond issue for the new high
R epresentative McCredie, who made
school building was defeated a t a spe­ to indict the packers in December, of a new rules com mittee of 15. Spe­
the movement.
As planned, the new sta te will em­ cial school election today by a vote of 1908, and finally became so indignant cial significance is attached to the the principal argum ent, showed th e
brace seven C alifornia counties and | 76 to 27. Bonds of $850 were voted over th e increasing price of m eat th a t resolution by the fact th a t Mr. Clark urgent need for both harbors, and
five Oregon counties. The movement for the purchase of six more lots for they inform ed Judge Landis th a t they is a member of the present rules com­ asked the com mittee to g ran t the full
aitiüüP.i recommended by the army en ­
th ought i t was tim e for the govern­ m ittee.
grew out of widespread dissatisfaction school purposes.
m ent to begin another inquiry.
Provision is made in the resolution gineers, viz.,‘$2I2»ii9P f ° r W iilapa and
w ith the treatm ent, alleged to have
The rep o rt of the four jurors alleged “ to revise, amend, sim plify and codify $58,000 for Olympia.
been accorded the territo ry by the two
The Oregon L ibrary commission will
The com mittee seemed favorable,
sta te s.
California, it is said by those be glad to loan nrogram m aterial to th a t enough evidence was subm itted to the present rules of the house*,” and
advocating the form ation of the new teachers for Lincoln’s and W ashing­ the 1908 grand jury to w arrant true “ report to the house a t the earliest though the amounts they will g ra n t
have not yet been determined.
state, has long neglected its northern to n ’s birthday. The only charge will bills, and that, in Bpite of this, there day p racticab le.”
All Oregon and Washington riv e r
An investigation of the expenses of
portion, w hile Southern Oregon has be postage. Address Oregon L ibrary was a sudden apathy on the p a rt of
those behind the prosecution. They the im m igration commission, a sequel and harbor projects th a t have been en­
suffered in a like manner, it is claimed, commission, Salem.
also Baid th a t if the investigation was to the recent flurry in the house over dorsed by army engineers will, it ia
a t the hands of Portland and the W il­
not renewed immediately they would charges th a t members had “ junketed understood, be cared for in the riv ers
lam ette valley. The move to create the
make a statem en t to the public settin g on th eir trip abroad,” is provided for and harbors bill soon to be reported to
new sta te is popular through the affect­
W heat — T rack prices: Bluestem, forth th e ir theory of why the prosecu­ in a jo in t resolution introduced by Rep­ the house, though the full am ounts
ed te rritro y . _____
$1.16(31.17; club, $1.06; red Russian, tion had been dropped.
resen tativ e Macon, of Arkansas, creat­ asked for may may not be granted.
F lore nce Sees B rig h t F u tu re .
$1.04; valley, $1.06; 40-fold, $1.10.
Following the ju ro rs’ com plaint. ing a jo in t com mittee of one senator
R epresentative Fowler, of New J e r ­
B arley—Feed and brew ing, $29(5} Judge Landis is said to have made the and two representatives for the pur­ sey, one of the original “ insurgents,”
Eugene—Florence, a t the mouth of
investigation th a t resulted in the pres­ pose. Mr. Macon was the ai thor of today introduced a resolution providing
the Siuslaw river, has been petitioned 29.50 per ton.
Corn— Whole, $25; cracked, $36; en t action being started. Judge Lan­ the charges on the floor of the house
for a reorganization of the rules com­
by T. J . Monroe of Coos Bay for a
dis, it is asserted, got in touch w ith
franchise for an electric lig h t plant. per ton.
S ecretary Dickinson today informed m ittee and the removal of Speaker
O ats—No. 1 white, $32@32.50 per the evidence submitted to the 1908 D elegate W ickersham, of A laska, in a Cannon from th a t com mittee.
The petition will probabply be subm it­
grand jury, and he is determ ined th a t letter, th a t he could not accede to his resolution h its stra ig h t a t the house
ted to a vote of the people. Florence ton.
H ay—Track prices: T im othy: W il­ the present action shall not be nullified request th a t MajGr W. P. Richardson, organization and would Hhear the*"
is grow ing rapidly as a resu lt of the
beginning of je tty work a t the mouth lam ette valley. $185/20 per to n ; E ast­ by influence outside the grand jury of the army, be relieved from duty in speaker of a g rea t portion of the pow er
of the river. The citizens are w orking ern Oregon, $21(322; alfalfa, $17@18; room.
W ashington, as his services were re­ of his office.
An error of $60,000,000 is charged
for a railroad to the W illam ette valley clover, $16.; grain hay, $16(317.
quired here in connection w ith the
IN S U R A N C E F R A U D S .
B u tte r—City cream ery ex tras, 39c;
via Eugene. I t has been rumored th at
work of the board of road commission­ by the association of Am -rican m aga­
the Southern Pacific company would fancy outside cream ery, 34(339c per Policies W ritte n On M any Persons ers of Alaska, of which he is president. zine publishers ag ain st the Postoffice
B u tter fa t
build a line from Eugene to Florence pound; store, 20(325c.
Mr. W ickersham based hi« request departm ent in the la tte r’s figures on
on V erge o f G rave.
to reach Coos Bay, but the citizens prices average 1 %c per pound under
for the removal of Major Richardson the deficit in carrying second-clasa
Louisville, Ky., Jan. 28.—John J. on the ground th a t he was lobbying be­ mail m atter.
place more faith in the promise of the regular b u tte r prices.
This and other m istakes are alleged
P oultry— Hens, 15 %<3}16%c ¡springs, Keane, P. J . Needham and T. T. fore com m ittees of congress “ for his
promoter« of the Eugene & W estern
to be in the departm ents figures, upon
16% c; ducks, 20(5 23c; geese, O’Leary, agents representing a number special work in Alaska
company, which hss made prelim i­
which it is proposed to raise the r a te
22(324c; of insurance companies in Indiana.
nary surveys and expects to begin con 12(5:14c; turkeys,
Tennessee, Kentucky and other states,
dressed, 25(3 27 % c; squabs, $3 dozen.
W ashington, Jan. 28.—The postal for carry in g magazines through th e
struction work soon.
E g g s—F lesh Oregon ex tras, 31@ tonight were arrested on w arrants savings bank bill was favorably rep o rt­ mails.
Twenty-five leading magazine pub-
Clean Up Club at Eugene
3 2 %c per dozen; E astern, 23(5.27c per charging them with conspiracy to de­ ed to the senate today from the senate
com m itteee on postoffices and post plishers appeared today as rep resen ta­
Eugene—A m ovement has been s ta rt­ dozen.
The w arrants were sworn to by S. C. roads, virtually in tbe form subm itted tives of the Periodical Publishers asso ­
Pork— Fancy, ll(3 1 1 % c per pound.
ed in Eugene to form a clean-up club
Veal— E x tras, 12<312%c per pound. Renick, secretary and treasu rer of tbe by the subcom m ittee. Senator C arter, ciation before the house com m ittee on
am ong the pupils of the city schools
Fresh F ru its— Apples, $1@3 box; Indiana National Life Insurance com­ who will have charge of tbe measure, postoffices and postroads.
The object will be the cleaning up of
will seek an early opportunity to se­
th e stree ts, alleys and yards of the pears, $1(51.50 per box; cranberries, pany.
W hile the amount involved is not cure consideration of it by tbe senate.
Washington, Jan. 25.— The house
city. City Superintendent of Schools $8(39 per barrel.
Potatoes — Carload buying p ric e s: stated, it is unders'ood reach $200.000
The bouse com m ittee on public lands passed a bill today to create a b ureau
G. S. Stockton and M anager Freeman
of the com mercial club, have agreed to Oregon, 70(3 90c per sack ; sw eet pota­ or more in policies alleged to have been voted today to rep o rt favorably the of mines in the departm ent of the in­
w ritten on the lives of persons v ir­ Mondell bill, ad m itting to en try tbe terior. The measure will not go in to
work together for the organization of toes. 2% (32% c per pound.
V egetables — A rtichokes, $1(311.25 tually certain to die w ithin a few surface of coal lands in the United effect until July 1, 1910.
the pupils’ club and the commercial
It directs the secretary of the in te r­
The measure affects about
club w ill give prizes for the best per dozen; cabbage, $2(32.25 per hun­ m onths— the fraud consisting of the S tates.
dred; cauliflower, $1.75 per dozen; im personation of sick and incurable 30,000,000 acres of land in Wyoming, ior to “ foster, promote and develope
celery, $3(33 50 per c ra te ; garlic, 12% persons by healthy ones employed for Colorado, U tah, New Mexico, North mining indurtries in the U nited S ta te s
N e go tia te f o r L ig h t P lant.
per pound; horseradish. 9(510c per the purpose.
Dakota, Oregoo, Washington and Idaho. and to investigate methods of m ining
I t is believed the alleged conspiracy
Marshfield— N egotiations are on for pound; pumpkins, l% (3 1 % c ; sprouts,
The bill makes it possible for actusl and possible im provem ents for carry ­
the sale of the Coos Bay GaB & Electric 7(58c per pound; squash, 2c; tom atoes, is far-reaching and investigation will se ttle rs to make entry t a tbe surface ing on m ining operations.
company. Billingsby & Co , of Chi­ $1.50(u2.25 per box; turnips, $1.60 be made not only here, b u t in New Al­ of coal lands under tbe homestead act
Broadening the work of the naval'
cago, whose rep resen tativ es are now per sa c k ; carrots, $1.25; beets, $1.50; bany. Ind., and perhaps in other cities. or the desert land en try law and also observatory so as to perm it th a t in sti­
in the city, are handling the deal. parsnip«, $1.50
makes possible w ithdraw als under the tution to furnish the world w ith dis­
C o nsu lar A gent Missing.
reclam ation act.
The United States coveries “ th a t a g rea t astronom er
Onions—Oregon, $1.50 per sack.
The property consists of tbe electric
.ind gns plant furnishing lig h t and
C attle—Best steers. $5(35.50; fa ir
Chicago, Jan. 28.—P ietro Isnardi, would issue a p atent to such lands, using such a plant would be likaly to
power for the Bay City, and certain to good, $4.50(34.75; stric tly good Italian consular agent a t Kansas City, but would reserve all rights to coal m ake,” is provided in a bill introduced
f'a n ch ises for a stre e t railw ay in cow», $4.25(3 4.50,; fair to good cows, Mo., has disappeared, according to a on the land as well as the privilege of today by R epresentative Dawson, o f
N orth Bend. I t is understood th a t the $3.50(54; light calves, $5(35.50; heavy statem en t made here doday by Guido prospecting, mining snd removing the low s.
W hether or not the U nited S tate «
calves, $4(34 50; bulls, $2.50(5,3.75; S ebetta, the Italian Consul. Mr. Se- coal.
deal will probably be closed.
Suggesting tbe creation of a com mit­ retains the Philippines, im provem ent«
stag«, $3(54.
b etta said he feared Isnardi had be­
Land B oard Affirm* Loans.
Sheep— Best wethers, $5.50(55.50% ; come mentally unbalanced because of tee on the budget to determ ine a t the proposed in fortifications will be o f
Salem — F irs t m ortgage loans from fa ir to good, wethers, $4.50(35; good persecution by a certain elem ent of beginning of each session of congress perm anent use to th is governm ent, in
the Kansas City Italians. About *2,- the list of appropriations by each com­ tbe opinion of Senator W arren, w ho
the school fund draw ing 6 per cent ewes, $5(5 5.50; lambs, $5(36.50.
Hogs — Top, $9.10<g9.25; f a ir to 000 is involved in the disappearance, m ittee of the house, R epresentative today defended the provision of th e
interest, were approved by the land
but Mr. Sabetta said Isn ard ’s accounts Douglas, of Ohio, today insisted th a t fortifications bill se ttin g aside $80o,~
board to the am ount of $59,200. There good hogs. $8.60(39.
Hops— 1909 crop, prim e and cboica, w ith bis government and w ith tbe Am­ only by such a method could m ilitary 000 for those im provem ents.
rem ained $305,000 of the school fund
The fortification appropriation b ill,
20(322%c; 1908s, 17% c; 1907s, l l % e erican Express Co., for whom be is expenditures be k ep t down in tbe in­
y e t uninvested Jan u ary 1.
terest of larger allowances for agricul­ carrying *5,821,000, waa passed by th e
agent, are square.
per pound.
senate today.
SI.OOO fo r Lane C ounty's Fair.
Wool — Eastern Oregon, 16(3 23c
Latham Falls ISO Feet.
On a point of order the house elim ­
Responding to the wish of P re sid en t
Eugene— The Lane County Fair as­ pound; mohair, choice, 25c pound.
Caro, Egypt, Jan . 28.— H ubert Lath­ inated a provision authorizing the sec­ T aft, expressed to Senators Penrose,
Hides— Dry hides,
18(318c per
sociation has decided to ask tbe county
court for an appropriation of $1,000 pound; dry kip, 18(318c pound; dry am, tbe French aviator, fell 160 fe e t, retary of ag ricu ltu re to purchase and Crane and C arter, all members of th e
annually for the fair and appointed a calfskin, 19(321c pound; salted bidea, —bile m aking a flight a t Heliopolis destroy anim als suffering from ploero postoffice com m ittee, the «abject ha«
been undertaken w ith a d eterm in atio n
The monoplane was pneumonia.
committee to interview the court at ita 10 ( 4 10 c salted calfskin, 15c pound; th is afternoon.
ate spent
tw o to rep o rt a bill a t an serly data.
was not injured. I Tbe
next meeting.