grounds o f the Association are urgently requested to be present as the question o f securing water * ■ *■ !* ■ ► ■ *» ! * » > » * • » * * » * * * » ' : will be presented. S. T. W alker W. Marsh; Secretary, Mrs. L. L. , ,T . _ , . .. Todd; Gatekeeper, Allan Rice; Sec. Union Cemetery CORRESPONDENCE W ATTS Little Lillian Blackman was Ramona, Mrs. Rice; Ceres, Mrs. ATTENTION COMRADES under the doctor’s care the first Mary W heeler; Flora, Mrs. Eva You will assemble at Gladstone o f the week. Adams; L. A. S., Mrs. Clara 0n Lincoln’s Birthday, February u l . m - o A,i.,mQ ,.n(i Hughes. Trustees elected, L. J. 1 2 , 1910. The most eloquent Mrs Burke, Mrs. Adams and ^ H T Buxton> Mrs H B akers obtainable have been Ella Pechm called on Mrs. De- John80n; Finance Com „ Mrs. engaged. A dinner selected Banks Rose Corl, Dr. Bishop, Prof. from the most tempting viands Hazzard. to be secured on the Portland Candidates for initiation please markets will be served. Music be on hand at 11 o ’clock Satur- by the Department Drum Corps, day morning, and members are The time o f your life guaran- requested to be prompt. A ll teed— don’ t miss it. «Hirers are requested to be prompt. All officers are request­ Local and Personal ed to be at their places at the Rev. Phelps closed the revival opening exercises. For Sale- Two year old walnut meetings Monday night and has S e c r e t a r y . trees at a bargain. J. Stribich returned to his home in Gaston. Go to the city restaurant for M. C. Case, Co. Supt. o f schools CARD OF THANKS the best 25 cent meal in the city. was a welcome visitor at our The widow and children o f the Saleslady wanted. Answer by school Monday. . .. . * deceased Hiram H. Clark, late ]etter, care o f P ress office, lh e Literary society will hold o f this city, wish to express Dr. S. M. W endt’ s office, For- lts meetings hereaIter on 1* nday their sincere thanks to the mem- est Grove National Bank Bldg tl Ì D IL L E Y Mrs. G. H. Pryor and daugh­ ter returned Wednesday from a several weeks stay in Bremmer- ion, Wash. Mrs. Pryor under- went an operation while there but is getting along nicely at this writing. W. E. P e g g and Co. have sold their store here to McBribe Bros. o f Spokane. We wish them sue- cess. J. A. C. Freund left last week for a business trip into southern Oregon. SO’ Independent Order 0f q j j {.’ellows, Masons and many friends who so kindly as- 8jsted them during the last illness and death o f their beloved hus­ band and father. RESOLUTIONS £ £ £ “ Pacific ave botb traces LEAVES Forest Grove 6:50 a m 8:40 a m 10:30 a m 12:20 p m 1:40 p m 4:10 p m 7:00 p m 9:45 p m ARRIVES at Portland 8:00 a m 9:50 a m 11:40 a m 1:30 p m 2:50 p ni 5:20 p m 8:10 p m 10;50 pm LEAVES Portland 7:05 a ni 8:30 a m ARRIVES Forest Grov< 8:15 a m 9:40 a m 11:30 a m 1:20 p m 3:20 p m 4:10 p m 0:40 p m 9.35 p in H offm an, Allen Co. J as . M ilten h e r e er . Prop. sold at a sacrifice, for it MUST GO Get the benefit by m ak­ ing your selections while the stock is complete Up-To-Date Furniture is ou r m otto fo r this year. No sh od d y or sh o p -w o rn fu rn itu re is c a rrie d over. THE Banks Furniture Company WUNDERLICH, Manager JOHN OREGON B A N K S A Business Glasting Good Successor to N o h aw in g r der DYNAMITE 1 .• N o H eadaches. a r d Econom ical FOR SALE BY John W underlich Banks, O re g o n Forest G ro v e A d v e rtisin g HOM E . . BAK IN G COM PANY Finest of B read and Pastro B a k e d D aily W e sell 6 loaves of B read fo r 25 cents FOREST GROVE Pacific Avenue GEORGE AULII 1' o;e't Gr< \e, Of\ REAL L OUN e s ta te t Fire, Plate Glass. Health and Accident Insurance. Surety Bonds Farm , Timber, Fruit L an d s and City Proper a °*e - " " ¡ S - S r * “ re ___• i 6ALE GRANGE ;mÆ paper that is doing to be NOTICE JOHN W U N D E R L IC H The annual meeting o f the Union Cemetery Association will TO CITIZENS OF FOREST GROVE Funeral Director be held in the Reading Room in Owing to the groat demand for and Embalmer..... Forest Grove, Oregon, on Mon- good, pure, and wholesome can- day the 7th dav o f February, 1910. diesili Forest Grove, I have pur- t ()’ clock p. m., to elect one Prompt Attention Given to chased the Miller Confectionery Calls. Modern Equip­ trustee to serve for three years located in the new Abbott build­ ment. and a treasurer for one year and ing, where 1 will manufacture transact such other business as all the toothsome delicacies found may come before the Association. on display in my show-cases. B an k s O re g o n All owners o f property in the I will give a demonstration o f candy manufacture, in my west window, on Saturday next, Feb­ ruary 5th, where the public will The Progressive Store have an opportunity to inspect roceries, D r y 00 J j . B o o ts and hoes my methods and see for them­ selves that this is the only place A Fine 'L in e o f G e n e ra l M erch an d ise to get good, fresh goods. The Grange will meet next Saturday at 10.30 a. m. A class ' o f 15 w ill- be initiated. An in­ teresting program has been ar­ ranged for in the afternoon. The officers installed at the last meet­ ing are1 as follows: Master, Daniel Baker; Over­ seer, Mrs. Ella McPherson; le c ­ rev turer. Mrs. Orla Buxton;Steward Mrs. Dorothy Broderson: Ass’t. W a r d . S. T. Walker; Trcus- Ofer, L. J. Corl; Chaplain. Jos. have a lot of wall O r e g o n Electric Time Card Resolved, That we bow with J. H. Stephens is repjg ngthe humble submission to the inev­ school hou mb here.sf pr< sent. 12.10 p m itable decree o f Him who doeth 2:10 p ni Brady Chowning, o f Portland, 3:30 p m was visiting relatives in Dilley all things well, and sincerely 5:30 p m sympathize with the surviving 8:25 p m Sunday. relatives in this trying hour o f Mr. Scholl, o f Forest Grove, affliction. The body hath re­ Saturday Only made a business trip to Dilley Lvs Portland 11:30 p m Ar. F.G. 12:.15 a m turned to dust from whence it Sundf y < n'y Tuesday. Lvs F..G. 3:30 p ni- -Ar. at < r tland 4:40 p m came and the spirit to God who Mrs. J. B. Kuhns, o f Portland, gave it. LIVERY and FEED STABLE silent Sunday with her parents, Resolved, That the Lodge Wm. R. Stephens and wife of charter ^ draped in mourning this place. and a copy o f these resolutions Cood Kigs Furnished on Short John Hoover, o f Prineville, was be spread upon the minutes, for- Notice visiting friends here last week, warded to the relatives and pub- Prices Reasonable Earl Boyd made a flying trip lished in the Forest Grove Press, D. P. & C. O. H o p k in s to the Grove Monday. K. M. T aylor Inez Peterson was a Forest Committee C. E. A lbin B A N k S OREGON Grove visitor Tuesday. R. U. P eterson Mr. Gray, w ho has been very ill is recovering slowly. We Both phones at For Sale at a bargain. Good six room house with light and water, barn. Lot 50x150, close in, easy terms. Inquire at P ress office Washington Lodge No. 48 I. 0. 0. F. Forest Grove, Oregon, Jan. 31st, 1910. W h e r e a s Death lias again in- vaded the portals o f our lodge and called away our brother, Hiram H. Clark; Therefore be it Resolved, That Odd Fellowship has lost an honored and faithful member, and the world at large a K°«d citizen and his surviving kindred a devoted relative. Com pany Wall Paper Moss Tues y . W. F. McCoy and Dick Hols- cher have been doing repair work on the Vineyard Hill Telephone line. E. H. Burk and fam ily spent Sunday at Dilley with Jack Mar- tin’ s family. r ht be conducted by the eighth grade pupils. Question: Boys are more useful to their parents than girls” . Furniture ty ^operty for non-resident owner. ln8Uranco companies represented by r ,. '.i1 GILTNER & D O A N E McGILL &c COG AN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES V e g eta b les, F arm P ro d u c e and Fruits in HORSESHOEING Season All Stock New and Highest Grade Free Delivery to any part of tha City And General ALL WORK GUARANTEED BOTH PHONES F orest G rove M ain S t . and F irst A ve Blacksmithing Phone. Pac. States 11 FOREST GROVE