years ago localities were confined Cliffs, the S. P. & S. R. R. di- to th»- crops produced for their vision point town, established Jiei, e. g., the south consumed more than two years ago, recor- «'ublinhed every Thuraday by the PRESS PUBLISHING COM PANY very liuL wheat, some parts of ded its first death Friday, when E. C . K L A N C K E . P U B L I S H E R the north lived largely on vege- the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. F A C I T A T I ! IB S ¡tables. Now, we have becon e Charles McFerren died. No | cosmopolitan in our eating. A death occurring the town au- j bumper crop in a certain locality thorities made no provision for Entered as second-class m atterN ovem ber 25, | no longer floods the market in a cemetery. This necessitated 1909, at the Post Office at Forest tirov , Orearon under the act of March 3, 1879. rthat particular place with very taking the body of the babe to low prices as a certain result Maryhill, five miles westot Clifts, AU correspondence and changes for advertise­ ments should be in the Press office not later than | while the same article of produce for interment, Tuesday noon. j was tabooed becausejof its secur­ P r o f e s s io n a l Subscription - $1.00 per year ity in another place. Transpor- | tation facilities have made it Advertising rates on application possible to distribute any product J. N . H O F F M A N quickly and safely to all parts of TH URSD AY, FEBRUARY, 3 ATTORNEY • AT - LAW the country. So that it is no N O T A R Y P U B L IC longer possible to have a surplus “ Hey, diddle, diddle, Collections and all business en­ that can not be quickly distrib­ “ The cat and the fiddle, trusted to us given prompt attention “ The cow jumped over the uted to areas where there is a shortage. For this reason and moon’ ’. O F F IC E . H O F F M A N B U ILOIN O F O RE S T $ ROVE Wonder if the fellow who wrote the reason that foreign importa­ P H O N E INO. SOI that nursery rhyme foresaw the tions are prohibited by a heavy | import duty, prices must neces-1 present price of beef? sarily remain high, and instead V IC T O R LIMBER That this end of Washington of a decrease in prices for the i Funeral Director county is on the eve of an era future, unless very large areas f o r e s t g r o v e PRESS -------------- Moving Day Comes to us all some time T o -D a y Is moving day at our house In the new K. of P. Building, where we are now located, there is lots of room to display our excellent line of Men’s Clothing. and Embalmer.. . o f unparalleled prosperity is evi- are quickly brought under inten- sive cultivation, we may rather dent even to the most pessimis­ Chapel Modern Equipments tic. Reports from the various look for a steady increase or at F orest G rove O regon ! least a consistent equilibrium. real estate dealers show a vol­ ; This how’ever does not settle the uminous list of queries in regard to resources, climatic conditions, wage-earners difficulty. He is V o l l m e r , M. D . prices of land, etc. It is safe to not getting his proper share of say that the coming spring and present profits. Wages must be summer will witness an influx of advanced to meet the demands P H Y S IC IA N a n d SURGEON homeseekers into this vicinity of the higher costs of living, all Office in Abbott Building that will surprise even the na­ along the line o f the intellectual progress of our citizenship must tives. FO R E S T G R O V E come to a standstill and finally BOTH PHONES There are many things in the decline. Already many children conduct of city affairs which are of school age have been com­ more noticeable in their omission pelled io leave school and go to than in their commission. For work in the shops or on the instance we were obliged for farms, in order to help replenish several months of the year, in the depleted family larder. Just Attorney-at-Law • the |>ast history of Forest Grove, now a crisis faces the American to realize that we were provided nation. Are we able to meet it with cross-walks, from the very or will the struggle for existence Fo re st Grove Oregon prevalence o f the filth that as become so great as to create and pedestrians we were i m p e lle d snSftain a large class of illiterate !iL For the last inhabitants in our boasted land of the free. week citizens have felt a new Men’s Suits W e have a fine line of H. W. Men’s Suits that are be­ ing closed out at re­ markably low prices. W . H. HOLLIS AN DERSON L e a d in g C l o t h ie r FO R ES T GROVE OREGOK J. D. FOD7L soi M. ni rev \ pride in their city welling up within them, because they have been able to pass through the town over well cleaned cross­ walks. All such things, though they appear small in themselves, show in their commission the ear-marks of a well ordered city government. Another evil which looks bad both for the manage­ ment and the citizens is the pre- :.e ■ of rubbish accumulated in the narrow alleys in the south part of the city; also some are so careless o f other people’s rights as to pile wood in the alley so as to obstruct the passage altogoth- er, leaving it in that condition for months at a time. Such things should not be allowed, since it not only is a great nuis­ ance and inconvenience but has a bad effect upon the mind of possible setMers and business men. High prices and cost o f living seems to In» the subject that is demanding the attention o f peo­ ple of all classes at the present moment. Nearly every one has his own private opinion and ex planation, and many are offering solutions for the difficulty. It has been suggested by some that the high prices are due to a de­ crease in production; hut if we examine statistics we find that the amount of food crops pro­ duced last year were by far the largest in the history o f the country. Still the demand for all classes of food stuffs is ab- , normally large. So this does not afford a sufficient explanation. That people are living on a high- __ er plane than formerly in money sections is certain. Time was when the farmer killed his meat for the year and salted it down. now he consumes fresh meats thru the whole year. A few Altomey-al-Law AROUND TH E CIRCUIT Collections and all business intrusted to me given prompt attention. Woodburn is highly elated over the fact that it is now on a real electric railway line. O FFIC E. H O FFM A N BUILDING PHONE IND. 3 0 2 PAC IFIC A V E N U E Numerous test cases of the lo­ cal option law are being brought Phonp, Main 41 throughout the state. Taxpayers in Tillamook City are up against the real thing hard, a total tax of 47 mills hav- ^)een levied, 20 mills of which 'a a roa‘ * tax’ John P. Drew was found dead with a bullet hole through his brain, near St. Helens. No clew’ has yet been found which would lead to the discovery of the young man’s murderer. BY TH E L A N G L E Y & SON Fo re st Grove Opening Kb“ * 1910 Oregon Of its new Line and T rain Service to Albert C. Mackrodt W OODBURN, O REG O N Studebaker Automobiles Indian Motorcycles General Repair Work The branch line connecting Woodburn with West Woodburn has been completed and passenger service inaugurated on the above date. The PRESS The year 1907 was the banner year in exports, the United States exporting that year, of agricultural products alone. $987- 000.000 Worth, of w hieh $468,000. 000 was cotton. For the year 1909 the total exports were $837. 000.000. In 1898 the exDorts of agricultural pnnlucts were $789- 000,000, of which $232.000.000 was cotton and $308.000,000 breadstuff's. Oregon Electric Railway Co. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Mrs. W. B. Taylor, of St. Hel­ ens. tried the old method of lighting a coal fire with kerosene. North Main St., next to Peterson’s The usual explosion followed, igniting her clothes and before the flames were extinguished, the unfortunate woman was so severely burned that she died in a Portland hospital a few hours later. Under an opinion handed down in the United States Circuit Court of Appeals today in the case of Namyo Ijpsspo vs. the United States, a Japanese in law is neither a White person nor a person of Afriean descent, and therefore is not entitled to nat­ uralization in this country. Announcement! FOREST GROVE Is fully equipped to do u p -to -d a te Job Printing of all kind. The following is a schedule of trains arriving and a?GanrdeFOHSt 2 -T L’ F<~ & T C~ ’ 8:40 a m 10:30 a m 1 :40 p m which connecti°n is made o d -C “ * W OOdbU" ’ ^ A - « - « .. 10:30 a m 12:40 p ni 4:00 p m L ..W « * - A ,F .™ g „ „ 9:00 a m 2:25 p m 4:25 p m 11:30 a rr 4.40 p m 6:40 p m For information relative to tickets, fare*, etc., see the ticket agent C. E. ALPIN _ Ticket Agc.d, Forcai Gruvc CEO F NEVINS, I raffio Njauager, Portland, Or.goi W ork guaranteed. Prices reasonable. *~Kir stationery is the very best, and our Forest Grove Meat Market workmanship is un­ excelled. K'” h * f e t o r i 1 & w > UÄ Try us and be C «»h Paid for Hide, and Pelta convinced phon es » I I » Fresh Fi,h Every Thuradi ava, moore * wilhelmson ill