PACIFIC HOME M U T U A L F IR E PRINCIPAL OFFICE, FOREST GROVE, OREGON W ill Save Y ou M ore Than 25 Per Cent E M E R S O N & P R IC K E T T D E A L E R S IN Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars and T obacco LOW NEYS CHOCOLATES - - SOFT D R IN KS FOREST GROVE, OREGON SE E U S B E F O R E B U Y IN G ------------------------- — --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S c L A T T A M ERTZ D E A L E R S IN Furniture, Carpets, Linoleum, Paints, Oils and Glass Both Phones Forest Grove KNOB HILL ADDITION The choicest tract, lately Finest residence lots to be platted to the City of had in the city. Forest Grove On easy payments Write or Inquire of FELIX VER H O O VEN OR W . F. SCHULTZ i FOREST GROVE OREGON PIONEER DRUG STO R E M --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — ------------------- % Largest and Best Stock West of Portland : A ll G cods Bought Direct from Factory : P r ic e s R B oth P h o n e s ig h t Forest Grove C H A S . M I L L E R , Prop. See That Your Prescriptions are filled Right, with the Right at the Right Prices. - - - - Drugs - “That’s Our Business” D R . H IN E S ’ D R U G S T O R E Forest Grove Pool Room J. S. DRE, rop. Cigars, T ob a cco, Confectionery, and Soft Drinks. G ood Lunch Counter in Connection A Clean, Quiet place to spend an Evening. FOREST GROVE OREGON John Blum and W. E. were in town Monday. Dr. Wendt made a professional i call to Cornelius on Monday. Fred Watrous was a Portland visitor on Monday. I Dr. Lowe, the well known o p - j tician, will be in Forest Grove j Feb. 14 and 15. A “ Sunday Special” is the ex­ cellent chicken dinner served a t ! the city restaurant. W. F. Schultz and wife attend-1 ed the auto-show in Portland, last week. Estelle Stearns, a student of Interior of Parson’s Harness and Saddlery Shop P. U. will attend the Oregon Daniel Parsons, manufacturer University this semester. and dealer in Fancy Driving and All the advantage in the world Work Harness. Saddles, Collars, in burning coal at only $7.50 per Whips, Blankets, etc., also a ton. Call up Roswurm & Co. complete line of Trunks, Suit Attornev John D Foote SDent Cases and Traveling Bags, Leath- Saturday and Sunday with - Goods of every description; friends in Portland. [ full line of Specialties; LARGEST A few 1910 calendar post cards | and fancy box stationery at half I price. Forest Grove Pharmacy. Dr. Knox, who is attending a dental school in Portland, spent several days of the week with j friends here. Dr. Bates and a number of P. ! U. students have been in at­ tendance at the Y. M. C. A. meetings in Portland this week. Capt. Geo. Auld has been ap­ pointed notary public of the state of Oregon with office at Forest Grove. You take no chance in buying Victor Hard Wheat Flour at $1.60 per sack. It is guaranteed to please. Phone an order to your grocer. L. L. Langley, of Portland, was here Saturday looking after I the business interests of the law | office of his father W. M. Lang- | ley and sister Manche. Mr. Underwood returned’ from a three months visit in Kansas, Saturday. He reports Kansas weather very cold. Watch for Mathews & Frank, with their Union Jack, the hand­ iest tool on the market. For use in the shop or on the farm. It will pay you to investigate it. Mrs. H. J. Perry and children arrived Saturday evening from Ridgefield, Wash., and on Tues­ day of this week moved into the Gates cottage on second street. For Salewa choice span of mares, harness and wagon if wanted, 7 years old, sound and true, weight 2760 pounds. In­ quire at this office or phone lOx. Holbrook Lodge No. 30 A. F. and A. M., stated communica­ tion this Saturday is at 7.30. Work in the F. C. degree, Vis- I iting brethren welcome. E. Allen, W. M.; A. Ben Kori, Sec’y. “ Oregon” the new flour made by the local flouring mills is new hard wheat flour made from blue stem wheat which they guarantee to be the equal o f any hard wheat ' flour on the market. Now that the city hall is an assured fact, city lights are I practically arranged for and the i new city water system is almost completed, why not go a step farther and pave the main streets I of Forest Grove? The hot lunch counter in con -! nection with Drew's Pool Room ;changed hands Tuesday, Ned Rogers having purchased the business from “ Spot” Morley. i | Rogers is an experienced short- order and pastry cook. That Oregon land is steadily climbing upwards, is shown by the fact that a few days ago 20 acres in the Hood River Valley sold for $30.000, and little enough in sight to fill the demand at that price. RETAIL STOCK in the State, wishes to thank the public for patronage of the past year, and announce that he will have for the 1910 trade a larger stock and more complete lines than ever before. ^ Forest Grove, Oregon FRESH, SALT and SMOKED MEATS Fresh Fish Every Thursday FOREST GROVE i'iiU N ES OREGON INl>Err.N l)EN T 744 Fashion Stables GORDON & B R O W N , Props. Careful Drivers First Class Rigs Prices Right Forest Grove, Oregon H. L. DECKERT For Sanitary PiumLing, Steam and Hot Water Heating, Forest Grove, Oregon Pacific Avenue Skating Rink Public Skating on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and on other evenings when so announced J o h n S t r ib ic h , P r o p . FOREST GROVE Valley Real t y Company REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; and Rentals! • • • • • ' A SNAP A Farm With Stock $50 an Acre Phone, Ind. 214 V . S. A B R A H A M Dry Goods, Shoes and Groceries ’» I » GOOD G o o d s and FAIR PRICES t Both Phones Forest Grove