EVENTS OF THE DAY PLA N TO RULE CUBA. N egro Party Could Win Everything If Held Together. FLOOD CONTINUES Havana, Feb. 1.— Organization o f a Destruction of Paris Goes on Newsy Items Gathered from All di8tin,c t w i t h t he, n unuj intention of obtaining control of the Cuban government, is being agitated Despite all Efforts. Farts ot tbe World. through the republic— and the move­ President Taft Asks Magazine lishers to be Moderate. Pub­ $300 ,000,000 TRUST Washington, Jan. 31, — President' , . ___ T aft told the periodical publishers of P rB liU lillS ry „ SlüRS _ . liiP .B il 111 Bit] Copper Combine. tbe Untied States tonight] that, if they overloaded their criticism of men in the administrative authority with ment hag become menacing from the viewpoint o f the whites. This issue unparliamentary expressions and inti­ has been brought to public notice re­ mations as to lack of honorable mo­ cently by race conflicts upon the hotel tives, , obody is going to pay any atten­ question, and the numerical strength tion to them. o f the negroes, united, gives it portent. Although he made no direct allusion Provision, the organ o f the Partido Tributaries o f River Above Paris Are to “ muckraking,” it was plainly evi­ Corporation Will Control Output of Less Important but Not Less Inter' Independente de Color — Independent dent at what he was directing his at­ Copper in United States and Now Stationary and Worst Is eating Happenings from Points Party of Color— prints the newly con­ tack. Influence W orld’ s Markets. Thought to Be Past. Outside the State. structed platform o f the party, which The president,’ addressing the period­ contains these significant provisions: ical publishers association of America “ The Independent Party o f Color as their guest at dinner, did not give shall be organized throughout the New York, Jan. 27. — Preliminary Paris, Jan. 29.—After a slow but this advice to the editors assembled Rome is threatened with floods sim i­ whole republic with a national charac­ steady rise o f the flood waters all day, from ail parts o f the nation until he steps were taken today to effeci the lar to those in France. ter, to maintain its equilibrium toward long looked for merger o f the principal the Fluvial department at midnight had prefaced his remarks with good It is believed the chances of the irri­ all Cuban interests. humored treatment of his relative po­ copper producers o f the country into “ The republic^)! equality, sovereign could only issue a statement saying gation bill in congress are improving. sition to the wielders o f public opin­ one gigantic corporation. and independent, without race discrim­ that it was possible the creBt of the In W all street another billion-dollar Boise is to^have a thorough invesiga- ion. inations or social antagonisms, shall flood would be reached tomorrow. tion into'the.high prices o f necessities. “ This is a formidable gathering to company was frequently mentioned, get our support.” The water has begun to fall in all of address,” said President Taft, after but the more conservative believed The coroner’ s jury on the Czarina To what extent promoters o f the the tributaries of the Seine above final capitalization would be closer to wreck did not fix the blame on any­ new movement may be successful re­ Paris, but the passage through the he had been presented by C. H. Smith, $500,000,000. the toastmaster. “ Gentlemen who act one. mains to be seen, but there can be no city is clogged by bridges and an im­ The Anaconda Copper Mining com­ as fates as to what is or is not current Three Seattle policemen have been doubt that, if the organization of the mense accumulation of drift continued literature, would under any circum­ pany o f N ew Yotk announced late to­ arrested, charged with levying black­ negro race as a political party ever tonight. Sailors, firemen and police stances, be formidable to address, and day that the board of directors yester­ should be effected, it would rule the are hastily constructing temporary mail. under conditions prevailing in Wash­ day decided to call a special meeting republic. walls by the light of campfires and of stockholders in 'Anaconda, Mont., Eight dead and thirty injured have The importance of the congressional torches in an endeavor to keep out the ington and in legislative halls, it re­ beenttaken from a train wreck in Eng­ elections in July can hardly be over­ invading floods, while pickets patrol quires a brave man, standing in my po­ on March 23, to pass on a proposal to increase the capital stock from $30 - land. estimated. It is not so much a ques­ those sections of the city that are sition, to face them. “ For the “ As to controversies, let me say 000,000 to $150,000,000. High food prices have driven thou­ tion of which party shall return the plunged in darkness. purpose o f acquiring the property of as The situation in the Place de 1’Opera that 8Ü evidence— questions o f facts— sands o f children to factory work in greater number of candidates, whether the independent republic, un­ tonight is serious. The entire terri­ must be weighed broadly to reach an other companies located in the Butte Chicago. It is the case district.” aided by American supervision, Bhall tory has been roped off as unsafe. It ultimate conclusion. Los Angeles is making a great effort with every trust, as much as we con­ The Amalgamated Copper company prove itself competent to conduct an is said also that the new Equitable to free her city employes from the absolutely fair and peaceable election. L ife Assurance building is in danger demn them for their iniquities. The owns 55 per cent, of the Anaconda clutches o f loan sharks. evidence must be weighed. It does no stock. President Gomez’ appointment of o f collapse. Following the merger of the Butte It is reported that Dr. Cook has been Senator Manuel Sanguilly as secretary President Fallieres and Premier good to denounce a person on the w it­ for several weeks at a German sanitar­ of state ends the long suspense regard­ Briand today drove in automobiles to ness stund, if he testifies agains t you. properties, which include the Amal­ “ You controllers of public opinion gamated Copper company and its vari­ ium, under a false name, and has now ing that important office. It is signi­ the flooded suburbs, where distress is gone to Vienna. ficant that the president should have greatest, speaking words of comfort to and controllers o f the rulers of the ous holdings— the Aanconda Copper o f all political the homeless and encouraging soldiers country may hammer a man into indif­ company, Boston & Montana, Butte & The recent trip abroad o f the Immi- gone . . out . of the , . ranks _ ference as to what you say, but at that Boston, Washoe, Trenton and other gration commission is alleged to have {*ar !ra 0 * * !* '* Sanguilly, who ever and others engaged in salvage and res­ he w ill come nearer to doing right than subsidiaries— and the North Butte and been but a junket expedition and an in­ | has been an independent of the inde­ cue work. Butte Coalition, it is expected that the pendents. Charitable organizations are co-oper­ if he tried to fight. vestigation has been called for. “ But, seriously speaking, I would new Anaconda, with its increased cap­ The senator lived in Harlem in the ating with the authorities in throwing It is reported that if the government war of the revolution and returned to open their buildings and in succoring j like to say that when you criticise a ital o f $150,000,000, will merge with wins its suit against the railroad mer- I Cuba under the first intervention, busy refugees. Several convents and a 1 poor devil exercising a responsible po­ the Guggenheim, Haggin and other ger, a syndicate comjiosed o f Itockefel- I ing himself at once with protests number o f public buildings have been sition, first give him the benefit en- copper interests ler, Morgan, and Kuhn, Loeb Co., will against the interference o f the United equipped with military cots and bed­ 1 joyed by every criminal, that o f rea- The corporation thus formed will take up all the bonds and stock o f the States in affairs o f Cuba. He is the ding and transformed into hospitals. nonable doubt. control not only the copper outpout of roads involved. j author o f several unsuccessful bills to The Red Cross is performing splendid the United States, but will influence the copper market o f the world. Pinchot’s friends are active in the ! rf,strict the immigration o f foreigners services in distributing food and cloth­ W ILL PRESS MERGER S U IT . nto Cuba. The merger o f the Butte properties ing. Nevertheless, numerous instan­ Ballinger investigation. will include the Amalgamated Copper ces are cited of women and children T H U M B N O W I n d i a n s ' PEN. Pacific Roads Must Face Trial by Taft decides to continue the suit to company, Anaconda Copper company, who had refused to leave their homes dissolve the Harriman railroad merger. Next April. Boston & Montana, Butte & Boston, in the submerged districts, shrieking Violation of the rules of etiquette Service Requires Impression o f D ig it from their windows for bread. W ashington, Jan. 31.— The president. Washoe, Trenton and other subsidiaries Instead o f Crossmark. may cause the retirement of the Aus­ "mmgamatea company, the „ The number of refugees arriving has determined to press to a conclusion of the Amalgamated trian premier. Chemawa, Or., Feb. 1.— Orders have here is enormous, Charenton alone the pending suit against the Union and North Butte and the Butte Coalition. sending in 38.000, who had got there Southern Pacific Railroad companies, | 1° Wall street it is commonly under­ Transcontinental Passenger associa­ been issued to the agents in the field from Calais and other afflicted points. looking to a dissolution o f the merger, st0°d that John D. Ryan w ill head the tion grants convention rates to Port­ of the Indian service to require thumb- The family of M. Barthou, ex-min­ and today concluded to deny the appli- great c°pper amalgamation. Thia mark signatures by Indians who are land for Rose Festival. ister of public works, whose home in cation of Mr. Lovett, Harriman’s sue- j amalgamation will include, it is said, not able to write. Both parties admit the British elec­ ! the Guggenheim, Haggin and Cole^ Thumb-mark signatures are now re­ the Avenue d’ Antun is surrounded, cessor, for a dismissal o f the suit. tion was fought on the tariff issue, and quired on all checks, receipts and other was taken out on the backs o f soldiers Soon after Judge Lovett and a num- ) Byan Properties and the Amalgamated J* both claim the victory. her o f influential railroad people ap- ; ccal company to become the magazine publishers’ charges of graft. tain and thus be an infallible method of habitants are leaving. company when a similar appeal was Purchaser o f properties o f the other The chamber o f deputies held a sit­ made, referred the matter to the at- i companies and the step taken to call a A coroner’s jury has held the engin­ | identification in case o f dispute or at­ ting today in the water-beleaguered tornej general for examination. In aP«clal meeting was the first towards eer of a wrecked train on the New tempted fraud. York Central responsible for the death This whs first done in tbe Indian ser­ Palais Bourbon, believing that an ad­ the New England case, it was found «^ m u tin g the matter to Btockho,ders Of the victims. vice in 1906, when the system was journment or a transfer o f their activ­ that, because o f action taken by the i of d|fferent companies for their eonsid- adopted as evidence o f the authenticity ities to Versailles, which had been state of Massachusetts and the insig- j eration.” Two robbers in a taxicab robbed the of written agreements with Indians, suggested, would only serve to in nificance of the government’s interests ! i f a r n n M L « I----- A. i _ i . 12-mile house, east of Portland, then W OM EN D E PO S ITO R S H IT. Parliament j would be beet to abandon the prose- the thumb print of the signers being crease the popular panic. proceeded to the 7-mile house and at­ required in addition to their signatures today voted a bill extending business ! cution of the railroad, and this was I tempted to rob that place, mortally done. J Receivepship is Decided for Mexico or their marks. The system now notes one month. wounding an attache who f resisted But Attorney General Wlckersham Communication with England, Hoi- includes the entire business o f the de­ Bank— Branches Close. them. Posses were in pursuit inside land, Denmark, and Austria and many 1 reached a different conclusion in the partment. Mexico City, Jan. 2 7 . - A receiver- of an hour. cities and towns in France is complete- Pacific railroad merger case, and today Goebel Dies, Heartsick. ly cut off. The telephone has been he handed to President T a ft’ a volumin- ship for the United States Banking A New York newsboy, while defend­ New Cincinnati, Feb. 1.— On the 10th practically abandoned in Paris. ing an aged man against three others who were tormenting him, was stabbed anniversary of the assassination of districts »re being flooded constantly three times. Two wealthy women in William [Goebel, the funeral o f his and the people are vacating blocks of 8 g0Od. C89e a* 8in8t the ;d”o orinfo?buiine.hs ^ a y M their automobile took the wounded brother, Arthur Goebel, who died in buildings. decision in the ; The suspension is a 1 Several hospitals where sick refu­ N, Z . n ¿°ll0W'nK newsboy to a hospital, their dresses Phoenix. Ariz., on January 20, was being drenched in his life blood while held in Covington, K y., this afternoon. gees were taken are in a dreadful Commonwealth Attorney Franklin, in plight, the water having quenched Area Will be pressed Lake C,ty ' ^ d i* ™ ’ned * witbdraw their on the way. his funeral oration, declared that in the furnaces. The status of the case at n r «.m i. I r k " “nd h,d Katherhd early to do so. Many women will be employed as “ the bullet that kMled W illiam Goebel, Four hundred patients were nurriea- hurned- thi» : The government has putin its men^cro^d0^ .......... - ~ * ™ g— .*..w were Wti’om. were many wo- census takers. together with the liberation o f all ly removed in ambulances from the testimony. The defense must begin in n oU eJST h ^ *° the.door8 "hen the The Rallinger-Pinchot inquiry has those charged with the murder, just as Hospital de la Salpetriere and the Hoe- April and the usual evidence in rehut Mr n ^ 8U8p* nsion was posted, certainly killed Arthur Goebel.” Arth­ pital BoucicaulL begun in Washington. Their rescue was t*1 must be submitted v,ce. Pres'dent of the ur, he aaid, died of a broken heart. dramatic and timely. The hospital j Th« " the case will g o to that "novel t r i- Í r - - - -th8t the act>on of the di- Strong opposition to appointive coun was isolated and a new rush of water | bun«l of four ju t& a provid^d’bv th. 1 T “ Uken , bec» uae the bank cil for Alasa has developed, in the Lips Fastened With Pins threatened to level i t The tireless anti trust act, known a. e x L iit i k ? , ' T * * mon^ « " hand to senate. Loe Angeles, Feb. 1. — Fastening his prefect of police, M. ..... Lepine, sum- <-ourt, .nd doubtless in the e n d T w iU .............................. . K * Clearin* house for yee- Paris is in darkness, owing to flood- lips together with safety pins so he moned ambulances and boats and addi- corne before the Supreme court of t h e e r l y bor - «•* > »r .r ~ iX ir -S s iv a i t k i zzrr *T 27—For m \ ig y ¿TtZrZZL s ia r. h - , Throughout ï s s r " ' * -fr * — « 4 i v " a - ¡S s ft y !* , ^ r I ;