Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, January 27, 1910, Image 7

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Curtiss Wins Speed Contest; Paulhan
Height and Endurance.
Aviation Field, Los Angeles, Jan. 21.
—As dusk gathered over the old Do­
minquez ranch tonight four flying ma­
fcSPtND $ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 ON P R O JE C T .
CHALLENGES ORCHARD OWNERS chines that had been circling in the
W ashington, Jan . 24. — The land
R epresentative Poindexter, of W ash­
air in rivalry of the meadowlarks that g ran ts of the N orthw est, which at the ington was the only Republican mem­
New C oncern Will Build Big R eser­ Captain Reim ers, o f Chehalem Moun­ for so many centuries have held do­ instance of Senator Tillman received ber of the house of rep resen tativ es
minion there, settled softly to earth. so much attention from congress two who today voted to place R epresenta­
voir to S to re Flood W aters.
tain, P o sts C ash for C ontest.
The masters of the newest air' craft
Laidlaw — Oregon’s pioneer irrig a ­
Salem—B elieving th a t he has the walked to their tents, the great crowd years ago, and figured conspicuously tive Rainey, of Illionis, on the Bal-
tion project, begun in 1893 ju st as the best orchard land in Oregon, in the filed down the roadway, and the first in a sharp controversy between Mr. linger-Pinchot investigation com m it­
panic sw ept over the country, stands in 1,000-acre tra c t known as Chehalem international aviation meet ever held Tillm an and P resident Roosevelt, were tee.
again today the subject of discussion
The senate Indian com m ittee today
in America was over.
a fair way to be completed, and the
favorably reported Senator Jones’ bill
All was peaceful and but few Knew in the senate.
settlers who have been w aiting and Mountain Orchards, Captain Paul H.
A resolution introduced by Senator authorizing additional allotm ents on
watching fo r the w ater th a t never Reim ers has posted a $1,000 check that one man had beeu near death in
came, may have th eir hopes realized. with W. K. Newell, president of the those last few minutes. Charles K. Cham berlain, calling on the attorney the Y akim a Indian reseivation, and
For the sta te of Oregon, represented sta te board of horticulture, challenging Hamilton was returning from a 15- general to sta te w hether he had in sti­ the settin g ap art of tow nsites thereon ;
mile flight toward the ocean, and while
' v the land board, is m aking an effort any orchard land operator in the sta te a mile from the aviation field the tuted the su it which two years ago his it also favorably reported bis amend­
$250,000 fo r
’cure the completion of the project to show a b etter 4-year old orchard in crank shaft of his machiue snapped. d ep artm en t was directed to bring to m ents appropriating
determ ine the rig h ts of the govern­ draining the lowlands on the Yakima
he m ost flattering prospects of 1914 than he can.
To ship it would have meant a help­ m ent in connection with the grants,
reservation and appropriating $5,000
As evidence of good faith , Captain less d rift upon the sea. To the aero­ was adopted.
to complete the appraisal and classifi­
came into being during the Reimers has posted $1,000 w ith PreBi- plane it means so little that no one
A fter Mr. Cham berlain, in explain­ cation of lands to be obtained.
attlers expected w ater and ldent Newell, for which he has the fol- in the crowd notieed anything wrong.
Secretary Ballinger, in response to
Hamilton shut off his engine and so ing the reason, had said it was time
jf fac t when w ater was owing re c e ip t:
leveled and swayed his planes that he th a t action was taken. Senator Tillman requests from Prosser, Wash., has laid
"he ditches. B ut the sup-
“ Received from Paul H. Reim ers,
ufficient for the landB at- certified check No. 651 of the amount was wafted gently down, touching declared he had w ritten to the attorney down certain conditions under which
>e reclaim ed, the acreage of one thousand dollars ($1,000). Said with scarcely a thud. I t was tho best general a week ago, inquiring w hat he will direct reclam ation service to
piece of emergency handling of a ma­
other supplies of w ater check of $l,< 00 is to be k ep t by the chine that has been seen at the meet. steps had been taken tow ards carrying extend the Sunnyside canal, so as to
out the order, but bad received no re ­ irrig ate about 2,200 acres in the vicin­
nancial troubles followed, undersigned in tru st as security of the
Curtiss and l ’aulhau—tho great riv- ply. He expressed the hope th a t the ity of Prosser by the beginning of th e
ornpany was reorganized. In following challenge, to -w it:
s of the meet—furuished the excite­ resolutions would be adopted and th at season of 1911.
antim e it wa3 fully dem onstrat-
"P a u l H. Reim ers challenges here­ ment for the closing day. I’aulhan “ His Highness, or w hatever you may
Owners of these lands m ust come in­
,.iat a g rav ity system of irrigation w ith any person or company in the sum went up at 3:25 o ’clock for an endur­
was not feasible and th a t reservoirs of one thousand dollars to plant in ance flight. A fter ho had gone two choose to call h im ,” would take *he to Sunnyside W ater U sers’ associa­
would have to be built to store the ! Oregon during the year 1910 and de­ or three laps of the course, L'urtiss action which he had been directed to tion, sign up th eir lands and agree to
pay $31 per acre for w ater if they are
flood w aters of Tumalo creek during [ velop during the following four years, started on a ten-lap speed trial, half
Speaker Cannon today assured Rep­ now receiving w ater from the Prosser
the spr ng and allow w ater to be car­ a better and more desirable orchard, a lap, or more than throe-fourths of a
mile behind Paulhan. Instantly it was resentative Ham er of Idaho he had not Falls Land & Power Co., or $52 per
ried over the parching land in July and from every standpoint, than his Che­ seen
that a great raco was on—tho only favored, but would support the acre if they have no w ater rights, and
August, when the stream
c a r rie s ! halem Mountain orchards a t Frank- first real race of the ten days.
bill along the lines of th a t agrt ed upon Prosser Falls m ust agree to relinquish
scarcely any w ater.
The whole j and-Rex station, Oregon.
The two airships, full power on, by the senate irrig atio n com m ittee au­ to the governm ent 25 cubic feet of w a­
scheme resolved itself into bad en­ W. K. Newell, P resident S tate Board came over the grandstand with the
thorizing the issuance of $30,000,000 te r per second.
gineering, but the engineer was not of H orticultu re.”
speed of express trains. Curtiss, it worth of reclam ation certificates to
the man to suffer for his m istake. | Any orchardist desiring to en ter the was plain, was gaining. He crept
complete the ex istin g irrig atio n pro
The Hamilton bill which was passed
Three S isters Irrig atio n company to com petition can g et full inform ation as sw iftly on I ’au lh an ’s heels, and on the jects.
by the house is declared to be objec­
w ater 27,000 acres of land lying on the to the conditions of the contest from
Immediately, H am er introduced in
w est side of the Deschutes river, about Captain Reim ers or P resident Newell. Paulhan, flying above. The French­ the house a bill sim ilar to th a t drawn tionable to the senate committee.
Representative Ellis today recom­
man for a few seconds held his own,
six to 15 m iles from Bend, ta k in g wa
then Curtiss, in his American machine, by the senate com m ittee, and a t the mended to Secretary Ballimrer th a t the
te r from a m ountain stream known as
forged ahead by a nose, a length, and speaker’s suggestion, had it referred nine warm springs on the W arm
Bum per fo r Apples.
Tumolo creek. The nearest railroad
finally by half a lap. I t was no race to the ways and means com m ittee, for Springs Indian reservation be set a p a rt
point is Shaniko, about 90 m iles dis-
. . .
after that.
The American machiue
as a resort, so th a t a sanatorium may
ta n t. The altitu d e ranges from 3,100 injured the fru it trees. Exam ination was demonstrated as the faster be­ it is a measure to raise revenue.
be erected for the benefit of those de­
of fru it spurs indicates the best of yond question.
fe e t to 3,700 feet.
siring to make use of the springs.
¡condition. County F ru it Inspector G.
As Curtiss rushed over Paulhan he
These springs will be readily access­
R. C astner has made a careful inspec­ received the greatest applause th at any irrigation com m ittee today drafted
Lowland Grain Frozen.
of his efforts have evoked. Paulhan su b stitu te for the Borah-Ballinger bill ible as soon as the railroads are b u ilt
Salem —“ I t is difficult to estim ate
along the Deschutes river.
the dam age th e average w eather has very best of conditions in both the went on until he had traveled 64.4 authorizing the issuance of $30,000,000
A general denial of the sw eeping
done, as it has varied in severity in
an hour and a half. Curtiss came tion of governm ent irrigation projects, charges of reckless and improper ex­
diffierent localities ” said A. C. A rm ­
down afte r a 30-mile trip.
Aside from changing the name of penditures in the Interior departm ent
strong, county f ru it inspector of Mar- j per apple crop here th is year. W ith a
This race gives the whole story of
incited by R epresentative Hitchcock
ion county, in speaking of the effect heavy snowfall on the ground, straw ­ the meet. The Curtiss m achine have the securities from bonds to certifi was made today by Fred Dennett, com­
berry plants have been prevented from
of unusual w inter.
won all the prizes for speed, quick
missioner of the general land office, a t
“ Upland grain has been protected j heaving out of the ground by contin­ starts, perfect landings, and those change in the Borah bill, except to the opening session of a hearing before
by snow to some extent, w hile lowland
events where a light, sw ift machine
exclusively to the completion of ex ist­ the boues com mittee on expenditures
grain, has been frozen out, so th a t in | five cars of berries are predicted for showed best.
He ad­
Paulhan has won all tho cross-coun­ ing projects or extensions thereof. No in the In terio r departm ent.
some instances, I would say, less than this year.
try, passenger-carrying and endurance new projects can be built w ith this m itted, however, th a t some of th e
one-third of a crop rem ains. How­
minor specifications were true.
tests, having a heavier, slower machine fund.
Slow P ro g re ss on Well
ever, it will be found upon investiga-
D allas—Serious diffici 1 ies are be
A fter sittin g alm ost continuously
tion, I think, th a t the farm ers this
The pletely. I’aulhan has taken more than for the last three days, the senate com
W ashington, Jan . 18. — W ithout de­
year planted less fall grain than they ing encountered a t the oil w ell.
ordinarily would, because of p ersist­ form ation is very hard and th e supply world's records for altitude and for m ittee on territo ries today perfected bate and by a viva voce vote the house
of w ater increases w ith depth.
I t is cross-country flights, alone and with a the Beveridge measure to create a leg today adopted the conference report on
ed cy of early rain s la st fall.
islative council for Alaska.
the Ballinger-Pinchot inquiry resolu­
“ A large proportion of potatoes not possible for the d rillers to m ake less passenger.
The proposed council was increased tion and then devoted almost five hours
y et dug have suffered, I am told, but than 10 feet daily. Oil sands are num­
A medal presentation took place
other crops aside from potatoes and erous and it is still the conviction of after this, then Paulhan went upon his by the sub-comm ittee so th a t it will be to fu rth er discussionof the urgency de­
grain have not suffered g reatly. Cold all concerned th a t the drill is slowly endurance flight. The French machine composed of a governor, an attorney ficiency appropriation bill.
w inter will be good for fru it trees. nearing an immense deposit of the never seemed to run so smoothly. M. general, a commissioner of Interior ation of this bill was not concluded.
E. Cleary, P aulhan’s distineily Eng mines and eight others, two from each
A fter cleaning up the calendar by
I t will keep them back, giving them precious fluid.
lisli manager, was filled with emotion. of the four judicial divisions.
passing about 40 bills, a m ajority o f
longer rest, m aking them hardier, be­
He broke out as follows:
All the members of the council are private character, the senate today
sides decreasing liability of late frosts
“ Look at her!
There she goes! to be named by the president. The adopted a resolution requesting the
doing damage. Cold w eather will also
W heat — Track prices: Bluestem ,
lend flavor to n ex t w in ter’s apples.”
the white planesl Is n ’t it mvsticai— council is authorized to levy a special secretary of the treasury to advise
$1.18@ 1.19; club, $ 1.08@ 1.09; red something above inenf By George— tax of not more than one per cent on the senate if newspaper reports were
Fruit in Good S hape.
Russian, $1.06; Valley, $1.06; 40-fold, like a magnificent albatross after a the value of the gross output of the true that the customs house a t New­
Eugene—W hile the recent continued $1.10(31.12.
thunderstorm. Now i t ’s lost on the mines. This tax is to create a fund to port News, V»., was to be closed to/-
cold w eather has injured the grain
Barley—Feed and brew ing. $30@30.- turn! I t ’s g re a tl”
defray the expenses of the m eeting of morrow in observance of the birthc^sjy
crop of Lane county to lom e extent, 50 per ton.
the '■ouncil, and is in addition to direct of General Robert E. Lee.
all fru it is in good shape and it is ex­
O ats— No.’l w hite. $32.50 p er ton.
Speaker Cannon today officially ruled
appropriations to be made by congress.
pected th a t the usual crop will be g ath ­
H ay—Track p rices: T im othy: W il­
th a t P resident Roosevelt had acted
ered, according to the predictions of S. lam ette Valley, $18@20 per to n ; E ast Lovett Expresses Confidence Railroads
w ithout authority in appointing repre­
J . Holt, m anager of the Eugene F ru it ern Oregon, $21(323; alfalfa, $17@18;
sentatives to the third international
te r of Montana, has prepared and will cor ference on m aritim e w ar at Brus­
G row ers’ association and
County clover, $16; grain hay, $17(318.
Washington, Jan. 21.—I t was stated introduce a bill carrying out the rec sels. He did this by sustaining a point
F ru it Inspector J . Beebe. They think
Fresh F ru its—Apples, $1@3 box;
the trees did not suffer from the cold pears, $1.50 per box; cranberries, $9 authoritatively today th at the govern­ ommendation of the governors of the of order made by Representative H ar­
ment suit for tho dissolution of the country a t tb eir recent m eeting in rison of New York ag ain st an appro­
a t all.
The e x te n t of the dam age to j per barrel.
of the Union Pacific and South­ Washington w ith reference to the dis­ priation for the continuance of the ser­
the grain cannot be ascertained, but j P otatoes—Carload buying
p rices:
railways would not be position of w aterpow er su e s on the vice of these representatives.
is not as g reat as first thought.
Fol- j | Oregon. 65(385c per sa c k ; Bweet pota dropped. Attorney-General
Wickersham public domain.
Accordingly, the paragraph asking
lowing each hard freeze there came a j J toes, 2 J^c per pound.
has found nothing so far in his inves­
The bill provides th a t all public such an appropriation was stricken out
good rain w hich packed down the [ V egetables — A rtichokes, $1(31.25 tigation to warrant such action.
lands im m ediately radjoining stream s when consideration of the urgent de­
ground th a t had been raised by the | per dozen; cabbage, $2 per hundred;
A conference was held today be­ and form ing a p a rt of power sites shall
ficiency bill was resumed in the house.
freeze and uprooting the grain. Some cauliflower, $1.75 per dozen; celery, tween the attorney-general and Frank
be ceded to the various sta te s in which
R epresentative Hawley today in tro ­
say there will not be more than half $3.75 per c ra te ; horseradish, 12^ e per B. Kellogg on the one side, and Judge
they are located; the Btates to retain duced a bill to pay the sta ts of Oregon
crop of fall-sown w heat, while others pound; pum pkins, lj^ ( 3 1 j^ c ; s p r o u t^ Lovett, president of the Union Pacific,
$712, the amount due the sta te on landa
aver th a t no dam age a t all w as done. 6(37c per pound; squash, l@ lj^ c ; to ­ and counsel representing the allied
No reports on the condition of hops are matoes, $1.50(32.25 per box; turnips, llarrim an lines on the other, for the w ith authority to lease them for power selected on desert land list No. 11.
development in such a way as to per
a t hand, but it is generally thought $1.50 per sack ; carrots, $ 1 ; beets, formal presentation of reasons why
the suit to dissolve the merger of the vent monopoly.
th a t very little , if any, dam age has $1.50; parsnips, $1.50.
Paris and London Wait.
railroads should not be pressed.
The house of representatives, af
been done by the freezing w eather.
Onions—Oregon, $1.50 per sack.
The railroad interests have made
Washingtonn Jan. 25.—The rep o rt
te r a long fight led by R epresentative
B u tter—City cream ery ex tras, 39c clear th at they feel confident the suit
from P aris th at both G reat B ritain
C ro p s In Josephine.
fancy outside cream ery, 34(339c per cannot be pushed to a successful con Hawley, as a member of the claims and France will withhold indorsem ent
com m ittee, today passed the bill direc-
G ra n t’s Pass — Outlook for fru it, j pound; store, 20(3 25c.
B u tte r fa t elusion, and are willing th at it should
ing the secretary of the treasury to re of Secretary Knox’ plan for n e u tra lis­
hops and grain in Josephine county the prices average l ^ e per pound under be compromised.
ing the Manchurian roads was received
Ju st before leaving for New York fund to reg isters and ex -registers of a t the S tate departm ent w ith much
coming year is b e tte r than it has been regular bu tter prices,
the local land offices money earned by
for years. County F ru it Inspector J.
Poultry— Hens, 15)4<316c; ducks,
No official an ­
them in issuing notices of cancellation surprise and reg ret.
F. Burke has recently visited seme of 20(322; geese, 13c; turkeys, live, 19 he would have further conferences
of en tries subsequent to Ju ly 26, 1892, nouncement of such contem plated ac­
the larg er orchards in this county and /„ 20c; dressed, 22)4<323c.
tion has been received here and th e
said that would depend upon a t the rate of $1 per cancellation.
reports the trees well set w ith buds.
Eggs—Fresh Oregon ex tras, 30(336c jeet,
many circumstances that he could not
Testimony given today by Secretary hope was expressed th a t the declina­
The extrem ely cold w eather we have per dozen; E astern, 26@27c per doz- discuss.
Knox before the house com mittee on tion may y et be found to be a t le ast
been experiencing is all th a t can be en.
appropriations revealed the fact th at conditional.
P ork—Fancy, l l ( 3 l l ) 4 c per pound.
desired for f ru it raising and if the
Pinchot’s Act« Illegal.
th a t the U nited S tates is endeavoring
V eal—E xtras, 12(812)4c per pound.
present conditions hold until the first
Washington, Jan. 21.—Controller of to induce the A rgentine Republic to
W ashington, Ja n . 19.— No new s ta rs
C attle— Best steers, [$6(3 5.35; fair the Treasury Tracewell declared today
of March, Josephine county will be
have two D readnougths built in ship­ will be added to the American flag be­
blessed w ith a bum per crop.
This to good steers, $4.50(3 4.75; strictly th at there was nothing in the law or yards in th is country.
fore th e sum m er of 1911, according to
does not apply to orchards exclusively, good cows, $4.35; fa ir to good cows, appropriation for the forest service
The v isit of Mr. Knox to the capitol the plan under consideration in the sen­
as sm all fru its of all kinds are expect­
giving the secretary of agriculture was for the purpose of explaining the ate com m ittee on te rrito rie s.
bulls, $2.50(33.75; stags, $3(34.
power to send forest rangers to col­ estim ates for his departm ent for the
ed to be abundant.
The programme is said to hava th e
Hogs— Top, $9.10b/9.20;fair to good lege at government expense and to pay n ex t fiscal year, with special reference endorsem ent of P resident T a f t
their traveling expenses. When So­
12 Mill Tax Levy in Lincoln.
bogs, $8.60(39.
to the request for $100,000 for prom ot­ provides for the rep o rtin g of an en tire­
N ew port—The tax levy of Lincoln
ing foreign trade relations.
ly new oill for the admission of New
for 1909 is 12 m ills. The increase in to good w ethers, $4.50(36; good ewes, agriculture took charge of the forest
Mexico and Arizona as states.
sta te school tax over last year is $3,- $5(35.50; lambs, $5(36.50.
Hop, — 1909 crop, prim e and choice, these forest’rangers were attending uni­
000. The increase of sta te tax is $4,-
H arb o r Policy S u g g ested .
000 more than w as paid la st year. 20(321e; 1908s, 1 7 * c ; 1907s, ll> * e ; versities and colleges in the west for W’ckersham, of A laska, a t the hear­
ing before the senate te rrito rie s com­
W ashington, Jan . 25. — Recommend­
Much money is expended in th is county per pound.
short courses in forestry.
m ittee today, objected to «11 the pro ations as to a general Federal policy
Wool — Eastern Oregon, 16(3 23c
each year for new roads.
visions of the Beveridge A laska bill, toward the im provem ent of rivers, h ar­
pound; olds, nom inal; m ohair, choice,
Monoplane Strike« Wire«.
recently introduced, on the ground th a t
Beautify S tre e ts with Trees.
25c pound.
Oran, Algeria, Jan. 21.—A mono- it gave the peoole of A laska no voice bors and canals, based upon investiga­
tions th s t have been conducted in th ia
Cascara bark—4)4c per pound.
Medford—Eleven hundred trees or­
)Iane collided with the telegraph wires
Senator and foreign countries for a couple o f
H ides—Dry hides. 18<318)4c per iere today. The gasoline supply-tube in th e ir own g o v ern m en t
dered by the G reater Medford club for
purpose of beautifying
the pound; dry kip. 18@18)4c. pound; dry was eut. In a moment the machine Beveridge had numerons clashes w ith years, will be made to congress by tb s
stree ts have arrived and are now heel­ calfskin, 19<321e pound; salted hide«, was enveloped in flames and crashed to , vvickeranam, sno professed to know United S tate s N ational W aterw ays /ffev.
sped with more about A laska’s needs than does commission in a rep o rt to be s u b m it/
ed in and will be planted as soon as the 10<310)4e; salted calfskin, 15c pound; the ground. The aviator
I its delegate.
ted Monday.
tew boras.
green, lc less.
condition of the soil w arrants.
- V dM I