¡I c . E. D3X0N - - - F IN E B O O T A N D S H O E R E P A IR IN G Shoe Laces Shoe Dressing and Rubber Heels FOREST GROVE P A C IF IC A VE . Parker THE H A R NESS MAN QUALITY UNSURPASSED PRICES RIGHT Repairing Promptly Done IND. P H O N E 2 9 4 FO RE ST GROVE W . F. S C H U L T Z MEATS AND G R O C E R IE S All Kinds of Fresh Vegetables, Fish and Game in Season Free D elivery to A ll Part» o f the City BOTH P H O N E S PAC. A V E N U E W . H . H O L L IS . Pres. FOREST GR OVE E. J. M c A L E A R . Sec. FOREST G R O V E A B ST R A C T CO Successors to H O L L IS T I T L E & IN V E S T M E N T C O . Do a General Business of Abstracting and Conveyancing FO R E ST G R O V E Both Phones H. D. R O W E Painter and Paper Hanger All Work Guaranteed Inside Decorations a Specialty P R IC E S A N D E S T I M A T E S F O R P A IN T IN G C H E E R ­ F U L L Y F U R N IS H E D IN D FOREST GROVE PHONE 4 9 5 WALTER ROSWURM A. E. M O U L T O N Roswurm & Moulton 9 Successors to Roswurm & Co. Ice, Coal and W o o d F o re s t G rove O regon City Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Reinemer, Props. - Mrs. C. 0. Roe was a Portland visitor on Monday. Wanted 6 or 7-room house. Inquire at this office. For the best 25 cent meal in the city go to the city restaurant. When attending the auto show at Portland, be sure to visit the Studebaker exhibit. Remember that the Home Bakery delivers free of charge to any part of the city. COAL. Another car arrives. Order your supply now at $7.50 per ton delivered from car. WE TREAT AND CURE ALL DISEASES OE MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN W e Treat With Electricity, E ectric Vibration. Massage. E le c tr ic Electric Light Cure.Oateopath- Naturo p a t h i c and Treatments, with latest all given of she remedies applied W e treat patients successfully with our rational methods. Our Physicians and Surgeons are graduates of both American and European colleges, with credentials from the highest medical boards in the United States, and know their business thoroughly. R o s w u r m & M o u i . t o n . Has a fine line of Storm Blankets, Storm Covers and Horse Goods \ Decal and Persona! Hot Meals at all Hours The Best 25 cent Dinner in the City Party Dinners a Specialty Our “ S U N D A Y S P E C I A L ” Chicken Dinner will please you On Tuesday H. L. Deekert purchased the residence of George Kirkwood, consideration $1200, and is having the same completely remodeled. The city council, at its meet- j ing Tuesday night, appointed ai committee to purchase a genera | tor and machinery necessary t o ! oaerate the lighting plant. The fellow who was arrested here on Tuesday night and taken ! to Hillsboro to answer to the j charge of stealing an umbrella, | plead guilty and was fined $25. Not having the necessary money, he is serving in out in the county bastile. The Forest Grove Collection Agency has dwellings for rent. Also ten acres of good farm land near town, with buildings, for sale very cheap. Inquire at Hoifman Building. Geo. Auld, the real estate and Insurance man and W. J. R. Beach the Insurance trustee have leased the rooms formerly occu­ pied by the First National Bank on 1st Ave. North and expect to take possession about the 1st of March. County Judge Goodin has called a meeting of the road supervis­ ors of the 36 districts in the county for Saturday at his office in Hillsboro and matters pertain­ ing to good roads will be dis­ cussed. The Spanish-American war veterans are going to have a io- union at the office of Capt. A t'd on Friday, Feb. 4th to ccmmer.:- orate the Filipino outlie.' 1: at Manilla cn the 4th of Feeru •" ’, 1899. All veterans vTo have not already been notified are re- i quested to make themselves 1 known to the Cantain. The skating party announced to be given at the rink on Wed­ nesday, Feb. 2, has been post­ poned and will be held on Wed­ nesday evening Feb. 9th. It will be a masked affair and prom- On Saturday afternoon, Feb. 4th, there will he skating for children from 2 until 4 o’clock. Specialties Rheumatism, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Paralysis, Bright’s Disease, Neurasthenia, oitre, Epilepsy, Dropsy All private and wasting diseases promptly cured and their effects permanently eradicated from the system Diseases o f women and children given special attention. Nervous diseases and nervous prostration a specialty. Eczema and ail skin diseases promptly cured. Consultation and Examination Free and strictly Confidential I If patient cannot call at the Sanitarium, write for full instructions. A ll m edicin e» are furnished to Patient» from the L aboratory o f the Sanitarium. Office Hours: 9 to 11 a. m .: 2 to 5 a. m., and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 12 a. m. Columbia Sarsitarium Permanently located in Raleigh Building, corner Sixth and (323 1-2) Washington streets. Phone Main 2993. y tLir P o rtla n d , O regon First-class Job Printing _ V 1 A. C. MACKRODT AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES and BICYCLES FOREST GROVE OREGON C o m p le te l in e o f s u n d r ie s