Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, December 17, 1908, Image 4

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    Subscription $1.50 Per Year
Advertiilny ritti midi known in
Official Paper Washington C
A. E. NOtIRSE ....................... MANAGER
J. F. W oods ............................... editor
THURSDAY. DEC. 17, 1908
downpour of rain and against a team
much stronger than that which they
John Mlnnick, of La Grande, was
met a few weeks before, the Forest ■“m.wueed Saturday to on« year in
Grove High school team again defeat- the penitentiary for stealing two
ed the Barclay High school team on calves. He wili appeal,
the Willamette Falls grounds at Ore ! George Porter, who was special
gon Citv, Saturday a.teruoon by a s o - r
"®cer t0 Haywood, Orchard
. g «
I and Pettibone, at Boise, over a year
°I 5 to U.
ago, has been appointed chief of
The reports sent in by Oregon City Pollce of Baker CUy
correspondents to the Portland papers, j Jesse Phares> who 8Ustalnod a
that the game was scoreless because of fractured skull by being struck on
a disagreement of the officials over a the head by a rock from a blast at
free-for-all fumble recovered By a For­ Celilo, died In the hospital at The
est Grove player which after two or Dalles.
W hile w alking from Fort Colum­
three downs resulted in the locals
carrying the ball for a touch down dur­ bia to Chinook last week, S. T.
a sewing machine agent of
ing the first half, are unfair to the For­ Parks,
Astoria, was knocked down and
est Grove boys.
brutally beaten by two thugs who
The touch down was made accord­ robbed him of $120.
ing to the rules of the game, and Has-
An organization known as the
kel Ferrin, ol this city, who was an "Lum berm en’s Hospital Association”
Is being formed at Astoria. Its ob­
official, so decided.
Notwithstanding that several new ject is to Insure the employes of
players had been put in the line which the local m ills and logging com­
was thereby impenetrable to the Forest panies against accidents.
F. E. Judd, of Pendleton, has just
Grove back field, the second half of learned
that be is one of four heirs
the game was played in the Oregon to an estate valued at $500,000.
City’s territory.
j When .Major H. E Judd, of Hart­
But» Quality of Goods the Same. Every­
thing in Furnilure and Many
Such spreads as were given
by the University Tuesday
evening at Herrick hall and the
speeches made by the business
men, can only have good for
the community. The gathering
ford, Conn., died a few weeks ago
he left all of his property to the four
Free Course of Lectures.
brought to gether elements that
children of his brother.
Winter short courses of study will
are essential for the prosperity
Guilty of murder in the first de­
begin at the Agricultural College, Cor­
was the verdict returned Sat­
of each other; and it was a hap­ vallis, Oregon, on January 5. Men gree
urday evening in the case of W alter
py key that was struck when and women, young and old, interested Montgomery Johnson, accused of the
murder of Elmer Perdue in a lonely
the University sent out invita­ in the farm, the shop, or the home, cabin near Timber during the night
are cordially invited to attend. By ;
tions for the banquet on that writing at once to the Agricultural Col- of Ju ly 3, this year. The trial at
Hillsboro lasted three days.
ge a circular will be sent telling in
The business me
A contest of the will of the late
aetatl what is proposed to be accom­ Simon H. Dikeman, who died some
were brought face to face with plished by these courses.
months ago In Berkeley, Cal., leav­
A week of lectures on general agri­ ing an estate valued at about $100,-
an institution that for the good
topics begins Jan. 5. A spec- 000, was filed Saturday in the su­
of the town they cannot be r v - cultural
i course for creamery operators and perior court at Oakland, Cal., by
pudiated, and likewise, the c t ' managers runs from Jan. 5 to 15; a Waldo Dikeman, a son, of Gold Hill,
Or. The complaint Is based on sen­
lege was shown where its su< course in dairying from Jan. 1 0 to ! sational grounds.
Mar 27; a course in horticulture Jan. |
awaken and find his wife dead
cess was embedded in the w
11 to Feb. 20; a course in mechanic j at To
his side was the startlin g experi­
fare of that which the business 1 arts from .'an. 11 to Feb. 20; a course ence of John F. H ill, a retired farm ­
men represent— the town.
If I •“ roaf construction from Jan. 11 to er and resident of Pendleton, Satur­
Feb 6; a course in household science day. Mrs. H ill’s death was caused
there was ever a dissention be and art fr0m Jan. 11 to Feb. 20. by neuralgia of the brain, but though
tween the college and town it Special lectures on business methods she had been complaining of pains
best display of dairy products was which are th« first to he put into
awarded to F. A Schubinger of Salem j service on an electric road in Ore­
for an exhibit comprising 26 varieties gon.
of cheese. The Douglas Creamery
W hat is probably the largest yel­
Co of Roseburg won first award for low Hr tree ever placed in the wat- !
highest scoring creamery butter, F. G. ers of the Columbia river was hauled
Maltke of Sweet Horre, for highest out of the woods on the Sorenson
Logging Company's road at Svensen. |
scoring dairy butter, and I. J. Ballan- The
tree was 128 feet in length to
tvne, of Hobsonville, for highest scot the first limb, 109 Inches in diam e­
mg cheese The dairymen pledged a ter at Ihe butt, 69 inches in diam e­
land of 8150 per month for the em- ter at the top and contained 47,793
plovmt nt of an expert to bring dairy feet, board measure.
The Secretary of the T reasury has
conditions throughout the state up to
tin* highest possible standard. An ap­ recommended an appropriation for
Lake National Park of $21,-
propriation of 86000 will be asked Crater
745. Out of this amount $14,000 is
from the Legislature. President P. L to be expended in the construction
Kent of Corvallis, was re-elected, with of roads and trails. The secretary’s
Carl Abrams, of Salem, secretary. The estim ates are based upon the esti­
time of next year’s meeting will be mates submitted by the superinten­
chosen to harmonize with the date se- dent of the park in his annual re-
, ted bv the Washington Dairymen, i port to the Secretary of the Interior.
The Oregon Dairy Association, at
et at Clit-halis this week
Salem last week, elected officers,
t n c . . L Mitchell, of the Dairy
premiums, appointed a leg­
D,vision> u . S. Department of Agri- awarded
islative committee, pledged $1800 a
culture, is in Chehalislor this meeting, year for cow testing work and ad­
Forest Grove
Real Estate Company
K. N
Office at the Bazaar next to the Postoffce.
Some of this week's Bargains
A good house and lot in For* ?t
Grove, with some fruit, good lo
cation. A snap fo r......... 8900
A 5 room modern cottage with
lot 50x100 ft located in South
Park. Price 81050. 8400 down
balance 86 per month.
80 acres of land, 2$ miles from
R. R Station. 20 acres cleared.
10 acres slashed, balance in tim­
ber, 5 room house, barn and fine
orchard. This place can be had
for 83500 with 81500 down
15 acres, 2 miles out, with old
house and barn and several acres
in fruit and grapes. .Price81600,
New modern cottage, close in,
with lot 100x200 for only 81500
Good 5 room house and two lots
in South Park for.............. 1100
40 acres of land, 8 miles from
Forest Grove, with house, bam
and other outbuildings, orchard
and? running water. This place
can be had with horses, cows and
all the farm implements for
81900 or owner will trade (or
town property.
2 acre corner lot all in fruit, with
large 8 room house, also chicken
houses. Price.................... 82500
10 Acres one mile from Forest
Grove all under cultivation, good
family orchard with choice fruit.
Price ................................... 82000
8 Acres with house and barn,
ta-ge orchard located one and one
half miles from Forest Grove and
close to the new Electric Rail
Road station. Price ___ 82100
5 Acres of land with new house
and barn located J mile from R.
R. station, land is all under cul-
tivaion and on good county road.
10 Acres of land, 2 miles from
Forest Grove, 2} acres in straw­
berries. 1 acre in logan berries,
good family orchard, fine spring,
house and bam, some wood on
the place. Puce............... 81650
20 acres of land, 3 j miles from
Forest Grove, small house and
bam shed, chicken house, etc.,
good water. Price. . . . . . . 12000
journed. Profossor F. L. Kent, of
C orvallis, was re-elected president;
Mrs. S. A. Yoakum, of Marshfield,
first vice-president; A. R. Morgan,
of Lincoln, second vice-president;
Carle Abrams, of Salem , secretary-
Robert Livingstone, who for about
ten years has had charge of the
Northern Pacific railroad yards at
Goble, was robbed and terribly beat­
en last week. He was taken to a
hospital in Portland, where he died
Saturday. There appears to be no
clew to the crim inals. Livingstone’s
watch and pocketknlfe were taken.
In his vest pocket was $65 In bills,
while in the coiled springs of the
m attress was a further sum of $360,
which fell out as the injured man
was being carried from the house on
a m attress stretcher. It is thought
the object of assault was robbery.
Echo, in the western part of Uma­
tilla county, is to have a scouring
m ill, according to arrangem ents
made by sheepmen there. Money has
been subscribed and a committee ap­
pointed to purchase machinery for
the establishm ent of a $50,000 plant.
The town w ill donate the site. A
movement Is also on foot to urge
the government to establish a small
test plant there to determine by ex­
periment Just what per cent of dirt
is to be found in U m atilla county
wool. The belief is general that lo­
cal sheepmen have been given the
short end In the past by buyers.
Senator Fulton will endeavor be­
fore the holiday recess to secure the
adoption in the House of his resolu­
tion calling on the War Department
for an estim ate of the expenditure
necessary to acquire and repair the
W illam ette locks at Oregon City An­
ticipating the resolution, the War
Department has ureuared estim ates
We are still selling all stock taken over
from the Hoy6 Furniture Co. a t a
in her head during the evening It
certainly has been eliminated j 011 tlie iar,n wlU be K'ven’
was not thought her case was seri­
and both have seen the error of
The convention of the Oregon State
A second lot of new passenger
their ways, for the demonstra Dairy Association at Salem last week equipment has ju st been received
was the most successful ever held by by the Oregon Electric railw ay and
tion of local loyalty was so p ro ­ that body Washington and California will he put into service between Sa- !
nounced as to remove doubts were represented in both attendance ; lem and Portland. In addition to
and exhibits. The grand prize for passenger cars, the new equipment I
from the most skeptical.
includes two baggage-express cars, I
P.u> Humphrey closed a successful
thrtt months term of school at 1 hat
It was a hummer— the ban- cl.er last week. He is now reading
law in Judge Hollis’ office.
—Special sale of College Seal Pen-
—Hoffman & Allen Co. sell White nants, Pillow Tops and College Station-
23-tf fry this week at The Book Store 24-tl
River and Dements best flour.
Especially nice for Christmas
Tabourets, Rugs, Jardinieres,
Baskets, Childr en’s Rockers ■ 1
The annual city election
which will occur in a few weeks
hence, should have the attention
of every citizen. This election
will be the most important of
any ever held in the history of
the town.
Problems of vital
interest will confront the ne: t
council and it is necessary te.
have a body of representative
business men at the head to
cope with the issues that are
bound to come up. Our water
system and lighting facilities
will need attention within t;
. .
next two years that will require
the knowledge of men of ability
and backbone.
Special Articles! i
Forest Grove
Oregon I a
1 E S S S S S S S f S 0 0 0 E 0 ® 0 0 0 0 ® S3 B
T ry a Sack of “ Home P ro d u c t”
RIour===AJ1 G rocers
Sack Guaranteed
showing that about $800,000 w ill be
required. As the state of Oregon
has appropriated $300.000, it will be
for Congress to appropriate but
$500,000 additional. The engineers
have their report and eatimatee
ready to submit to Congress when­
ever called for, and. If this report
can be »«cured before the river and
harbor bill ta framed, it will aid raa-
! ’«Hally lu securing favorable legis­
Christmas Spirit in the Air.
Indications point to the approach­
ing, gladsome Christmas season and
the business houses have not been
slow in catching the spirit of the com­
ing festivities.
This week, Christmas shopping be­
gan in earnest, due in a great measure
to the large amount of special adver­
tising which the business houses do at
this time of the year The local
stores are offering bargains which
come as valuable suggestions in solv­
ing the rather perplexing problem of
gift-giving.«. In later years there has
been a strong sentiment among people
generally to give useful things instead
of mere ornaments as was so popular
in the past. To meet this demand,
the local stores are carrying more ex­
tensive lines of Christmas goods than
in former years, and in order to obtain
a better selection, many ara doing
their holiday shopping earlier
Stores have put on holiday attire and
decorations emblematic of the Yule-
tide and its patron saint, Santa Claus,
Bnsiness Locals
are much in evidence. Some of the
—Acre tracts for sale—J. F. Wagner,
show windows reveal attractive displays.
19 tf
The first consignment of Christmas
trees arrived in town Monday afternoon
—See display of Onyx ware at Cad
and large clusters of mistletoe were Hinman’s Hardware Store on Pacific
brought in later in the week.
t eas; Masonic Hall
The Davis Bros, have leased the
1 wer floor of Masonic hall where they
will move their restaurant business as
soon as the building is ready for occu-
According to the present
plans a glass front is to be put in and
'he interior is to be papered and paint-
ed anew. The improvements are to
be made bv the lodge and will begir
in a few days.
Jam es
—Miss Kirkwood has the best line®
handkerchiefs, also the latest thing ¡®
fancy combs.
_. . . ,-a
®r0WE’ Physlcl
Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap-
p'.iances in office. Calls answered
night or day.
—See the new art line of clocks a*
Enschede & Son
Landscape Gardeners - Plant Orchards
Do Spraying
At Home O f f i c e .3rd Avenue «Sr A S tree t