Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, December 03, 1908, Image 8

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    S t a t e m e n t of t h e condition of
Look out* for our
n t th e c a ll o t in * C o m p tr o lle r o l C u r r e n c y , N o r . 2 7 . I 9 Q S
Cash on hand due
from Banks and
U. S. Treas
$ 5 0 .9 1 3 83
United States Bonds. $25,000 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds.825 00
Bonds and Securities. .20,172 23
Loans and Discounts. .92,496 83
Furniture and Fixtures.3.489 55
Real Estate................... 3.282 92
T o ta l...................$ 1 9 6 ,1 8 0 36
Deposits............... $ 1 3 1 ,7 6 2 18
Capital paid in ............25,000 00
Surplus and Undivided
Profits....................... 14,418 18
Circulation................... 25,000 00
Total...................... $ 1 9 6 ,1 8 0 .3 6
Correct Attest,
R. M. DOOLY, President
the Watts church Wednesday evening,
Dec. 6. Sunday school will be held
at 10 a. m., services at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is ex­
J. J. Adkins was in Forest Grove on tended to all to attend these services.
business Monday.
Good work on our roads still contin­
Miss Mary Woell visited the Gales ues. It pleases the farmers to know
City school Monday.
thev are having finer roads than the
Jno. Heisler is improving his prop­ city of Forest Grove.
erty in Gales City by enclosing it with
John Ihrig is in Hillsboro serving as
a new wire fence.
a juryman.
Miss Maude Lilly, who is attending
B. E. Lamont and family spent
school in Forest Grove, spent Thanks­ Thanksgiving with tneir son Albert and
giving with the home folks.
wife of Dilley.
Mrs. Johnson, of Portland, whc has
been visiting relatives at Gales Creek,
returned home last Thuisday.
Barney Gilpin went to Portland Sat­
A petition has been circulated urday.
through the neighborhood for Elmer
Mrs. Steventon came out from Port­
Lyda as our next road supervisor.
land Sunday to visit relatives.
Mrs. Fletcher, of Forest Grove,
School meeting was held Saturday to
spent Wednesday with her daughter, vote on the tax.
B. C. Dennis was
Mrs. M L. Vincent of this place.
elected for Director.
Miss Kate Jackson, of Forest Grove,
Miss Hilary, teacher of the Wapato
who has been visiting with her friend, school, spent several days at her home
Mrs. Douglas of this place, returned in McMinnville.
home Saturday.
Mr. McAlpin is very unfortunate in
Miss Alice McCann, who has been losing horses. He has had three die
visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. since March and the fourth one is sick.
McCann of Gales Creek, returned to
Mr. Wood has purchased the George
Portland Sunday.
Deal place and will move there soon.
A d v e r t is e m e n t
C h r is t m a s
next week.
In the meantime bear in mind that we are HEADQUARTERS FOR
alm ost everything you may w an t in the Staple line for Christmas and
furthermore we have added a great variety of Fancy Things which
you should see before making your purchases.
We have Barrels o f i t and a good
ity o f i t a t a very low price.
Now as to Nuts we have an immense quantity of them and about
varieties. Among them are th e
Oregon Grown
English Walnuts
Which we secured from Prince
Dundee, Oregon
Miss Elsie Bussie, who is attending We welcome Mr. Wood and family in
school in Forest Grove, spent Thanks­ our midst.
giving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Bremmer is the best equipped
Bussie of Gales Creek.
young man in the neighborhood for
hunting ducks, having just purchased
a new $30 gun, also boat and decoys.
Mrs. M. McCoy spent last week in
Forest Grove with her daughter, Mrs.
Harvey Rogers.
Mr. Stevens is greatly improving
We are here to serve you and will be pleased to show our goods.
Clarence Rice is taking music les­ Dillev by painting his house and doing
sons of Miss Shannon of Forest Grove. lots of repariing.
Mr. Williams is home after a two
Mr. H. Hubbert went to Amity Sat­
months visit among relatives and urday.
friends in Southern Wisconsin.
C. A. Broderson spent Tuesday n
The P r o g re ssiv e S to re
Allan Rice and wife called on Mr. Portland.
Macrodt’s family Sunday.
J. Anderson went to a hospital in
Rev. J. R. Hall and wife, L. R. Portland to have a growth on his
Van Kirk wilt and baby, Mr. Bemis, throat removed.
family and Miss Sarah Livermore ate
Mat Pehl s brother arrived from
Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Denmark the last of the week.
Prof. O. M. Gardner of the Grove.
A surprise party was given at the
The families ol S. N. Short of Gales home of Mrs. H. Hubbert in honor of
Creek, Wm. Adler and Robt. McCrack­ Janet Ervin. She was 11 years old
en of the Grove, and A. Rice of this and 7 little girls helped her celebrate.
place, were Thanksgiving guests at the Those present were:
Misses Hazel
Watts ranch.
Pegg, Edna Pegg, Mary Linegar, Mag­
Mrs. A. B. Hardy and children of gie Hartry, Louise Tupper and Ethel
Lebanon, Ore., are visiting at the home Preier.
of her brother, D. B. Adams.
Guy Davis of Amitv. was visiting
L. R. Van Kirk and W. F. McCoy
are over on the Nehalem fishing this
week and Thad Stevenson and Mr. Da­
vidson ate fishing on the Wilson River
Mr. Davidson had the misfortune to
lose one of his horses while gone.
over Sunday at the home of H. Hub­
beat them. The total amount received
was $14 for which they intend to buy
books for the library and other needed
ket social Thanksgiving eve that was
very successful. The program was
well rendered by the children, who
were drilled by Miss Bessie Howara.
A Cordial Welcome at
T H E B O O K S T O R E 'S
Saturday, Dacambar 5, 1908
B ooks
in Choice Array
Post Card Albums Waterman Fountain Pen
Wood to Bum
College Penn»"ts and
Pyrography Seta
Hand Painted China
Pillow Top*
Sweet Grass Baskets
Some of these and other goods are have only in small quantity and as
we shall not again carry them in stock we are prepared to offer you
very special values to close them out and make room for our special
Books, Pictures, Stationery
Liner Column
It is all sm ooth s a ilin g w hen you plac e a L iner Ad
In this colum n. A few words he re w ill reach 5,000
readers and th e resu lts a re c e rta in . 5c lin e 1st
In se rtio n , 2M i cents each su b seq u e n t in sertion.
M inim um c h a rg e 10 cts.
The Lazott brothers and Ike Bledsoe
Mr. La Rue and family of Forest \ raffled off a large number of turkeys,
Grove, J. W. Hughes and family and geese and ducks before Thanksgiving.
R ooms to R e n t — With or without
C. A. Broderson and family took
board. Apply at Aunt Ann Smith’s
A dance was given in Hannan’s hall residence, College Way.
Thanksgiving dinner at the home of
Saturday night. The announcement
Mr. and Mrs. Sailing.
was made that a masquerade would be
FOR SALE —Shadeland
Miss Eva Kelly spent Sunday with
given there December 25.
white seed oats. Edward Naylor. 39-tf
her parents in Wapato.
Harley Pritchett of Banks, was in
Vetch Seed for Sale.
There is to be a quarterly meeting
town Tuesday distributing some very
in the M. E. church at 10 o’clock
variety. Apply to A.
beautiful calendars for the Willis Hard­
CHALMERS, Forest Grove or farm
Saturday morning.
ware and Implement Co. of Banks.
near Centerville.
Mrs. L. Dixon spent Thanksgiving
The house of Mrs. A. Wienieke of
at Forest Grove.
Green Mountain, was destroyed by fire
LIST your farms and other properties
Mr. Scott spent Thanksgiving at his | mA as she was entirely alone she
. .
suc" | for sale with T. H. Littlehales, Forest
home in McMinnville and had the mis- ceeded ¡n saving nnne of her household Grove National Bank Building. 27-tf
fortune to sprain his ankle.
goods. Friends and neighbors are ---------------------------------------------------
H. Turner and family left for their i coming to her assistance.
j FOR RENT—The building opposite
home <n Portland after spending sev-1
\ News office, recently occupied as a
eral days with his parents.
The Bazaar Pw Ple has R°t their barber shop. Edward L. Naylor. 5-tf
The school entertainment given at
the hall was a great success, and al­
though they had only a short time to
prepare for same all the numbers were
| Rev. Phelps, a well known evangelist well rendered and everybody was de­
of Pc-‘'and and Rev. Miller of Salem lighted to see what the children could
who will conduct the song service do. We think Dilley can be proud of
Miss Emma Busch visited Mrs. Pol-
O ened a series of revival meetings at | its school and teachers as there is few to lock Thanksgiving.
Jack I .arson was visiting friends in
Dilley Sunday.
' s,orefi,led ,0 overflowing with dolls.
,0yS and Xma5 KOods of every desc,iP-
tion. A more complete or better se-
lected line in that class of goods can
not be found in any other town in the
| state outside of Portland. A large,
beautiful doll valued at $15.00 will be
The Buxton Lumber Co. is running given away Xmas Eve this year as
every day now.
R. T. Simpson was a Portland visitor
Miss Alyce Cronin pleasantly enter-
Thanksgiving week.
the Fleur de Lis club at her home on
C. A. Peterson made a trip to Port- Third Ave., Wednesday evening. The
time passed delightfully and dainty
| land last Friday returning Sunday.
were served to the guests.
A. D. Cridge will organize a new
Mrs. W. D. Clark, formerly Miss
W. O. W. camp here Saturday eight.
R. S. Bullock is in a very bad cond - Mary Bailey, of Portland, is the guest
| tion as it is thought one of his limbs of relatives here this week.
| will have to be amputated.
S. B. Perkins is transacting business
in the metropolis. Work has been
■ started on his new residence.
Dr. Linklater was called Friday for
Mrs. Frank Bergholzer who was very ill
! with pneumonia but is now recovering.
Executrix Notice.
H e n o U h e t tb , | l m
that th* underlined haa b—n
nppoiated hr tba C o u n t, Court of tha State at O n to « .
C ount, ot W aahtagtoa. eaeau fn a o l tha estate of
Chart«! M. OI mated, deceased, sad all hen n as h a v n t
c l a w agamet the letd rotate see harsh , BOtitlrO la arc
arm the ro n e la roe d u l, »ended at m , reside ran , M r.
1 » * Street, la the C it, of Fore* Oeoree, O eecm , o l ía ­
la h a moat ha fro m the date hereof.
[M e d this lOlh d a , ot N ovem ber. IO0S.
The Ladies Aid Society gave a has- 1
* O S * J. OLMSTSO. F eeautrta
ru h U c a tlia . Nov rasher l i . ISM
lh -il
FOR SALE—One sorrel mart, f
years old; also good buggy and
ness.— John Wilhelmson, at City
F o r S a l e — 3 fresh young
G. Mann, one mile east of I
on Base Line road.
F or S a l e —Light team, n a £ ^ |
and light wagon. Will take buggy
hack as part payment E D.
Route 1, Box 14 Forest Grove. 2g
W a n ted — To do dresss®B
Children’s work preferred. Mrs. Sud*
Fourth Ave., near First St.
lement j
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that L J
undersigned administratrix of thee«
of R. M. Bisbee, deceased, have«
in the County Court of the stixj
Oregon, for Washington county,
final account as such administrât®«
that said Court has set Monday,
cember 7th, 1908, at 10 o’clockS^H
FOR SALE—Good 7 room house of said day as the time and the <#
close to car line $1100. T. H. Little-! court room, at Hillsboro, Oreg
hales, Forest Grove, National
the place for hearing objection«»
account and the final settle®*111
said estate.
_ M
Tetesa Bisbee. administratrix •
Let THE NEWS do your job work.
We guarantee good workmanship Estate of R . M . Bisbee. deceased.
W. N. Barrett, Attorney (Of
good stock and most reasonable prices.
We print everything.
fresh milch cows,
afro a large number of bronze turkeys.
G. W. Marsh. 2 i miles north of Cor­
nelius on Route 1.
Pac. Sts. phone
F or S ale — Pure bred Rhode Is-
lsmd Red Cockerels. Inquire of C .B
Webb, next house to Dsnie! Baker’s,
one mile west of Cornelius.
Up-to-date in ever)' respect
Prompt delivery morning and
A11 mi,k *nd CTearo
'U,ely pUre “ d ° '
R lC J1
FOR S a le —Good Kimball orgsn. 1
$50. Strawberry plants 50c per hun- Milk 5c p e r q u a rt; CTeam 1 0 c « 1
dred. James Stephenson.
22-tf j Special prices on large orders.
— ----- ------------------------ ed in bottles the only
MONEY T o L o a n — L ow interest. Yours for business in the dairy
Dr. M. H. Parker, Greenville, Ore- 1