REBELS DELAY BATTLE j DOINGS IN OREGON Hayti Situation Appear* Dismal for Government Forces. Port au Prince, Dec. 2.— The ex­ pected battle between the revolution­ ists and the troops o f the govern­ ment, which are entrenched a few miles outside the city Is likely to be deferred for several days. U Is believed that the altuatlon, so far as the government Is concerned, 1 b lost. Louis Borno, Minister of State, has handed In his resignation and taken refuge In the Oerman le­ gation. and there now remain In o f­ fice only three of the high govern­ mental officers. All of the other Ministers have resigned with the ex­ ception of Oeneral Celestln Cyrlaque, who, after his recent defeat by the Insurgents, Is believed to have found acvlum In one of the foreign con­ sulates. FEW HOPS ARE USED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF DEEIt Washington, D. C., Nov. 30.— The House committee on ways and means, which is to frame the tariff bll at the special session of Congress, will evidently have to be convinced that the hopgrowers of America are really In need of greater protection than they receive under the Dingley law, before they will grant the de­ mand for Increased duty, made at the recent hearing by Herman Kla- ber o f Portland, and E. C. Horst of San Francisco. These two gentle­ men were th* sole representatives of hopgrowers to appear before the committee and were given but scant opportunity to present their argu­ ments, but the committee plainly showed that It was more Impressed by the fact that large quantities of American hopB are being annually exported, than they were by state­ ments of the serious condition of the hop Industry, due to heavy Impor­ tations from Europe. Interestiug Items Gathered From All Parts of the State. ************************** Settler Wins Hi* Case. Portland— An Important decision has been rendered at Washington, D. C., by S. V'. Proudflt, Acting Commis­ sioner of the General Laud Office, respecting the rights of settlers who have squatted on unsurveyed timber land which is sought to be acquired by other Interests subsequently by the application of scrip thereon The case decided is that of Robert M. Wonderly against the Northern Pa­ cific Company and the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company. Early in 1900 Wonderly and sev­ eral other residents of Falls City each squatted on a quarter section of unsurveyed timber land just out­ side of the SUetz Indian Reserva­ tion and made the necessary im­ provements, Intending to file on the land as a homestead as soon as the survey could be had and approved. A few months after the settlers lo­ cated on the land the same claim : were selected by the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company with Northern Pa­ cific scrip. The settlers made re­ peated efforts to have the land sur­ veyed, but this service was not per­ formed until 1904 and has never been approved. Wonderly and his associates In­ stituted contest proceedings against the railroad company and the Wey- erhaeuser Interests. The P oi^.nd Land Office officials decided In favor of the railroad company, but Won­ derly appealed to the General Land Office and In the decision of the Acting Commissioner the ruling of the local officials has been reversed. E PETERSON & SON The House That is Satisfied Only When You Are A m erican Fence We have just received Now is the time to build fences. W e carry the Ameri­ can fences in all styles and heights. W e have a large Another large ship­ stock on hand at all times, and can make you a better ment of price than you can get on so-called “ just as good” Universal heaters and ranges. fences. W e would like to figure with you on any fence This is the third you intend building. shipment we have money. We know we can save you received this winter. They are going like hot cakes. If you stove of any kind, Gasolene Engines come and see W e are agents for the Fairbanks-Morse, Gilson and are going to need a us. W e carry the larg­ Monitor Gas engines. est assortment west a pumping plant, let us figure with you. If you are figuring on putting in of Portland. W e New Feature to Contest. Salem— The contest over the pres­ can give you more idency of the State Senate Is of par­ ticular Interest at the coming ses­ for your money, be­ sion of the legislature because, In case of the election of Governor cause we buy right. Chamberlain to the United States Q u a ra n tin e E xten d ed . Winnipeg, Nov. 30.— The Cana­ Senate, the president of the Senate dian Pacific railroad today refused would be second In succession to the to carry American cattle through Governorship. The fact that Secre­ Canada for export. No United States tary Benson has been 111 several vessel with cattle aboard Is now al­ times during his two years of ser­ vice and that there have been ru­ NOTICE! lowed to touch at Canadian ports. mors of his resignation, makes the presidency of the Senate still more Important. W e pay Spot Cash fo r The constitution provides that In United States Commissioner Sil­ case of vacancy in the office o f Gov­ o u r Goods and g iv e verman, at Kadiak, Alaska, Is to be ernor, the office shall devolve upon removed by Judge Reid for miscon­ the Secretary of State. The Supreme duct. yo u the B e n e fit of Court has held that under such con­ Frank H. Hitchcock has been o f­ tingency the Secretary becomes Gov­ fered and has accepted the position ernor in fact and that he continues th e Cash Discount. of Postmaster-General In the Taft In office as Governor even though hts * Cabinet that Is to be. term as Secretary may terminate.. ACTIVE UNIVERSAL Two Japanese steamships collided It Is therefore apparent that If off the port of Chefoo, China, Mon­ Governor Chamberlain should bo- day. It la reported 700 lives were come Senator, Secretary Benson lost. would become Governor. He could Asiatic cholera has broken out then resign as Secretary and appoint afresh in St. Petersburg. In 24 hours his successor lu that position. there were 72 new cases, mostly In well-to-do families. Educator* to Meet In Portland. The Brotherhood o f Locomotive Corvallis— Portland will be the Engineers have completed plans for meeting place next Summer o f one a Brotherhood headquarters build­ of the greatest assemblies of Ameri­ ing In Cleveland, O. It will be a 12- can educators and scientific men •tory structure and cost 91 , 000 , 000 . ever held In this state. The occa­ INorth Main S tre e t William Montgomery, former sion will be the meeting of the Asso­ cashier of the wrecked Allegheny ciation of American Experiment Sta­ National Bank, of Pittsburg, was tions and Agricultural Colleges, the sentenced to serve 15 years la the convention of thre Association of penitentiary. State University Presidents and the More than 100 men were killed convention of Farmers' Institutes. Salt for Utah College. Mr. and Mrs. R. Nixon went to 0REG0N ELECTRIC COMING ASKS US TO PRINT. by an explosion In the Marianna Through the personal efforts of Salt Lake City, Nov. 30— The Portland today. mines of the Plttsburg-Buffalo Coal President W. J. Kerr, of the Oregon Utah Supreme Court has handed Company Saturday, which entombed Agricultural College, the conven­ Tracklaying to be Finished this Week. — See the new art line of clocks at down a decision which gives the Tells How to Prepare a Simple Mix­ a large number of miners. tions of these three great associa­ Post Holes are Dug. j State University 60 square miles of Venen’ s. The bunting season In the United tions will uieet in Portland In July, ture to Overcome Disease. saline lands located In Toole county, States, which, for deer, closed Mon­ 1909. These meetings will bring to Steady progress is being made on Mrs. Frank Allen has returned from near the Nevada line. This decision T o relieve the worst forms of Rheu­ day, has been much leas deadly than Portland the presidents of all land Is based on the university clause matism, take a teaspoonful of the fol­ thoae of previous years. Only 60 grant colleges, the directors of all the construction o( the Oregon Elec­ a visit with friends in Tillamook. of the Utah enabling act. and gives persons were accidentally killed this experiment stations In the United tric’ s line into Forest Grove. A crew Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Ryals of Scog the University of Utah a permanent lowing mixture after each meal and at year, against 72 In 1907 and 74 In States, Canada and Mexico, repre­ of twenty-five has been at work during gins Valley, are moving to the Grove endowment fund of approximately bedtime: 190«. sentatives of the Department of Ag­ $7,000,000. The weight of pure salt In his annual report for the fiscal riculture. the presidents of all the the week and holes have been dug for today. Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half In the districts embraced in this de­ year ended June 20 , 1908 , Postmas­ State Universities, besides many the trolley poles to the end of the ter-/ ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; W. H. Greer and family of Calloway- cision Is estimated to be 1,280,000 ter-General Mayer gives the total re­ other men of note In the scientific minai of the line in this city. ceipts for the year as 6191 , 478 , 601 . world. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three N eb., who were called here on account pounds to the square mile. The good wgather has assisted the and expendltnres of $ 208 , 351 , 886 , ounces. ol the death of Mrs. W . H . Greer, Major Larrabee Resigns. thereby showing a deficit of $ 16 .- company in making progress with the Flaw Found in Notices. These harmless ingredients can be started home today. 873.*>*». th* largest In the history Washington. D. C., Nov. 30— Major Canyon City— A copy o f the State construction work. Sunday evening o f th* department Supreme Court decision reversing At the Christian church next Sunday I Charles F. Larrabee, Assistant Com- obtained from our home druggists, and | missloner of Indian Affairs, has re- •SCSI P A l VAlil I 8 FOR the district court of the Seventh Ju­ rails had been laid as far as the Kling­ evening, Decem ber 6, the C. W. B. M. j signed, to take today. Major Larra- are easily mixed by shaking them well LAND UNDER STONE ACT dicial District In the Grant County er place, situated J of a mile east of local option case, has been received Cornelius, and it is understood that the of the church will present the following 1 bee denied reports that there was in a bottle. Relief is generally felt ; friction between Secretary of the from the first few doses. Washlngton, D. C., Doc. 1. Be­ hero. This decision opens the way program: Hymn, Scripture Reading, j Interior Garfield and himself, and ginning today, unreserved public for retail liquor dealers In Grant construction train ran short of ties and This prescription forces the clogged- Prayer; Quartette, Misses Newman, j ’ aid his resignation was due to ill- timber lands entered under the tim­ county to resume the business of ) had to go to Salem for a supply. health. up, inactive kidneys to filter and strain Aldrich, Newman, Jackson; Paper, ber and stone act must be paid for selling liquor, notwithstanding the The company says it is their inten­ at Its appraised value aud will no majority of 2 2 In favor of local op- i from the blood the poisonous waste Mrs. Baine. Music. Solo, Wanda Woman Cause of Murder. tion to have all the track laid to this longer b* sold for a fiat rate o f $2. 50 tlon In the June election. matter and uric acid, which causes Rawhide, Nev., Nov. 30.— W. B. |t«r acre. Secretary Garfield today The liquor dealers contended the place this week when the trolly will be Todd; Address, Rev. C. A. Sias; Quar­ Witter, who Is said to be the son of Rheumatism. promulgated a regulation to this ef­ election was Invalid for the reason | tette; Closing Remarks, Mrs. Todd; a normal school professor In Belling­ fect, basing it upon the language of that five copies of the notice of elec- ! strung and ballasting begun. The Hymn. As Rheumatism is not only the most ham, Wash., was shot and almost the law, which says that timber land tlon were not posted In each precinct i company is limited to the 31st of this painful and torturous disease, but dan­ Instantly killed about 1 o ’clock Sun­ ahall be aold "fo r minimum price of 12 days prior to the election. The month to have the line to this place The grand jury brought in an indict­ day morning. Garfield holds that Supreme Court uphtffils this conten- gerous to life, this simple recipe will $3.50 per acre. com pleted, and from the present indi- j ment of murder against Quong Lee, A. R. Friday, formerly of Cripple If $2.60 la tha minimum price, a i tion. no doubt be greatly valued by many greater amount can legally be cations they can easily accomplish this. the Chinaman who last May shot Clyde Creek and Denver, Is being searched for by the sheriff In connection with | sufferers here at hom e, who should at Brown Banquets Widows. charged for valuable timber lands. Wilson. Saturday sheriff George Han­ the shooting, upon statements made Dallas W. C. Brown, Rffectlon- Under the new regulation a per­ [ once prepare the mixture to get this New Furniture House. cock came up to this city from Hills­ by friends of Witter that he killed I ately spoken of by nearly all who son desiring to make a timber j relief. | the latter. know him as "Uncle Bill,'* celebrat­ Monday a deal was consummated by f boro and look the celestial into custo­ entry must file his application, ac­ Witter at the time of the shoot- It is said that a person who would companying It by an affidavit stat­ ed his 8 4th birthday Monday by giv­ the Hoyt Furniture Co. and Chas. 1 dy, placing him in the county jail, i lng. was In the company of a woman ing fhat he has been personally upon ing a banquet at the Dallas Hotel to take this prescription regularly, a do« to whom Friday Is said to have been M e m and Robert Wirtz of this place, where he will remain until his trial, the land and must submit his own all widows and widowers In Dallas. or two daily, or even a few timet» estimate aa to the amount of timber In extending the Invttattons to the when the Hoyt furniture store was pur- ( which will be sometime during the attentive. week, would never have serious Kid" and ita value and value of land when widowers Mr. Brown went beyond chased by the latter. The boys are I present term of the circuit court. Washington's Official Vote. cleared. These filings will give him his usual custom, as on hts annual ney or Urinary disorders or Rheum*" birthday celebration heretofore he both well known here where they have j S preference right to the land. Seattle, Dec. 3— Secretary o f State tism. has invited only the widows. About Within nine months the Govern­ had tneir residence for a number ol — G o to Miss Kirkwood's for toilet Nichols makes the following official ment will undertake to make Its own 60 guests were present, the widows 1 return of the vote for President at Cut this out and preserve it. Good years. They will make some improve­ articles. 20tf outnumbering the widowers nearly appraisal and, when this Is done, the the recent election: Presidential Rheumatism prescriptions which reslljf ments on the interior of the store and applicant can have the land at the three to one. — W e’ ll buy your wool and mohair. ! elector*. Republican, 106,062; Dem­ relieve are scarce, indeed, and when Government's price, but his prefer­ ocrats, 58,383; Socialist, 14,177; In- promise to give Forest Grove a second Bring it in. Bailey. Hank Building Sold. ence right will be forfeited It he dependenc*, 248; Prohibition, 4700. you need it, you want it badly. La Grande— The United States large and up to date furniture estab­ falls to make payment within 30 — The top price at Bailey's for you. — Try Schultz’ s ground bone for daya after the Interior De:>artmet.t National Bank Corporation, which la lishment. W ool and Mohair. — We always pay the highest pic* to take over the defunct Farmers A completes Ita appraisal. Whenever your hens. It will make them lay. for wool and mohair. Bailey- the Government falls to eompJete ap­ Traders National Dank, Monday — We have carving sets made by F or S a l e — Bull calf; registered Goff Bros, have just received a car- praisal within nine months, the ap­ closed the purchase o f the structure, two of the best firms in the business, — M. Turner of Banks has a full Holstein. Price 120. Ed Goff. Route loaJ of lath and a carload of cem ent. plicant can secure the land by mak­ where the suspended Institution was the Putnam Co , and Landers, Frav St of Rubber Aquepelle and wet weathff ing payment et his own apprnlsed housed, for $26,000. The deal has 1, Forest Grove, Ore. 22-t2 Let them supply you. from razor steel. goods. IM f valuation. Where the Government's beet pending for several weeks. The Clark. Made Venen’ s. new bank will hold Its stockholders' Watches, clocks, silverware. Jew­ appraisal le considered too high, th* Hoffman St Allen Co. are again — New s' jck of latest Ladies’ Ho** land can be reappraised at th* ex- j meeting December 10 to fleet oO- — M oney to krn on farm security. elry etc. Come and see os. headquarters foe Christmas candies, Journal dress patterns tt Bailey’ s tig pens* of the applicant. ^ W. H . H ollis. Forest Grove ‘ Venen’ s. not* and goodies of all ki nds. Store- M. Peterson & Son J