W ashington SJ VOL. VI BOY ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. county FOREST GROVE, WASHINGTON CO., ORE., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19, 1908. HORTICULTURISTS TO NO. 20 MEET. pears. One Morris chair donated by orange blossoms Her onlv attendant DR. PEARSONS MAY COME WHAT GOOD ROADS MEAN. was Miss Anna Johnson, while Mr. ------------ ------------ In Bed When Gun Goes Off— Shot Annual Meeting in Portland December Gordon Brown, brother of the groom, Chicago Philanthropist who Has Made Enormous Annual Loss to Farmers in in Ankle. First— List of Premiums. acted as best man. Generous Gifts to P. U. to Be Here. Localities of Bad Roads. A singular accident occurred in this The Oregon State Horticultural So­ After the ceremony, as the bride as- President Wm. N Ferrin, of the uni- There are 2,151,570 miles of public city Wednesday morning when Oren, ciety and the Northwest Fruit Growers’ cended the stairs,she threw her bouquet versity, was in attendance at the Edu- roads in the United States. Of tb * the 11-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Association will hold their annual in the midst of a bevv of young girls cational Congress which was ¡ d session mileage statistics for the year 19(4 Nelson B. LaCourse, shot himself in meeting in Portland, December 1 to S, beneath. It was caught bv Miss Jen- at Walla Walla early in the week in the show that about 7 per cent, are in - the ankle while lying in bed. inclusive. The rules of the Northwest me Tilbury, who knows better than interests of Whitman College. Pres­ proved. During the crop year 1905- As near as can be learned the lad Fruit Growers’ Association prohibit ,t any one what that portends. ident Penrose intends to make Whit- 06, 82,487,000,000 pounds of farm purchased the weapon from a mail­ from giving premiums of value at ex­ Both the bride and groom formerly man— the Yale of the West. To bring products were hauled over common order house some time ago but his hibitions held under its direction. The attended Pacific University but for the about the realization of this conception roads from farms to shipping points. father intercepted the gun and took it following list of premiums and rules ap­ past year Mrs. Brown has been book- there is a mightv task for the head of No figures are included for forest or ji to the store for safe keeping, but Oren ply therefore to the fruit show of the keeper in Hoffman & Allen’s store, I that institution. According to the mine products, or for the general com­ r* discovered it again and had evidently Oregon State Horticultural Society, while the groom for many years has f present plans, buildings and new equip- modities of life that go from city to placed it under his pillow. but unless special permission to re­ been in Goff Bros, hardware store. j ment are to be secured at an estima country. It is evident that the slight­ Oren sleeps alone and about 6 move is obtained, all fruit entered for The young couple left yesterday af- j ted cost of $3,000,000. Several build est saving in cost of hauling per ton o’clock his mother heard a shot but competition in the State Society show temoon for a short trip and on their re- ings are to be built immediately, would assume striking proportions before she rt ached his room he was will be held for exhibition until the turn will commence housekeeping in 1 It is expected tha. President Ferrin when considered for the entire countty. down stairs and declared that someone close of the meeting of the Northwest their newly furnished home. ( will return accompanied by Dr. D. K. Figures show that these great crops i had raised the window and shot him in Fruit Growers’ Association. This will Mr. and Mrs. Brown were the recip-! Pearsons, of Chicago, the triend of the traveled in wagons over the countiy I the foot. Mr. LaCourse made an in be the greatest horticultural event in ients of many beautiful presents, small college and philanthropist, who roads 208,432,644 miles, merely in vestigation of the room and found the tiie history of the state, and no fruit­ among which was a fine steel range | in years past has been a generous giver being transported from the farm to tl e : bedding smoking and about to burst growing district in the state can afford from Goff Bros. The best wishes ol to Pacific University, having contrib- railroad shipping point. Investigatioi s their many friends attend them in their uted more than $55,000. He has also have established the fact that the avei- iuto flames and the gun in the comer to neglect the opportunity. Please life’s journey. made gifts to Beloit College, Wiscon­ age cost of hauling per ton per mile is of the room. read the rules carefully and make no sin; Pomona College, California; and about 25 cents; on stone roads, dry Dr. Wendt was called and made an delay in getting ready. The value of May Mtikle at Marsh Hall. Whitman at Walla Walla. Dr. Pear­ and in *pod order, about 8 cents; cn X-ray examination, but the bullet was the prizes to be awarded approximate No such trio of artists has been sons comes to see his “ investment” in stone roads in ordinary condition, 12 found in the bed. The boy is getting $600 heard on the concert stage since the Pacific university and in Forest Grove. cents; on earth roads containing ruts along nicely and will fully recover. THE FOLLOWING PREMIUMS WILL BE Kreisler-Gerardy-Hoffman combination. Mrs. Ferrin accompanied Professor and mud, 39 cents; on sandy roai s AWARDED: BANKS INFORMATION FOR EXHIBITORS. Of the distinguished violinist herself, Femn on his trip to Walla Walla. when wet, 33 cents; on sandy roads No. 1— For best five boxes of ap All apples and pears must be who gives her name to this trio, every The rains the forepart of the week pies, not less than three varieties. when dry, 64 cents. DILLEY. possible praise has been given—we all have made the roads muddy again, Cash donated by Hazelwood Cream wrapped except top layer. A reduction in the cost of haulirg know “Our M.iud Powell.” That she Wm. Linegar made a business trip from 25 cents to 12 cents would mean All apples must be exhibited in box­ though they were in better condition Co., $50. will repeat her former triumphs this to Portland Saturday. than at any time previous this year. an average saving of over $250,000,- No. 2— For best five boxes of Spitz- es of one of the following dimensions, season goes without saying. Mme. inside measurements: 9 jx llx 2 0 in­ Mrs. Fisk made a business tnp to 000 The diphtheria patients heie are all zenberg apples. Cup donated by ches. or 104x11^x18 inches, or Powell is worthy of her reputation of Forest Grove Monday. The figures quoted show that the recovering from their recent sieges of Portland Hotel, value $50. having “ the highest average of per­ 10x11x20 inches. American people are paying about $1,- illness. Mr. and Mrs. Broderson went to No. 3— For best five boxes of Yel­ fection in her public performances of Portland again last week. No fruit can be entered for more 000,000 a day as a penalty for their re­ Chas. Kessler of this place, has been low Newtown apples. Cup donated by any living violinist.” She is not a than one premium. fusal or failure to get into the good Chemical Co. through appointed by the civil service commis­ Merrimac Mrs. L. H. Dixon made a business woman who fiddles, but a fiddler who The judges will allow, in judging road movement. The $250,000,000 Clarke-Woodward Drug Co., value sion as rural carrier on Route No. 2. trip to Forest Grove Friday. is a woman. Anne Ford, a newcomer apples and pears, 3 3 j points lor color referred to becomes more significal t $50. He will succeed Frank Herb and be­ Merle Maury visited friends in North to this country, has the rare gift of dis­ when it is remembered that it is a loss No. 4— For best six boxes apples, and form, 33 J for pack and uniformity, gan his duties November 16. Yamhill Saturday and Sunday. and 33j for freedom from blemishes. cretion and sympathy as an ensemble which comes direct from the pockets Everybody out here is about done not less than four varieties. Sterling Miss Blanche Challacombe is visit­ of the farmers. The railroads do not player and accompanist that appears on No grower shall make more than one farming as the weather has been fine. silver, gold lined cup, bearing engrav­ the musical horizon once in a gener­ ing her sister, Mrs. J. W. Hughes. pay any particular attention to the con­ ing of an apple, donated by Pacific entry for the same premium. Charles Kessler is using one of his ation. She comes fresh from a bril­ Lizzie Briggs and Jessie Stephens dition of the county roads. They tal e No names will be allowed on com- Paper Co., value $40. father's horses on his new mail route liant London season, where she played were Forest Grove visitors Saturday. the wheat, corn and other farm pn - No. 5— For best five boxes apples petrtive exhibits until after the judging until he finds one suitable for the work for the world’s greatest artists May Mrs. McNamer, Mrs. Freund and All exhibits of fruit must be made ducts at the railway station and tie grown In Willamette Valley. Mer­ The Banks band will not give any Josephine were Forest Grove visitors producer gets the value, or mark t chandise, donated by Portland Seed ' by the growers thereof. more dances, for a while at least, be­ Friday, All fruit winning a premium will be price, of the shipment. If the farir'.it Co., value $25. cause of the cases of crntagious dis­ the property of the donor of the Mrs. Wm. Burchell of Portland, is of the nation are paying $1,000,000 a No. 6—For best three boxes of; eases which have occurred in the visiting her mother, Mrs. Geo. Buck­ day more than they should in the cost Baldwin apples. Cup donated by Bet- I premium. neighborhood. No fruit shall be removed from ex­ of carrying their products to the ship­ ing! am of this place. ter Fruit Publishing Co., value $25. hibition hall without written permit No 7— For best box of Spitzenberg ' Mr. J. Anderson arrived last week ping point, it requires no expert to Fred Wilson has been sick with tor- apples, 96s or larger. Cup donated from secretary of society. from Alliance, Neb., and will make his show that if they had good roads ,hty All boxes entered for a given pre­ silitis. would be receiving $1,000,000 a diy by Butterfield Bros., value $20. home on his place near Dilley. mium shall be placed in same group. more for their products than they are Parker Bros., (hop m en,) are build­ No. 8— For best three boxes of j The Ladies Aid Society met at Mrs. Intending competitors are requested now receiving, or about $3 a year (cr ing a residence. Northern Spy apples. Cup donated by Pollock’s last Wednesday and had a to notify W. E. Williamson, care Port­ every man, woman and child in the Mr. and Nrs. Chapman and family J K. Gill Co., value $20. fine dinner and all spent a nice day. land Hotel, at earliest possible mo nation. Every cent saved in the cist No 9— For best box of Spitzenberg and Lucy Jacobs were guests at Mrs. Wm. Wilkes took his little daughter of transportation is a cent added to tie ment, of number of boxes and varieties apples smaller than 96s. Cup donated E. J. Ayers Sunday. Fay down to the doctor Saturday. Fay price the farmer receives for his pro­ they intend to exhibit. « Wm. Crowther has keen staying in by Lipman. Wolfe & Co , value $20 has been having severe trouble with ducts. The addition of $450,000,000 In making entries, growers should No. 10— For best box of Yellow | forest Grove with his mother who is her eyes lately. quote the number of premium entered a year to the income of the American Njwtown apples, 88s or larger. Cup very sick. Report of the 4th 5th and 6th grades farmers would mean a great strength­ for, as shown in above premium list. Our sdhool has been closed for three donated by A. & C. Feldenheimer, All fruit must be in place in exhi­ Mukle, the ’cellist, came to America show: The following pupils were nei­ ening of the purchasing power of the weeks so as to prevent, if possible, the value $20. bition hall by 6 p. m, Monday, only last January on the invitation of ther absent nor tardy during the month agricultural class and a marked increase No. 11— For best three boxes of spread of smallpox in the neighcorhood November 30. Hall will be open to Mme. Powell and created a veritable beginning Oct. 5th and ending Oct. of agricultural assets. In addition to Ben Davis and Baldwin apples grown The two persons who were sick with exhibitors after 9 a. m. of that day, but sensation wherever she played. This 30; Grant Alexander, Andrew Broder­ this direct gain, the good road adds a the disease several wweks ago have re iu the Willamette Valley. Cup do­ will not open to general public until 2 will be heard in recital at Marsh Hall, son, Elmer Davis, Mariene Feour, Ha­ value to every sere of farm land in the nated by Mason, Ehrman & Co., value covered and up to date there has been p. m. Tuesday, December 1. unless Tuesday, Nov. 24, and one of the zel Groves, Harley Groves, Clarence nation, a growth in value that would no new cases so the school board think • 20 . the judging shall be completed before most delightful treats music lovers have Hardebeck, Harold Hiatt, Janette Ir- much more than cover the cost of es- No. 12— For best box of Arkansas ► is safe to open school again soon. vin, Donald Lamb, Mary Linegar, Har- ^ tablishing and maintaining good roads, that hour. ever had awaits them. Black apples. Cup donated by Meier old Pegg, Hazel Pegg, Esther Peter- ’ No farmer can lose on any investment Address all communications to 1. Tartini—The Devil’s Trio— & Frank Co., value $20. Wedding Bells Ring sen, Carl Rodolf, Lelah Stuart, Freda he may make in improving the high- w E. W il l ia m s o n , Sonate. No. 13—For best box of Yellow Stuau, Robert De Schazer, Lois Tup- ways. At the Adams home in Hillsboro, Newtown apples smaller than 88s but i Chairman Exhibits Committee, care The tradition is, that Tartini had a per, Ray Scheese. Carrie E. Fitch, i “T Wm. T. Phillips and Miss Lillie W. not smaller than 128s. One Hardie Portland Hotel, Portland, Oregon. vivid dream in which His Satanic I this week in the absence of Miss Grew. Amatcher were united in marriage at barrel sprayer or other merchandise Majesty appeared with violin in hand Teacher. Brown-Hamilton. Report of 1st. 2nd and 3rd grade of Several of the boys were excused ->'e noon hour, Sunday, Nov. 8, by donated by the Hardie Mfg. Co., value and played an enormously difficult Cupid has been at his pranks again. composition in which innumerable the Dilley school shows: No. days l**1 Friday at 2:30 p m. to attend the fcev. Arthur F. Folsom of Forest Grove, $25. He has fired anotner shaft, and his ai- trills occurred. The lingers of the ap presence, 719; absence, 10; times tar- football game at the University. in the presence of a few guests and No. 14— For best box of Baldwin row landed in -the hearts of two of For­ Darnion were so long and trilled so be : dy, 0; No. of pupils neither absent nor The lower grades were dismissed intimate friends. apples. One Acme harrow or one The wedding was a quiet one and spray pump donated by Mitchell, est Grov#s most popular young people wilderingly through such a maze of tardy, 27} those on “ Roll of Honor," last Wednesday at 2 p. m. that the Edna Hamilton and Clifford Brown. difficulties that Tartini awoke in a James Groves, Mae Fisk, Clara Martin, teacher might attend the funeral of •her the ceremony the young^people j ^ $JS Their rather lengthy, interesting court- state of bewildered astonishment. As Wi.lie Vannoy, Roland Alexander, I Mrs. Greer, left on an honeymoon trip to Portland No. 15—For best box Northern Spy ship, Wednesday resulted in their mar- s00n as tnln(j cleared he arose and Henry Peterson. Ernest Wolf, Hiram The public school, of Forest Grove •nd other points. They have returned apples. One goldenwood rocking riage at the home of the bride s par- wjth feverish haste wrote down note for Verrmlyea, tierald Pryor. Edna Pegg, and Hillsboro will meet in a game of to make their home on the farm near chair donated by Tull & Gibbs, value ents. It was a most beautiful wed­ note, all that he had heard, so deep an John Simpson, Everett Russel, Fav football on the P. U grounds ne»t ^the county seat. • IS. ding! The parlors were daintily decor­ No. 16— For best box of Ortley ap­ ated with Oregon grape, maiden hair impression had the music made upon Martin, Wava Gillespie, Wilbur Lamb, Saturday afternoon, Falling Tree Kills Horse. Ralph Hiatt, Paul Heisler, Olivetti The advanced class in the mannal ples. Cup donated by Blake, McFall fern, many beautiful plants and cut him. Word reached here Tuesday that 2. Locatelli Adagio e Minuetto ‘«mpson, Edith Hardebeck, Opal Stew traioinig department is making a bonk- St Co., value $15. flowers. Slowly to the sweet familiar ( Variations). IS idi O. Hoguen, a Sherwood rural art, Ella Martin, Fred Stevens. Gordon cl,e (or the achool. It promises to be No. 17— For best box of Red Cheek mail carrier, while passing through a apples. Cup donated by Russellville strains of Lohengrin’s wedding march, 3. Arensky (from trio) Scherzo, Simpson, Thelma Pegg, Helen Rodolf, a nice piece of work and the hoys nre played by Miss Jennie Tilbury of Me- Roroance Frankie Broderson and Roy Pryor. enjoying it. *P of timber on the Malloy farm, four Nursery Co., value $15. Minnville, the bridal party entered and 4. Schubert, Sauret — Serenade, Mrs. Dixon, Teacher. miles east of Sherwood, a large tree i . No. 18— For best box of Winter were met. Den '*tb a huge arch of Ore­ The teachers of the public schools Fartalla. —-------------------- J^uch some Japanese were falling on , pple. robe d o tte d of Forest Grove had a meeting at the gon grape «nd < lover’s knot of white 5. Schuett, Davidoff — Elegie, Am PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES. nght-of-way of the Oregon Electric ^ Stadeb, k„ B m ^ , , lue , 1S. schoolhouse Monday evening at 7:30 satin, by R»v. H. L. Bates, who per­ Spnngbrunnen. *«hoad suddenly fell without warning N q lp_ PoT ^ ^ Winter Nell$ Six new pupils this week. ; for the purpose of studying clastica, formed thr —remonv, using the beau­ 6. Wiemawski—Russian Aiis. 1CIM' the r0Bd’ klllin« hi* h jn e “ d pears. Cup donated by David M. tiful ring se ce. Several pupils are absent this week i The first lesson was "T he Vision on i of ¿hr 7. Schuett—Two Waltzes (Fairy ‘mashing hit mail aragon. Mr. Ho- Dunne Co., value $15. on account of illness. I Launfal.” The evening was well spent The bru; beautiful blonde, and r3en saved his life by jumping out of No. 20— For best box Comice pears. TilC,) ________________ _ ! Law week m a fee drill the school l todiiCUM^ 0 , ‘h« Prelude. Ckb- of the rig over the seat in the rear, sus- Cup donated by Schmidt Lithograph Foiest Grove’s, nest loved little ladv, er persons who care to read some of —You trill find a full line of The house was emptied in 47 seconds. was attractive in a beautiful dress of the classics are cordiallay invited to mining but slight injuries about the Co., value $15. silk mull and the customary veil and , Choicest Groceries at M . Mrs. Fuqua is teaching in grade 2 join the elms. ‘mm from the li mbs of the tree. | No. 21— For best box D’Anjou William Gadsby & Sons, value $15. No. 22— For best box Ben Davis apples. Cup donated by J. B. Pilk- ington, value $10. No. 23—For best display of dried fruits in quart glass jars, not less than three kinds of fruit. Cup donated by J. J. Butzer, value $10. No. 24— For best display Oregon- grown unbleached English (Persian) walnuts, not less than 10 pounds. Cup donated by Oregon Nursery Co , value $25. No. 25— For best ten glass jars of canned fruit, to include at least four kinds of fruit, open only to the wives or daughters of growers. One Fair­ banks No. 6 Weigh platiorm and scoop scale donated by Fairbanks, Morse & Co., value $15. No 26—For best two quart glass jar of dried Italian unprocessed prunes. Cup donated by Oregon Agriculturist, value $10. No. 27— For best box Jonathan ap pies. Cup donated by Chas. H. Lil- ley Co., value $10. Each prize winner will receive two one-quart cans of Avenarius Carbolin- eum donated by Fisher, Thorsen Co. . j Ì