Th* FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Forests Grove, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller, great! Charming friends of W. H. Greer and family, I remembrances came from Moscow, Idaho, to be with friends Mrs. Greer at the close of her life. ^ Christmas may They left this morning for Portland,. . . had by giving where they will stay a few days before an order for going home. to at be us HAVE YOU SE E N IT? PHOTOGRAPHS CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 The Oldest National Bank in Washington County THE Cl T V pitals and sanatoriums in the East, is now prepared to give the best 'torre treatment for tuberculosis. Office in Jubilee Singers Tuesday night. the Templeton Block, Forest Grove, The Jubilee Singers are guaranteed Oregon. 18 tf ‘rat class. An open meeting of the Woman’s Mrs. J. Wirtz spent Saturday in Club will be held at the Congrega­ Portland. tional church parlors next Monday Harry Giltner, of Portland, visited evening at 8 p. m. A program of mu­ here over Sunday. sic will be rendered. Carl Hinman was in Portland several The Ladies Working Society of the days of last week. Congregational Church met with Mrs. * Mrs. J. A Wirtz spent the day in Chas. Roe Wednesday afternoon. R t- Portland, Saturday. freshments were served and a very Stephen Morgan was in Portland pleasant afternoon was spent. Monday on business. —You will find a full line of The Choicest Groceries at M. Turners. W. B. Haines, of the Forest Grove ■Rational bank, was in Portland Sunday The Ladies Aid Society of the Christian church will have a sale of pie s and cakes and other eatables at La Course’s store on Saturday, Nov. 14. The patronage of the public is solicited. John R. Stevenson, of Portland, spent Sunday with his parents in the 1 ^he P i c t u r e s Watt district. Mr. Stevenson who at themselves will one time was political editor of the make most ac­ gifts. Portland Evening Telegram, is now ceptable Prettily yet inex­ associated with Johm F. Logan in the pensively framed, practice of the law. they will be de­ Miss Minnie Martin has resigned lightful. But it from her position as central for the In­ takes time to make dependent Telephone Co., where she good photographs. has been employed for three years past. The earlier you She remains in the office as bookkeep come and sit the er. Miss Jennie Jackson will take better it will be. Miss Martin’s place as central. Come today. Prosperity has been rife in all parts of Bryant’s Oregon, and all the election had to do Studio with it one way or the other was to give some men an excuse to wait. Now that even that is useless people Portland papers, purchased a consider­ are closing great contracts, and build­ able amount of stock in the Abstract ing activity will be more marked than Title Insurance, Loan and Trust Com­ at any time in the history of the state. pany and is to take an active manage­ ment of the affairs of the new corpora­ Crowds are meeting the farming tion He will continue at the head of demonstration train at every station. t ie bank which he originally formed Through the co-operation of the Ore­ ! Mr Adams before his removal to Van­ gon Agricultural College and railroad couver conducted the Cornelius ban' . interests which have made this possi­ That the public schools of this city ble, lots of good is being done towards advancing and new and the encouragement of diversified and are more work is being done than evrr intelligent farming. before, is evidenced by the figures of Rollie W. Watson, formerly editor expenditures for the past three years of the Tillamook Herald, automobilist, which are herewith given: For the booster and general “ good fellow,” is ye»r closing June, 1906 the total dis­ now engaged in the real estate busi­ ness in Tillamook City. During the bursements were $5,255.87; of this sum, S3 915 was spent for teaching. summer he ran an automobile stage For the year closing June, 1907, total between McMinnville and Tillamook, disbursements $6,554.23, lor teaching, making the journey in one day. $4.410. For the year closing June. Two of the greatest displays of ap­ | 1908, total disbursements, $7,302.40; ples ever made in the Pacific North­ for teaching $5,593.24. The balance west are attractions for early in Decem­ on hand June 15, 1908, $4,241.26. ber. One will commence at Portland The Woman’s Christian Temperance December 1st and continue for three days, when Spokane will take the cen­ Union held an interesting and profita­ ter of the stage in this same character ble meeting at the home of Mrs. L. L. of entertainment from December 7th to Hollinger last Friday afternoon. A re­ port of the state convention, which was 12th. 1 held in Portland in October, was given John F. Lee who lives seven miles bv Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. S. G. Morgan. from Banks on Route 2, was in Fo-est M s. Abiaham and Mrs. Bishop read Grove Monday attending to business sim eof the recommendations of the matters. He said that the Me Farland state president regarding the work of Bros, were at work building a new saw the coming year. Misses Goldie Pe- mill, two miles southeast of Buxton. t -rson and Helen Bishop rendered a The new mill is to have a capacity of vocal duet which was greatly appre­ 25,000 feet per day and will be ready i ciated by the ladies. After the busi­ to run about the first of the new year. ness was transacted Mrs. Hollinger Vital Statistics for Washington Coun­ served dainty refreshments. ty as reported during October, 1908: Return on marriages, 9. Contagious School Notes diseases: Smallpox, 10 cases; Diph­ Pupils are still coming in. theria, 3 cases; Scarlet fever, 1 case; Several pupils have been absent this Typhoid fever, 3 cases. Births, males week on account of sickness. 10, females 12; total, 22. Deaths, Mrs. Fuqua is teaching in room 2 males 7, females 4; total, 11. W. D this week in the absence of Miss Wood, County Health Officer. Greer. Mrs. Bryant, of Robertville, Wash., The high school has now reached an who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bryant and of her mother, enrollment of 43. There are 34 tak­ Mrs. N J. Walker returned Monday ing bookkeeping. Rev. Mr. Barber occupied the pul­ R. M. Dooly, of the First National Bank, was in Portland Sunday to visit pit of the Congregational church last Sunday. At the close of the morning relatives. j discourse, Mrs. Barber rendered a solo Hugh Sparks is booked for a lec­ emphasizing the message of the ture at the state normal school at speaker. Monmouth. Mrs. S. N. Short and children, of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hinman were Gales Creek, and Mrs. Robert Mc­ among the Forest Grove visitors in Cracken of this city, spent several days Portland Sunday. in Portland last week and visited Mrs. Miss Minnie Myers spent several Short’s brother and other friends at days in Portland the fore part of the Fairview, Ore. week visiting relatives. The public school has succeeded ui Miss Laurena Belknap of Hillsboro contracting with the Watkins Tenues- was the guest of Miss Elsie Nariap see j uüijee Singers’' for next Tuesday Friday and Saturday of last week. night, Nov. 17 Their troupe is guar­ Oscar Loomis has returned from an anteed to be one of the very best on extended stay near Bickleton, Wash , the road. Don’t fail to be present. wh ere he was employed on a ranch Invitations are out for the wedding If you miss the Jubilee Singers of Miss Edna Hamilton to Clifford C. Tuesday night, November 17, vou Brown to occur next Wednesday after­ miss one of the best numbers of the noon at two o’clock at the home of Mrs. H. H. Hamilton. Both of the season. Col. Haynes left last Friday for Cal- people are well and favorably known in ifornia to join his family and expects this city. to be absent from Forest Grove for a i Mrs. James Sewell Jr. received a few weeks. I deep cut on the bridge of the nose Andrew Roster of Buxton, was in ! yesterday from a large porcelain dish town Wednesday. He reports Buxton which fell from a high shelf in the kit­ on the move and says the fair last chen. Dr. F. A. Bailey was called and stitched up the wound.—Hills­ week was a success. boro Argus. Clark & Dixon, the housemovers, The Order of the Eas.ern Star held ^ have been engaged at Beaverton this a meeting in Masonic Hall Tuesday •week moving some houses for the evening. The Grand V\orthy Matron Oregon Electric Company. and Gsand Worthy Patron were present to her home in Washington. She was Mrs. A. E. Nourse and sister Mrs. and a very enjoyable evening was I accompanied by her grand-daughter, Eva Derby will leave Starudav, for passed. A Banquet was given at close little Flossie Bryant. After a brief vis- | it with relatives in Portland, M r. Anoka, Minn., to visit with relatives of meeting. and friends for a couple months. Goldendale, Washington, has given will continue her journey horn, ward. During the last few days that the I all the committees of the Pacific Coast HOOK HANDLE NEVER SUPS” savftr^your strength, avoids Ihc danger of being scalded. Alleviates \the unpleasantness of washing)« Costs no more Ihan the old style. ON ROCtlESTEI^ WISH BOILERS ONLY Come in and let us explain them to you. See o u r B a rg a in C o u n te r For the next 30 days we will close out our odd lines of Graniteware at actual cost, this will give you a chance to stock up on cooking utensils at a great bargain. Carload KEYSTONE fencing has just* arrived u u u jjaaa-ü J 2 GOFF BROS. HARDWARE FOREST GROVF. OREGON FALL AND WINTER GOODS We have a largs stock t»o select from this fall and invite you to call and in­ spect onr goods. i • SHOES, DRY GOODS GROCERIES The seventh grade has 52 pupils and only 48 desks in the room and no place for more desks. Fire drill is a splendid thing but there is much more danger in our school from the crowded condition of fail to report such cases, they are also colonist rates were effective more than a record in raising money for advertis- Wm. D. Ferguson, who will have the rooms and improper ventilation subjected to a fine. Especial attention t.ian from fire. twelve hundred people came to Oregon ing purposes, by giving $2.00 for every charge of the new department of Bible is called to the fact that attendance j Some parents have an idea that pu­ on one-way tickets to make this state man, woman and child within the city study at Pacific University, has arrived must be the entire term and regular j ! limits, or a total of $3500, and this in Forest Grove to take up his work pils may attend school only a part of their permanent home. also. came in at the rate of $125 a minute. | For a number of years he has been en- the term or may be kept out to work, Imported and Domestic Patterns —Dr. J. S. Bishop, who has lately re­ Subscribe for The News, $1 50 year gaged in religious work and biblical | or for trivial excuses, but the school Subscribe for The News, $1.50 year and Novelties turned from a course of study in hos- study. He is a graduate of Oberlin law of Oregon provides that all pupils l ) U . H . M . W E M ) I" College, holding an A B. and a D B. from the ages of 9 to 14 years must P h y sic Ion & S u r g e o n You are cordially invited to call from that institution. He did post attend school the entire term and from graduate work at Columbia University 14 to 16 years of age must attend un­ and inspect our stock FOREST GROVE, OREGON CONSULTATION IN GERMAN OR ENGLISH and was granted the degree of Doctor less they have permanent employment. C O M PA R A TIV E ST A TEM EN T OF DEPOSITS SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SUR­ The attendance must be regular and GERY AND ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS of Philosophy. Mar. 22. 1907 A very enjoyable and pleasant event no excuse is allowed by law except Office in Forest Grove Nat l Bank Bldq. S 4 8 .223.17 occurred at John Sherwood’s home on I physical disability or distance or other — Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and May 20, 1907 Nov. 4 th, that day being his 64th birth-j school work The penalty for not Ho'el; m '.toutfw o w^eks^TDr' D. 'vJ Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­ $89.822.17 day. Many of his friends gathered to complying with the law is a fine of Ward’s office. Calls answered day or pliances in office. Calls answered gether to enjoy a bountiful dinner pre 1 15 00 to $25.00, and should a teacher night. Both Phones, August 22, (907 night or day. __________ He pared in honor of the occasion. $ 130 . 722.92 received many useful gifts. Those December 3, 1907 present were Mr. and Mrs. J. Swift, 160372.46 Mr. and C. Carr, Mrs. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs John Cline, Mrs. Long, Grand­ February 14, 1908 ma Scheese. Miss Belle Hawkins and 185 3 2 4 .0 9 Mr. Henry Hawkins. M A Y 14, 1908 Thos. H. Adams who for a number of yean resided in Forest Grove and was engaged in the mercantile busi J U L Y 15, 1908 ness but who removed to Vancouver, Wash., to enter in the banking busi­ ness, has recently become interested In c o rn o r n tu d / .Septem ber 23, 1908 in a newly organized abstract, title and lo a n company. Mr. Adams is pres­ B o th T e le p h o n e s F o re s t d r o v e , O re g o n ident of the Citizens National Bank of 1 Vancouver and has, according to the V. S. A B R A H A M The Corner Store THE PARIS MILLINERY PARLOR FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK Miss Marie Spiesheart Election is over and you can now rest assured that $ $ , $ 249,533.04 $ 279,165.08 $ 283 , 957.38 Washington County Real Estate is perfectly safe and then some. OREGON LAND AND TRADING COMPANY