needed in the near future, The to remain in its place or not. Donate whatever money you may be commission has borne in m in d able to spare or send a sack of pota-1 the fact that Forest Grove toes, a bag of onions, a sack of flour; Published every Thursday by must Washington County Publishing Co; , grow and expand or, send to the school through your' Incorporated. clothed in a new garb of children, a package of coflee, a few potatoes, a pound of rice, a chicken, a i at Forest | latest type. Forest Grove Entered at the post-office package of sugar,—or, in fact anything | Grove, Oregon, as second class been given the name of mail matter. ______________ “Prettiest town in Oregon,” and that is U5e,,1>in * household, and the Subscription *1.50 P.r Your Iron, the slandpo.n. of Nature's 1"~" "" works it is justly named but |lom ,be chate„ „ „ „ ,0 lhe MANUFACTURED BY CRESCENT MILLS— FOREST GROVE ■■__ :-------------------- :--------------- from the standpoint of munici- Boys- & Girls’ Aid Society, at Portland, PBP#F Washington Co. pa] improvement it lacks many Oregon. The railroad companies and A. E. N oitrse ................. MANAGER fathoms. Nature has builded steamboat lines have kindly promised Frank Borwich 2, Ira Smock 6. E W J. F. WOODS............................ EDITOR fo r u s an ideal location for a t0 deadhead all such supplies when Johnson 6, S N Poole 6, C F Hall 6, city: she has provided the foli mar'£ed plainly “ Boys’ & Girls’ Aid A S Craven 6, Abner Briggs 2.50, J 0 . THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 1908 ; Society, Portland, Ore.” All commu- I age for shade, the slopes | nications to be addressed to W. T. Now the mills are opening up drainage, the mountains ^o r Gardner, Supt., Bovs’ & Girls’ Aid St­ and thousands are going to 5 pure water and many other ciety, Portland. Those wishing chil- wor]c; things but we have aided but dren apply as above; children of all -----— very little. W e need concrete at?es on hand. Four Democratic governors sidewalks, macademized streets, ^ ^ w N Barrettj have been elected in as many a sewer system, a water works, PrM. B B Bowman> Secy. and strongly Republican s t a t e s , a public building and many jreas.; Prof. M. C. Case, Mrs. Estella Isn’t that an indication that the other things before we can M. Thorne and Mrs. A. B. Wagguer. people rule? claim, from a municipal stand- _ M the ------~ point, the Prettiest town in celebrated Stiilson and Kellog Loggers About a year ago the road Oregon.” The News does not and ais0 A- A_ Cutters, Crussers and districts of Thatcher and South blame anyone in particular for Loggers. 19-tf Forest Grove voted a special the retarded growth and lack of tix for the purpose of construct- improvement, but it does blame h g permanent roads within the two by four charter that has ______ tieir respective boundaries. had sway for the past decade. Following are a portion of the bills ------ allowed by the County Court at its reg- From all indications the im­ The Children s Home. ular session held Wednesday, Nov. 4: provements made have given The management of the Boys’ & John Nyberg, R & A ...........8 168.49 satisfaction and have been a boon ___ 330 45 ■ , , ... Girls’ Aid Society feel that it is only C Christensen to the permanent road building . , , . ,. . , , ........... 147.10 • \xr • r. necessary to remind their many friends Otta Nicholson in Washington County. There tbat Thanksgiving day will soon be C E Meacham ......... 4.00 yet remains, however, much bere again, and with it comes the an- V G Hagery “ ......... 24 00 " .... 87.00 more improving to be done in nual expectancy that always accom- S T Walter 23.00 these districts and before the panies this time of year. A hard year’s James Churchill " . . . . 429.60 time shall have elapsed. The work has been done by the Society in F W Livermore “ . . . . 500.00 I the effort to care for the dependent Thos A Wilkes “ . . . . News again urges that steps be “ ___ 39.25 children of the State, to investigate S E Olson tiken to provide the same means cases of ,eported abllse and t0 aid S icurity Vault & as before, and continue to d o SO those who were unable to help them- M Wks “ 2.43 Goff Bros “ .... 32.97 from year to year, until the selves. 32.56 Nearly every county in the State LaGvande Cry Co “ roads are permantly built. The A F Dethlefts “ 8.10 I contributes dependent children to this time for levying another tax 10.00 institution. The number received from J H McNamer, L iv ery ......... will expire with the first day of 85.25 all sources the fiscal year was 372, out G G Hancock, Bd ol Prison’s January hence the necessity of i of which number 207 were entirely Refund of tax 23.38 quick action. j new cases and received Irom the lollow- salary & deputy 225.00 OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS. i ing counties: Baker 5, Benton 5, The labors of the Charter | Clackamas 3, Clatsop 1, Columbia 1, Commission created by the Coos 1, Crook 2, Douglas 6, Jackson 1, Council sometime ago have Josephine 2, Klamath 2, Lane 12, Linn 5, Malheur 2, Marion 5, Multno­ finished and an instrument by mah 117, Sherman 8, Tillamook^^ which the city may forge ahead, Union 3, Umatilla 5, Wallowa 2, Was. providing it is accepted by the co 5, Washington 9, Yamhill 6. Of these new cases, 131 are boys, people, has been filed with the land 76 girls. The average age of the City Recorder. It has long | girls is 10.7; the average of the since been apparent that the I boys 9.3. city has outgrown its present It may be interesting to know that charter and the last city election be^dM ^ 6 0 children on hind . t .‘he cim ed as a paromont issue, a Receiving Home at Portland the Soci- c ’larter revision. I he docu- ety has under its care throughout the ment carries all the features State of Oregon nearly 600 children t'lat will give the council a wid- * ^ese children are placed out in family ___ t ■ ■ , _ homes under the supervision of the er range of municipal govern- , 7 , Society s agents. A report is made to mint: ’ it paves the way . office * on every case visited, ■ r . v for the the telling „ n imerous improvements that are tbem bow the child is getting along n )W needed and th a t will be and whether thev would recommend it Forest Grove Real Estate Company K. N. STAEHR BURDETTE SHIPMAN Office a t the B azaar next to the Postoffce. Some of this week's Bargains 7-room house and barn, 3 lots with some fruit. This is the best bargain in town a t.............$1100 A good house and lot in Forest Grove, with some fruit, good lo­ cation. A snap for............. $900 A 5-room modern cottage with lot 50x100 ft. located in South Park. Price $1050, $400 down balance $6 per month. 10 Acres one mile from Forest Grove, good house and barn, running water, plenty of fruit, fine location............................ $2500 38 Acres of land 7 miles from Forest Grove, 30 acres cleared, house and barn, 8 acres in fruit, on milk and mail route, also close to school aud church.. . . $2500 280 Acres of land, 125 acres in cultivation, 120 acres in pasture balance in timber. Good 8 room bouse, wind mill and two barns. This place is located 7 miles from Forest Grove on milk and mail route, has springs, running water and large orchard. This place can be had lor $40 per acre on eaay terms 2-acre corner lot all in fruit, with large 8 room house, also chicken houses. Price...................$2500 10 Acres one mile from Forest Grove all under cultivation, good family orchard with choice fruit. Price................................. $1600 8 Acres with house and barn, large orchard located one and one half miles from Forest Grove and close to the new Electric Rail Road stat ion. Price........ $2100 5 Acres of land with new house and barn located i mile from R. R. station, land is all under cul- tivaion and on good county road. P rice.................................. f t 060 12 Acres l j miles from railroad station. 8 acres cleared, balance in pasture, small house and barn, some fruit, good spring. This land is located on a good coun­ try road. P r i c e .................. $950 60-Acre ranch, 30 acres cleared, 5-room house, barn and orchard good spring. This ranch is lo­ cated 4 miles from R. R. station and can be had for $35 an acre, $500 down, balance on long time exp sh’f’s of’ce 112.74 J C Miller, canvas board 3.00 C E Kindt “ “ 3.00 Max Crandall, sheriff’s office 27.50 A J Roy, relief .................... 10100 J W Bailey, salary and deputy 229.35 Willis Ire la n d ................... 138.70 Beall & Co, R & H ......................35 Mays Bros “ 43.34 Hillsboro Argus, supplies. . . . 116 50 Delta Drug Store. “ .... 2.00 John Vanderwal, C H .......... 110 00 Nelson Hardware Co, supplies 113 43 City Water & Light, C H . . 30 50 Wash Co Pub Co, printing. 7.50 Ind Tele Co, telephone... 9.40 F M Kelsev, R & H ........... 12 00 M C Case, salary and exp. . 80 30 ............. 19.00 Thos H Tongue, Jr, dist attv 20.00 D B Reasoner, b ridges......... 403 55 Following accounts were allowed on account of election: J I Northrup $2.50, G F Johnson $6, L M Holt $6, J I Northrup $7.20, J H Davis $6, Francis Chalmers $6, John Loftus 5, Chas Miller 6, A E McCum- sey 6, J H Rinck 6, C A Peterson 6, N P West 6, C A Peterson 3, A W Pike 8, John Johnson 6, B B Reeves 2.50, Erwin Ritter 6, J A Peterson 6, J J Wisher 6, Nels Johnson 6, D C Burner 6, Fred Berger 8, Ed Dixon 6, H H Clark 7.20, H F Gordon 6, Thurs­ ton Buxton 6, C C Nelson 6, Olaf Johnson 6, Thos Murphy 6, S L Hol­ lenbeck 6, G P Essner 6, J J Meacham 9 20. F F Hawley 6. W E Pittenger 6. Ira Banett 6, S Wilson 8, Peter Bos- cow 6, A C Shute 6. R H Greer 6, F D Gardner 6, J T Fletcher 6, R U Peterson 6, A B Caples 7.20, W M Langley 6, Willis Goff 6, John Thorn­ burg 6, W H McCormick 6, C R Adams 6, Dan Burkhalter 7.60, C E Deichman 6. Benton Bowman 6, Geo Thedford 3, J A Moore 6, John Den­ nis 6, G A Paterson 6, Daniel Crowin 6. J H Wirtz 6, John Browich 6, Adrain Daut 6, George Jack 6, Juddy York 6, Dane Wheeler 6, J B Imlay 6 5 0 ,1 JülüAtHARIIMiPf C, vtcTog HEATING STOVES and Ranges Gustin 10, Aaron Denny 2, Jas Down­ ing 6, Harry Robinson 6, L S Bailey 6, A V Denny 6, Ole Olson 6, S N Poole 6 —R H. Kaltz. piano tuner, will be in the Grove about November 15th. Leave orders for tuning at Bazaar. 19 The famous Charter Oak heat­ — Dr. Lowe, the well known eye spe­ cialist is now at Hotel Laughlin to re­ main till 4 o’clock Saturday afternoon. il 111111 ri » y ing stoves are the best heat producers with the least fuel of — Farmers intending clearing land should phone or write M. Turner of Banks for prices on Stump powder, caps and fuse. 19-tf any stoves on the market. As — Fine line of ladies handkerchiefs at Kirkwood’s Millinery. 11-tf —See display of Onyx ware at Carl Hinman’s Hardware Store on Pacific Ave. 14-tf — Miss Gertrude Kirkwood carries a complete line of toilet articles for ladies. 14-tf — White River Flour made of best Eastern Oregon wheat for sale at Bai- 47-tf ley’s Big Store. Range, prices range from for Ranges there are no better makes than the Real Estate $26 to $50 GRANITEWARE and TINWARE — Dr. Wendt’s office is in Forest Grove National Bank Building, Res­ idence at Dr. Ward’s place. 15tf — Watch the Book Store “ Specials!” 17-t4 — Miss Kirkwood has received some very pretty combs in the very latest designs. Call and see them 15-t3 B e stem noun* CARL H IN M Ä N Successor to S. U. Hughes F orest G rove O regon i A SNAP In Dining Room Furniture which cannot, be dupli­ cated in Oregon W e have a few “Golden Oak Quarter Sawed Finish” Extension Dining Tables with set of six chairs to match, which we will G iv e Away this week for tbe rediculously low price of $ 19.50 for the complete set of table and chairs. This would ordinarily cost, you from $25 to $30 and is a boni fide bargain. We have the goods to prove it,. Table 44 inch top; 5 inch heavy legs. Don’t, fail to see us. We can save you money on anything in House Furnishings. HOYT FURNITURE CO r aterson Bldg. Forest Grove, Oregon »