orlunes of tho World are Founded In OH o ld tim e p r ic e s . • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA* TTh e D og- l : H is D a y .” * Glimpsa of the Day« When Living Wat Joe Chans lor, now several times a greater depth, produce a large and in­ Cheap In England. Old time hotel rates in England were Uionaire, was not long ago, a clerk exhaustible oil supply as are the othn low. For instance. in the days of Los Angeles. He borrowed some wells on adjoining properties. We air tjneen Elizabeth the charge at the ~ej for the purpose of operating in offering a limited number of shares it George I mi for a feather hed |ier By T R O Y A LLISO N . k 'fornia oil; the result was that it this Company at twenty cents pei night was a penny Dinner cost six- ^ Copyrighted, 1908. by Associated ► IK-Iiee (12 eentsi and offered ehotce of 4 Literary Press. de him one of the wealthiest men in share. Do you realize what tha' “beef, mutton or plgge or fish.” In • Y v r / r 'Y / T J W A f / W W W T W e e state. John A. Bunting, formerly means? It means that in purchasing Stuart times each room owned a name Young Conway Jabbed the oars Into brake man on the Southern Pacific, this stock you become interested in a instead of a mint tier, chiefly those of the water viciously. Inn signs, such ns the cross Keys plough the investment of t l 70.00 in company that can produce the oil. It room, the Bell chamber, the Adam and " i f I can't have wbat I want,” he said sullenly, "I II take what I can get fornia oil land became a millionaire, is not a case of “ they may,” “ they Eve room, and so forth I'll auk her tonight." Formerly the custom In important e could tell you of innumerable should,” but "they are.” Little Miss Pennell held on to the ; cities during festival times wns to lim­ boat with both hands and gurgled de­ thers. Why were Bunting, Chanslor, it the price of food and lodging by Let us again impress these highly lightedly. statute lu Oauterburv during the cel­ ~ d the many others, who made their important facts upon you: The property ebration of the bicentenary of Becket's “What a humble, doglike disposition oney through investments in oil, suc- is a producer, is entirely surrounded translation (13721 the price of bread Is yours. Robert." she said ndmlrlugly. “I'm sure she will take you. She has ssful? Because they were shrewd, by reliable producing properties, that was fixed at two loaves for a penuy been throwing herself at your head for evel headed, observing men possess­ (2 rental, a fairly high figure consid- six weeks.” there is sufficient acreage (forty acres) | ering the comparative value of money ing unbounded confidence in the great “Thank heaven, women can never to justify the drilling of forty more then und uow. and wine brought 1C i throw straight." he growled sullenly. Juture of the California oil fields and wells all of which would be in the very cents a gallon “Seems to me she has done very he oil industry. The demand for oil A century or so later the scale of core of one of the richest oil produc­ well." said Miss rennell flippantly. “If prices in Edinburgh ull the year round ;s increasing daily. The consumption ing districts in the world. Remember was equally moderate, sheep ttelngsold you ask her tonight she surely will far exceeds the output. Several oil have achieved her aim. But I can't that Kern County produces as much at prices ranging from 12 ceuts to 20 say that you look a wllUpg victim. companies paid substantial dividends cents, according to quality, “best hens" oil as any other three oil producing at 1 cent each and Rochelle wine at 1 when oil was selling at fifteen cents ri counties in California. Shipping facil­ cent a pint. Any vender departing a barrel. Oil is now selling at ities could not be better for the prop­ from these prices ran the risk of for­ Ity cents per barrel at the well. The feiture of his goods.—Chicago News. erty adjoins the Southern Pacific [total dividends for the year 1908, tracks. The company has valuable as­ (from all the oil companies doing busi­ QUEER CRABS. sets in improvements: Two wells, der­ ness in California, not including the rick, tanks, tool and bunk houses etc. The Ingenious Manner In Which They Standard, will probably reach the 86,- t »guise Themselves. Before accepting the fiscal agency of Some species of crabs disguise them­ 000,000 mark for the year 1909. There the Kern Associated Oil Company we selves in an Ingenious manner. They lore the natural conclusion to arrive thoroughly investigated every detail deliberately bite up seaweeds and St, is Investment in Oil Securities. In­ plant them on their backs, very soon pertaining to the company and its establishing a growth which harmo­ vest at once. We are offering for sale .»A ^ i property. We did not take snap judg­ nizes perfectly with the surroundings limited number of shares on what we ment, we never do, consequently want and deceives many an enemy. Should [consider to be one of the best com­ the weeds grow too vigorously the to assure you that the stock of this crab industriously prunes them with panies operating in Kern county, in r< s V company at twenty cents per share is his claws and every now and then fact in California. We refer to the scrapes the whole lot off aud starts a the most unparalled opportunity for the stock of the Kern Associated Oil Com­ fresh garden on his roof, so to speak. investor that ever came under our ob­ The sponge crab behaves in a simi­ pany. The Kern Associated Oil Com- servation. lar manner, nipping off little hits of ¿fny is the best oil proposition ever living sponge und sticking them on his We sincerely believe that the Kern back, where they grow vigorously. offered the investment public. This Company owns free of incumbrance Associated Oil Co. is destined to pay The same end is served ns In the other dividends as surely and as regularly as l ease, it is very amusing to keep crabs forty acres in the very heart of the of one or other of these kluds In an are now being paid by the Associated Kern river oil district, and situated on uquarium and deprive them of the Oil and other Companies operating on I usual means of coueeulment. — ' í :* the Southern Pacific railroad. I r ad­ They get very nervous and agitated adjoining properties and we see no i--,- joins the San Joaquin Oil & Develop­ and try to cover themselves with bits reason why within twelve months the j of paper or auytlilng else that may he ment Company’s property which was Kern Associated stock should not be < provided. One such captive is said recently merged with the Associated quoted at many times its selling price. ; to have had a little greatcoat made Oil Co., whose stock is now selling at for him, which he pet on in a hurry You can invest any amount from as soon ns It was handed to him.— 831.75 per share. It also adjoins the - justly famous Discovery well where oil twenty ( 2 0 ) dollars up to twenty London Sphere. H E W A V E D H E R D O U B T S A S I D E W IT H AN was first discovered in the Kern River thousand (2 0 ,0 0 0 ) dollars. We allow A IR Y G K S T U ltE . Queer Talismans In Malta. you five ( 5 ) percent on cash sub­ There are still in lie found in Malta That growl of yours was perhaps In Oil District. scriptions. You can purchase stock a number of small stones shaped and accordance with your newly acquired The Kern Associated Oil Company on the easy monthly plan if you so de­ colored like the eyes, tongues and other doglike humility, hut one couldn't ex­ parts of serpents. The superstitious actly call It a yap of Joy. Couldn’t has two wells on its property. Well, sire, one fifth down and one fifth per among the Maltese connect these with you fori e one little ecstatic bark. Bob­ No. 1 is in oil and gives about sixty month. Send in your subscription at the tradition that St. I’anl when ship bie, my child?" she suggested" coax- five barrels of oil per day. With a once. Don’t delay. The stock of wrecked wns cast on their Island, and lngly. “I wonder why on earth I like you : It was there that while lighting a bun­ greater depth and a more approved the Kern Associated Oil Co. is the best dle of sticks for a fire a viper fastened I've never been able to understand.” pump the production will be greatly on the apostle’s hand. St Paul calmly He pulled the boat up to the sand bank buy on the market today. increased. The Company desires to shook the reptile off Into the flames, and held it while she stepped ashore. JOS. J. HOC,AN CO., "Am sorry I'm so unuceountably fas­ and no harm followed. The natives sink four more wells at once and to in­ [ wear these stones as tnlisinaria. in cinating." 802-3 Metropolis Bank Bldg, stall modern compressed air pumps’ She shook the wrinkles from her which character they suppose them San Francisco. Calif. [ serviceable in warding off dangers roflled skirts airily and started to in­ We believe that well No. 2 will, with 1 from snake bites and poisons. They vestigate the one deserted hut that : are found iu St. Paul’s cave, lrnbed- graced the tiny Island of suud and [ ded in clay, and are set In rings and rushes. “Upon my soul. It's a mystery.” lie bracelets and when found to be in the [ shape of a tongue or liver or heart are took their lunch basket from the boat hung around the neck. They nre also and followed moodily. Miss Pennell turned nggrlevedly. 1 taken internally, dissolved in wine, I IN T H E “You have spoiled your lovely meta­ which method Is ntteuded. according to vain; people, by more immediate re- phor. Dogs have uo souls." “Neither—so some philosopher has . suit» argued—have women," he retorted. m u t u a l p ir e r e u b p a s s n . “That philosopher had probably Just Isfaor1* In New York City. "1 was snovrPig un Englishman our been turned down emphatically by the city a week or two ago." said a New lady he wrote about. But e'eu though is m u Yjt-Lor. "aud was surprised to bear soulless I have au appetite. Would him express astonishment at the num­ you mind If we unpacked the basket ber of ¡«lauds within our municipal and nte right here and now?" boundaries 'Is this entire island a Conway set the basket on the sand ?art of New York city?’ he asked as 1 and took out his pipe, while she spread took hlm ou several trolley rides over the napkins. "1 don't want anything— on Staten Island. ‘And all thqpe is- have no appetite.” He puffed his brier- lards, too, are they New York city Y he wood vigorously. “But. Robert, you must brace the Inquired another day as be went up j the East river. Ills remarks put me to Inner man. Don't you remember you thinking, mid I've discovered that not have an ordeal before you tonight? I | jo e of the really great cities of the should think It would take some nerve wer'd has so many Jslauds within Its to propose to Miss Stubbs. She's so— bou.-.dar'es as New York. Staten Is­ er—almost fat." apologetically, “that land in iiditf would make a good sized one would have to work his Imagina­ city. Som* of the other Islands, of tion overtime to say to her the things j course, are hardly more than specks, that the heroine of a romance Is sup­ [ but they belong to New York city just posed to relish." "I never did like skinny women." the some." S T jgy r K s W y j j m INSURANCE BANKERS UNO («HANTS Of Forest Grove, Oregon B e st and C h eap est UR Special Six-Day Sale proved to be a success and as a contin­ uation o f the Low Prices we are underselling all oLhers. O Come in and see our F u r n it u r e Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Window Shades, Mattings, Cur­ tains, W all Paper, Paints, Oils, Glass, Trunks, Suit Cases, and Valises. Pictures and Picture Framing. Fram ing and Enlarging a Specialty John Wunderlich, BANKS, OREGON Prop. Bcathlugly. I dug In the way of company,** with ldghtly more amiability. “Oh, you!" she returned gloomily. "Bui you will be so liad tempered be­ cause of Miss Stubbs. You were going to have a tete-a-tete with her tonight. you know." "That’s all over now." he sighed. “Over? Can't you ask her tomor­ row?” He threw a pebble far out In the wa­ ter aud waited to see it splash. "I'm golug to ask you again.” he said slow­ ly, “and you will have to consider It this time—to keep those old eats at the hotel from saying things.” She drew a quick breath, and her eyes were mutinous. “Let them talk They have to talk about something 1 certainly shall uot let their silly clatter force me Into matrimony." "But. Betty. I hate to have them say thlngi. And I'm not such a bad chap"— “I know you're not." said Miss Pen­ nell. fast becoming more excited aud an ry. “but they enn talk—and talk! I Intended marrying you all along, but I won't be forced Into It." “What!" shouted Conway so loudly that a lone bird perched on a nearby grass stalk flapped Its wings hur­ riedly. She saw her false step and tried to retrieve “1 meant—perhaps.” “No; you don’t renlg." he said hap- ptly. The shadows grew longer. He looked at his wat-h in the fading light. “Too had. but l must take you back In time for you to dross for the dance." “How?" Incredulously, He waved hor doubts aside with an airy gesture "The hero of this ro­ mance know« how to relieve the hero­ ine In dhtre-s. my lovely lady. See that hut?" dramatically. "Well, there are four canoes sheltered In I t " Little Mins rernell dimpled appreci­ atively. “You dear!” she said. 8he L Iked Variety. She Is a verr nice little girl, and yet she has an Imagination so vlvhl that people can't help wondering once In awhile what Is going to become of It. The little Ctrl h vexation." Rhe range. ________________ dug the sand Into boles with the beel of her small Ian shoe The Resemblance. "You at least have some oause for “The buckwheat cakes st my bosid- It's not everybody that ing house always remind me of a base­ gratitude achieves such a ripe old age by calm­ N e A tte m p t !, P le a t s . ball gam e” ly pea.r D ark «»* H ou r. The proverb wûf. I? Vlls us that “the darkest hour is that to/, re dawn” Is Inaccurate, for llebt In. r-»»-s In the morning as gradually as It d-wreases In the evening. The saying «heal'd be "the coldest hour.” etc., which Is per­ fectly true and Is owing to causes connected with the deposit of dew. HoartruxiJ too. usually take place Just befer- «„/Y-I»t and are an addi­ tional cause . • *h.. veeullar chilliness of this tim e—I » « * '» ¿ .u p e Now is the time to v is it California When summer has passed in these northern states, the sun is only mild under the bright blue skies of Southern California. This is one of nature's happy provisions— eternal sum­ mer for those who cannot endure a more severe cli­ mate. « California has been called the “ Mecca of the winter tourist ” Its hotels and stopping places are as var­ ied as those of alt well reg­ ulated cities. Visitors can always find suitable accom­ modations, congenial com­ panions, and varied, pleas­ ing recreations. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will be glad to supply some very attractive II erature, describ e s in detail the many de­ lights of winter in California. Very low round trip excursion tickets are on tale to California. The rate from Forest Giove to Los Angeles and return is $ 5 6 . 3 0 . Limit six months, allowing stop overs in e her directicn. Sinvlnr rx.-ursioq r. trs s ie in effect to all Ce' t uln s For fu i information, s repir.g ca« r-s-rvation* anf* tickets, call on, telegraph or write W. BROWN. Agent, l*OREST G* KEO< Í or W l i . M i^ t lR R A Y , Oc*n . P o s v A flt. PortWiiul, Oregon IV. H. j i H O L L IS A fto rn c v -o t-L a w Forest Grove, Oregon Dr. Geiger Homeopathist and Surgery Forest Grove, Oregoc Klouüsn & Bogan B A R B E R S HMH CUTTIXG » SPECIALTY Postoffice Row Forest Grove W ood Sawing A L B E R T D IX O N Forest Grove - - Oregoc Misner & Gordon F a s h io n S ta h le s S iy lis h T u r n o u L s PACIFIC AVE FOREST GR0VI O R . «I. H . K I N O X V c tu r ln a r ln n County Stock Impeciar Office. First Street and Pacific Avenue Both Phones at Office and Residence M o n u m en ts WHKKS l.H A M T h 3 0 1 tith <1. CO . P ortla n d , Oro. r*»r D esigli« and D rive« «re V . II. LIMBER Loeal A ien t F o r e n t Urorm A. BALDWIN Pvcal Estate Exchange Houses Rented and Rents Collected Forest Grove j [ ! [ [ ■ S Ore. PERFECT PRINTING PLATES IN ONE OH HAUTI COLORI ] L A R G E ST F A C IL IT IE S IN T H E W E S T F O R T H E P R O D U C T IO N O F ] high o r a d e w o r k HICKS-CH ATTF.N ENGRAVING* CO. , J d A Ai de. , P O R T L A N D O R E