Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, November 05, 1908, Image 6

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Thirty thousand for T aft” ,
wasn’t a bad slogan after all.
Those who have studied pan­
ics frequently beleive that they
come with regularity. That is,
every twenty years we are sup­
posed to have a first-class pan­
ic, and every ten years a lesser
one. W e had a big one in 1873.
W e had another big one
in 1893. In between, in 1883
we had a lesser one. A lesser
one was due in 1903 but failed
to materialize. W as our 1907
panic the minor one, shoved ov­
er from 1903, or did we skip
the little fellow and get the one
due in 1913? If the former is
true, it certainly appears that
the regularity has been broken,
and that we can pospone panics
If the later is true
then our first-class panic was a
Maud Powell.
Portland music lovers are again to tal in this city will be given at
have the pleasure of hearing the grea'- Heilig Theatre on Wednesday even-
est woman violinist in the world ing, Nov. 25, I hanksgiving eve.
Hundreds who were unable to attend is not saying too much to make the
last year’ s recital, will have the oppor- statement that no musical celebrity in
tunity of hearing this wonderful artist, years has aroused the enthusiasm that
Together with Miss Powell will be Maud Powell did in this city lasf sea-
heard the world’s greatest woman ‘cel- son. The Oregonian, Tuesday even-
list, the beautiful Russian girl, Miss j ing, 24.
May Mukle, and the noted English
The people ol Forest Grove will
pianist, Miss Ann Ford. This is with- have the opportunity of hearing Miss
out a doubt the most brilliant trio of I Powell together with the above named
women instrumental artists that ever , wonderful musicians, at Marsh hall,
toured the United States. The reci- Tuesday evening November 24th.
took a fall out of a neighbor ledo Grocer and Butcher,
who had treated him unfairly.
In a physiological experiment
Yale university the water was heated
they die a slow business death without
realizing it.
Public School Notes.
Hoodoos Tuesday night.
New pupils this week are Roy Dev­
lin 10th grade and Otho Banks 2nd.
Miss Cook, who has been absent
(or some time has returned to her work
Miss Greer was absent Monday on
account of the severe illness of her
A frog Jumps readily enough when mother.
Getting even is a pleasant
The High school foot ball team is
put in warm water, yet a frog can be
game to play— at the time. boiled without a movement if the wa­ showing great interest in the work and
Many a man has exulted as he ter is heated slowly enough, says To- will certainly be able to play some
! good games this season.
Forest Grove Real Estate Company
Office at the Bazaar next to the Postoffce.
Some of this w eek’s Bargains
A good house and lot in Forest
Grove, with some fruit, good lo­
cation. A snap for............. $900
A 5 -room modern cottage with
lot 50x100 ft. located in South
Park. Price $ 1 0 5 0 , $ 4 0 0 down
balance $6 per month.
10 Acres one mile from Forest
Grove, good house and barn,
running water, plenty ot fruit, fine
location.....................................$ 2 5 0 0
38 Acres of land 7 miles from
Forest Grove, 3 0 actes cleared,
house and bam, 8 acres in fruit,
on milk and mail route, also close
to school and church..........$ 2 5 0 0
280 Acres of land, 125 acres in
cultivation, 1^10 acres in pasture
balance in tir nber. Good 8 room
hout*. %ind mill and two barns.
This place i s located 7 mile* from
ing stoves are the best heat
producers with the least fuel of
any stoves on the market.
makes than the Real Estate
— Hot Luncnes at Little B akerj.
Range, prices range from
— Fine line of ladies handkerchiefs
at Kirkwood’s Millinery.
$ 2 6 to $ 5 0
— See display of Onyx ware at Carl
Hinman’s Hardware Store on Pacific
— Miss Gertrude Kirkwood carries a
complete line of toilet articles for
— White River Flour made of best
Eastern Oregon wheat for sale at Bai­
ley’s Big Store.
— Dr. Wendt’s office is in Forest
Grove National Bank Building, Res­
idence at Dr. Ward’s place.
— Watch the BookStore
2-acre corner lot all in fruit, with
large 8-room house, also chicken
Price.....................$ 2500
10 Acres one mile from Forest
Grove all under cultivation, good
family orchard with choice fruit.
8 Acres with house and barn,
large orchard located one and one
half miles from Forest Grove and
close to the new Electric Rail
Road station. Price..........$2100
5 Acres of land with new house
and barn located J mile from R.
R . station, land is all under cul-
tivaion and on good county road.
P rice .........................................$1060
12 Acres 1 } miles from railroad
station. 3 acres cleared, balance
in pasture, small house and barn,
some fruit, good spring.
land is located on a good coun­
try road. Price .................. $950
60-Acre ranch, 30 acres cleared,
5-room house, barn and orchanl
for Ranges there are no better
Succtissur to S. O. Hughes
F o rest G rove
Ii\ Dining R oom Furniture which cannot* be dupli­
cated in Oregon
School enrollment has reached over
four hundred and more still to come.
Don't Be a Frog.
7-room house and barn, 3 lots
with some fruit. This is the best
bargain in town a t............... f t 100
The famous Charter Oak heat­
But the after-effects are not so
at the rate of .0 0 3 6 of a degree a sec-
— Miss Kirkwood has received some
encouraging. This getting-ev-1
Fahrenheit. The frog
never very pretty combs in the very latest
en business costs money and moved, and at the end of two and one designs, Call and see them.
dead, He had -
brings nothing in. Is it worth half hours was found dead.
while to spend money for the evidently been boiled without notic
sake of revenge? It is like mg it.
There are hundreds of business
the drinking of intoxicants,
frogs. They are not sensitive
which stimulate for the time changing business conditions. The
and then bring reaction and I evolution from old time methods of
dark brown tastes, when Over- storekeeping to present day bright ad-
indulgence is permited. And vertising has not startled them and
then revenge is a game that ne­
ver ends. A man does what
he should not do to another.
The other “ gets even.” The
first man finds it incumbent on
him to “ get back at” the other,
and it developes into an endless
chain, and winds up, quite oft-
m ild one, to say the least, and en> j n bankruptcy for both. If
we are getting to the age where another has wronged you, re­
we can check and control them. coup yourself, but do not add to
Either way, it looks good to your wrongs.
us, if we have confidence in the
“ recuring depression” theory.
and Ranges
The teachers of the school are do­
ing their best to place pupils where
they can do the best work and they so-
lisit the cooperation of the parents.
To obtain the best results pupils must
be regular in attendance and parents
should use every effort to keep pupils
in school regularly.
T h e Democratic
slid the wrong way.
waged against Hughes because
he sought to stamp out gamblers
and race track men in whose
grasp the state has been these
many years.
Whole number enrolled 40S.
Six pupils of the sixth grade had a
very interesting debate last Friday on
the question. Resolved, “ That man is
not a good creature for the birds ac­
cording to their point of view. The
decision in favor of the affirmative.
T h e labor note was not
It is especially gratifing to
the moral element of the coun­
try that Gov. Hughes was re­
elected governor of New York.
One of the bitterest political
fights of this campaign was
T h£ first monthly report cards are
out this week. Paren's are requested
\ to look the cards over carefully and
notice the work of the children.
The law on excuses is very strict
and for the benefit of the parents it
will be publish’ d next week Teach­
ers and parents who do not observe
the law are subjected to a fine.
The High school observed Hallow­
een on Friday evening at the school
house. The program was appropiate
to the occasion and the appearance of
(our ghosts only added to the fun.
The pupils and teacher of the
Eighth grade were royally entertained
at the home of Dorothy Boldrick Sat­
urday evening. The evening was
spent playing games after which light
refreshments were served.
Report of school for O ct.— Average
number of pupils. 377. Average dai­
ly attendance, 3 6 3 . Per cent of at­
tendance, 93.
Times late 19. Pu­
pils neither absent or tardy 284. Vis­
its by parents. 4. Visits by school
We have a few
“ Golden Oak Quarter Sawed Finish” Extension
Dining Tables with set of six chairs to match,
which we will
G iv e
A w ay
this week for the rediculously low price of
$ 10.50
for the complete set of table and chairs. This would
ordinarily c o s t you from $ 2 5 to $ 3 0 and is a boni
fide bargain. W e have the goods to prove i t .
Table 4 4 inch top; 5 inch heavy legs.
Don’t fail to see us. W e can save you m oney on
anything in House Furnishings.
Paterson Bidg.
Forest Grove, Oregon