Careless Campers ar.d Locomotives the Principal Reasons. The South Htlll Solid. The "»olid South" I* «till solidly Democratic, Mr. Bryan polling the uiual large majorities. Maryland, about which some doubt was ex­ pressed before the election, Is prob­ ably Democratic. Delaware Is con­ ceded to the Republicans. The New England states hare gone for Taft and have elected Republican governors, but the vote In Rhode Is­ land, where the Democrats made a strong fight, is very close. In M assa­ chusetts the Independence party can­ didate for governor m ade a good showing, though running far behind the vote of Thom as L. Hlsgen last year. Next L egislature Will He Republican W hich W ill Choose Successor to Senator I’latt, What starts these lorest fires? This question has been asked over and over again this summer by readers of the accounts ol the destructive fires which have been raging in all parts of the country. Campers and locomotives, is the usual answer. Many of the other things wnich start blazes in the forest Seattle, W ash., Nov. 4.— W ash­ are forgotten. It is true that perhaps ington joined in the landslide for one-half to three-quarters of the Forest Taft yesterday. The heavy vote and fires do begin as a result of the care­ the slow count m akes it impossible lessness of some camper, or from to determ ine accurately the extent of the Republican victory, but this sparks flying from locomotives, but much is certain: W ashington gives there are a number of things which set T aft a plurality of at least 45,000, the woods a-fire. exceeding by 15,000 the prelim inary estim ates of State Chairm an de A complete report of forest fires on B ruler; the entire Republican state ticket is elected by m ajorities th at the private forests of the country and run well up with the Presidential their causes is not kept by anyone. ticket; the legislature overw helm ­ Uncle Sam, however, is most careful ingly Republican, although one Dem­ to account for the damage done by the ocrat gets in from Stevens county, blazes on his timberland under forest possibly a Democratic senator from Mason, Kitsap and Island and per­ administration, aggregating about haps one or two more from coun­ 168,000,000 acres, and each year the ties yet to be heard from. There Is no doubt whatever th at Wesley Jones total area burned over, the timberland will be elected to the United States burned over, the amount of timber de- Senate next January to succeed Levi stroyed alld ¡ts vaiUC) the cost Ol fight- Ankeny. ¡ng fires, and the causes of fires are Following in the state ticket: carefully checked up. These reports Governor— S. G. Cosgrove. Lieutenant-G overnor— M. E. Pay. are made at the end of the calendar Secretary State— Sam P. Nichols. year, and the announcement of this S tate T reasurer— John G. Lewis. year’s losses will therefore not be State A uditor— C. W. Clausen. known for more than two months. A ttorney-G eneral— W. P. Bell. Commissioner of Public Lands— Last year’s figures, however, give a E. W. Ross. good idea of the things which cause Superintendent of Public Instruc­ fires in forests. Of the 1,355 fires dis­ tion— Henry B. Dewey. Insurance Commissioner— John H. covered on the National Forests last year, all of which were cheeked by the Schlvely. King county’s plurality for Taft rangers before they had burned over is estim ated on the basis of the re­ fourteen hundredths of one per cent turns now in at 14,00; Spokane (14-100 of 1 per cent) of the Nation­ county's at 8000; Pierce county’s at between 5000 and 6000, and the re­ al Forest area, campers caused 346, m ainder of the counties, 37 in all, railroads followed next with 273; In proportion. The state ticket falls while lightning came next, with 176; don­ but little below the Taft vote. Coun­ ty tickets generally are Republican. key engines used in lumbering opert- Here and there a few Democrat offi­ cials have got in in some of the tions, fourth with 65; careless brush E astern W ashington counties, but burning by homesteaders clearing land, they are exceptions. 34; flies caused by incendiaries and It is estim ated that at least 185,- those set by herders and hunters, 30. 000 votes were cast in the state. The For more than 400 of the fires the Democrats made the chief showing on Bryan. The Socialists cast ap­ cause is not known. This is not proxim ately 12,000 votes, as nearly strange when it is remembered that a as can be determ ined with returns fire roav smoulder for days, if the air is which show only about 46 per cent of the vote cast. The Prohibitionists too tfick to permit the smoke to be made their usual showing and polled seen at a distance before it breaks out probably about 3500 votes. In the Northwest, San Juan, with when fanned by a wind so as to reveal her 850 votes, cast two-thirds ol its presence to the watchful forest offi­ them for the Republican tlcke;, Is­ cer. land county gave the ticket through just about the same m ajority. W hat­ While campers caused more fires com gives the ticket an estim ated than locomotives last year, there are m ajority of 3000, although in places on her county ticket, notably sheriff, many seasons when the railroads hold there has been cutting. Skagit gives undisputed claim to first place. For­ more than 1000 m ajority for Taft est fires started by both are mostly un­ and the straight Republican ticket. necessary. If campers would exercise Snohomish Is Republican by from 700 to 1200. Jefferson shows a Re­ care in starting camp fires and be surt publican m ajority of 400 at least. that they are extinguished before they Clallam and Kitsap show a landslide aie left, and if the railroads would use for the ticket, save for the fact that the Joint senator was cut heavily in the most modern and efficient spark Kitsap county. arresters, it is reasonable to think that the annual forest fire loss could be re* Oregon for Tuft by 2.1.000. duced more than one half. Lightning Portland, Or., Nov. 4.— Taft wins j Oregon's electoral vote by between ranks third among the causes of fires, 24.000 and 25,000, according to in­ and of course, man has no greater res­ complete returns from 33 counties ponsibility in this case than to put the and complete returns from Hood River county. He carries every fire out as soon as possible after dis­ county by pluralities ranging from covery. Careless brush burning by 100 In Baker county to 8000 in M ult­ nomah. The state vote stands near homesteaders and persons clearing 65.000 for Taft and 40,000 for Bry­ land is said to be the cause of many ol an. In the Presidential election the fires which have started this year, four years ago, Oregon gave Roose­ velt 42,934 plurality, the vote for particularly those which have sweft Roosevelt being 60,4 55, and for over the Lake States. Parker 17,521. Socialists, P rohi­ The ranger force on many of tie bitionists and Independents polled National Forests have been kept busy perhaps 10,000 votes in the state. The whole vote was close to 115,000, fighting fires which, if left to run un­ To cast Oregon's four votes for checked, would have done incalculable Taft the state has chosen tho R epub-, , lican candidates for Presidenti*,' clarrl*81C- By quickening communica­ electors— R. R. Butler, of Gilliam tion between important points through county; J, P, Lee, of M ultnomah; A. the construction of telephone lines,< C. M arsters, of Douglas, Frank and building roads and trails, the N** J. Miller, of Linn. Outside M ultnomah county, T aft’s tional Forests have been made more lead is 16,000. his strongest coun­ accessible during the past two yean ties being Marion, 1400 plurality; . 7 « . T ", 7 r Lane. 1300; W ashington, 1200; a,ld ^re fighting has been greatly“' 111 Umatilla, between 850 and 1000, and tated. Douxlaa. 1 0 0 0 . Scenes unending the balloting Thirty-three of Albany’s leading throughout the city were devoid of business men came to Portland hrt great Interest. The provisions of the corrupt practice act were generally Friday to personally invite the bo* regarded and the usual buttonholing ness men of Portland to participate ■ of electors at the voting places was a celebration at Albany on Tuesday. not observed anywhere. Voter* very generally discarded campaign but­ Nov. 10th, with the Linn County Ap- New York, Nov. 4.— As th e result of yesterday’s election New York state's 39 electoral voles will be casl for W illiam H. T aft and Jam es S Sherm an. Both the R epublican Na­ tional and state tickets are victori­ House R epublican by SB. ous, C harles E. Hughes being re­ President T aft will be supported elected governor. T aft has won by a trem endous plu­ by a Congress that will be Republi­ can In both branches, thus Insuring rality and H ughes by a good, salt the passage of a satisfactory revision m argin. T aft’s plurality may reach of the tariff under Republican aus­ 200,000, and he has done the sur­ pices and w ithout a possibility of fac­ prising thing of carrying Greatei tional opposition by the Democrats. New York by a small figure. Gov­ The retu rn s Indicate th at In the ernor H ughes' plurality now is esti­ House of R epresentatives there will m ated a t 75,000 to 80,000, but II be 215 Republicans and 176 Demo­ may be greater. Shearn, the Hears! crats. This gives the Republicans candidate for governor, polled be­ tween 25,000 and 30,000 in Greatei a m ajority of 39. York. The result will be th at they are in New T aft’s great plurality was due a! a position to organize the House by m ost wholly to Democratic losses in the election of a Speaker, will con­ New York Brooklyn. The fig trol all th e com m ittees he may ap­ ures show and that T aft’s vote upstate point, and will be able to dictate leg­ fell off heavily that received islation during the two years begin­ by Roosevelt in from 1904, but Bryan’i ning on M arch 4. vote In New York and other counties T he Electoral Vote. m aking up the greater city slumped I The electoral vote will probably heavily from Parker’s, and even be as follows: from his own vote In 1900. There was a great disappointment Bryan. Taft. — in the local candidates of the Social­ Alabam a ............... — ist party. It had been looked on as A rkansas ............... .......... 9 C alifornia ............ .......... ..... 10 an assured thing that Morris Hill- Colorado ............... .......... _ 5 quit would be returned to Congress Connecticut . . . . ......... — 7 as the Socialist party candidate in Delaware ............ .......... ..... 3 the Ninth District, and that J. G. Phelps Stokes and Robert Hunter Florida .................. — would have more than a fighting Georgia ................. Idaho .................... 3 chance of election as assemblymen I llin o is .................. 27 for the Eighth and Sixth districts. Indiana ................. .......... ..... 15 The next legislature will be Re­ Iowa ...................... 13 publican in both branches, insuring K ansas ................. ......... ..... 10 a Republican successor to Senator — Thomas C. P latt, who will leave the K entucky ............ — senate in March. Louisiana ............ Maine ................... 6 Pleased. 8 *‘I need Hughes M aryland ............... ......... ..... not say th at I am greatly 16 M assachusetts . . . man Hitchcock: pleased w ith the result of the elec­ 14 tion," Michigan ............... "I am delighted to hear the favor­ declared Governor Hughes. “ I Minnesota ............ .......... .... 11 felt certain th at the people would C ongratulates W inning Candidates, able returns from all parts of the — Mississippi ........... country, especially New York, and I — Indorse the adm inistration of Presi­ Missouri ............... but M akes No Comment. wish to express my gratitude to you dent Roosevelt by electing Secretary — Montana ............... ___ 3 W ashington, Nov. 4.— The Presi­ for the work which you have done — T aft, and I consider my own re-elec­ dent Nebraska ............... last night sent th e following and felicitate you on the accuracy — tion as an approval of the policies Nevada .................. with which you foretold the result, by the state adm inistration dispatch to W. H. T aft: New Ham pshire . . . . . --- 4 pursued Indicating a clear grasp and wonder­ “ I need hardly say how heartily during the past two years.’’ New Jersey .......... 12 ful political knowledge of the situa­ I congratulate you and the country New York ............ . . . . --- 39 tion. WILLIAM H. TAFT.” even m ore." — North Carolina . . He also sent the following dis­ North Dakota . . . . . . . --- 4 patch to R epresentative Sherm an; Indiana Goes Republican. 23 Ohio ....................... . . . . --- — “ I most heartily congratulate 1 Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 4.— The Oklahom a ............ ___ 7 Own State and City you.” 4 Bryan Carrie* O re g o n ................... of the Democrats to place The President sent the following endeavors by Decisive Vote. Pennsylvania . . . 34 Indiana in the ranks of their narty, to Governor Hughes: Rhode Island . . . 4 Lincoln, Neb.. Nov. 4.— Nebraska the state to be considered my heartiest congratula­ causing — probably has gone Democratic by a tion “ Accept South Carolina . . .......... 9 doubtful some tim e before the elec­ for you pnd for the state.' 4 decisive plurality, with not enough South Dakota . . . .......... ..... have not been successful. The following was sent to Chair­ tion. — returns on governor on which to man The Hitchcock: Tennessee ............ Hoosler vote has been given to Taft — m ake an estim ate. Bryan has made 1 "Accept my heartiest congratula­ and Sherm an by a m ajority of 15,- Texas ...................... S slight gains In country precincts and tions upon the great result which you | 000, greatly reducing the Republican Utah ...................... .......... ..... 4 In the cities the Democratic gain is Verm ont ............... .......... ..... of four years ago. done so much to bring about.” ' m ajority — heavy. Byan carried Lincoln by 600, have Virginia .................. This city disappointed the hopes The following was sent to Repre- ' 5 overturning a normal Republican sentative Loudenslager: W ashington . . . . of John W. Kern, Democratic candi­ 7 plurality of 1600. W est Virginia . . for the Vice-Presidency, who re­ "Accept my hearty congratula­ date 13 W isconsin ............. sides here. Mr. K ern would not dis­ tions.” Omaha, Nov. 4.— Omaha complete S W y o m in g ............... the result of the election, saying No statem ent was made by the cus gives Bryan 10,732; T aft, 10,609 that he would issue a formal state­ President on the result of the elec­ 311 Shellenberger, Democrat, for Gov­ tion. 172 ment later. ernor, 10,913; Sheldon, Republican, 9875. Cincinnati Crowd Cheers Taft. NEW ENGLAND REPUBLICAN ROOSEVELT WORK APPROVED. Cincinnati, Nov. 4.— Mr. Taft re­ Falrvlew, Lincoln, Nov. 4.-— Bryan the returns at the home of his Taft Successful In M assachusetts and carried his precinct, 106 to 52 tor T.*.ft's Reply to President’s Message i ceived brother, Charles P. Taft. When his O ther Eastern. States. Taft. of C ongratulai ion. success at the polls was announced the house was surrounded by a cheer­ Cincinnati. Nov. 4. — President B ry an H ears Itc liim s . Boston, Nov. 4.— This city, togeth­ Roosevelt’s telegram elicited the fol­ ing crowd calling for a speech from Falrvlew, Lincoln, Nob., Nov. 4.— lowing reply: er with the rest 14.IIT are all turned into him. You can 822 over Parker The solid Repub- ¡ was no stat* aleatloa. ware. considered doubtful before the T sfi Mends C o n g ratu lato ry M essage imagine what the privilege la worth lican delegation has been re-elected Cla* Ctob- Portlan the election, has gone Republican, •ej 5^0 ----- . , when he can pay down that sum for without change, and a Republican go bv special train and the P“ 1' to N ational C h airm an . —Dyson fir Steams are now doing giving three electoral rotes to Taft. the right.’’—New York Tress. state legislature Insures the election be one 0f the largest that has Cincinnati. Nov. 4.—Judge Taftl Simeon 8. Pennewill, RepubPeaa. business at • the old stand near Hin- will be the new governor. of a Republican to succeed Senator ). from .. the city this £_ ii sent tJis. fcHowIng telegram to Chair- laii- man't hardware. Pacific Are. 16-tf — NEBRASKA FOR BRYAN — HOME STATE FOR TAFT ■ ' _ è t