Peculiar toaltself Th# Man st the Door— My little girl, ma’aiu, picked up a abo|>|)lu' bug which In selection, proportion and combination she says she seen an old lady drop— of Ingredients, an' I thought maybe It was yours, In the process by which their remedial tia'am. values are extracted and preserved. The Lady In the Hal! (haughtily) — In effectiveness, usefulness and economy, There are uo old ladles here It Isn't Curing the widest range of diseases. mine. . Doing the most good for the money. And ye* it was hers. Just the tame — Having the most medicinal merit. Cleveland Plain Dealer. And the greatest record of cures,— S trictly H ood’s Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as S a r s a t a b s , 100doses $1. U r o b u b ly Lapsed. “ Mr. Ila.ikinson,” said the mother of the young woman to tha youth whom she suspected of an ambition to become a member of the family, “ have you ever been baptized/“ “ Once, I think,” he answered, hesitat- Injr’y. the Prem ier’s Majority Sate, Though Slightly Reduced. lilt P la h y , T ills . Porpoise— W hat is the whale blowing about? Dogfish— Oh. he got so many notices for his fent In swallowing Jonah he’s been blowing ever since.— Boston Tran­ script. By the addition o f “ 20-Mule-Team'' Borax to the water in which carriages, bicycles, automo­ biles and other are washed, the dirt and grease will be quickly removed without destruc­ tion o f the varnish: in fact, the varnish will be benefited by the process ordinarily. The cow’s udder is kept in a clean, healthy and smooth condition by washing it with "20-Mule- Team” Borax and water. This prevents rough­ ness and soreness or cracked teats which make milking time a dread to the cow and a worry to the milker. The milk pail is kept free from stateness, slimi­ ness and stickiness i f it is washed with "20-Mule- Team” Borax and water—one tablespoonful to a quart o f water. Packed Vi*. 1, and 5 lb packages. K A S P A R IL L A This sterling household remedy is most Successfully prescribed for a “ world of troubles.’ ’ For derangements o f the di­ gestive organs it is a natural corrective, operating directly upon the liver and ali­ mentary canal, gently but persistently stimulating a healthful activity. Its beneficial influence extends, however, to every portion of the system, aiding in the irocesses of digestion and assimilation of ood, promoting a wholesome, natural appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad breath, irregularities o f the bowels, con­ stipation and the long list of troubles directly traceable to those unwholesome conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi­ ness, headache, backache and despond­ ency due to inactivity of the liver, kidneys and digestive tract. I t is a strengthening tonic of the highest value. I f it fails to satisfy we authorize all dealers to refund the purchase Pn price. I I D eclaration . Î TOWER’S FISH BRAND O IL E D Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Boothtsf Byrup the best remedy to use fot their ch. ldr n luring the teething period. GARMENTS H O N . R. S. T H A R I N . Hon. R. S. Tharin, attorney at law The fifth wedding anniversary is the “ wooden” wedding : the tenth, “ tin ;“ fif­ and counsel fo r Anti-Trust League, teenth. “ crystal;” twenty-fifth, “ silver;“ writes from Pennsylvania Ave. N . W ., thirtieth, “ pearl;“ fiftieth, "golden;“ Washington, D. C., as follow s; “ H avin g used Peruna for Catarrhal seventy-fifth, “ diamond.” disorders, I am able to te s tify to its O r ig i n o f Ih o Coolness. great remedial excellence and do not Esmeralda— I don't care much for auto­ hesitate to g iv e it my emphatic en­ mobile riding dorsement and earnest recommendation Gwendolen— I suppose not; the chauf­ to all persons affected by that disorder. feur can’t manage the machine with sal I t is also a tonic o f great usefulness." hand. Mr. T. Barnecott, W est Aylm er, On­ tario, Can., w rites: “ Last w in ter I P rospective Business. was ill w ith pneumonia after la ‘‘I'll take your damage case," said grippe. I took Peruna fo r two months, the lawyer, helping to bis feet the man when I became quite w ell. I also in- just hit by an automobile. I duced a young lady, who was all run "Thank you,” replied the victim. down and confined to the house, to take “ I ’m not much hurt, but I recognized Peruna, and a fte r takin g Peruna for that measly chauffeur. He may have three months she is able to follo w her a caae for you later.” — Philadelphia trade o f tailoring. I can recommend Ledger. Peruna fo r all such who are ill and re­ quire a tonic.” E x p la in * « ] at Laat. “ The late Dr. Morgan Dlx,” said a eleryman of New York, "had a droll way of lightening grave subject! with little humorous asides. Once I beard him addressing a graduating class at a medical school. He began in this way : “ ‘Physiologists tell us. gentlemen, that the older a man grows the smaller bis brain becomes. This explains why the old man knows nothing and the young one everything.' ” Pe-ru-na Tablets. Some people prefer to take tablets, rather than to take medicine in a fluid form . Such people can obtain Peruna tablets, which represent the solid medicinal ingredients o f Peruna. Each tablet is equivalent to one average dose o f Peruna. v ig n r e it e S iu u k ln g on tk « In u re aa e. Consumption o f cigarettes Increase,] largely In the United States during the last fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. p i T C St. V it o «' IlAnre »a d nrvoa« n w e a if* per«*- I I I 3 nently cared by l)r . i -Ine's G reat N e rv e R e­ according to the preliminary annual storer. Send fo r FREE $2 00 tria l b ottle and treatise. statement of Internal revenue receipt!. D r. R. H. K lin e . L d ., 931 A rc h S t „ P h ila d elp h ia . Pa. Tobacco revenues generally fell off, the «Kol D i * a p p o l u ( r d . public smoking fewer cigars than the Goodman Gonrong— I ’ve had the offer preceding year, taking less snuff and of a job an' I ’ve a great mind to go to chewing less. But more cigarettes of H o yt C h e m ic a l C o . Portland, Oregon work. Haymold Storey— I alwuz knowed ther' all kinds were used. Less spirits were used than in 1907. wus a yeller streak in you. the heaviest falling off being In the T h e Fainoan Four. spirits distilled from grain, the reve­ Each of the following named gentle­ nue ou which declined over $15,000.1)00 men, upon being out late With the boys This would Indicate large decline !n has concocted a famous excuse, and. whisky consumption. The beer busi­ what is more wonderful, got away with ness, however, continued to grow In it. They are: Jonah. Ulysses, Rip Van spite of the depression. Winkle, Robinson Crusoe.— Judge. The total decrease in Internal reve­ nue, as compared with the preceding F a ir y T a le . O b the third finger of her left hand the fiscal year, was $17,998.072. sweet young thing wore a magnificent soli­ In 1 0 3 0 . taire. “ Prisoner,” said the magistrate se­ “ So you’re going to marry a prince, verely, "you are charged with being a are you?” enid the necessary questioner. millionaire. How did you happen to “ A prince? I don’t understand.“ fall?” “ The son of a coal king.“ “ Your honor," responded the trem­ “ O, yes,“ smiled the sweet young thing. bling man at the bar, “ in a moment of “ I ’ m to be his Cinder Ella.“ weakness I made a book on the races." la yonr mouth s im ila r In any way to th e above? I f T o B re a f *n N e w Shoes. ao. no need to wear a wobbly, unusable p artial plate “ You’re not Incurable," rejolued the Always shake in A llen ’s Foot-Ease, a powder, o r ill-iittin ti, ord in ary bridge work. T h e Dr. Wiae ft cures hot, sweating, aching, sw ollen feet, magistrate, who at heart was not un­ system o f 'ures corns, ingrow ing nails and bunions. At kind. “ Go and reform by playing the “ TEETH W IT H O U T P L A T E S “ ill druggists and shoe steres, 25c. Dont accept Dismissed." T h e result o f 21 year*' experience, th e new way o f iny substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Addrebi book of some other fellow. rep lacin g teeth in th e m o u th -te e th in fact, teeth in Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. — Philadelphia I,edEer. appearance, teeth to chew your foot! upon, as you did ui«on your natural one*. Our fore«* is no organ­ ised we can do your e n tire crown, bridpe o r plate work in a day if neceaaary. P o sitively painless e x ­ tracting- Only high-class. scien tific work. W I S E D E N T A L C O .f IN C . Dr. VV. A. W ise. M anager.. 21 years in Portland. Second F lo o r, F a ilin g Building, T h ird and W ash­ ington Streets. Office hours, 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun­ Painless Extracting, 60c; plates, 16 up. Phones A and M ain 2029. days, 9 to 1 P. M. C o n c e r n in g M r*. J f p e « . . F am e . Mrs. Good sole— What satisfaction does Mrs. Jypes derive from her new automo­ bile? I never see her riding in it. Miss Capsicum— She isn't deriving any satisfaction from It now. The Snoodles have bought a finer one. Proud Father— My daughter, I suppose, is getting along famously with her dra­ matic studies. Principal (o f the school of dramatic a r t)— Er— yes; indeed she is. On ar amateurs' night at one of the theaters re­ cently the audience fairly went wild with enthusiasm w-hen she starred in a little comedy called "Getting ths Hook.” — Chi­ cago Tribune. E in n g h The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of r In Use For Over 3 0 Years. m esw Tsw * W s u e »*» svw sct . s i « MAPLEINE errs. A Flavoring. It maio syrup better than Maple. ^ J* T hen». her mirror. "T h is ," she eaid. "ia the penalty Im­ posed by nature for the absurd effort of my ancestresses, ages ago, to abolish What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, I’are- uoric. Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and W ind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s r rieud. to W o k e "It's wonderful." said Dubley, “ bow w ideaw ake the Japanese hsve beccm# in recent years." "Oh. It's not so wonderful." replied the observant man, "when you consider that they have an earthquake every night or so In their country.” —Phila­ delphia Press. A p p a llin g Roaalf. Badly the mermaid regarded bereetf hi The Kind You Have Always nought has borne the signa­ ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over HO years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-pood ” are but Experiments, and endanger the health o f Children—Experience against Experiment. Rheum atism is caused b y an excess o f uric acid in th e blood, w h ich is carried th rou gh th e circulation to a ll p ortion s o f th e system . E v e r y m uscle, nerve, bone and jo in t absorbs the acrid, p ain -p rod u cin g poison, ¡.«u s in g achfes, in flam m ation , stiffness and other w e ll k n ow n sym p tom s o f the disease. Perm anent relie f from the pains and discom fort o f R heum atism cannot be expected from th e use o f linim ents, plasters, and oth er exte rn a l treatm ent w hich does not roach the blood, where the cause is located. Such measurea g iv e tem porary relief, but in order t > cure Rheum atism th e uric acid and inflam m atory poison m ust be exp e lle d from the blood. S. S. S. cures Rheum atism because it is a perfect blood purifier. I t g oes d ow n in to th e C onservatives Lose Out in Ontario, circulation, neutralizes the uric acid and drives it from the blood. S. S. S. exp els the irrita tin g , inflam m atory m atter w hich is causing th e pain, s w e ll­ W here They Expected Th eir in g ar.d other discom fort, enriches the weak, sour blood, and p erm anen tly Heaviest Gains. cures Rheum atism . In all form s o f Rheum atism , w hether acute or chronic, S. S. S. w ill be found a safe, vegeta b le rem edy, possessing the properties needed to cure, and at the same tim e a m edicine that builds up the entire Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 2 7 .— Elections system by its fine tonic effects. Book on R heum atism and an y medical ad vice fo r the Federal house o f commons were free to all who w rite. THE S W IF T SPECIFIC CO., A T L A N T A , GA. held yesterday throughout Canada. O f the 221 constituencies in the dominion F r a n u t * Im p o rted . only two— Rouville, Ont., and South So many peanuts are eaten In this ! York, Ont. returned members by ac­ clamation. In all the others, w ith the country that the native supply Is not | WATERPROOF exception o f five, which w ill hold their sufficient for the demand and about $3,000 worlb o f the African nuts were elections later, there w ere contests. The returns show that S ir W ilfr id Imported from Marseilles in 1906 and Laurier, the present pprem ier, who in over $73,000 worth In 1907. The west are cut on larg» the last house had a m ajority o f 66, coast o f Africa produces quantities of patterns, designed w ill be returned to the house fo r anoth­ peanuts. to give the wearer er five years, w ith a m ajority o f be­ the utmost comfort S o c ie t y H o r r o r . tween 55 and 60. “ Gayman. 1 saw you in the conserva­ UGI1T DURABLE-CLEAN French Canadian Quebec remained tory the other afternoon embracing an f UARANTtED^AJtRl>WOt loyal to the prem ier, electin g a mem­ elderly spinster." bership almost solidly Lib eral. S U IT S * 3 2 2 “ I don’t deny it, Goodsole. I was try­ Ontario, where the Conservat v 'S e x ­ SLIC K E R S *322 ing to conserve our natural resources.” pected to make th eir h eaviest gains, t i urtr n r CMmtH f _ "Wh-what?” wnmxtutsmt did not come up to the opposition’s ex­ "Reclaiming an arid waist." j / 6# or mi run pectations. The returns indicate an almost evenly divided membership, compared w ith 39 Liberals and 47 Conservatives in the last house. N ova Scotia, which at the last gen­ eral elections in 1904 returned a solid Liberal phalanx, g ives the Conserva­ Ths well known rnllabl« tiv e party several seats. „ . . R. L. Borden, leader o f the Conserv­ ( lay be permanently overcome by proper atives, was elected by a substantial personal efforts with the assistance Root and Kerb majority in H alifax, which supported of the one truly beneficial laxative him four years ago. A ll the minis ters have been re-elected w ith the ex­ remedy, Syrup’of figs and OuirofAennty ception o f W illiam Templeton, o f V ic ­ woicn enables one to form regular IT»* mini« s life study o f roofs ami herl'K and in thai toria, B. C., minister o f inland reve­ habits daily so that assistance to na­ Miutly diwoovereii mid Is aiw iiiM to (h e world hut wondsr* nue, who lost by five votes. ture may be gradually dispensed with 1'uT ren’ etlies. CONTESTS TO BE ORDER OF DAY “ Has your order been taken?” asked one of the waiters. “ Yes.” said Mr. Welbroke, “ fifteen min­ C a u s e a n d E ffect. utes ago. I f it isn’t too late, though. I ’d The Doctor— That is a point in thera­ like to change it." peutics I shall have to look up. I find I “T o change your order, sir?“ am growing rusty. “ Yes; if you don’t mind I ’ll change It ’ln e Professor— Rusty? Then there is to an entreaty.“ too much iron in your blood. A hips!” From which w t learn how dangerous it is to meddle with the orderly processes of evolution. __________ Habitual CHINESE DOCTOR A R R E S T 14 N IG H T RID ERS. Sixty-One N ow Held in Connection With Reel F oot O utrage. Camp Reno, Reel Foot Lake, Tenn., Oct. 27. — Fourteen prisoners were brought into camp today in connection w ith recent night rider outrages in this section. This makes a total o f 61 now in custody here. Three mounted scouting parties went out and two o f them returned. The third w ill not be back before tomorrow night. The detachment headed by M ajor R. E. Martin is prepared to g o’ to Obion to­ night to search fo r the mysterious masked men who w ere reported to have been seen near tnat town. A fte r communicating w ith several people Colonel Tattom decided that the story was without foundation and recalled the orders. Both Union C ity and Samburg, where the soldiers are camped, w ere the cen­ ters o f interest today in the night rider troubles. A special term o f the County court convened at Union C ity today and all o f the evidence irf the Reel Foot lake case was laid befor jury- when nit longer needed as the best of remedies, when required, are to assist nature and not to supplant the natur­ al functions, which must depend ulti­ mately upon proper nourishment, proper efforts, and right bung generally. ' To get its beneficial effects, alwriys buy the genuine S y n m i f i g s ^ E l i v H S e im a 'j. munularturvcL bv the C a l if o r n ia N o M ercu ry, Poison s o r D ru gs Used H* Curd W ithout O p era tio n , or W ithout the Aid o f a K n ifg Ho guarantee« to Cure I'atnirh, Aathni^ Lung» 1’hroM . lilfu tn u t Ism, Nervotiffnewn. N en ou s I>el>tiUfv I.iver, Kidney l roul.l.•« nl-o Lost Manhood, euiule Wottkmuw I A ll l ’rlvule i)i«eii»ea i roninrh. hik A SUR E CANCER CURE Just Received from Peking, China-Safe, Sort and R elia b le . I F YOU A R K A FLIC TE D . DON’ T DELAY. DELAYS ARK D a N g KROUS. C O N S U L T A T IO N F i g S y r u p C o . only one size wily, regular price 50( P R B B t i you cannot oall. write fo r «yni|»ton blank and olvow Inr. Iuclone 4 ren t* In stamiw, T H K C. (IK K WO OHINKHIC ilF D T t^ N E CK>. 1621-2 First 8t., ('o r Morrhnn. Portland, O n flia . Ploaao .Mention This Paper. N o . 44-OS P N U SOLQ B Y A LL L E A D IN C DRU CG 1STS Buttle. w [ H E N w r it in g to n d T s r lls s r « p ls s a e m e n i io n t i l l s p a p e r . (JR E S C E N T Egg-Phosphate â B A K IN C POWDER W T jT r n j LÇÂ.I A FULL POUND 25c. ^ „V o r^ r rowDUtmu. _ . , _______________ W A IT IN S P E C T O R ’ S R E P O R T . « 0 N 0 R B sL T ] Decision on Star o f Bengal W reck May Have Serious Results. San Francisco, Oct. 27.— The inspec­ tors o f hulls and boilers, who have been investigating the wreck o f the ship Star o f Bengal, which went ashore on the Alaskan coast some weeks ago, 111 lives being lost, finished taking testimony yesterday and took the case under advisement. Captain W agner, o f the Bengal, has filed charges o f cowardice against the tug captains for their action in cutting his ship loose and it is expected that the decision o f the inspectors w ill bear w eight in the proceedings resulting from these charges. It is stated here that the United States D istrict attor­ ney o f Alaska w ill bring Captain W a g ­ ner’s charges against the captains o f | the Kayak and H attie Gage before the Federal grand jury. Calls Will Forgery. N ew Y ork, Oct. 27.— D eclaring the signature in a w ill disposing o f about $1,000,000 a forgery, the w ill being that o f Ambrose Burbank, who died in 1904, Dr. A lfred H. Ham ilton, o f Au­ burn, N. Y ., a handwriting expert, j created a sensation in the suit against | Caleb H. Burbank, a nephew o f the | testator, during the trial in the United States Circuit court here today. The j nephew is executor o f thq estate and was named residuary legatee, in addi­ tion to receiving a direct bequest o f $600,000. SHOES FOR MEN M These splendid m en's shoes represent the best ’ there is in shoe leather. E very piece o f material is o f the ^choicest tannage. T h e workm anship Is perfect; the styles are up-to-date. W h en it comes to service, there is nothing that equals them In lasting qualities. “HONORBILT” SHOES are everything the name implies. T h e y are “ built on h o n o r." I N o matter where you look, or w hat y o u pay, you wilt never j find anything that w ill outclass them in w ear, style or comfort. If your dealer w ill not supply you, w rite to us. L oo k for the M q yu r T ra d e M a rk o n the sole. F R E E —Swnd us the name of a dealer w h o does n o t handle Mayer Honorhilt Shoe», and w e w ill send free poatpakLa beautiful picture oi G eorge W ashing- k ton. size 15 xJl. „ W e also make Leading Led/ Shoes. Martha W ashlngtor. Comfort Shoes, Yerma Cushion Shoes and Special M e r it School Shoes. F. Mayer Boot Ci Shoe Co. M ILW AUKEE. Purest of the Pure. W IS C O N S IN KC for Quality T h e best in the land is not alw ays the most costly. I 'p to D ato . re is w H C. Gee Wo , fii T o Unveil Harrison Monument. They wore looking up at tbo latest Indianapolis, Oct. 27.— A parade and skyscrapper. "B ut what ar# thoso things sticking out from tho sides?" other interesting features w ill attend | the unveiling today o f the handsome asked the up state friend. "Thoso? Oh, tbooe are (he mile monument erected to the memory o f poets!" answered the Now Yorker.— former President Benjamin Harrison. Vice President Fairbanks w ill preside Judge. ___________ and the speakers w ill include John L . Griffiths, Am erican consul to L iv e r- I pool, and Genera! John W . N oble, ot St. Louis, who was secretary o f the interior during the adm inistration o f an unsurpassed I President Harrison. REM EDY I FW« C «* I« «0 *r,.ufT«™ Think C astro Is Bluffing. sv-tr tot - i' • roM». V» «*-m* S.« -• » «I-* * Willemstad, Oct. 27.— According to Ion# «H-rti It « " * letters received here, the people o f 0 * trml th« tr -iti- • r--> »t k-*lthr Masti«« I Venezuela are confident o f a prompt ran tS«ir rtvilAao PW« • G s * settlement o f the dispute between that VÀI P«!«ct -or.klcnc« i* l* r.'l-- new-n «ad fi-cdo» to «*« country and Holland. T h e ft-fueal o f F « i m t - c K . l l « caotorr. President Castro to revoke the decree A l «U d r » s i i « t * '. 25 e t * I o f May 14 is regarded aa a bluff to • distract attention from the doings o f 1 the revolutionists. Sold by grocer#. A CURE FOR »•RHEUMATISM > >'v •: .-•••• • B u a in r««, Inquiring Friend— You’ve given op booze? How did you ever summon up enough fortitude and self-denial to do that? Iiudger— I paid a high priced doctor $25 to te!l me what was the matter with me, and that was his sole prescription By George. I couldn't afford to waste all that money ! A ia en d lo g PERUNA A TONIC O F I 111DI IT D IC Cl CPTCIl GREAT USEFULNESS. LAU III tit Id t L t l l t U C BAKING POWDER 23 Ounces for 23 Cents vOUNCCjj Is the result of modem ideas. Costs less. Does better work. You must try It to see. Get a can on triaL The baking will be vastly better, lighter and tastier or we pay for the can. Jaquts M%. Oat Chicago.