Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 29, 1908, Image 4

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Published every Thursday by The
Washington County Publishing U>.,
Entered at the post-office at Forest
Grove, Oregon, as second class
mail matter.
times, was pres­
banquets and
wasn’t seasick, or otherwise ill,
a single day. This record puts
to flight the reports that Taft is
a physical wreck.
Ganderbone's Forecast
S at ^ thirty
T ry a Sack of “ H om e P roduct’
Flour— All G rocers
(C op y rig h t 190», by C . H . K icth )
Ì R aro
A table and a pitcher,
A tumbler and a stand,
A man in doublebreasted clothes,
And music by the band;
A last appeal to reason,
A crowd with cheering daft—
Some folks think it’ s Bryan,
And others think its Taft.
j. F. W o o d s ................................. e d i t o r
An increase in wages of
$100,000,000 every year under
TH U R SD AY, O CT. 29, 1908
administration is
Next Tuesday we elect Taft. one substantial reason why the
railway employees of the country
“ Twenty-thousand for Taft.”
are overwhelmingly for Taft and
Next week is the week we Sherman.
tell you how it was done.
Bryan has shown himself
Organized labor is making it very much like Hobson by be­
clear that its vote is in its own ing kissed by two New York
women, but he is very much
individual pockets.
unlike him as regards a larger
A free trade tariff appeals navy. Hobson has been par­
neither to the farmer nor to the ading before the Western peo­
ple preaching for a larger navy
factory wage earner.
for the Pacific coast while Mr.
Mr. Bryan thinks he has ans­ Bryan declares that we don’t
wered Governor Hughes. As need it.
a matter of fact, he has only re­
The speech of Mr. R R.
plied to him.
Butler, presidential elector on
T he spit ordinance passed re­ the Republican ticket in Ore­
cently by the council, seems al­ gon, was a ringer. It had all
ready to be relegated to the gar­ the ear marks of a Southern
ret and forgotten.
blood and it was delivered in a
manner that there was no mis­
T h e farmers demonstrate at
taking the earnestness of the
every railway crossing that they
speaker. Mr. Butler is one of
are for the candidate of the Re-
the coming young Republicans
pjblican prosperity.
of the state and you need not
Saturday night is the night be suprised to see him fill the
for you to be sure and anchor governor’s chair some day.
all of your belongings and turn
the dog loose— Hallow’een.
A man with twenty dollars,
Another man with ten,
A swift exchange of challenges.
And two excited men;
A show-down and a wager,
A banknote and a draft—
Some folks think it’ s Bryan,
And others think it’ s Taft.
A homestretch and a tumult,
A spyglass and a shout,
A feverish excitement while
They try to make them out;
A flying dust cloud leading,
A second cloud abaft—
Some folks think it’ s Bryan,
And others think it’ s Taft.
In the old Roman calendar Novem­
ber was the ninth month. Blessing
fell early, and the empire gave thanks
just before the first frost; but about 700
B. C. the trusts left the people so little
to be thankful for after nine months
that it was decided to wait a while and
see if anything would com e of the
Roman elections. Numa accordingly
made November the eleventh month
and had Thanksgiving fall with the first
snows, notwithstanding the month gets
its name from the Latin novem (n in e .)
The frisky colt will sniff the air and
hear the whistling quail, and the fes­
tive calf will indicate the zenith with
hi? tail. The frost will paint the forest
with a deep and redder dye, the hired
man will shuck the corn, the pumpkin
vine will pie, the politicians will hit up
their office-holding feud, and the m od­
est maple tree will blush and com e out
in the nude.
High Grade Pianos t Organs
and Sewing Machines
At a"v Mte the candidates will dash
into the stretch, and both Bilis-o-the
Wisp wm make themselves quite hard
to ketch.
1 Jj
ing stoves are the best heat
producers with the least fuel of
any stoves on the market.
for Ranges there are no better
makes than the Real
Range, prices range from
$2 6 to $50
Along about the 29th
The Duke of the Abruzzi
Will get it all fixed up that he
Shall wed his toosey-wootsey;
And Elkins pere will dance a jig
And dream of wedding cake.
While tverybody else makes bets
On whether it will take.
And then D ecem ber will blow in
with cold and Christmas glee, and old
King Coal, the
soul, will
thunder out, “ Pay m e!”
S u c c e s s o r to S. lì. liu ghes
— Miss Kirkwood has received some
very pretty com bs in
F o re st G rove
the very latest ^
Call and see them.
L e t us M a k e
The annual show-down between city
and country life will be com plete by
the 20th, when the farmer will have
his cellar stocked with potatoes, tur­
nips, kraut, nuts, hams, sidemeat,
souse, popcorn, pickles, pigs’ feet, ap-
plebutter, lard, sweet potatoes and sor­
ghum, and the city man will enter the
! winter with his cellar stocked with ten
| tons of hard coal and two gas meters.
! The man who made election bets.
Relying on his knowledge,
j Will write a sad note to his son.
Withdrawing him from college,
j The football season will wind up.
The classroom claim its braves,
I And the faculty will order flowers
And decorate the graves.
Y our H om e
C om fortable
a n d A ttr a c tiv e
T h ey’ ll spurt in spirited re-
fancy paces, and only hit the trenpbing
earth ¡n f0ur or five high places. The
air will darken with the flight of gravel,
dirts and sods, and the crowd will
sound its battle cries and give and of­
fer odds. And Teddy meanwhile will
wedge in quite close beside the track
with something that he has concealed
within a paper sack, and when his en­
try charges down, hot-footing like the
wind, T . R. will hang a hornet nest
upon him down behind.
The election will be held on the 3d,
and the trusts will hold an all-night
prayer meeting on the 2d. Mr. Brvan
will cast his vote for Mr. Taft at Lin­
coln. Mr. Taft will return the cour­
tesy at Cincinnati, and Mr. Rockefel­
ler will receive the tew s at Cffveland.
The quadrennial ass who wheels an­
other quadrennial ass through town on
a wheelbarrow will start from the Post-
office at 10 o ’ clock on the morning of
the 4th. followed by 90 boys and the
Foolkiller. The com plele returns will
be in by the 15th.
Also a full line of
Talking Machines and Records always in stock.
The famous Charter Oak heat­
Until the 25th November will be
under the zodiacal sign of Scorpio.
People born in Scorpio are cross at
supper, and it is better, if possible, to
be born after the 25th, when the
month is under the sign oi Sagitatius
the Aicher. Sagitarius people are only
cross at breakfast, when everybody is.
The flower for November is the
chrysanthemum, which signifies that
Japan received our fleet without start­
ing anything. The moon will be full
on the 8th.
M ore
sold way below Portland prices and on easy monthly pay­
Edison and Columbia
and Ranges
K . JV. S T A B H R . M an a g e r
A double fleece-lined coat of hair
will com e in style for dogs, and the
farmer will put on the pot and kill his
fattened hogs. The air will teem with
W e have just» received a new shipment» o f Iron
and Brass Beds which defy all competition as to de­
sign, price and quality.
A lso are unpacking and marking the most» beauti- |
fill assortment o f dining, bed room and parlor chairs
ever shown in Forest Grove. They will delight y ou .
W e stand behind
everything we sell
S A T IS F A C T IO N , OR. M O N E Y B A C K ”
Paterson Bldg.
Forest Grove, Oregon
logues sent free to any address.
The leading place in the County for Stationery
and School Supplies.
shots and squeals and sundry flavors
sweet, the good housewife will render '
lard and scrape and pickle feet, the
spared old hens will get a note of ter­
ror in their cacklings, and the child­
ren will refresh their turns with good
old-fasnioned cracklings.
Mr. Roosevelt’ s annual proclamation
advancing the price of turkey 10 cents
a pound will be issued about the mid­
dle of the month. H e will urge us to
give thanks that 55 .000,000 cubic feet
of earth were excavated at Panama in
steamboat wreck, for this reason:
dust up with the slack down.
“ In a Tailroad wreck, thar y o hanging from their trousers. They’ ll
are! In a steamboat wreck, ™me
sight e*h'b>ting a score of
And then the presidential race
Will hold its royal sway,
And everyone will exercise
His liver, anyway.
H e’ ll bounce it up and down between
His pancreas and gizzard,
Like the discussion of the
And waltz it through his inner works
true old Southern darkies, on
From A around to Izzard,
“ which would you rather be in: And even though his present race
May prove to be in vain,
a railroad wreck or a steamboat | H e’ ll have the health and strength
wreck” reminds us of the advis-1
to run
Sometime, perhaps, again.
whar are yo?
By the election
of Taft, “ thar yo are!” In the
Put your “ mark” after 12, election of Bryan, “ whar are
13, H a n d 15 on the official yo?”
ballot next Tuesday, and you
A good joke is told by a
have done your duty
towards continuing prosperity. South Dakota paper on the
democrats of that State. By
Democrats have discovered a a mistake several dray loads of
lot of things in this campaign pamphlets intended for the re­
except reasons why any man publican headquarters were un­
who voted for Theodore Roose­ loaded at the democratic rooms.
velt in 1904 should vote for As the documents were in Bo­
hemian, Luthem and Slavish
Bryan in 1908.
' none of the clerical force could
Mr. I aft’s hustling ability read them and they were nearly
was shown during his recent a]j sent out jn the mail before
trip around the world, when in the democrats discovered that
four months he traveled 24,000 they were circulating Taft lit-
miles, visited eight countries, eratnre.
convened the first Philippine
Assembly, talked with two em-
perors, spoke in public between jjdence at Dr. Ward’ s place.
IH M ®
Some folks think it’ s Bryan,
And o t h c s think it’ s Taft.
Mr. Bryan is posing as the
Advance Agent of Prosperity.
It is not customary, however,
Taft as
to have an advance agent follow ibility of electing
the show.
ey declared he would rather be
Governor Hughes refers to in a railroad disaster than a
Mr. Bryan’s paramounts as
“ vagrant theories.” Probably
because they have no visible
means of support.
Mr. Bryan says that he is
anxious that laboring men
Subscription $ 1.50 Psr Year should not be compelled to work A « » * »
Advertising ratas made knawa on
laboring man A hasty diagnosis of
applies lion
The perils o( our tim e;
has to work overtime under
Official Paper Washington Ci
A farewell ana a promise,
Democratic administrations.
A benediction aft—
A. E. N0I1RSE...................... MANAGER
oldenrod Hour