Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 29, 1908, Image 2

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    Vuhingtiii County Iw »
O B J E C T S T O A N N E X A T IO N .
Fears Austria Would
More Territory.
St. Petersburg, Oct.
nouncement was made
27.— N o an­
today by the
foreign office as to the progress of the
Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts of the World.
negotiations at Berlin between M. Is-
wolsky, the Russian foreign minister,
and Prince von Buelow, the German
chancellor. The conference, so far as
Section o f State Law s on Presiden­
tial Election Requirements.
W ho can vote for presidential elec­
can be learned, has scored no definite tors, and thus for the presidential can­
results, and will be continued.
didates, at the presidential election of
Advices from Berlin, however, have November 3? This is a question which
Less Important but Not Less Inter­ in no wise lessened the confidence here is asked many times each day through­
esting Happenings from Points
that the proposed international con­ out the state.
On every hand there seems to be a
Outside the State.
gress will ultimately be accepted by
widespread belief that any citizen of
Germany, although negotiations are the United States can cast his ballot
Captain Hains, who shot W . E. An­ apt to be continued for some time at the presidential election, whether at
after the return o f M. Iswolsky.
The his home, or on travel in a distant
nie, will plead insanity.
state. Traveling men, distant from
Los Angeles has passed an ordinance invitation to take part in the congress their homes, are making daily inquiry
barring fake fortune tellers.
whether it is possible for them to cast
their vote at the town where they may
Castro says he will not give in to
M. Iswolsky, interviewed by the
Netherlands and is ready to fight at Novoe Vrem ya’s Berlin correspondent be on election day. In order to make
the situation plain the law o f the state
any time.
today, declared that A ustria’s action is herewith set forth. Article 2, sec­
A large wharf and two vessels were was a blow at vital Slav interests and tion 2, of the constitution of the state
burned at St. Johns, N . F. The loss that the indignation of the Russian of Oregon, sets out the qualifications
press and public could easily be under­ of electors in the state. Section 2 is
is placed at $500,000.
stood, but he asked the public to sus­ as follows:
Germany has agreed to the Balkan
pend judgment with regard to his ac
“ Section 2. Qualifications of elec­
conference, but approves A ustria’s ob­
tivity in this connection until his re­ tors— In all elections not otherwise
jection to the program.
turn to Russia, when he hoped with provided for by this constitution every
Portland is to have pay-as-you-enter the emperor’s permission to make
white male citizen o f the
street cars.
The company is now ar­ statement before the douma.
It is re­ States, of the age of 21 years and up­
ranging the details for their use.
ported that the Octoberists in the dou wards, who shall have resided in the
Evidence has bean secured which ma have decided to support the foreign state during the six months immedi­
shows that on the day the Morse bank minister, but President Khomykoff in ately preceding such election, £nd
failed at N ew York he drew $211,000. an interview said that Russia sholud every white male of foreign birth of
refuse to recongize the annexation of the age o f 21 years and upwards, who
Four miners have been arresetd at Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was a
shall have resided in this state during
Tonopah, Nev., for stealing high grade mere prelude to further aggressions the six months immediately preceding
ore from the mines in which they were on the part of Austria-Hungary.
such election, and shall have declared
his intention to become a citizen of the
United States one year preceding such
The United States is to have three
election, conformably to the laws of
cardinals after the reorganization of
the United States on the subject of na­
the American diocese. The new cardi­
Authorities Fear Trouble at Amoy
turalization, shall be entitled to vote
nals w ill be named by the pope soon
When Fleet Arrives.
at all elections authorized by law .’’
A lone robber kidnaped a wealthy
Amoy, China, Oct. 27.— Discovery
It has been held by the Supreme
lumberman near Mount Vernon, Wash
court that the Fifteenth amendment to
ington, and compelled him to write a of a revolutionist plot is causing great
the Federal constitution rendered the
note asking for $5,000.
Before the uneasiness to Chinese government offi­
restriction to white males of no effect,
money was paid the lumberman es­ cials.
so that the colored men of Oregon come
Fears are entertained that the rami­ under the same constitutional require­
Cholera in Manila has dwindled down fications of this plot may be far reach­ ments that bind the white voter, and
to proportions of little importance.
ing. The object o f the rebels, it is have the same privileges.
Tn addition to these constitutional
The Cleveland, Ohio, street railway said, was to assassinate liigh Chinese
company will sell seven tickets for 25 officials Hc.;..g tne festivities of the qualifications the registration laws of
the state o f Oregon place other re­
forthcoming reception to the American strictions upon the voter. A ll voters
There is still much ur— -ai in Portu­ fleet, the conspirators hoping that the are required either to be registered in
During r recent review of troops officials would appear in public in a the county and precinct in which they
by the boy king his life was saved only body on that occasion.
reside permanently, or if not register­
by the merest chance.
Extraordinary precautions are being ed, to bring six owners of real estate
Frank Pinkham, a trusted employe taken and will be extended during the in their precinct to make affidavit as to
o f the Tacoma Mill company, of San stay o f the fleet here, and particularly the residence of the prospective voter.
Francisco, has disappeared with $30,- during the functions. Viceroy Song, In other words, there are three re­
of Fukien province, who arrived here quirements asked by the law of the
000 of the company’s money.
yesterday on the cruiser Hai Yung, prospective voters.
Two suit againBt Thaw for money spent the night aboard the ship.
F irs t: The voter must be a native-
have been stopped because the law re­
Order and perfect system are being born citizen of the United States, over
strains proceedings until 12 months rapidly established at the reception
21, who has resided in the state for six
after an application in bankruptcy.
grounds where the recent typhoon months or more.
Bamboo struc­
Second: I f not a native-born citi­
A plot has been discovered by which wrought destruction.
revolutionists intended to kill a num­ tures have replaced the ruined build­ zen, he must at least have declared his
ber of high officials during the stay of ings, and the original plans for the intention to become a citizen one year,
the American fleet in Chinese waters. entertainment o f the officers and men or more, previous to the election, and
of the American fleet are likely to he must have resided for six months or
A bomb thrown in the heart of Chi­
carried out in full. It had been in­ more in the state, and must be 21 years
cago’s downtown district practically
tended to install a wireless telegraph or more o f age.
destroyed one building. The police are
system, but this probably will not be
T hird: Both native-born and for­
unable to give any reason for the out­
done, as there is no expert here to eign-born residents, qualified under
rage and have made no arrests.
carry out the work.
the two preceding requirements to
Over 1,000 cases of socalledegg yolk
vote, must be registered with the
have been thrown into the ocean at
county clerk, at the registration time
N ew York.
The stuff was imported
preceding the election, or, if not so
from China and was used in place of
registered, must bring six freeholders
eggs, but could not pass pure food in-
in order to register by affidavit.
Natives in Manila.
Section 3 of article 2 of the state
Manila, Oct. 27.— Seven new cases constitution also says:
Senator La Follette says the senate
“ No idiotic or insane person shall be
o f cholera were reported in this city
is going to be cleaned.
for the day ending Sunday night. entitled to the privileges of an elector;
The fate of the Balkan conference
The slight increase in the spread of and the privilege of an elector shall be
depends on Germany's consent.
the disease is ascribed by the authori­ forfeited by a conviction of any crime
T w o Mexican rebels have been ties to the many gatherings of the peo­ which is punishable by imprisonment
found guilty of fomenting a revolt ple on Saturday night and Sunday, and in the penitentiary.”
on American soil.
Men who have been sentenced to the
the feasts that accompanied the assem­
A nremature explosion of dynamite blies. The situation is not considered penitentiary, however, who have serv­
at Douglas, Ariz , killed two men and to be grave, as the health department ed a portion or a whole o f their term
injured eight others.
feels that it has the epidemic well un­ and have been pardoned by the gover­
Great Northern earnings for the der control, expressing no alarm over nor o f the state are restored to suffrage
by virtue of that pardon.
last fiscal year show a decrease of the increase.
It is also provided in section 5 of the
$1,838,000 compared with the previous
It is probable that the government
will further restrict the gatherings of constitution of the state, article 2, that
German military balloon e\ the natives, and also the sale of dan­ “ no soldier, seaman, or marine in the
It is believed that the army or the navy o f the United States,
ploded a mile in the air. The occu gerous foods.
pants fell in a tree and were unin­ cockpits located in the suburbs of the or o f their allies, shall be deemed to
city, where it is difficult to maintain a have acquired a residence in the state
in consequence o f having been sta­
Experts who have been going over strict watch over the sale of foodstuffs,
the books of San Francisco have are responsible for the slight increase tion«) within the same; nor shall any
found a shortage of >00,000 in the in the number of cholera cases noted such soldier, seaman or marine have
the right to vote.”
at each week-end.
city treasury.
ing about
ter to the
siders the
Elkins says he knows noth,
Leave Sheep to Perish.
the marriage of his daugh
Duke of Abruzzi and con­
Medicine Hat, Saskatchwan, Oct.
naval escort a good joke. 27. The first trains since November
During the reception of the Atner 19 reached Medicine Hat from the
¡can fleet at Yokohama all the Amcr East Sunday evening. Riders got in
ican admirals were carried around the from the district, stretching to the
deck of their vessels on the shoulders United States bonier, with fearful
of Japanese admirals and captains.
tales of hardships created by the
Deaths in Luzon from the storm will storm. Donald Cameron, a sheepherd-
er, with two others, were caught and
resell 500.
forced to leave their sheep to perish
Snow has drifted to a ‘depth of 15
and seek safety themselves. Cameron
feet in Montana.
became exhausted and died
An epidemic of typhoid fever pre
being 60 hours without sleep or nour­
vails at Montreal, Quebec.
ishment, the other two reached safety.
Reno gamblers are putting up a hard
fight to prevent being driven from the
Overcome by Smoke.
Cannonsburg. Pa.. Oct. 27. While
Lieutenant Jeppaon, who has been
King Kdward's nioaaenger since 1801, directing the men fighting fire that
broke out yestenlay in the Pittsburg-
i* dead.
Buffalo company’s Hazel mine, near
One hundred and fourteen thousand
applications were received for the 8000 here, H. P. Jones, general manager of
farma in the Rosebud, 8. D , reservntion the company, was overcome by smoke.
Three shifts o f 60 men each are bat­
just thrown open.
tling with the blaze, but the heat is so
A bogus German baron has been vie intense that they can work hut five
timizing San Francisco people.
minutes at a time. The fighters ere
One death hae been reported from gaining slowly and expect to have the
Montana, following the aevere blizzard fire controlled by tomorrow.
John W. Kern. Jr., eon of the Demo
eratic vice presidential candidate, is
seriously ill.
Revolt in C orea at End.
Tokio, Oct. 27.— The so-called insur­
A New Turk thief, after robbing a rection in Corea is practically ended.
jewelry store of valuable diamonds, es The troop* are still on active duty,
but the insurgents have dwindled to
eaped in an ant».
The greateet celebration ia the hi» merely a disorderly element.
torv of Japan ia being givea in honor thirds o f the Japanese troops in North
China will be withdrawn in a few days.
• f the American floet.
Eleventh Annual Convention to Meet
l.i Pittsburg.
Horses for Philippines.
Klamath Falls— Eighty horses for
use in the United States cavalry were
shipped from Klamath county this
week to Seattle, where they will be
loaded on transports and taken to the
Philippine islands. An army inspector
o f horses has been at the J. Frank
Adams ranch in Merrill for a week
past, testing horses, and the 80 select­
ed average 1,100 pounds and are said
to be the finest lot o f horses ever ship­
ped out o f Klamath county.
B -et Sugar Factory Idle.
L a Grande Bad roads have forced
the sugar factory here to stand idle
until the rains subside.
At present
the highways are so muddy that beets
cannot he hauled from the field and
the supply at the factory has run out.
The furnaces are kept hot even though
the wheels stand idle, and for this rea­
son the factory can resume it* work as
soon as sufficient beets are again in the
bins to permit iL
Fall Work at Sweet Home.
Sweet Home The rain of the past
t week has been welcomed by most peo­
ple here. It was the first rain this
fall to do any good, and pastures were
suffering, and many wells were dry.
Now, however, there is plenty o f w a­
ter everywhere, and fields and pastures
are already showing green. The San-
tiam at this point has raised eight
inches Since the rain began.
26.— The
committee of the American Mining
congress yesterday issued the official
call for the 11th annual convention to
be held in Pittsburg December 2, 3, 4
Southern Pacific to Run Through Wil­
and 5, 1908. A special effort is con­
lamette Valley in November.
templated looking to the final enact­
Corvallis— W hat is said to be the ment of the bill for the creation o f a
most pretentious train of its kind ever bureau of mines, now on the calendar
operated over any railroad in the Unit- of the United States senate for third
ed States will be run by the Southern reading.
Pacific company through the W ilia m -1 Particular attention is called to the
ette valley, starting the first week in work 0f congress in making investiga-
November. It will be a demonstration tions relating to the protection of the
train that will show the latest methods lives of miners; proposals for the elim-
in dairying, agriculture, horticulture ination of fraudulent mining stock
and stock raising. The train will con­ operations ; the relations between cus­
sist of seven or eight cars and will be toms smelters and the ore producer;
accompanied by the officials of the rail- Federal aid for mining schools and ex-
road company. Professor Withycombe, perjment stations; the exploitation of
director of the Oregon experiment sta-1 the rare mineral resources of the coun-
tion at Corvallis, will deliver lectures try; the conservation of mineral re­
at the various towns visited, and other sources ; the timber and water supply,
professors from the Oregon Agricultur­ and the unification of the mining laws
al college will also accompany the train of the several states, are the particular
and give practical instruction to the subjects which will be under discus­
farmers, dairymen and fruitgrowers.
sion. It is announced the convention
Although the Harriman lines in this w ill be an open forum for the discus­
state have only recently taken up the sion of all mining subjects.
work of educating the people of the
The call invites the president of the
rural districts to improve their pro­ United States, the governors and heads
ducts and increase their output the of commercial bodies to appoint dele­
railroads have gone into it extensively. gates. A special feature of the body
The train to be run next month prom­ will be a coal mine gas testing plant,
ises to be the very latest development now in course of construction in Pitts­
of the idea.
burg, under an appropriation made dur­
One car in the train will be devoted ing the last session of congress, which
to agricultural exhibits and demonstra­ will then be completed.
tions. another to horticulture, a third
to dairying and livestock.
One car
E N O R M O U S L O S S IN C O A L .
will have a number of model dairy
cows for exhibition and practical de­
monstrations, with milking machines, Trade Loses S I .500,000 Weekly by
cream separators and other appliances
Cotton Lockout.
o f modern dairy methods will be given.
London, Oct. 26.— The shutting
A model stall will be shown for the down of 500 mills as the result ouf the
benefit of dairymen and owners of cotton trade lock out bus reduced the
In another car practical consumption of engine coal by 700,000
demonstrations will be given in pack­ tons per week. Calculated at $2 per
ing fruit.
ton, this represents a loss o f trade
The train will be out eight days and amounting to $1,500,000 a week.
during that time the following cities
Oldham, the center of the spinning
will be visited, a stop of about two industry, is the first of the cotton
hours being made at each place; Hills­ towns to feel the pinch of the lockout.
boro, Forest Grove, North Yamhill, O f the 32 l mills in the town only 20
Sheridan, Dallas, Independence, Wells- are now working. It is not the opera­
dale, Albany, Shedd, Junction City, tives who have their lock out pay from
Eugene, Cottage Grove, Springfield, their unions to fall back on who are
Brownsville, Jefferson, Salem, Ger- beginning to feel the pressure of the
vais, Woodburn, West Stayton, Silver-
industrial warfare, but the shopkeep­
ton, Hubbard and Aurora.
ers, particularly at the small shops,
63 » Bandits During Night.
to Hills
Carrying Away Their Loot—
C rew W as Bested.
San Francisco, Oct. 24.— The Brit­
ish steamship Strathford, which has
arrived here from Chile, reports a
raid by
Chilean coast
pirates on the German steamship
Serato in the harbor of Antofagasta
on the night of September 28. The
cutting out expedition was done al­
most under the guns of a Chilean
gunboat. Pursuit was given, but the
bandits took to the hills back of A n ­
tofagasta and escaped.
The German merchantman was an­
chored in the harbor loaded to the
hatches with a cargo an d ’ prepared
for sailing on the following morning.
Out of the darkness two dozen
pirates leaped on the vessel’s decks,
and in a twinkling the watch was
bound and gagged. The noise of the
struggle awoke the captain, who
grasped his revolver and rushed on
The pirates crept into the
shadow as the captain approached.
He was struck from behind with a
belaying pin and fell unconscious.
By this time the crew was awak­
ened and as they appeared on deck
the pirates attacked them. A pitched
battle with knives followed, in which
several of the crew were badly in­
jured and the remainder bound and
The Chileans then sacked the ves­
sel from stem to stern, loading their
loot on lighters they had brought with
Early next day a Chilean gunboat
entered the harbor and the plight of
the Serato was discovered. A large
party was sent in pursuit of the
pirates, who had several hours’ start
and found safety in the hills.
who depended on the custom o f the
Scheme to Make Uncle Sam Defend
mill girls.
Cabrera's Stealings.
No one has the heart to buy anything
short of actual necessities.
N o new
San Francisco, Oct
24.— United
dresses are being made in Oldham just States immigration inspectors who
now, and dressmakers are reducing the have been ¡nvesti)$nting naturalization
number of their workroom hands, and frauds in this city are said to have
the milliners’ shops, of which the fe- forwarded a report to Washington te-
mals cotton operative was the generous vealing the fact that Diego Estrada
Cabrera, son of the Guatemalan presi­
patron, are deserted.
dent, is a naturalized citizen of the
The situation was discussed at a
United States.
meeting of the distress committee last
The report further reveals that
night and the mayor has summoned a young Cabrera took this step at the
special meeting of the council for to­ instance of his father. It is alleged
night, when a deputation from the dis­ that the president of Guatemala took
Huckleberries Plentiful.
tress committee will make suggestions this means of safeguarding his prop­
Klamath Falls— There were picked for providing relief work.
erty in the southern republic under
on Huckleberry mountain this season
the American citizenship of his son.
40,000 gallons of huckleberries, accord­
After young Cabrera became a citizen
ing to the estimate of W . F. Arant,
his father began the transfer of large
superintendent of Crater lake national
property holdings both in this coun­
park. As many more were picked Reno Votes to Continue Wide Opi n try and Guatemala to him.
transfers still continue and the United
from the Lake of the Woods patch,
Town as Before.
States is unable to prevent the action
and it is said not more than half were
Reno, Nev., Oct. 26.— Reno will re­ and in the event of war in Guatemala
main a wide open town for some time could be called upon to protect young
to come, according to the result of the Cabrera's holdings, say the officials.
Drill for Oil at Coos.
city election held here Saturday, when
Marshfield— Frank O ’Day, an oil
the gambling element won by a major­
man, who recently visited Coos bay, is
ity of 566 votes out of a total of about
expected here within two weeks with
3,100 votes cast. The election was on
machinery to drill for oil. It has been
Zeppelin Airship Makes Great Show­
known for some time past that there a city ordinance to forbid the running
ing in Germany.
was oil around Coos bay, and during of gambling games under license in the
Friederichshaven, Oct. 24.— The re­
the past summer a number of investi­ city of Reno. The ordinance was put
gations along that line have been made. to the city vote upon the petition of constructed Zeppelin dirigible air­
the Anti-Gambling league, who made ship No. 1 made a triumphal reap­
a red hot fight at the polls.
pearance and ascension with ten pas­
P O R T L A N D M A R K E T S.
The league opened
headquarters sengers Friday afternoon and went
Wheat— Bhtestemi 93(§ !>4c ; club. 89c ; about two months ago and has worked through evolutions that for speed and
fife. 89c: red Russian. 8t>c; 40-fold, 90c; diligently ever since, holding mass stability were most satisfactory. The
meetings and spreading literature trip in the air lasted for three and a
valley. 90c.
Barley— Feed. $26'n 27 per ton ; rolled. broadcast and through the mails. The half hours and passed without a hitch.
The balloon made an average speed
$27.501 1 28.30; brewing. $26.50.
gambling fraternity worked quietly,
Oats— No. 1 white. $31@31.50 per ton; but the result shows they worked of 29.21 miles an hour at a mean alti­
tude of 800 feet. Driven alternately
gray. $30(ii :to.5o.
effectively. The defeat of the ordi­
Hay— Timothy.
Valley. nance is partly due to the feeling that by a single motor and then by both
$14 per ton; Willamette Valley, ordi­ gambling should be stopped throughout motors, the craft made easy progress,
its movements being controlled with
nary, $11: Eastern Oregon, $16.509?
the state and not alone in Reno.
Aeronauts end throngs of
17.50; mixed. $13; clover. $9; alfalfa.
The fight will be carried into the the populace crowded the shores of
$14; alfalfa meal. $19.
Lake Constance from 2 o’clock until
Fruit— Apples. 7Scii$130 per box: legislature at the coming session.
5:30 yesterday evening, watching the
peaches. 40:<? 4 Pc per b o x ; pears. 7 5c 97
evolutions of the airship.
$125 per b o x ; grapes. 50e(n$125 per
Moros Battle With Laborers.
crate: local concords. 15c per half bas­
Manila, Oct. 26.— Nine Filipino la­
ket ; eastern concords. 37j(f?40c per bas­
Russia's Bloody Assizes.
ket: huckleberries. 9(e?10c per pound; borers and their American superintend­
St. Petersburg, Oct. 24.— The Rech
quinces. $1@125 per box: cranberries.
$10 per barrel; prunes. 29?2*c per lb.; with a band o f Moros on the Shephers has obtained and made public the offt-
. cial statistics of the executions in
nutmeg melons, $123 per box; casabas. sugar plantation near Iligan on
island of Mindanao last week. accord- i R“ **** during the year 1908 on sen-
$2 3 per dozen.
Potatoes— S09i pOc per hundred ; sweet, ing to news that reached here today i !i.nce* ' mP ° sed by the miitary courts.
1 ■ —
The total is 627, of which 84 were sol-
potatoes. 29i2jc per pound.
from the * island.
The men were work-1
Onions -Oregon, 90c(§ $1 per hundred ing on the plantation and were taken diers and 543 civilians. According to
the official classifications, 453 persons,
off their guard by the Moro warriors. 1
—- - - - - I or over 70 per cent, were hanged or
Vegetables— Turnips. $1 25 per sack: Tu„ 1 * l „ ,
*oet1..he,V,lZ before i he-v 'hot for murder or robbery, accom-
carrots. 85c: parsnips. $125; beets
$1 25; artichokes. 65c per dozen; beans. » pul seo^the attack in jf party in a final panied by violence; 02 men were exe-
are reported to have cuted for mutiny or other offenses
Stifinc pound: cabbage, ljc per pound;
cauliflower. 7‘ c /$! per dozen: celery. lost 20 killed and many more wounded. against military discipline. 71 for
crimes against the state and four tor
75''i 85c per dozen : encumbers. $2 23 per
Kills Herders and Sheep.
box: egg plant. $173" 2 per crate; le!-
tucev 75c ii $1 per box; parsley. 15c per
Santa Fe, N. M., O ct 26.— Twenty
dozen: peas. 6c per pound: peppers. thousand sheep, grazing on the C u m -!
Lives Lost in Cyclone,
$2 25 box; pumpkins. l'T ljc per pound: bres mountain range, in Rio Areiba
N ew Orleans, Oct. 24.— A
radishes. 12jc per dozen; spinach. 2c per county. 140 miles north of here, are re- fr 'm B'uefields. Nicaragua, under
pound; sprouts. 9c per pound: squash,
ported to have perished in the blizzard ,U,C of 0 c ,o {>fr 2L ,f> ,he Picayune-
lie per pound: tomatoes. 45(S63c.
hurn,ca" e ‘S J *
Butter— City creamery, extras. 359? which has raged in that section during
the last three days. The storm is the h* c '" * ,'* of, Nicaragua last Friday
3fc: fancy outside creamery, 32}'ii35c
per pound: store. 18c.
^ 7 J t nd . T • £ 7 W
fr0m fiVf t0 Rio Grande a'nd P n n z a p u L and do-
Eggs—Oregon selects. 37)<§39c ; east-
Beside« the great loss ing considerable damage in the
ern. 273?324c per dozen.
ot sneep, six herders are missing and terior
Only meager advices have
Poultry— Hens. 125il3c per pound: it is believed they were also frozen to been brought here by schooner, hut
spring, 189?t3c; ducks, old. 12i?12jc: “* * “ *.
it appears that the entire coast from
young. 14 f 15c: geese, old. 8<i?9c ; young!
| Pearl Cays to C.ipe Gracisa was swept
9(ii t0c: liirkevs. 16 .i 17c.
Nicaragua Is Laid Waste.
¡and there was much loss of life.
Veal— Extra. 8irtj9c per pound: ordi
Managua, Nicaragua,
ct 26.— A
Nicaragua. O
nary. 7v?7}c; heavy Sc.
Trains 72 Hours Late.
_ .
Pork— Fancy, 7}c per pound: large great storm has prevailed throughout
Nicaragua since yesterday morning
Angeles. Oct. 24 — 1
Hops -Oregon. 1908. 7l2 i 8c per pound
Heavy losses are reported, b u t as all '’:' * hou»8 in eastern Colorado
1907. 3$ * c : 190«. l i f f i k
the telegraph and telephone eommuni-
K> ” *' San,a -F.eJ r e
W ool- ■ stern Oregon, average
I »g l4 c >er pound according to
S y ! r . m a £ d T , e d ‘ nd the W s Utera'o v e r D n d 'N o . due h ^
i l ,
W ednesday morning, will not arnve
age : valley 159716c
. !*
h° W far reach,nK ^
8torn> until thi« evening, making the trip
Mohair—Choice, ISc per pound.
1 from Chicago in seven days.
Record Price for Pears.
Medford— The highest price yet re­
alized this year for Rogue River valley
pears was reached during the present
week, when Comice pears brought
$6.60 per box. The price received is
$2.20 less than received last year, but
when the conditions of the markets are
taken into consideration the growers
feel satisfied with the result. There
are less than five cars remaining to be
shipped from this valley, the balance
oeing of the W inter Nellis variety.