Correspondence. R. R. Co. have lately purchased the old Wm M. Lyda sawmill for the pur­ pose of sawing timbers for the comple­ C O R N ELIU S. tion of the tunnel near Buxton and Our new school house will be done have just finished moving it to its new in time, ind will be a credit to our location. district. of these garments we not only have the as­ Rev. Staver attended Sunday school necessary to go into a lengthy description sistance of ladies who People of the M. E. church of Cor­ at Gales Creek last Sunday. of this well known brand of nelius, are putting a new roof on the D ILLEY. church building. The new depot building on the Mr. Vermilie is putting in some new to the prevailing styles and who are good electric line is enclosed and will fill improvements in his blacksmith shop. judges of material and make-up, but also of the bill to a dot. Mrs. H. Hubbard’s sister has re An immense quantity of apples are turned to Portland, after a week’s visit for we have handled no other make for being shipped to Portland from here Mrs. Umplet of Amity, a sister of the last four seasons; and the suceess we by Wm. Stratton who will buy all that Mrs. Briggs, is visiting at the Briggs have had attests their popularity as to (the head of the firm) himself who visits us comes. home. every season and learns from us the needs of this vicinity, and of our trade especially, in H. G Fitch and O. G. Jones, Fred Mrs. Grovendike went to Portland to this line. So when you don a Walton, Fred Barber and Geo. Lingen- visit her granddaughter and great felter went to Portland on business granddaughter. Saturday. On Wednesday night the store of They are made with the practical side before the de­ Charles Kafer’s and A. M. Fitch’s Briggs Bros, was entered by thieves signer and while Chic, Beautiful and attractive every garment you are certain new residences in Talbot Addition, are securing some jewelry, six pairs of log­ one is made to be worn with grace, comfort and en­ you get the best to be had for the price. progressing finely, and will soon be gers’ shoes and other articles. The during shapliness nearing completion. thieves have not yet been apprehended J. F. Kilgore and son of Umatilla, Wallace-M orrison. have purchased the Matthies place just east of Cornelius. Phelps, Fitch Land A very pretty wedding occurred at Co. made the sale. the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Og­ Moss and whiskey are not very civil­ den, Sunday October 18, when Miss izing or progressive in their ten­ Myrtus V. Morrison was married to dencies, and it is high time they Mr. Charles B. Wallace, Rev. C. A. Sias officiating. were relegated to the rear. Messrs. Ewing and Reynolds of Ne­ The home was beautifully decorated braska, are here looking for a home with autumn leaves and ferns. After where cyclones and blizzards never the ceremony and congratulations all come. They are much pleased with present were served with a bountiful dinner. the outlook. Mr. Wilcox, ne.ihew of Nelson Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace left the first ol the week for Newberg where they C 3 x of this place, had the misfortune to get his arm broken, and is now in will make their future home. the St. Vincent’s Hospital in Portland, MARRIAGE LICENSES doing well at last account. Chas B Wallace and Mirtus V Mrs. Wendell, former station agent Morrison. for the Southern Pacific here, has re­ Wm L Smith and Anna B Sax. We are also in moved to R' edville. She will have They include Long Haired Coney Cluster L a Vogue charge of the office there. Mr. Dolan and Cross Tie; Sable Long Haired Coney, of Hillsboro takes charge of the office Is the make of Childrens and Misses here. and Womans Coats advertised in this Sable Long Haired Coney Shawl, Blend­ The school board here are expect­ weeks issue. Quite a lot offered at ed Opossum, Sable Long Haired Coney ing to introduce a water system for the less than Half Price. See window j in this line and as they are increasing in school with air pressure. We are glad display and Ad of Hoffman and Allen Storm Collar, Isabella American Opossum, popularity each season we will be more that we have a school board, who are Co. Sable Squirrel, Blended Musk Rat Double up to date and in lavor of modern than pleased if you will give us an oppor­ Miss Harriet Kreider went to Port­ methods. and Single Scarf, Isabella Fox Single tunity to show you what we have and land Wednesday to visit with Mrs. Henry Wirtz. G ALES CREEK Scarf. Ranging in price from $1.25 to $12 quote prices. Mrs. Sheppard has been visiting with —Dr. Lowe, the optician, will be in her brother, Joseph Lee of Gales Creek Hillsboro Friday, Oct. 30th. Have Teddy Hundley is quite sick and is him test your eyes for glasses. —Stone & Stearns are now doing under the care of Dr. Hines. business at the old stand near Hin- Mr. Hollinger and Mr. Curtis of man’s hardware. Pacific Ave. 16-tf Forest Grove, visited the Gales Creek Mr. and Mrs. Busby of Oswego. Sunday schools last Sunday and gave Oregon, spent a few days last week them a very interesting talk. M. L. Vincent has been on the sick visiting their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Rafferty. list for the last few days. FOR RENT—A 206 acre farm. For Mr. and Mrs. John Ranes have pur­ N. L. Atkins has sold, through the Rev. W. P. Elmore of Brownsville, main feature being the address by chased the Guy Thrapp place and took T. H. Littlehale agency, his one acre will be here Sunday evening and hold Rev. Folsom on the subject of Home It is all smooth sailing when you place a Liner Ad full particulars see A. S. Venen. 16t2 meeting in the Mission work. possession last week. in this column. A few words here will reach 5,000 j tract on Fifth street to Samantha Cole­ j a gospel temperance FOR RENT—Three farms in Patton and the results are certain. 5c line 1st . . .. Everybody invited. C. E. Nicholson, who resides in readers ! M. E. church. Insertion, 2Vfc cents each subsequent insertion. Valley. The Hillsboro, Banks & Tillamook man, consideration $450. Address H. W. Scott, Forest Minimum charge 10 cts. ,, The road bridge at Centerville is Cedar Canyon a few miles north of this ___________________________________ Grove. 16-tf tom out and a new one being put in place, has on exhibition at Callaway’s FOR SALE—Having accepted a call RENT —Small ranch. Write | its place. This hinders traffic out that grocery store, a turnip that is a pippin. D. FOR at Portland, Rev. H. C. Ebeling, Pierce, Gales Creek, Ore., phone way, as there is only a foot passage. Carl knows enough about advanced No. 32 Ind. Gales Creek. 9-tf Gales, will sell horse and buggy and’ It will be about a week before the agriculture, since leaving the grocery " one cow. Two miles south of Dilley. business here, to establish a new rec- _ _ _ __ Successor^ f t (j. W A T S O N bridge is completed. . . . . _ „ I FARM FOR R en t —Good 126 acr= ' — 16-t2* ord in farming. This turnip of Carls, farm Qn Nonh p ^ . Inquire o f ------------ — Parties wishing teeth extracted by Will carry a complete line of like all else he possesses, is the largest J Wm. Kane, Forest Grove. 11-tf FoR SALE—Good 7 room house any of the dentists here, should try the ever. WATGHI18, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY 1 close to car line $1100. T. H. Little It weighs 13i pounds and new preparation administered by Dr. planted on June 26 this year. Forest Grove. National Bank Give me a call. Fine repairing of all kinds. F or R e n t - -The building opposite hales, Bldg. C. L. Large. No matter how bad the ltf News office, recently occupied as a Main Street A R T H U R S H E A R E R . Prop. Forest Grove, Or. teeth are or how difficult they are to —Money to loan on farm security barber shop. Edward L. Naylor. 5-tf FOR SALE—Ceder posts and found­ get out, there will be absolutely no W. H. Hollis. ation stones. Call or phone E. J. pain and satisfaction guaranteed or no j — We’ll buy your wool and mohair, R ooms to R e n t —With or without Boos Ind. 261, Forest Grove. 13t5 charge for administering the prepara- Bring it in. Bailey. board. Apply at Aunt Ann Smith’s FOR S ale —First class lumber 11-tf l‘on- 16-tlp —The t0p price at Bailey’s for your residence. College Way. S8.00 per thousand. Inquire ol Al­ A. L. Sexton brought to this office Wool and Mohair, FOR SALE—Thoroughbred White j bert Dethlefts. Gales Spur, P. 0. O u r Prlcva T « l k . W# Ratnll nt Wholaaala the other day, two pieces of wood — Try Schultz’s ground bone for Leghorn cockerels, $1 each C. E ., address Seghcrs, Ore. 15-tSp __________________________ W r i t » f o r IL n tIm n tttM o r » taken from a tree on Alvin Brown's your hens. It will make them lay. Ruckle, So. Seventh St. 16-t3* | Cows for Sa,e Windows , Doors , Heard ware , Paints place, that contained a bullet embed­ — New stock of latest Ladies’ Home FOR SALE— Five dozen full blooded On account of the sickness of raf R O S S C O ., 87 6rmd Aw.. PORTLAND, ORES. ded about four inches from the surface. Journal dress patterns at Bailey’s Big: Brown Leghorn chickens will be sold wife I will sell all my Jersey cows st There is nothing to show when the Store. i at »h. ~ public ,k o . sale c......a— Saturday, reasonable prices. Call on or address \ ball went in, and there is some specu- FOR SALE— Black driving horse. at Oct. the 24. McPherson 15-t4p by Mrs. A .W. Stilwell. 16-tl J. P. APLIN, Dilley. | lation as to how it got there and when, C. E. Geiger. 16-t4 Notice for Publication. j The bullet was discovered by being FOR SALE—A good six year old | — Bailey will buy your Wool and horse. | sawed in two. Ira Brown. Forest Grove. cm,«a snum p * - » °? 5 a Mohair. Route 1. 13— 15 | Notice is hereby given that Joel C. Ash ot Us.o Next Thursday is Hallow’een. The [ Creek. Oregon, who, on Aug. 16, 1907. made Homestee Entry No. 16310. Serial No. 0373, for Lots » J S«- United Artisan Lodge will hold a Hal­ The News 1 1.50 per year in advance. FOR SALE—New Cream Seoarator: lion 2V and Lot 5 Section 30. Township 1 North. BsW* ♦ West, West. Willamette Meridian, has « . died «led notice of o il IP* R a iln M i M ** f l o a u t . lowe'en party at its hall, on next Tues- capacity 450 lbs, per hour. John Ind. Phone A I A P o rea t d r o v e , O re. term ion to make final Commutation proof, t- The busines* men of our eonimunlty claim to the land above described, before 6-tf and Receiver, at Portland, Oregoo, on the 26tn ^ j day evening. It is reported that the as a whole are honest and their meth­ Dames, Gaston, Ore., R 1. October, .908. luncheon will consist of cider, hard; ods are sound. The President has Claimant names as witnesses: FOR SALE—4 acre tract with im­ Edward Seymour, o f Forest Grove, Oregon. | doughnuts, fried; pie, pumpkin. All never said otherwise. Indeed, it Is John Woell, of Gales Creek, Oregon. Paste a stout piece of white cloth on the back of P. 27 provements near town. Tel. 5435. chiefly In the Interest of the grest body Hugh Smith, o f Forest Grove, Oregoo. , members are invited to come, wearing of honest business men that be has Also cow for sale. O. S. Higby, of Forest Grove. Oregon. _ 8-tf of the Nov. Ladies’ Home Journal and you have a dur­ ALGERNON S. DRESS*"- a mask and iu possession of the pass­ made his light for lawful business Register. % able addition to “Letiie Lane’s” family. word. The ladies are each to bring a methods.—Hon. Wm. II. Taft, to Mer- F or S ale —Shadeland Wonder First Pub. Sept. 14, 1908. hants and Manufacturers' Association. white seed oats. Edward Naylor. 39-tf pumpkin pie. Notice for Publication. Boston. Mass. Ladies’ Home Journal The Woman’s Missionary Society of O .S. Land omet tt Portland. O r e Ä » Sept II*«- >**• O r a tlt n d « to M « K I * le y . 1 the Congregational church held a Vetch Seed for Sale. on sale at Notice is hereby given that Charles Merle Std# __ The highest claim of William Mc­ Glen wood, Oregon, who, on July IJth. . TT Thank offering meeting at the church Kinley for the gratitude of bit coun­ The best variety. Apply to A. Homestead application No. 15006. Serial No. ’ of J flH . and N lk of NW W . Section J4. T w tpW » on Friday evening. A good supper trymen la that, in spite of the abuse CHALMERS, Forest Grove or farm north. Range 5 West, Willamette The Book Store h* " T notice of intention to final five proof, was served to the members and invited and contnmeiy that was heaped upon near Centerville. 9-tf tabiiah claim to the land above described, brfore to liter and Receiver. U S Land Office, at Portland. «*** his head for this policy, he placed our guests after which the offering was tak­ fcon. on the 28th day o f October, 1908. country In the forefront of nations as Nov it the time to plan for 1909 Magazine subscriptions. We can Claimant names as witnesses: FOR SALE—Good pony; weight en amounting to $29. All then re­ a clTtllier and nplifter of unfortunate Bnce Wilson. o f Timber. Oregon. offer you the lowest club rates. Try us on any three or four. thought 800 lb. Price $15.00. F. J. E West in «house, of Timber. Oregon- paired to the audience room where an people*-—Hon. Wm U. Taft, at Cleve­ Miller, one mile southeast of Forest Gilbert Eben A. Ives, of Glen wood. Oregoo. Jacob T. Cos, of Glen wood. Oregon. excellent program was listened to, the land. Ohio. ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Grove station. Bell phone 271. 14-tf First It hardly seems In the selection Womens’ Ready-to-wear Coats Pay Particular Attention Mr. John Anisfield, STYLE, FIT, WEAR and MODERATE PRICES La Vogue We take no Back Seat in Coatdom To see them is to be convinced—and to those who are not, so particular we have a number of High Grade Coats that, we are offering at, LESS THAN HAL PRICE W e have a full line for A few of the chances Children, Misses and Ladies we offer you. FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! The Front Row HOFFMAN ®> FOREST GROVE ALLEN LNY COMPANY OREGON Liner Column SHEARERS’ JEWELRY STORE S a v e M o n e y - B u y D ir e c t THE THE BOOK STORE J k i n t make Meridian. >ear j