T£ FIRST NATIONAL BANK 100 x 115 100 x 200 1 ACRE, 5 ACRES 10 ACRES 30 ACRES or 30 ACRES, the sized ¡LOT YOU CAN BUY IN came here from Colorodo Springs, has taken her place. Miss Bertha Williams, returned Sat­ of urday from a trip over in Eastern Ore­ gon, and reports a good time. She will leave this week for Seaview, Wash., to visit. îliü f f lS Mrs. E. L. Hunter, law of Mrs. b. A. Hunter, daughter-in who was ex* | pected here from Juneau, Alaska, last week to spend the winter with rela­ NEVER SLIPS tives in Oregon, arrived Tuesday with her little girl. 5 Mr and Mrs. Harry Goff entertained a number of friends Saturday evening. Five Hundred was the pastime of the The Oldest National Bank in evening. Ice cream, cake and coffee were served. A club was formed Washington County which will meet once in two weeks ? -during the comine winter. “ H u*u Come in and let us explain THE C I T V chalk u K h W al er Sparks, the popular V I. Fuqua has just opened an talker, gave an entertainment at el'ctrical supply house on First street Centerville Tuesday evening. between Pacific Ave. and First Avenue. Mrs. Hoyt has been quite sick since them to you. — See Onyx ware at Hinman’s. 16 Miss Gertrude Kirkwood carries a Besides doing all kinds of wiring he reaching home. — Hot Lunches at Little Bakery. complete line of toilet articles for will carry a full line of globes, desk Mr. and Mrs. A H. - Gates of near 14-tf lamps and general supplies. Miss Meta Kopple spent Sunday in ladies. here, have for their guests, their two Portland. — Try Royal Bread. Fine grained, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Puymbrouck of dtughters, Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Brick- Miss Belle Johnson was in Portland sweet, nutritious, at The Little Bakery Pendleton, are visiting with Mrs. ey oi Omaha, Neb. They have net For the next 30 days we will close out our odd lines of Friday and Saturday. 15-t3* Puymbrouck’s mother Mrs. P. Spies­ been in the Grove for ten years. They There will be a dance at skating — Dr. Wendt’s office is in Forest heart. They will spend several weeks think the town has made wonderful ad­ Graniteware at actual cost, this will give you a chance to Grove National Bank Building, Res here and will settle either in Forest vancement in that time. They say rink Saturday night. stock up on cooking utensils at a great bargain. also that Candidate Bryan will net Mrs. E. Williams was in Portland idence at Dr. Ward’s place. 15if Grove or Portland. Miss Belle Johnson, who is attend­ The Ladies of the Quienients Club carry his own state. the first of the week. Mrs. C. N. Johnson of Spring Hill ing college here this year, spent Sun­ were entertained by Mrs. Frank Gor­ C. 0 . Roe and wife and J. J. Wirtz day with her parents at Spring Hill don at her home on First Ave., Mon­ and wife celebrated their wedding an­ farm was in town Monday. day afternoon. Dainty refreshments niversaries last Sunday. The anni­ Miss Dina Smith spent three days of Farm. were served and all passed a most versary occurred last Wednesday but Henry Scott and father-in-law, Her­ last week in Portland shopping. pleasant afternoon. for convenience the celebration was Mrs. F. Wigman was visiting in bert Matteson of Scoggin Valley, were Grant Mills of Tillamook, has bought not held until Sunday. A turkey din­ transacting business in The Grove Portland the early part of the week. a lot of Mrs. Lizzie Wirtz that lies west ner was the main feature, however a Monday. E. A. Hyde has gone to Eastern good time was had. The The News is indebted to J. H. of Aunt Ann Smith’s home, and is go­ general Oregon to be gone a week or more. guests present were Reta Macrum and ing to build this fall. He will move I Reeher of Wilson River, for a 17 inch — We always pay the highest price j salmon trout presented to us last his family here. The sale was made Master Bruce Roe, Claud Smith and Willie Schultz. for wool and mohair. Bailey. j Thursday. by the Oregon Land & Trading Co. — Fine line of ladies handkerchiefs Miss Teegarden is teaching in Mbs One of the most succeessful public GOOD HOME RECIPE at Kirkwood’s Millinery. 11-tf Pearl Cook’s room this week. Miss sales held in this vicinity recently wa — See display of Onyx ware at Carl Cook is kept at home by her mother’s that of the Hinman estate last Thurs­ Mix This Simple, Helpful Recipe at day. There was a large crowd present Hinman’s Hardware Store on Pacific sickness. Home and Try It. Anyway. Ave. 14 tf Mr. and Mrs. Willis Goff spent a and all stock and machinery went at Get from any prescription pharma­ Miss Reba Hoffman was visiting few days the first of the week in Port­ good prices. J. W. Hughes was the cist the following: friends in Portland for several days last land, celebrating their third wedding auctioneer. The Domestic Science department Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half week. anniversary. o ince; Compound Kargon, one ounce: j Mrs. E. Cook is quite sick, has — Bread that is sold by the Home of the Woman’s club met with Mrs. Campound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three been confined to her bed for the past Baking Co. is baked in Forest Grove. V. S. Abraham Tuesday afternoon. o inces. week. 6 loaves for 25cts. Patronize Home They had a very interesting program Shake well in a bottle and take a ló ti on Home Sanitation. The subject of teaspoonful dose after each meal and at A fine baby boy was bom to Mrs. Industry. Herman Hergert iu Cornelius last Miss Bertha Leabo, Miss Marie Sanitation in Forest Grove was talked bedtime. over and improvements suggested. week. Spiesheart and Miss Kate Lilly were The above is considered as the Miss Carol Walker went to Portland among Portland visitors the early part Miss Lvda Staehr, who was to teach most certain prescription ever written i the Purdin school in District No. 5, to relieve Backache, Kidney Trouble, last Friday to visit friends and returned of the week. resigned from there and has gone to Monday. Burdette Shipman, who has been Newberg where she will teach the Weak Bladder and all forms of Urinary ; Mrs. George Boos, of Portland, is spending the past three months in Fifth grade in the Public School. difficulties. Tnis mixture a cts prompt­ visiting at the home of E. D. Smith in New York state, returned to Forest Miss Bessie Sturdevant of Cornelius, ly on the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, enabling them to filter ai.d Grove last Friday. this city. will teach in the Purdin schools. strain the uric acid and other waste I Mrs. Mary Brown and daughter, Car­ Ezra Wright, who moved here from A reception was tendered Rev. and matter from the blood which causes I Greenville recently, is on the sick list rie of Oregon City, spent Sunday in Mrs. Gould at the M. E. church Fri­ Rheumatism. the Grove with the former’s brothers, day evening to show the appreciation this week. Some persons who suffer with the M. H, and Cliff Dixon. H. D. Bryant of Robertville, Wash,, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kapple have of the people for their return to the afflictions may not feel in< 1 ned to father of Archie, spent several days j been visiting with their parents, Mr Grove S. B. Starrett gave a welcom­ place much confidence in this simple ing talk. Maud Hollinger recited two mixture, yet those who have tried it | here last week. and Mrs. Will Kapple Sr., on Davids selections and Prof. Gardner sang a say the results are simply surprising, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman and Hill, for the past two weeks, solo. the relief being effected without the daughter Alien visited Portland the Howard Ralston, the child of Mr. — Dr. C. Large reports a son born to slightest injury to the stomach or other last of the week. and \ j rs. frank Ralston, who has been the wife of E. D. Thomas, Patton Val­ organs. Arthur Spiescheart and family moved very seriously sick for several weeks, iev, last Sunday, the 18th. Parties Mix some and give it a trial. It from Forest Grove to their ranch near is improving and will get well. wishing the attendance of Dr. Large in certainly comes highly recommended Hillsboro, last Monday. i LIST your farms and other properties this class of cases will greatly oblige It is the prescription of an eminent Mrs. Brock of Pendleton visited at for sale with T. H. Littlehales, Forest him if convenient, by engaging his authority, whose entire reputation, it The C orn er S to re the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bry­ Grove Nat onal Bank Building. 27-tf services two or three months prior to is said, was established by it. A baby girl weighing seven pounds the expected event. Dr. Large has A druggist here at home when ant Saturday and Sunday. asked stated that he could either sup- | came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. both phones. 1 ) 1 4 . 8 . V I. W E N D T Miss Nora Smith, who has been in Herman Kramer in Gaston, last week Eighteen little folks enjoyed the ply the ingredients or mix the pre­ THE PARIS P h y s ic ia n & S u r g e o n Seattle the past three weeks, returned a id is already known by the name of afternoon at the home of Mrs. Edward scription for our readers, also recom- . MILLINERY PARLOR to Forest Grove Monday. I CONSULTATION IN GERMAN OR BNGMVH Mildred Helen. Seymour, Tuesday of this week. The mends it as harmless. 1 - SPECIAL ATTF.NTICN GIVEN TO SIÏR- — White River Flour made of best Mrs. Sanford has resigned from her event was in honor of Elizabeth and Eastern Oregon wheat for sale at Bai duties in the Free Reading Room and George who celebrate their birthdays THE MODERN DAIRY GERY AND ELECTRICALTREATMENTS Imported and Domestic Patterns Office in Forest Grove Nat’l Bank Bldg. and Novelties ley’s Big Store. 47-tf Mrs. H. A. Balcomb, who recently on the same day each year. After Up-to-date in every respect at present, Forest Grove having a “ Whole lot of fun” , play­ I: Residence Hotel; in about two weeks at Dr. D. W. You are cordially invited to call ing games they were treated to a FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK Prompt delivery morning and evening Ward’s office. Calls answered day or dainty lunch. All and cream guaranteed abso night. Both Phones, and inspect our stock FOREST GROVE. OREGON Henry Peterson with his wife and lutely milk pure and of the best quality! _________ ___ ____ COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF DEPOSITS son George, arrived in Forest Grove Miss Marie Spiesheart Tuesday evening from Fremont, Neb., Milk Sc per quart; cream 10c per pint. M ar. 22. 1907 and will visit with his brother M. Pe­ Special prices on large orders. Deliver­ $48.223.17 terson for a few weeks. They are ed in bottles the only perfect way. — Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and BUSINESS COLLEGE Surgeon. M ay 20, 107 X-Ray and all electrical ap­ looking over the Western states for a Yours for business in the dairy line, $89,822.17 pliances in office. Calls answered new location. We hope to convince W R IT E F O R C A T A L O G I Thé School tha <*«> /»lac« T o o in a Howl Pooition night or dav. August 22, 1907 them that Forest Grove is the best $130.722.92 town in the west. The Order of the Eastern Star held December 3, 1907 About Nov. 1st A. B. Thomas of the Oregon Land & Trading Company, will make a a regular meeting at Masonic Ha'l Monday evening. Some new mem­ trip to Iowa and other eastern points. While gone he will make a special effort to find buy­ February 14, 1908 bers were initiated into the Order. ers for Washington County property. All property listed with the Oregon Land & Trad­ There were ten members of the Hills­ ing Company before he starts east will be advertised free. If you want to sell your Farm, boro lodge present. After the close of Fruit Land or Town Property, you cannot afford to neglect this opportunity to have it ad­ M A Y •», 1908 the meeting a sumptuous repast was vertised. Bring us a full description of what you have for sale. served in the dining room which was $249,533.04 duly appreciated by all. JC’ L Y 15, 1008 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoyt and OREGON LAND AND TRADING COMPANY children, who have been visiting Mrs. $279,165.08 In corporated Hoyt’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. .S e p te m b e r 2 3 , 1 90 8 Keeher at Wilson for ten days, returned Forest Grove, Oregon to Forest Grove the last of the week. B o th T e le p h o n e s Mr. Hoyt killed one deer and caught a great number of fish while gone. ForesL Grove, Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $35,000 HAVE YOU SEEN IT! HOOK HANDLE PARK PLACE A D D IT IO N TO CO RNELIUS, OR. savC :v^ your strength, avoids the danger of being scalded. See Plat at the Auction Alleviates^he unpleasantness of washing. Costs no more limn the old style. House, Forest Grove, Oregon. ON ROCHESTER WASH BOILERS ONLY L. L. HOLLINGER, Owner. See our Bargain Counter Carload KEYSTONE fencing has just, arrived GOFF BROS. HARDWARE FOREST GROVF. OREGON FALL AND WINTER. GOODS We have a large stock t o select from this fall and invite you to call and in­ spect onr goods. SHOES, DRY GOODS GROCERIES V. PRICES ARE RIGHT A. NORTON $160,372.46 $ 1 8 5 ,3 2 4 .0 9 $ 2 8 3 , 9 5 7 .3 8 H S. ABRAHAM OLHE& W A S H I N G T O N A N D T E N T H STB PORTLAND. O M O O N