Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 15, 1908, Image 3

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Doings at Pacific University
Lifted fro m th e W e e k ly Index, the College Publication
" “
'VARSITY 5 -0 '
The House that is Satisfied Only When You Are
tion and work of the school, and their |
1 loyalty would be greater because of the
F o r tu n e F a v o r s A lban y C olle g e on organization. Portland is a rich field
H ard F ield .
P a c ific W ea k in
from which we have not drawn as fully
l>unlin& and S ign als.
as we might and some such influence
On a fast, dry field. Albany College
defeated Pacific University, Friday af-
center ‘ here, mi8ht reaP " c h
results for the University.
ternoon by the score of 5-0.
score does not
But tire
the tale.
Howard Thomas is much dissatisfied \
T o say
with the
that luck played with the Albany boys
fine weather
H e says that I
he prefers rain in "Torrents.”
would be putting it mildly.
In both offensive and defensive Pa-1
UR. Line of Heaters for this Season comprises the best»
makes which means that each stove is equipped to give
more h e a t with less fuel, than any made.
Prof. Orr and Hahn and Mr. Gwynn
were hunting last
week and brought1
cine excelled. Only twice during the
back with them a handsome string of
game did Albany make yardage, once 1
on a forward pass which netted them
30 yards, and on ce on a run around i A meeting of the Freshman class 1
But in punting and h an d-' was held at the home of Miss Jennie |
work was poor. Rasmusen last Friday evening for the
right end.
ling of punts Pacific’ s
In fact nearly
were made by Yates’
cific’ s
punts were
Albany’ s gains, purpose of practicing stunts for Rally \
punting and Pa­ Day.
of punts.
Capt. Humphreys went to Hillsboro
Only two
the ’ Varsity. Saturday after the
We carry the
football game to re­
when Ferrin at­ cuperate. H e reports the county fair
tempted to kick out of danger, and a great success and says he made quite i
the ball, striking a goal post, rolled a “ hit” at the depot.
But the climax came
back over the line and
Best Built Range on the Market
was recovered
The following new students were
place registered in the Acadmey during the
kicks but the tan bark was not con- past week, Edna Reed, Chas. Moser,
conducive to the necessary goal. In Maud English, Zenas Entrain and j
offensive work, Alec Robinson was the Cliford Roger.
by Albany.
tried two
first ground gainer for Pacific.
In the
Messrs. Mobley and Austin returned
circled Albany’ s left end to school yesrerday. Mr. M obley has |
for 15 and 25 yards. In the 2nd half not yet recovered from the accident he '
he continued the good work. Capt. sustained during the summer, but is
Humphreys smashed through the line able to get about by means of crutches. |
for several big gains. Waterman and
Class spriit is very active about
Markham made good yardage repeat­
school, each class in the Academ y is
edly. In defense work Ward at end
busily preparing to make a good show­
and Markham at half, tore up the inter­
ing Rally day, and college men and
ference and hurled Albany back for
women are hard at work upon their
losses, whenever plays were sent their
class stunts.
way. Abraham at end made the most
Miss Abott gave a party Saturday
spectacular play of the day, when he
evening to a few of the older girls at
downed Yates with a flying tackle.
Herrick Hall, for the purpose of talk­
H olm es took Markham’ s place at half,
ing over social affairs of the coming
the last four minutes of the play, and
year. Those present were the Misses
played like a veteran.
Florence Avery, Belle and Anna.Johi-
son, Bessie Albright, Ethella Stearns,
P. U. C lub m ay be O rg a n ize d .
first half, he
A plan much talked of by recent
Alumni and former students
Leila Hershner, Grace Payne and Min-
OUR DISH SALE last week was a hum­
mer but» we still have a few choice piec­
es left» and if you come in we will
show you that» the quality is good and
the price is right.
nie Heidel.
in Portland is the organization of a P.
I N T E R C O L L E G IA T K .
U . Club.
Thirteen hundred and seventy-one
It is not yet determined just what the students have registered at the U. of
nature of the Club will be but it is to W. They
be o-ganized for the purpose of keep­ states and nine foreign countries.
ing the Alumni in touch with each ot-
On Oct. 17 the Alumni and Varsity
ther and at the same time maintaining
of Oiegon will
meet in football.
an active interest in their Alma Mater. Among the men who will play for the
As the years go by the number of graduates are Moores, Hug, M cK in­
Alumni in Portland constantly increas­ ney, Latourette. Earl and McClain,
es and if the club is organized it besides other former stars.
it would in a very short time have a
E ven t* o f In terest.
large membership. Its value to the
Institution would be
very great.
British ships have been sent to the
an advertiziug medium the club could Aegean Sea to watch the development
exercise a great influence, and might of affairs.
The total
be instrumental in persuading prospec­
of deaths from
A M Dickinson
W ithycombe.
Caroline H
tive students to com e to Pacific Uni­ cholera in St. Petersburg, Russia, up
Harry H Brians and Bertha H Vai -
versity in preference to other schools. to Oct. 1, was 1,875. No effort was dehey.
Through the Club the Alumni made to clean the city or to enforce
Alfred R Meinel and Georgia Miller.
would keep in touch with the condi- strict sanitary measures.
George Hill to Sadie Clagg 84
acres in sec 3 t 3 n 2 w . . . .
E J Lyons to W E McCourt pt
B N Sproat et ux to
of bk 8 Hillsboro ................
Mary Cas­
per Its 140 & 141 Beaverton-
Reedville acreage...................
P S Anderson to Marion Peter-
s 2 .............................
Thos Connolly et al to B Ort-
man 30 .4 0 acres
in Orus
B r o w n .......................................
Peter Fields et al to Thos Con-
nolly pt of sec 20 t 2 n 3 w
ville H e ig h ts ..........................
Fields lot 3 bk 2 South Park
E A H yde et al
to W A Clapp
10 acres in sec 14 t 1 n 4 w
J E Williams
al to
Jaycox to
Wells pt of sec
Blackinship pt of sec 32 t 1
1 w ...........................................
Sophie Strom
40 acres sec 4 t 2 s 1 w &
lard et ux pt of H Buxton Sr
d l c t l
n 4 w . . , .................
Herman Metzgar et ux to Isaac
Levi It 5 bk 42 Metzgar acre
! Mary C Hurlbut to W F Bol­
ton et al pt of W W Graham
T O G Magan to L P Magan pt
of sec 24 t 2 s 1 w .................
other land.................................
M P Dixon et al to John R Bal­
Byron M Smith et al to Peter
add Forest G rov e...................
Robert Hulme et al to A H
Ruedy 102 acres in Tigard-
Jacob Strom to
son 15 acres in Benj Stewart
d l c * l
2 s 1 ............................
Eastern Investment Co to C D
Nairn w i of sw i sec
20 t 3
n 3 w ........................................
Thomas Cox et ux to Mollie F
Rau It 6 sec
18 t 1 s 3 w. .
Estate of W
t 1 s 1
12000 | Nov. 9th time set for hearing ob jec­
tions to final account.
Anton Handler et nx to John
Estate of John Losli, Insane. Bond
Johnson 98 87 acres in H i­
guardian approved.
ram Johnson d i e t 1 s 2 w 8000
of L L D oik , decease !. T .
Grason H am m ock et al to Mike
(1 2 0 a c r e s ).............................
Jackson et al 158.77 acres in
sec 19 t s
4 w ........................
A ’ton Niman et al to I V Trail­
i n g « pt of bk 2 Humphreys
add Hillsboro ........................
J jhn Losli to Daniel Baker 20
acres in sec 11 t 1 n 2 w . . .
J E Show»rs et ux to E H Cole­
man pt of bk 35 Forest Grove
A C Shute, C Jack Jr
3500 Bonds t3 5 0 .
and R V Bergan appointed appraisers
Estate ol Sarah H olcom b, a minor.
1700 Bond of guardian approved and guar­
dian authorized to sell real estate.
Estate of Marcus P Chandler, feeble­
Petition of Mary E Ennes to
520 be appointed guardian.
Ha Humbled the
Pride of the Fast
Telegraph Operator.
Edison made his first record as a
telegraph operator In Memphis. A con­
temporary saya he came walking Into
the office one morning looking like a
veritable hayseed. He wanted a job.
and, although his appearance was not
prepossessing, the office was short
handed, and be was assigned a desk at
the St. Louis wire, the hardest in the
office. "A t the end o f the line was an
operator who was chain lightning and
knew it.” says Francis Arthur Jones'
"L ife o f Edison.”
"Edison had hardly got seated before
SL Louis called. The newcomer re­
sponded. and St. I.ouls started on a
long report which ho pumped in like
a house afire. Edison threw hts leg
over the arm of his chair, leisurely
transferred a wad o f spruce gum from
his pocket to his mouth, took up a
pen, examined it critically anil started
In about fifty Words behind. He didn't
stay there long, though. St. l-ouls let
out another link of speed, and still an
other, and the instrument on Edisou's
table hummed like an old style Singer
sewing machine.
Every man in the
office left his desk and gathered around
the Jay to see what he was doing with
that electric cyclone.
"W ell, sir. he was right on the word
and taking It down In the prettiest cop
perplate hand you eTer saw. even
crossing his 't's' and dotting his Ts'
and punctuating with as much care as
a man editing telegraph for printers.
St. Louis got tired by and by and lie
gan to slow down. Then Edison open­
ed the key and said:
- 'Hello, there! When are you going
to get a hustle on? This is no primer
“ Well, sir." said the gentleman in
conclusion, "that broke St. Ixiuls all
up. He had been rawhiding Memphis
for a long time, and we were terribly
sore, and to have a man In our office
who eonld walk all over him made us
feel like a man whose horse bad won
ths f w i — ”
The Forest Grove Real
wt. 1365; Chestnut gelding two years
Estate C o,,
wt. with office at the Bazaar, next to the
1200; Chestnut filly one year old; P. O ., offers this week som e excep­
Public Sale.
Bay filly one year old; Chestnut geld­ tionally fine bargains in real estate.
The undersigned will sell at public
ing one year old; Chestnut colt five Here are a few of them:
auction on the premises, one and one-
months old; Twelve head extra good
half miles north of Banks, on
dairy cows part of which are now fresh
Cider Apples Wanted.
October 20, 1908
balance to
soon; 3 yearling
I will buy all the cider apples you
Sale begins at 10 a. m. The fol­ heiftrs; Full blood Jersey bull; 25
will fetch m e.
Will take them in any
lowing property to-wit: Matched team goats; M cCormick binder; Champion
quantity delivered at Cornelius.
of mares 6 years old, weight about binder; 2 M cCormick mowers; 2 hay
w . H. S t r a t t o n . 9-tf
1300; 2 Jersey cows, fresh; ted Polled rakes; hay tedder; Pacific fanning mill;
old, wt. 1400; Chestnut gelding,
and Jersey cow, fresh; yearling heifer,
manure spreader; 2 wagons; top bu g ­
six shoats, new Mitchel 3 inch wagon, gy; disc harrow; spring tooth harrow;
2 3-4 Mitchel wagon. 2 sets double 2 steel lever harrows; gang plow; sul­
team harness with collars, Mitchel top ky plow; 4 walking plows; hoe drill;
One H ouse and lo t ................. 81200
buggy A grade, 2 sets single harness, broadcast seeder; several set double
one 3-horse steel tooth harrow, 2-horse team harness; set single harness aod
plow, cultivator, grain cradle, pitch other articles too numerous to mention.
forks, hoes, rakes, axes and other farm
given on approved
terest if paid when due, if
rom date at rate of 8 per
Three per cent
cisii on sums over 810.
One lot 100x200 feet
One ** 100x100
Free lunch at noon.
All proved notes with interest at late six
On sums per cent per annum from date. Tw o
time will be per cent discount -for cash on sums
without in­ over 810.
not, interest
cent will be
Executors of A. Hinman estate.
discount for J. W . H ughes,
G eo. F. Naylor,
Here's a Few of Them.
Forest Grove Real Estate C o .’ s office
of sale:
at T h e Bazaar next to P. O.
sums of 810 and less, cash.
of over 810
................. .................
See James Stephenson.
T e r m s o f S a l e — A ll sums of 110
furniture, oats, wheat, hay and growing and less, cash. On sums of over 810,
potatoes. Nothing reserved. Lunch one years time will be given on ap­
and sweet cider.
O ne
J. P. HELTZEL, Owner
Iuirge 8 room house on 4 acre cor-
ner lot in fine location for 81500.
Five acres of land with new 1 ouse
and barn, 4 mile from town for $1000.
Twenty acres of land in high state of
| cultivation, good family orchard, one
mile out, for sale cheap
Many *[*■< linens o f unconscious bu-
Ten acres of land only one mile
I. W. Hughes,
Geo. F. Naylor
mor are received by the editor* o f that from Korrst Grove with orchard for tale
Clerk monumental work, the "Imperial Hazel
t e e r o f India " A d.atrkt w a . said lo ™ « ‘ 7 ‘ " m5 OT exchan* e f° r ' ° * n
he "an extentdve rolling plain, consist- property.
Executors Sale.
Ing o f alternate rlogr* o f hare atony
A CrSlt Artist.
The undersigned will sell at public bills and narrow fertile valley*.’’ An
Interesting Item o f natural history wa*
completing a fine painting al-
auction to the highest bidder on the aflforded by the remark. "The buffalo
, ,
Hinman Farm in Forest Grove, Wash­ differs from the cow in giving milk ways puts his name at the bottom ; he
which Is richer In butter fat. In voice j, pr0i]d of it and well he might be for
ington county. Oregon, on
and In having no bump.” — Ixmdon it has taken ,¡m!.
money and
time, labor
Thursday, October 15, 1908
patience to pro lu ce it.
sale to begin at 9.30 o ’ clock , the fal­
Likewise with good, honeat, well
lowing property, to wit:
“ I have poured every day this week
Grey gelding, wt. 1600; Bay mare, st soma function or other." remarked tailored clothing.
th e Hoffman & Allen Co. are tellinfc
wt. 1200; Grey gelding four years old, the vivacious girl.
"W ell, well!" murmured the old gen | y0J something in their advertisement
wt. 1600; Black mare six years old. wt.
Neman who overbeard her
"Now 1
1650; Grey mare five years old, wt. know what la meant by the term 'a this week that will interest you; read
j it.
1300; Brown mare three yea it old, reigning belle.' " - S t . Louis Republic