All Humors Are Impure matters which the skin, liver, kidneys and other organs cannot take care of without help. Pimples, boils, eczema and other ernp tlons, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, bilious turns, fits of indigestion, dull head­ aches and many other troubles are di'« to them. They are removed by t Hood’s Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets known as S a rs a ta b s . 100 doses $1. The Zambesi bridge is 420 feet above the water, against HR) feet for the N i­ agara bridge. OUT OF DOOR W Men who cannot stop « for a rainy day.- w ill' J find the greatest comfort and fre e r. of bodily movement in mRs W A T E R PR O O F OILED CLOTHING SLICKERS’3Q? SUITS‘3Q0^ Every garment bearing the sign of the fish' guaranteed waterproof Catalog free A J TOWER CO BOSTON U S A • WfO AN • ■ • • ¡P > . r p CAN CRESCENT E G G -P H O S P H A T E BAKING POWDER jt j * A modern feavener at a moderate price; is 30 per cent, more efficient than “ Trust” or Cream- of-Tartar products and absolutely free from the health-racking Rochelle Salts residue invariably accompanying their use. G et it from your Grocer 25c-” FULL POUND * 25c C H A N G E IN M E TH O D S . 1 a large acreage, sinee he cannot grow G e t t i n g Its S tr e n g t h Ont. • - wheat enough to make more than a bare Mrs. Wlckersham had advertised for ra rm e rs S ee Necessity o f Getting Out Tbe dairy cow opeus the way an experienced cook. The first appli­ o f O ld R u ts 10 * m° re l u c r a t .i v e pursuit. Trained effort, however, i/s required to handle cant who came in answer to the adver­ 8 » W. D . F ooter. F orem an S u t e C o lle g e E x p e r t- this opportunity to the best advantage tisement was a stout, red-haired young fifient F arm . F u iim . .i, W e e k . and th e re m u ; t b t c o n c e n tra te d / nd’ woman. Mrs. Wlckersham propounded W h en the b lood is pure and h ealth y, th e s k in w ill be soft, sm ooth, and An up-to-date fanner nowadays must conscientious effort on the part of the several questions to her, which she an­ study the problems that confront him. dairyman and every member of his swered in a fairly satisfactory manner. free front a ll blem ishes and e ru p tion s ; but w hen som e acid hu m or takes Consequently there must be a moving household. root in the circu lation , its presence is q u ic k ly m anifested b y som e form o f Then she asked h e r : out of the old ruts, and the adoption of It is not my intention to say wha, skin disease. T h e sk in receives its necessary nou rish m en t and s tren gth “ How long do you boll tea?” improved and new methods. kind o f a cow is the best for dairy from the blood. W h en , however, th is v ita l flu id becomes a hum or-laden “ Well, mem,” said the young wom­ In the eastern part of Washington purposes. That is a problem which healthy, natural appearance appearance o. o f w.c the sk in , an. -some folks biles it longer an’ some stream, it can no lo n g e r preserve the u e m u y , natural the growing o f wheat is an almost ex- dairymen should decide fo r themselves, shorter i.- . .<■ , V " but by its acrid, im pu re nature c on tin u a lly irritates and in flam es the del tcate elusive farming industry, but I believe but, as a rule, the cow to keep is the .... f ' . . „ * ',r ® taste- tissues and fibres and keeps th e cu ticle in a diseased and d isfigu red con dition . the present state o f affairs in this re- one which you fancy most and is best J , don 1 f o u ' E xtern a l application s cannot reach the blood, and th erefore are beneficial spect will in the future become merely suited to the surroundings you have to ’ y ’ *** n j ' 1 ve a,'us o n ly fo r th eir a b ility to reduce inflam m ation , and assist in k e e p in g the parts a memory of the past. There will be offer. P edigree w ill not make a cow oug i t at two hours was long clean. T o cure an y skin trou ble th e H oo d m ust be purified o f th e hum ors changes. The younger generation o f give .milk, but pure bred sires are nee- farmers that is growing up around us essary in order to have high class enough to bile any tea. You can git that are causing th e trouble. S. S. S. d rives out the humors from the b loo d will assuredly adopt different methods, grades. Therefore, it is necessary to all the streu th out of It lu that time.” so that the skin, instead o f b ein g irritated and diseased, is nourished b y a m A , , “ r*1 | healthy, coo lin g stream. S. S. S goes down into the circu la tion and I f I can read the signs of the times keep a pure bred sire at the head of ^ llls w ife earns her own money.” rem oves every p article o f im pu re m atter, all acids and humors, and restores correctly, I believe I can safely pre- the herd and also to be very careful in diet that the state o f Washington will, j the matter o f selection, Indeed! I did not kuow she was the blood to its norm al, pure con dition, th ereby cu ring ev ery form o f s k in in the near future, become a great dairy Insist that the sanitary conditions employed.” disease or affection. Book on sk in diseases and an y m edical advice free to state. Even now the farmer who has a around your stable are the best pos- "Oh, y e s ; hard at It all the time.” a ll w h o w rite. T H E S W I F T S P E C IF IC C O ., A T L A N T A , G A . few good cows and “ ’tends to busi- sible. Be prompt at milking time. Give “ What does she do?’ ness” is never bankrupt. He has in his the herd the best of care in the matter “ W orks him to giva It up.”— New possession a certain producer o f value, of feed, salt and water. K eep the cows A M u n lc a l Spider. Vork Journal. H e .a lt of III. O bservation, W ith milk and butter be can go to clean, and permit no one to use rough The extraordinary nniaical senaitlve- “ Conductor,” said the haughty passes- market twice a week, instead of once a methods or use obscene language in your M a u 's Near Lid. neaa o f apldera bus several times been grr, “ you ought to know by this time that year, and in many respects he is free cow barn. Have a great b ig heart for There Is a new belfry covering for proved. Every one has heard of Pel- I always get off at Goethe »treet.” from the annoyances that harass the your “ jo h .” Your work must be done “ 1 suppose l ought, madam," respond­ wheat growers. But there are some right; and assuredly, the farmer who is the up-to-date man. It arrived from lisson's spider. Consoler o f the unfor- things he must attend to if he would willing to adapt himself to the require- Parls and is called the K ing Edward ( tunate prisoner, It perished because It ed the etreet car conductor, touching hit ’ uceeed. | ments demanded by the country w ill be hat. This masculine headgear is built [ listened too closely to the captive’s vlo- | caP’ but that'e where moat people fall on the lines o f the feminine flower pot un. The Jailer saw it and crushed it down.” — Chicago Tribune. Many people there are, indeed, who | a successful dairyman, would not make even a bare l i v i n g ------------------------- lid and is blocked to resemble the hel- brutally. Gretry, the composer, speaks how's This? handling cows. To use a fam iliar ex met that the man who pounds the pave » favorite spider which descended We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any P R U N IN G T R E E S . pression, “ They are not built that wears. The hats are made o f the same along Its thread upon his piano as soon case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ha.l's Catarrh Cure. w ay.” Nevertheless, it is certainly material as the ordinary black derby. ag he played it. When giving recitals F J. CH ENEY A CO., Toledo,O true that no matter how the farmer is P ro fe s s o r Th orn ber T ells H ow to We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Instead of a ribbon bow on the baud at Brussels Rubinstein saw a large built, the cow is built to yield value Cheney for the last 1ft years, and believe him P rocu re Best Results. a buckle clasps It. Several people who spider issue from the floor o f the plat­ perfectly honorable in all buisneas transactions quite material in kind. From Washington State College. Pullman. arrived from l ’aris recently wore the form and llaten to the music. He gave arul financially able to carry out any obliga* Lack o f pasturage is an objection tiou made bv his firm. to dairying in many parts of eastern In response to an inquiry from Sher­ new lid. They say the K ing Edward three concerts at the aame hall, and W ALDING, K IN N A N A M A RV IN , Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,O Washington, o f course, but where al­ lock, Professor W . A . Thornber gave hat was Introduced to France on the on each occasion the spider appeared. H a ll’s Catarrah Cure is *ken fniernally, act­ fa lfa or clover w ill grow this hind­ the follo w in g discussion o f pruning: king's recent visit. ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur­ — Purls Revue. faces o f the system. Testimonial? sent free. rance can be overcome. And these “ When trees produce too much Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggist* V n c a l i i m s ’ H a r d s h ip * . two valuable forage plants would grow wood, and not enough fru it, or no fru it Forebodlnga. , , ’• Fam » * ily “ Pills Take H a ll’s ------- for ~ Constipation. Gwilliama— Have a good rest at that The tortoise, having won the race with in P>aces wl^ e *h«7 , ar? ; at all, it is well to prune them very summer resort up north? not found at present, i f the land gevere, 8um'mer time> 8a' the hare, was boasting of the exploit. G o s s ip . Stiint— I did. but it waa pretty hard on was properly fitted to receive the seed. . . i . . .. * “ Some day, young fellow,” said an old So there la a coolness betweom On the experiment station farm we about dune; Ialso cut them back at tha girla. They had to walk nearly a tortoise, eying the braggart with dis­ Count Fucash and hia w lfe’a rsln- have two fields o f clover that have 1 ‘ hat “ me. This is to g iv e the trees a mile to meil their picture poetcards.— favor, “ that speed madness of yours will j tiona?” given splendid returns. Both a lfalfa check, and make them produce fru it Chicago Tribune. be the death of you.” "Yea They say his conduct w a f and clover are valuable for feeding buds, rather than wood. H ere at the H tirh te o u n K i c k . cows. station, in the case o f young trees, we Mothers will find Mrs. W in sl o w’ s Soothing atrocious.” “ The other day,” said the caller, “ I ru p t h e b e a t r e m e d y t o use fo r th slr c h 'ld r°n “ Surely he didn't beat hit w lfa l” Farsighted dairymen now recognize do considerable early spring, or w inter sent you an item to the effect that I had B lu y rin g the teething period. “ No. But be bent his futher ln-law the fact that there is a better method o f pruning, in order to make the trees gone up into Wisconsin on a week-end feeding dairy cattle than by pasturing, produce large quantities o f wood. W e trip.” out o f several hundred thousand.” — P u b lic Butha o f L a r a . C ltl.a . especially in regions where land is as are thoroughly convinced that it is "W ell?” said the society editor. Our present national movement to Washington Star. valuable as it is in Washington. This w e]j f or a young tree to produce large “ Well,” rejoined the indignant caller, get the deuixena of our congested cities ■ C I T C Ht. V itu s' Ounce end ‘rvm is utseaMSa p e n . is by the proper use o f soiling crops, quantities o f wood, even though you “ you printed it ‘ weak kneed’ trip !” next to godliness Is now progressing 1 1 1 3 nently cared l>.v l)r. i Ine's Groat N e rv « Ro. and silos. A very indifferent mathe^ have to t jt t the follow i spring. ■toror. Henri fo r FREE $2 00 tm tl Lottie and trea t!«*. rapidly, according to reports being re­ D r. U. 11. K lin e . Lri.. ftU A rch Ht.. Philadelphia. Pa. matician can figure that one acre of P o w e r f u l E x p lo a lv e a . land well tilled and seeded to some kind This extra grow th g ives a splendid “ W hat are the most powerful explo- ceived by the Federal bureau of la­ o f a soiling crop w ill equal two ajid r° ° } development, and this is necessary liv e « known?” queried the young man. bor. which show that about 40 of our T h e S to n e O I«l It . one-half acres o f the best kind of pas- before you can secure a good tree. In “ W h at’s the matter, old m an; busV “ T w o prima donnas in one opera big urban centers now provide public ture land fo r feeding dairy cows. the case o f trees that have been g r a ft­ company,” replied the ex-theatrical baths. Among theea Boston takeg the •d?” Therefore, even if one has enough land ed, I would recommend that you re­ “ ’Busted' doesn’t express It. I'm lit­ lead with 10 public bathing beaches. 12 to pasture a large herd o f cows, it move the suckers just as fast as the manager.— Chicago News. public floating baths and one public erally etone-broke.” would be unwise to do so. Every suc­ scions seem able to take care o f the W h e n t h e D i m e f tfu aeu ra d a r n e d . “ W hat do you mean?” pool. Next to this record of 23 public cessful dairyman wishes his cow to do entire food supply. In cases where They got the fat woman out “ It was buying a soltalre ring for baths ranks that o f Greater New York the best and yield the best return pos­ the tree is a very rank grow er, I fre­ By using a pair of strong derricks; with 20, and then that of Philadelphia my girl that broke me.” — Philadelphia sible in consideration o f the amount o f quently leave a fe w suckers around the And when she saw she was safe ! Press. feed consumed and care given. The with 16. g ra ft, so that the g ra ft may become She promptly went into hysterica. cow must have favorable surroundings. hardened, and not make such a soft — Chicago Tribune. She must not be permitted to roam all day in search o f food, even if requiring growth. T y p o g r a p h ic a l E rro r. “ Another good plan, at tim es feas only that necessary for a living, aside Kutten— I was surprised when this from the production o f milk. To give ible, is to keep an orchard in grass, morning's Thunderbolt, in referring to me, a large amount of milk at night would and check the growth somewhat in said I had a "Websterian intellect.” fo r «p ot oa«h. 10 to 50% m ore m oney f o r yoo to «h ln R aw F u r« and IT Ido« to nnthaa to sell ut home. W rite fo r P ric e L is t. M arket R ep ort. S h ippin g ’lu gs, unri shout our be contrary to nature. that way. The western soils and an Dryde— So was the editor. He told me The quicker you can get the cow excess o f moisture are very conducive he wrote it "lobsterian.” — Chicago Trib­ H U N T E R S ’& T R A P P E R S ’G U ID E .^re 4 i0 I l e a t h e r hound. Best thing on th « «uhject «v « r written llhistrnttng »11 Pur Anitn«la. All “ filled up,” the sooner she will lie to a heavy grow th o f w ood ; therefore une. about Trappera' Secret«, Decoys. Traps, flam « l aws. How and where to trap, and to Become » me- down and masticate her food. I ven­ it is somewhat advisable to grow grass cestful trapper. It's a regular Encyclopedia. Price. $2. To our customer* f I XV Hides tanned lata beautiful Robes. Our Magnetic Bait and Decoy attracts animals to traps #1 00 r>cr bottle. Ship you« ture to assert that when milking time in the orchard, w ith the idea o f check­ Loat It* Potency. Hides and Furs to as and get highest prices. A n d r r s c h l i r o e . , l>c|>L 121 M in n e a p o lis .M t a a . comes, i f you have the right kind of a ing the grow th in this way. Some o f “ So you no longer use buttermilk?" cow, and are the right kind o f a mas­ “ W hat’s the use?” returned Mr. F air­ our most successful applegrowers west ter. she w ill not disappoint you. A F lavoring. It makes s o f the Cascades, make a practice of banks; “ If I drank a gallon o f the stuff There are many different kinds of a day the papers wouldn’t notice It-“ — syrup better than M aple. crops that can be grown for soiling g ro w in g grass in their orchards to pre- O* jt S o ld b y grocere. purposes. W inter rye, oats, barley and | growth. The station does Philadelphia Press. oats mixed, peas and oats, clover, and i advise you to make use o f any C o r r e c t in g n M la a p p r o h e n a lo n . • r n ln li n .n . C 4 l, A C ----- ------H I **-F I H f t f f l l F f I 1 I 7 0 F U / L o t o V o r A O m o l l vetch are some o f them. A few w ill kind o f fe rtiliz e r whatever. A small Philanthropic Housewife— You are sad­ suffice. Care, however, must be taken amount o f potash would serve the pur­ ly travel stained, aren’t you? not to sow too much at one time, with pose to make the trees more fruitful, Wareham Long (tackling "h e cold the exception o f 'corn. That can be but under no conditions do we advise meat)— No. madam; ye couldn't her’ly planted in abundance, because as it ap­ the use o f barnyard manure, or nitro­ call it stain. I t ’s jest dirt. It’ ll warab proaches maturity it continues to make gen, since this would only exhilarate off. good feed. the growth. In your locality, I think P la g ia rism . W e have grown at the college farm you could grow the Gravenstein, N orth­ two and one-half acres o f peas and oats, “ I heard Crittick remark that some B U SIN E S S COLLEGE ern Spy, Rhode Island Greening, Jona­ which are sown on a north slope, the o f the passages in your comedy were FO R TX .AN U . O E K U O N than, and probably the Golden Russets steepest, perhaps, on the farm, and from worthy of Congreve,” said the play­ very successfully. The station now this plot have harvested fiv e and one- BEHNKE-W ALKER STUDENTS SUCCEED. W HY? wright’s friend. half tons of hay, in addition to having has specimens o f these apples from “ My 1 ” exclaimed the playwright. They are Trained for buaineM in a business-like way. pastured on the same plot for fiv e j your locality, and they certainly show “ ThHt’s too bad!” Why not enroll in a reputable Fchool that places all o f ita graduates? weeks a small herd of the experimental up w e ll.’ “ Why, that means a compliment----- ” farm cattle. This is an example of S E N D FOR C A T A L O G U E I. M W A LKE R. Prea. O. A. BOS8ERMAN. 5 m . “ It doesn't. It means that he’s on to what can be grown on a small tract A farm er residing near Larane in­ carefully tilled. quired about the “ common sorrel.” me.” — Philadelphia Press. The farmer who undertakes to man­ Professor Beattie replied: age a herd of cows under this system “ This is not an extrem ely serious must make ample provisions. One ne­ cessity, of course, is a good stable. weed, although sometimes it does dam­ This, without elaborate surroundings, age. I f the sorrel has a tendency to can be built at a moderate cost. It ; choke out the crop, it is an indication should be planned in a way which will that the land is rather deficient in enable the farmer to feed ten acres o f available plant food. You could im- good pasture to start off with in the prove the condition o f your region by spring. His intention should be to use g ro w in g some crop o f alfalfa, clover, this ten-acre tract for night pasture ( vetch or peas, and plow such crops un- after be has commenced to feed ‘ >>e der, as this would put humus in the cows in the stable. He will also need 9oi, and jm it8 condition. 0n CURES • SKIN DISEASES FURSsHIDES Send dealer’ s name and top from pound car­ ton o f "20-M ule-Team ” Borax, and 4 cents in stamps, and w e will mail illustrated booklet, giving many uses fo r ’’ Borax in the home. Farm and Dairy,** also this lace design, 15 by 16 inches, on cloth ready fo r working. FREE. Address Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oakland, Cal. WL.DOÜGI/AS ‘300 s h o e s » 3 5 0 ; W . Is. D ou glas m ak es and sells m o r e m en ’s €3.00 and $3.50 shoes th an any o th e r m a n u fa c tu rer in th e w o r ld , be­ cause t h « v h o ld th e ir shape, fit b e tter, and w e a r lo n g e r th an any o th e r m ak e. Shoes at All Prices, for Every Member of the Family, Men, Boys, Women, Misses A Children W L.Douglas $4 00 and $5.00 Oiit Edge Shoe« cannot b* «qoalled at any price. W. L. Douglas $2.50 and h $2 00 akoes a n the beat in tha world Ftid C o l o r E y e le t * U s e d E x c l u s i v e l y . _ T T j i k e .N o N i i l a l i t u t e . W . L. D ougli aune and price is stamped on bottom. Sold everywhere. Shoes mailed from factory to any part o f the world. Catalogue free. W. L. DOUGLAS, 15« Spark St.. Brockton. Ms«« I . your month aim ila r in i n ) wny t « th o nbovn? It •n. no ntmd to w .n r n wobbly, ununnbl. pnrtinl p la t, o r ill-fittin g , ordinary bridgn work. Thn In . W mn m m of “ TEETH W IT H O U T D E N T A L C O . INC . h r W * W h o M d n a m r . tl ym m in F o r-U n d Porond Floor. F . i l i n « B n iU in «. T h . H und «n a h Inrtot, Htrooto O « r o Tou r.. « <■ >1 to fi P M »u n - d or. » t o I F M F.tnlow t iit r u r t iu g . rfo pUtos. ■ *» I honm A and l l . i u > 9 P N U N o . 41 « 3 t o »« a t H la pa por. W h ■ e • n a i w l o riting * mZ Z n&I,L r ra, lnt( f and ' 01: the A W abund- to lessen the A labor o f cutting . est iL side, * this . weed .. is very , - handling. * ant in worn-°ut »oils, and the farm- For the purpose o f winter dairying. er9 ** desirable to lime the soil, no up-to-date man would be without a to make more available plant food.” silo. In this part o f the state corn is ¡F rom the Washington State college, past the experimental stage. It always j Pullman. matures on the college farm. The cows ------------------------ are fed the year around, and do well, c e le r y le ie e . always having an abundance o f silage. One boiled egg, one raw egg. one ta This process, in my opinion, largely biespoonful salad oil, one teaapoonful , solves the pasture problem. white sugar, one aaltspoonful salt, one Naturally, questions arise relative to M ltlpoonfui pepper, four tabie.poon- the expense connected with th* feed- m . . __. ________ - . ing o f soiling crop,. Over in Ontario. fuI* T,De* “ r ’ on* L k ,r which is without doubt a dairy conn- mustard. Cut tb# celery into bits half try, soiling and the silo go hand in an Inch long and season. Eat at once, hand. E very farmer there will tell you before the vinegar Injures tha crispness that it would not be possible to keep <>( tha vegetable. np the flow o f milk in his herd without , ---------- resorting to these methods. I f the silo j M o l« .. # . Caka. and soiling crops are necessary In a 1 Ona cup of molasaea; one-hnlf cup ot country where, as a rule, they have brown sugar; one-half cup o f ahorten- plenty o f rainfall, how much greater is |ng creamed with the sugar and mo­ th « necessity for their use in parts o f |asgea- two well-beaten eggs; one tee­ the Pacific Northwest where rainfall is nf’u, o f ,<* 1 , d l-o lv e d la not alwavs sufficient I . ,, _ . __ _ —m ,. The time is at hand when a radical a of ,our m lIk ’ “ “ change o f methods in farming i. necc- ful of ginger; two cup. of flour B .k . sary Eepeciallv is this true in the In a «beet In a shallow pan. well g re a » ease o f the rancher who doee not own , ed. la a slow oven. P L A T E S " T h o m m It o f a y t t n rry—riont—. thn n »w wny o f m ,ln c in n ttwth In thn trouth tooth In fo rt, tooth In a p p o o r.n o . tooth to rh rw yonr food upon, u yoo did upon your notnrnl onou Our fo r m in to orttna- I*»d wn mw do tou r o n tiro crown, brldtto o r plote work in « doy if norr—nry P o .it.r o ly potnlooo ofi- tr o c tin . O nly hitth rlom . nriontific work. W IS E MAPLEINE t o a d T « r t U * r t pl< 3 R a la «4 M a fln a S I.W ed ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AVegelablc Preparation fcrAs s t mi la t in^ the Food and Rp^ufa lint* li«c Smmadis andUowhof I nfants / C h il d r e n Promoles Dictionfhrftfii i> nessanfl RestXonlainsnrtir Os .