Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 08, 1908, Image 6

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/\U R Special Six-Day Sale proved
^ to be a success and as a contin­
uation of the Low Prices we are
underselliug all oLhers.
Come in and see our
i Significant H istory-M ak'ng A’. ove-
m ent by the U nited S tates.
Pacific Ocean Saved to A m erica by
P.obust Policy of R epublican
P arty .
The present world cruise of Ameri-
ean warships is oue of the most Inter­
esting, Important and far reaching per­
formances of any administration since
the Civil War. History rides upon the
prow of the flagships ot this fleet.
Eighty-five millions of people have for
mouths been attempting to interpret
\ the movement and solve the problem
our government is attempting to prop-
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Window Shades, Mattings, Cur­ I erly
adjust by tills eircumnavigation of
glohe. When President Roosevelt
tains, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Glass, Trunks, Suit Cases, , the
first announced that the fleet of battle­
and Valises. Pictures and Picture Framing.
ships was to make the long journey
from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean,
1 the Democrats turned prophets of evil
i Hud predicted many disastrous tilings
would follow as a consequence of this
unprecedented move.
A rm n d tt a n il W o r l d C r n lie .
The armada took its departure from
Hamilton Roads, Dec. 10. 1907, and
i after a wholly successful voyage around
the Horn, of about twelve thousand
miles, it dropped anchor in San Fran­
cisco Harbor May ti. lfics. The ships
that form the four divisions of the licet
I In tills record-making cruise are: The
I Connecticut, Louisiana, Maine, Mis­
souri, Georgia, New Jersey, Rhode Isl­
The Badge o f Honesty
and. Virginia, Alabama, Illinois. Rear
Is on every wrapper of Doctor Pierce'* Barge, Kentucky, Ohio, Minnesota, Kan­
Golden Medical Discovery because a full sas and Vermont. To which were add
list of the Ingredients composing it 1* ed the Nebraska and the Wisconsin, al­
printed there in plain English. Forty ready in Puget Sound, thus making a
years of experience has proven its superior fleet
of eighteen first-class modern
worth as a hlood purifier and invigorat- I
lug tonic for the cure of stomach disorders I battleships In perfect condition.
and all liver ills. It builds up the run- I There were already in the Pacific
down system as no other tonic can in and Oriental waters the flue armored
which alcohol is used. The active medic-I crul8erg West Virginia, Colorado. Ma
Inal principles of native roots such as . . . . .
. .
Golden Seal and Queen's root, Stone and T la n d a m l Pennsylvania. The,r two
Mandrake root, Bloodroot and Black
ships, the ( ulifornia and South
Cherrybark are extracted and preserved Dakota, were also on the Pacific, and
by the use of chemically pure, triple- the powerful Washington and Tennes-
refined glycerine. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce j Rpe went from the Atlantic to join the
at Buffalo, N. Y„ for fire booklet which
quotes extracts from well-recognized med­ armada, thus milking eight armored
You are going to need a
ical authorities such as Drs. Bartholow, | cruisers to he added to the eighteen
steel rim wheel this win­
King, Scuddep, Coe, Eliingwood and a j battleships. In addition there were in
host of oiltcj^, showing that these roots i the Pacific several protected cruisers,
ter. Don’t fool your
can be tjftpdnded upon for their curative gunboats and other lesser craft. All
all weak states of the stomach, told there were ten hundred anil fifty
time away on wood rims
tied by indigestion or dyspepsia ! officers
and nineteen thousand five hun
\ ¡q/411 bilious or liver complaints dred men.
in wet weather; trade
casting diseases” where thero
In due time the main fleet of war­
Hesh and gradual running down
your old wheel in on a
of tl^f'slrength and system.
resumed Its western course and
new nickeled steel rim
The "Golden Medical Discovery " makes will touch at the leading ports of Chinn
rion, pure hlood and so Invigorates and j anil Australia, passing on cast by way
wheel at
regulates Die stomach, liver aji'l Tuwcls. of the west, and coming Anally to Mal­
ami, through them, the whole system.
Thus all skin affections, blotches, pimples ta and Gibraltar, where it will coal
and eruptions as well as scrofulous swel­ and ultimately return to Its starting
lings and old open running sores or ulcers [adiit at Hampton Roads, some time
are cured and healed. In treating old early next February.
running sores, or ulcers, it is well to In­ In this expedition the Republican
S h o p 5 0 3
R e » . 59/
sure their healing to apply to them Dr party
lias a policy which projects itself
Pierce’s AU-IIeallng Salve. If your drug­
gist don't happen to have tills Salve in far Into the future, but it is an entire
stock, send fifty-four cents in postagi misunderstanding of the whole scheme
stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel to suppose that It is aimed narrowly
and Surgical institute. Buffalo. N. Y„ and or definitely at any single power. It Is
a large box of the " All-Healing Kaive”
one of those robust constructive | m »11-
will reach you by return post.
You can't afford to accept a secret nos­
of the party gauged on world lilies
trum as a substitute for this non-alcoholic, j cles
niedicino ok known composition , not It is more of a notification than a
even though the urgent dealer may threat, to all existing governments.
thereby make a little bigger profit.
e ld in g \ o r4 h n o d S o u th
to ir r lM .
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate W •The
eyes of the world have followed
and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. our
fleet with absorbing Interest. One
Sugar-eoatod, tiny granules, easy to take
as candy.
of the great advantages gained by tills
cruise is the cordial welcome and close
English Etchings.
acquaintance which It lias evoked from
the governments mill peoples of the
Previous to 1834 the house of com­ chief republics of Latin America. To
mons was lighted by candles, which the Brazilians, the Argentines, the Chi­
were affixed to massive chandeliers.
lians and the Peruvians, the mighty re­
To the long list of London clubs public of the north had lieen merely a
there must now lie added the Poets’ name or a dim figure, powerful and
club, which has been formed for the honored perhaps, but not actually
purpose of revivifying the neglected known. For years there had been lit­
art of versemaklng.
tle or no visible evidence of the wealth,
A manuscript sold in London the or authority of the I nitial States. In
other day had the Interest of curiosity. the chief South American ports. But
It was that of n tale written by the they were all visited by swift and
father of Robert Browning and en stately liners, flying the flags of the
titled "The Widow of the W ood.^
maritime powers of Europe.
The cost of m aintaining English At every South American port the
| roads has risen in recent years out of fleet, our navy, our government, our in­
j all proportion to the Increase of popu- stitutions.
our people, our aims, our
i lation. owing chiefly to the enormous Industries, our trade—every conceivable
Increase of the traffic. On the Notting­ thin* th st Is ours, have been discussed
ham roads there are now ten vehicles its they never were before, and that
where there was one twelve years ago without suspicion of our political and
D is io n s
diplomatic Intentions. Oue business
C o p y r ig h t s A c .
An ron* ••tid ing « sk*lch and i **crlPtk>n ma?
house in New York states that Its
qiilohl? lUK-artam our opinion fr*«
fraa wh#
la probnM ? r»»i*nti*M( >kL c Coroni un ten-
South American correspondeni>e has In
o n r u te n i*
i Itili« ri noil? rt »tullían
----------« -------
creased fourfold since the fleet visited
it fr**«. t»M***t aaano?
for ««
h u
tienta t »kan tlim u th llu uun
n n & Cu. ravviva
Rio Janeiro. In this case it seems that
*r*a. In 1ha
I n o tu * , w itho ut charaa.
may follow the battleships.
ha. More Can Forest Grov«
P u r n itu r e
Framing and Enlarging a Specialty
John W u n d erlich Prop.
Mr. Bicycle
O. A. G or/’s
Scientific American.
A handaomal? Illnafrafad waaklv. I «nraat elf.
«'Hint i . di o f an? aolanttda Journal. Tarnta. f < a
ra i r ; four mouth*. 9 1 . Hold b? all nawaoaaiara.
M Branch
UNN Oftlc«.
Co tOft .36
'0'*«'«’ New York
F 81 . W aahtn*ton. IX C.
— Joe Stream guarantees to please
with the latest haircut. Sharp razors
properly handled. Pacfic avenue near
1 tinman's Hardware.
Forest Grove Time Table
People Ask?
I oo a ta.
lo. Jo a. m
U5o am
4 So p m
6 Jo p. m.
M r* L.
Stream. IW in* at 210 R St.. Forest Grm
“ Doaa’a K idney
-rad coo It loo ot a y
PUto cured
me c f % Jia
kidney» and pama thr u*h
1 felt tired aod eo rn out moat o f the time ..iv
•»**• treui ltd with a d r a fft n « P»sa through my J ipa
■uM aearcely atrop ot bend aod at such tunes d u n
would dart through
my loioa aod cauar ini ewer
aetkm was aoooyiag at t»m< i
1 .heae t f a u fille d to perform their fun itoat prrr-
I am now entirely free from kidney trouble, m>
<ck te etrong and I fe e l better m every way atnee « •
this remedy and can
Pilla v m
recommend Doan'»
K id ney
h igh ly to anyooe suffering from the same
For ssle by all dealers. Price SO
cents. Foster-Milbarn Co., Buffalo.
New York, sole agents for the United
W. BROWN. Agent.
W ji . M c MURRAY, General Passenger Remember the name—Doan's—and
Agent. Portland, Ore.
.»kg oo other.
N o.
N o.
N o.
N o.
N o.
I hr. P« rtland ? Jo a. m hr. Poraat G r o w I N a . m.
9 So a. m . at.
* l o i o a . m.
L o o p . m. ar
M J Jo p. a .
4. lo p. m . hr,
'* • 5 4o p m.
4 **
5 4o P m. ar.
»* Two p. m,
H o o t t i d l E x p la in s
m e n t.
M ove­
There is a remarkable unanim­
ity of opinion of Judge Taft In
all parties and in ail sections.
Men pay tribute to his remark­
able ability even where party pol­
ities may exert such an Influence
as to demand the espousing of
tlie rival presidential candidate's
cause. As an Illustration \V.
Bourke Cock ran in an Interview
at Roston the other day said :
“Yes, I shall support Bryan; he
is the b“st candidate tlie Demo­
crats could put up. Taft, how­
ever, is the greatest and best
qualified nominee ever offered in
any republic In the world. He Is
a greater man than Roosevelt,
and when surrounded by the
same environments that made
Roosevelt great will prove a big­
ger man. Taft Is a wonderful ad­
ministrator. the greatest the
country has ever seen, aud Is n
wonderful worker."
Are you doing what you can to populate your state?
OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE—Settlers, honest farmers mechanics
merchants, clerks, people with brains, strong hands and a willing
heart—capital or no capital.
Southern Pacific Co—Lines in Ore.
is sending tons of Oregon literature to the East for distribution
through every available agency. Will you not help the good work
of building Oregon by sending us the names and addresses ol
vour friends who are likely to be interested in this state? We
will be glad to bear the expense of sending them complete in­
formation aoout OREGON and its opportunities.
COLONIST TICKETS will be on sale during SEPTEMBER a ND
OCTOBER from the East to all points in Oregon. .The fares
from the principal c.t es are
From Denver . . . $30 00 From Louisville $41 70
“ Omaha . . . 30 00 “ Cincinnati 42 20
“ Kansas City 30 00 “ Cleveland 44 75
“ St. Louis . . 35 50 “ New York 55 00
“ Chicago . . 38 00
If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon, deposit the
proper amount with any of our agents. The ticket will then be
furnished bv telegraph.
W. BROWN. Local Agent, Forest Grove. Ore.
WM. M c MURRAY, General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon
M U T U A L P IR E « E U E P AS«flt.
O f F o r e s t G ro v e , O re go n
~i s
the :
B e st an d C h eap est
Dealer in
F L O U R unci R E E D
Forest Grove, Ore.,
Pacific Ave,
Ä tfo rn e v -ö t-L ä w
Forest Grove,
Tender, Juicy, Steaks,
Roasts and Stews,
Sausage and Bacon
All kinds of Fresh
Dr. G e ig e r
Homeopathist and Surgery
Forest Grove,
Moulton & Bogan
V e g e t a b le s
G ro c e r ie s
Postoflice Row
Forest Gtw
Wood Sawing
W. F. S C H U L T Z Forest Grove
Good Eatables
Low Prices
Everybody knows that
we keep the best Meats
to be had, but this is to
n .ix iir r .llp I n e o x a ta te x rr.
The Democratic leaders have been
remind you to give us a
for years making loud declarations
sgainst corporations and trusts and I
railroads and have, nevertheless. In­
stituted no legislative steps In all this
time for the purpose of restraining
statement in a speech he made
When well known residents and higl In In St. a Louis.
President Roosevelt took
respected people ot Forest Grov the public Into his confidence to a de­
ike such statements as the following gree when he said: "California. Ore­
and Washington hare a coast line abuses. They are now Indignant that
must carry conviction to ever gon
which Is our coast line Just as emphat­ the
party. In carrying out I
, ically
as the coast line of New York and the Republican
promises of Its own platform. Is
. f f r T h e
N o. a depart« • «o a. m . arrlvaa at Port land
No. 4
• J i a. a . , .....................
N o .«
lo io a
N o lo
J J o p . m.
No. t
4 J7 p. m. M
I 'r M U n t
for military and commercial mastery.
When China awakens, to the degree
that Japan in now awake, events pass­
ing the power of the Imagination to
conceive will take pla,*.
As to the palliative and beneficent
effect this cruise u..iy have on China
and Japan, there can be but one opin­
ion. While Uncle Sam was little con­
cerned about the rumors to the effect
tnat Japan was about to descend U| h > u
the Philippines, or poaalbiy to make a
demonstration ofT our Pacific coast, yet
he did desire, and perhaps is in a
position to insist, that the Open Door
policy be niuiutalned In China. Japan
has apparently never been quite recon­
ciled to this policy, and is said to have
worked to establish in China the poli­
cy of "spheres of Influence.” To this
America, with European nations, stren­
uously objected—and docs still object.
This Open Door policy stands as a
world monument In diplomacy to tae
constructive genius of the Republican
party. William Howard T aft is in full
sympathy with this constructive policy.
Mr. Taft on his last trip to the
Orient was given such an enthusiastic
reception at Shanghai, China, as was
never before accorded to any visiting
statesman by ottlciala of the Celestial
Kingdom. On that occasion Mr. Taft
made a siieech which, in spite of its
genial tone aud cautious phrasing, was
at once recognized as of the highest
International Importance. Said he :
DOOR. The acquiescence in this poli­
cy of all the nations Interested has
been so unhesitating and emphatic that
it is hardly W orth while to speculate
ns to how far the United States would
go in the protection of its Chinese
trade. • * • This feeling is likely to
And expression in the action of the
American government. The United
States and the other powers favor the
Oppn Door, and if they are wise they
will encourage the empire to take long
steps In administrative and govern­
mental reform.”
So we have not far to seek for an­
other very powerful reason for this
world eruise of our fleet. Mr. Taft
simply announced in diplomatic lan­
guage that this cruise Is Intended to
any that the Open Door policy will be
maintained at any price. He Is In
thorough sympathy with the alert con­
structive policy of the Republican
party. He is oue of its chief expon­
P e r fe c t io n o f D is c ip lin e .
This world cruise of the mighty ar­
mada of sixteen ships of the line has
been, and Is being, conducted with a
precision worthy of the tine traditions
of American seamanship—which speaks
the highest praise. Every man. from
officer to common sailor, has felt that
the eyes of the nation at home were
following him. and that however mod­
est Ills situation, he must bear himself
worthily ns an American sailor, in the
stoutest squadron that ever flew the
Stars and Stripes.
There is no question but that this
eruise will lie noted by all commenta­
tors of the future ns oue of the moat
remarkable happenings of any age.
Even though the American people have
not fully understood the s ig n ific a n c e ,
when all the facts are known, it will
he found to have been one of the dis­
tinctive acts of statesmanship of the
present Republican administration. Mr.
Taft is tlie man to continue this his­
tory-making policy of the Republican
Hörest G ro v e, Ore.
Misner & Gord
Fashion S t a b le s
•Siylish Turnouts
D R . J . L i. KINO^
V e te r In n H u rt
C ounty S to ck Invpcetar
Office, First Street and Pacific A»*1
Both Phones at Office and Resid**8
30 1 Uth at.
Maine, of Louisiana and Texas Our
into practice the principles
fleet Is going to Its own homa waters putting
a superb self compla- !
in the Pacific and after a stay there R cency, claim with
are really covered by a
will return to Its own home waters Democratic patent
—Hon Wm H. T»ft.
'n the Atlantic. The best place for the
naval c nicer to learn his duties is at *t Greensboro. North Carolina.
sea. by performing them, aud only by
S w ift? I* 9 o a *d .
actually putting through a voyage of In spite of the general comfort, there FINE WORK DONE CHEAP-PRICES
10c D ra w «.
8 to lie
this nature, a voyage longer than any have been made manifest by signs not W hit, .h iit • . • - . 10c
W hit. Walitt - .„
10 to 2Cc
• ne before undertaken by as large n to be misunderstood, a quickening of Soft
W hite Skirt. - IS te 50 Coderaklrta . IS » 25c
fleet of any nation, m n we find out the public conacienc» and a demand for Intferthirr.
. . *c S to c k !.«. . .
Inst exactly what Is necessary for us to the remedy of abuses, the outgrowth of HMdk.rchete . . ^ Collar. . . . • iHc to
know as to our uaval needs and prae | this prosperity, and for a higher stan Mea’i W hit. Vera 10 IS Pant. . . . . - Ke
ttee our ofll.era and enlisted men In dard of business Integrltr Every lover Costa . . 10 20c Duttff*
IS 20c
Toelta . . fOc Dos Nankin.
_ . 20c Dot
the highest duties of their profession", of hi* country should have a feeling of Th
. f o lio » ! • « artlcla. 50c
Ooa; PU to»
•* '* •
exaltation In this evidence
The Pacific Ocean la recognized by ,h„ our society Is still aound at the ■vSSbeee. Tahtedotlws, Night Cowna. W o n .« ’.
ail far seeing statesmen as the theater ! cere H ob . Mui. II. Taft, at Columbua, D v . » « . . C s d - r * «,. * c o , and Cswet Cover..
of the worlds coming great struggle* Ohio.
Quong Lee’s
T o r D e s ig n s s m l PrW C *
Local S te n t
Real Estate
Houses Rented and Rent*
Forest Grove