YL care of tariff protection, the the Roosevelt majority of four T ry a S a c k of “ H o m e P r o d u c t’ wool of the country amounted years ago. F lo u r=== All G r o c e r s to 303,000,000 pounds; in Published every Thursday by The maro wheat T hose of you who missed Washington County Publishing C o., 1895, under the blighting effect - M ILLS — Incorporated. Senator Beveridge’s of free trade, it fell to 209,000,- hearing speech at the Armory in Port­ In 1891, with the Entered at the post-office at Forest 000 pounds. land, missed a masterly effort to Grove, Oregon, as second class tariff restored, it rose to 302,- mail matter. 000,000 pounds and to 316,- make clear the issues of the pres­ L a ue stem fioul , m Subscription $1.50 Per Year 000,000 pounds in 1902. Dur­ ent campaign. Mr. Beveridge MvsrUsIng ratas made known on ing the four years of President is not only an eloquent speaker application. Cleveland’ s second term the but always offers a fair argu­ - d MANUFACTURED BY CRESCENT MILLS— FOREST GROVE W . VICTO» Official Paper Washington Co. measure which he denounced as ment. His comparison of the “ the creature of perfidy and dis­ two great platforms and the two PACIFIC W IN S BY BIG SCORE. A . E . N O U R S E ........................... M A N A G E R J. F. W o o d s ............................. ed itor honor,” but which Mr. Bryan candidates was a most com-1 nevertheless enthusiastically en­ prehensive argument for the D e fe a t* P o r t la n d Ac a d e m y in F ir s t T H U R S D A Y , O C T. 8, 1908 Game or the season— dorsed, saddled the American election of a man of record, sta- 2 0 t o O. wool growers with losses con­ bility and statesmanship. Bryan, The free Trader. In the first game of the season our j In the record of Mr. Bryan’s servatively estimated at $400,- N ow that Senator Beveridge football team made a good showine j public career he is officially 000 , 000 . has fired the first big gun in when they defeated the aggregation But the wool growers were identified with just one impor- from Portland Academy by the decis­ Oregon, all the lesser guns have ive score of 20-0. It was a hard day | tint measure of federal legisla not the only victims of the W il­ The famous Charter Oak heat­ to do is to keep up the musket for the game, but in spite of the in­ tion, and that the W ilson-Gor- son - Gorman - Bryan perfidy. ing stoves are the best heat fire— the enemy has taken to tense heat, and the dust the team man tariff act cf 1894. A s a Every branch of American in­ producers with the least fuel of the woods. showed remarkable endurance. From j member of the House Com­ dustry suffered. It lowered the start to finish the boys played with a j any stoves on the market. As mittee on W ays and Means dur­ duties on imports of manufac­ Beveridge— “ It takes more snap and vim that characterized the for Ranges there are no better ing President Cleveland’s sec­ tures and thereby forced the than a 25 pier cent man t o be victorious teams of Pacific in her palm- makes than the Real Estate ond administration Mr. Bryan closing of important native in­ president of a 100 pier cent na- 'est da)S< Coach Hahn is highly sat- Range, prices range from that each member assisted in preparing that meas­ dustries and drove their em­ tion; a broad side for Bryan s | of the team did in Saturdays game. ure, and in its completed form it ployees into idleness. W ages 25 pier cent franchise , bogie. Usually we are defeated in our first bore his unqualified approval. in every branch of industrial ac­ game each year. This game was a But it has been proven that His advocacy of the bill drew tivity declined, the demand for pleasant exception, and because it is so sharp and clear the dividing line every variety of farm products the Cleveland letter on Taft we hope that the students will appre­ GRANITEWARE ciate the goodness of the Fates, and in between the Democracy of Bry- fell off, and the workingmen of was not a forgery. and return for such kindness radiate an un- anism and the Democracy ol the country were subjected to ! bounded enthusiasm throughout the PROBATE COURT Grover Cleveland. Mr. Bryan universal hardship and distress. TINWARE Sale of school-— Index. John E Sutherland, minor, The operation of Mr. Bryan’s pronounced the measure just real property confirmed. IN TE R COLLEGIATE. and honorable. President Cleve­ pet measure robbed the farmers, Estate of Fredrick W King, de­ The enrollment of the ten greatest land dtnourced it as “ the creat­ brought hunger and misery to ceased. Estate admitted to probate. ure of perfidy and dishonor,” re­ the wage-earner and bankrupted E I Kuratli appointed administrator. universities in the United States are as follows: fused to sign it, and it became the Treasury. It was indeed, Bonds 8100. University of C h icago...................... 5070 Estate of Conrad Schulmerich, de­ a law without his approval. as Mr. Cleveland said, “ a creat­ University of M ichigan......................5010 ' S u c c e s s o r to S . a . H u g h e s ceased. Estate closed of record. T he distinction thus drawn be- ure of perfidy and dishonor.” University of Illinois...................... 47*3 F o r e s t G ro v e O re g o n Estate of Helen M Gates, deceased. W . J. Bryan stands today t veen the Bryan Democracy Harvard University .........................4438 Estate closed of record University of Pennsylvania . . . 4279 and the Cleveland Democracy as he stood in 1894, for free Estate of Leander Ennes, deceased. University of Minnesota..................4200 trade and all that it means to Closed of record. continues to this day. Columbia Universitv.........................4096 Inasmuch as Mr. Bryan is American labor and American Estate of Thos H Tongue, d e ­ University of W isconsin..................4014 He cannot get ceased. Administrator authorized to posing this year as the special enterprise. Cornell University...........................3734 friend and champion of the away from the record, and there bring suit for collection of certain University of California....................3565 farmers, it is worth while to are no indications that he wants accounts. — Index. Estate of Max Moore, minor. An­ point out how their interests to get away from it. He is nual report of guardian filed and ap­ Why Girls Go Wrong. were effected by the only im­ committed to free trade as dis­ proved. That popular play. Why Girls Go portant law he ever helped to tinctly as he is to free silver, Wrong, the talk of New York and MARRIAGE LICENSES create. The Wilson-Gorman and his own words show that he John W Fuqua and Ethel E J Chicago one year played in cne house. Mr. J. H. Hearde, who is well known act repealed the duty on wool. will fasten those twin deviltries Thomas. On January 1, 1893, two upon the country if he gets the Henry Reese ar.d Bertha Demmin. here in tne west has gone to a big ex­ pense by securing the title writs of tie months after President Cleve­ chance. lit ic t ii v iid llim iir a b lit M e n t io ». west for this mammoth production. He land’s second election, the sheep There is a republican in A part of Pacific University’ s exhibit has also secured Miss Jorm Storm, in the United States, according at the Northwest Conference of the Y. the original leading lady of this produc­ Washington county who has to official statistics, numbered W. C. A. held at Seaside last June has tion and has suncunded her with the announced that he will support 47,273,553 and were valued at been on exhibition in the Association best support obtainable. This great Bryan this fall. He is an em­ Room. The exhibit won first place on society drama in 4 acts has been $125,909,254. At the close of ployer of labor, and this is his artistic value and second in association pronounced by press, pulpit and p jb lic Mr. Cleveland’s term, thanks to argument: “ If Bryan is elected I value. The other two points on which as the greatest moral play of the age. the baleful influence of the free will have men running to my the judges marked were quantity and Instructive.entertaining and pleasing for trade act which Mr. Bryan had place of business for work, but arrangement of policies. The prize ladies, gentlemen and children. All helped to force upon the statute if Taft is elected I will have to pennant was awarded to Bellingham tickets sold strictly under a guarantee. book, the number of sheep in Normal for winning first in these two Refine society vaudeville specialties hunt for labor as I have done for points. Pacific University received between the acts. Change of play the country had fallen to 36,- the past number of years.” very high honorable mention. Our nightly. Popular prices. Seats on 818,643, having a value of This might be a good argu­ posters attracted a great deal of at­ sale at Allen's Confectionery. Prices $60,020,942. In other words, i ment from that employer’s stand tention, and much praise of the crayon 25, 35. 50c. the sheep herds had suffered a point, but how about the work was heard.— Index. County Clerk Bailey has sent out loss of more than 10,000,000, or laborer? election notices to the 21 precincts, nearly 25 per cent, and the A r t D e p a r t m e n t P r o s p e r ou * . calling attention to the Presidential wool clip of the United States Miss Sigrid Sallander, the new in­ A straw vote taken by The election. Seven precincts will again had declined in value about Oregonian recently from 2250 structor in the Art Department of Pa- ! vote on the question of cattle running $58,000,000, or nearly 50 per voters in Portland gives Taft a cific University, has begun the year’ s at large. Of the seven, Buxton, Gales work with very favorable prospects. cent, all through the operation majority of 332. If the same Creek and Mountain precincts are in the Miss Sallander is well fitted for her of a law which found one of its ratio is maintained in Multno­ position bv reason of her training. mountains, and Gaston, Reedville, most ardent supporters in the mah county Taft will have 20,- She is a graduate of Gottenberg, West Butte and South Tualatin are the person of “ the farmers’ friend,” 000. If Portland and Multno­ Sweden. Later she studied art under other divisions which question the vote of last June, declaring the county op­ William J. Bryan. mah county do that well the competent instructors in Berlin and posed to cows running at large. There In 1893, under the fostering outside counties will insure Taft Paris. It is her plan to conduct the is much sentiment in the mountain I am prepared to show a nice line of Hats, Velvets, art department here on the lines of the Silks, Ribbons, Ostrich and Fancy Feathers. districts in favor of cattle being per­ TM E NEW S & Every Sack Guaranteed h HEATING STOVES and Ranges $26 to $50 CARL HINMÄN HTÜ J.H.HEARDE&CO. With a company of twelve people at Masonic Hall FOREST GROVE, OREGON Three nights Thursday, Friday and Saturday New Play Each Night ■ Popular Prices 25c, 35c, 50c Opening Display of Fall Millinery Gottenberg school which she believes mitted the open range, as many fami­ is especially efficient. THE BAZAAR Some of “A , H igh G ra d e P ianos Organs and S ew ing Machines sold way below Portland prices and on easy monthly pay­ Also a full line of Edison and Qolumbia Talking Machines and Records always in stock. Sallander’ s work has and been on exhibition at the Book Store. t0 keep Up three or ,our cows wouW A piece of tapestry painting entitled 1'irac,‘ca'b cut down the forage supply #T. j V. S T A B H R . M a n a g e r ments. Miss lies have but a few acres cleared, King in Chains’ ’ has attracted *° mUCh th,t h would be n« cess" y sell off a part of the stock. favorable comment. It is valued at one hundred and fifty dollars. The Domestic science club met The Forest Grove Art G u b , num­ with Mrs Dr. Hines Tuesday afternoon bering about twelve members, has also and mapoed out their work for the registered in the department of art. year. They expect to make the meet­ Miss Sallander offers courses in tapes­ ings both interesting and instructive. try, oil, water color and china painting. We always pay the highest price — Index. for wool and mohair. Bailey. Wednesday and Thursday, Sept, 16 and 17 A. E. DIXON~ and Following Days Main St., FOREST GROVE Save Money—Buy Direct O u r P r ic e « .T a lk . . . . . 'Y r,t* W e R eta il a t W h o l e s a l e ,<>r l ^ t l m a t « „ „ W in d o w s . D o o rs , H e a r d w a r e , P a in ts T H E R O S S C O ., 87 6rand A»e„ PCRTLAND. ORES. Cata­ logues sent free to any address. The leading place in fhe County for Stationery and School Supplies. Try Goldenrod ñour Guaranteed