that view o f Its Island possession»; so at all future congresses our country will Is- entitled to tw o votes, as against one vote each east by every other na­ tion in the world. Special Six-Day For the purpose of introducing my stock I P ra c tic a l will give special discount on everything in my store, beginning on Monday, Sept. 28, and Ending Saturday, Oct,. 3 I have a complete line of F u rn itu re Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, W in dow Shades, Mattings, Cur­ tains, W a ll Paper, Paints, Oils, Glass, Trunks, Suit Cases, and Valises. Pidtures and Picture Framing. Framing and Enlarging a Specialty John Wunderlich, Prop. BANKS, OREGON Mr. Bicycle You are goin g to need a steel rim wheel this win­ ter. D on’t fool your time away on wood rims in wet weather; trade your old wheel in on a new nickeled steel rim wheel at Tho Modesty o f Women .Naturally makes them shrink from ths Indelicate questions, the obnoxious ex­ aminations, and unpleasant local treat­ ments, which somo physicians consider essential In the treatment of diseases of women. Vet, if help can be had, It Is better to submit to this ordeal than let the disease grow and spread. The trouble Is that so often the woman undergoes all the annoyance and shame for nothing. ThonsandsNif women who have been cured liy: Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion writK. In. tGHtreclatlon of the cure which dls. the examinations and local t r e a t m e n t ^ There is no other ...... . f » ^ u rv-iU>U.7ii^ I iV ,it ilu a t e women as "F avorite l ’rfsrrili l i o n ~ It cun-s'debilitating drains.Irregularity and female weakness. I t always helps. It almost always cures. I t is strictly non alcoholic, non - secret, all its ingredients being printed on Its bottle-wrapper; con- tains no deleterious or hahlt-formlng drugs, and every natlvo medicinal root entering Into its composition has the full endorsement of those most eminent In the several schools of medical practice. Some of these numerous and strongest of pro­ fessional endorsements of its ingredients, will lie found iu a pamphlet wrapped around the bottle, also in a booklet mailed free up request, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. Theso professional en­ dorsements should have far more weight than any amount of the ordinary lay, or non-professional testimonials. Tho most intelligent women now-a-days insist on knowing what they take as med- Iclne instead of opening their mouths like a lot of young birds and gulping down whatever is offered them. "F avorite Pre- scriptlon” is of k n o w n c o m p o s it io n . It makes weak women strong and sick women well. I)r. Pierce’s Medical Adviser Is sent free on receipt of stamps to pav expense ot mailing onlu. Send to Dr. R. \. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., SI onc-cent stamps for pa per-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth-hound. I f sick consult the Doctor, tree of charge by letter. A ll such communications sre held sacredly confidential. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets Invigorate and regulate stomach, liver and bowels. H -n c 'lt s to tha „ O r e g o n ,, B u ild e rs P eo p le. No doubt the Democrats may Inquire as to wbut a • this It. s to do with the M ad e P o s iib l: by R ecen t Robust, w elfare o f American citizens. For their enlightenment and Information it C o n s tru c tiv e R epu blican may be stated that, according to the P o lic y . United States census of WOO. the for­ eign born isipulation In the United States at that time was 10.400.085. The C on ven tion B etw een A m e ric a and population. born of foreign parentage (one or both parents having been born E n g la n d in E ffect Oct. 1— Its iu foreign countries) was 20.WS.lllit), B lessing:; to F o r e ig n or a total foreign population o f 36,- 059,024. The report of the Immigra­ B orn C itizens. tion Commissioner by years since then shows that 0.068,656 have since come to America, thus eking out the total O R D E R NO. 1G67. foreign population at the present time The Postal Administration o f Great to 40.527.680. This does not take aiiy Britain having concurred therein: note of increase since 1900 in Am eri­ It Is hereby ordered. That, coniinenc- can-born children, one or both of whose | Ing on the 1st day o f October, 1908, parents are of foreign blood. Estimat­ j the postage rate applicable to letters ing that only one-half o f this number— | mailed In United States, addresser! for 21.005,840— write one letter to foreign delivery at any place In the United countries every two weeks, or 20 weeks | Kingdom o f Great Britain and Ireland, each year, we have 120.983.040 letters shall be two (2 ) cents an ounce or fruc- written annually, which, at the present ; tion o f an ounce. rate o f 5 cents postage each, amounts le tte rs unpaid or short paid shall be to an expenditure o f $6,499,152 annu­ Under the present postal law dls|>atched to destination, but double ally. the detieieat postage, calculated at said foreign correspondents may send let­ rate, shall be collectible o f the nd- ters to the United States "collect,” but dresset-s upon the delivery o f the un when they reach their destination the recipient must pay double ¡postage. F ig ­ paid or short paid letters. uring the double postage on the same G. V. L. M E YE R , basis, the foreign population of the Postmaster General. l Behind this simple statement is a United States pays during each year, Tast amount o f Ucpuhlicair construc­ for postage under the present Bystem, tive legislation which resulted in the $19.497,450. Under the new and cheaper postal significant accomplishment, set forth | by the Postmaster General. It Is elo­ charges advocated by the Republican quently prophetic of a w o rld w id e pen- party, should the 2-ceut rate become j ny postage, for which the credit w ill be universal, the foreign population In the United States, to their direct cor­ ! due to a Republican administration. respondents. would only pay $5.249.570 S lu f» I ’ n lv e r ia l P o «ta l C ongreia. The Sixth Universal Postal Congress annually for direct postage and $9,748.- , convened In the city o f Rome, Italy, 728, for letters sent to them from for­ In other April 7 and continued until May 2d, eign countries “ collect.” 11100. Sixty-five countries, including the words, this Republican measure will United States, were represented. The save the highly esteemed adopted citi­ assembly was for the purpose o f dis­ zens o f our country, and those born cussing the postal systems o f all natlona here of foreign parentage $12.998.254 measures . annually. In the necessary correspond- . , and. If . possible, agreeing — - upon . for the Improvement In all practical enoe their loved ones abroad. Rut ways, of the regulations governing In- Perhaps the Democrats do not thiuk ternatlonal intercourse through the this fl' " is "* worth " while. M “ ,, Sonin Glaring; IncnnNhtenrlt'A. m a The first congress o f this kind met In Bern*. Switzerland. In 18,4. At present an American can send a The I'nltm ! Stnt<*s I'ostofflce Depart* letter 5,1.00 miles by land—say from j moot was represented In this World Mexico to Alaska— for 2 cents, but Postal Congress by two delegates— the must pay 5 cents for a letter of half i ,, . . . . , . ... ¡ Superintendent of Division o f Foreign the weight sent 5.I0U miles to England, Malls, as In previous postal congresses, An Englishman pays 5 eents ou a let- amt the Hon. Edward Rosewater o f the ter crossing the Atlantic, 3.100 miles, Omaha Bee, who had also served in the | and 2 cents ou one crossing the Indian ÿQ preceding laistal congress. ami South Pacitic Oceans. 1ii.(Ki0 nvles, M o t « fop I nlvprwnl Penny P o * t«* e . j to .New Zealand. All this |s to tie rem­ At this Universal Postal Congress edied on October the tlrst next, thanks representatives o f the United States to an enlightened Republican adminis­ proposed a universal two-cent postage tration. A Are you doing what you can to populate your state? OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE — Settlers, honest farmers mechanics merchants, clerks, people with brains, strong hands and a willing heart— capital or no capital. Southern Pacific C o — Lines in Ore. is sending tons of Oregon literature to the East for distribution through every available agency. W ill you not help the good work ol building Oregon by sending us the names and addresses ol vour friends who are likely to be interested in this state? will be glad to bear the expense of sending them com p lete in­ formation about OREGON and its opportunities. will be on sale during SE PTE M B E R AND OCTOBER from the East to all points in Oregon. front the principal cities are We CULONIST TICKETS $30 00 From Denver . “ “ “ “ The fares Omaha . . . 30 Kansas City 30 St. Louis . . 35 Chicago . . 38 b a t ia a f iB P R IN T IN G 50 00 & * Portland, Oregon HNSURANCE I IN T H E BANKERS AND MERCHANTS M U T U A L, P IR E R B U 8 P A S S N . O f F o re s t G rove, O regon :is t u b : B est and C h eapest JAMES RASMUSEN Dealer in FLOUR and F E E D Forest drove, Ore., EAT Good Eatables Low Prices LAUNDRY J 44 75 55 00 WM. M c M U R R AY, General Passenger A g en t, W F . S C I IU L T Z Cleveland 42 20 W. BROWN. Local Agent, Forest Grove. Ore. Quong Lee’s I majority Cincinnati Cleveland N e w Y ork a G r o c e r ie s — Joe Stream guarantees to please with the latest haircut. Sharp razors properly handled. Pacfic avenue near Hinman's Hardware. — Money to loan on (arm security. H. Hollis, Forest Grove “ “ “ TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID. V e g e t a b le s H IC K S -C H A T T E N E N G R A V IN G CO* 00 00 If you want to bring friend or relative to Oregon, deposit the T h e ticket will then be proper amount with any of our agents furnished bv telegraph. W o rld h H r a i l y f o r f t «*<1 n o t i o n . to all nations. T h e lion. J. Henniker Heaton, M. IV, who Is the father o f the It w ill probably be but a short time two-cent Idea in England, speaking of a fter the convention between this coun­ America's action at the Rome ettnven- try und England goes Into effect, until tion, in standing out for a universal the dream o f a universal 2-eent litter Phonem S h o p 50.1 Wes. S O I two-cent postal rate, said: I postage, championed by the Republican ! ‘T h e British members stood eohlly j party, will he realized. Australia, New ) by. They did not recognize that this Zealand and Egypt have already called I was a great historic mansion, a worthy for the 2-ceut rate The Emperor of , parallel o f that solemn scene on July Germany ||MS said that If England es­ 4. 1770. when tlit* Declaration o f Inde­ tablishes a 2-cent postage rate with pendence was adopted; for If Hie the United States, he w ill have Ger­ Americans are willing to adopt a penny many do the same. France. Italy. pontage to all parts of the world. It fol­ South Africa, Japan, Belgium, Hol­ lows that they nre willing to establish land. Denmark amt Sweden would um , Tender, Juicy, Steaks, It to the British Empire amt form with lit tie more than an Invitation to fol­ low salt, us a ’Restrictive Postal Union.’ ” Roasts and Stews, A 2-cent postal rate would bind all The Hon. W hlteliiw Reid. America's Republican minister to t 1 m - Court o f St. the South American republics and the Sausage and Bacon James, praised tin* work o f the Am eri­ Un ted States still more closely togeth­ Modes of the Moment. can delegation amt solicited tlie friendly er Into a p -nivftll, reciprocal, progres­ A ll kinds of Fresh T affeta hems are noticed upon the co-o|>eratloii o f the British government sive. civilization, which would mean a more rapid development o f both Am eri­ at a Fourth o f July banquet *|ieech in I sleeves o f the new white net waists. can continents and a new application T h e French touch o f pink Is observ- Ixindon In 1900. Mr. Reid said: With these “ The American people hoped for of the Monroe doctrine. i able upon many gowns, and the pink chea|ier communications countries agreed, on the object desired, panne velvets are used for waist trim- closer ami with all other nations as the best means the continent o f Euro|>e nlone would j tilings. It is n noticeable feature o f the sum­ o f promoting better acquaintance and then lie wholly outs do this compre­ They were hensive postal union, and then the mer dresses that many o f them have perpetuating friendship. | the deep taffeta hem which may or gratified to tiud that the British apostle continental powers would not long •2d & A i d e , , P O R T L A N D , O R E . may not match the gown o f penny postage (M r. Heaton) at this stand aloof from It. It has remained for the United A bow o f velvet o f a contrasting col­ moment focusing his efforts on what or Is a feature o f many c f the new ought to be the easy task o f persuad­ States to take the Initiative in a move gowns. T h e Iw w Is placed Just at tbe ing the authorities on both sides o f the to reap the great glory o f being tbe front o f the yoke so that tbe ends fa ll Atlantic, that It was as cheap to carry pioneers o f a world wide 2-cent post­ upon the waist. a letter from London to New York as age. M ill'« nr o f our citizens wIP feel Drop skirts are necessary to the th in 1 from London to Calcutta ; or from New almost ns grateful for this betiellcent at act as mlHi ms o f slaves did. when the summer dresses. They are mnde and York to Manila— and quite as useful.” sewed to the skirt so that there la no Republican party broke the shackles W. danger o f the drop being longer or » H* r nbt i e « n. t.* • * t h . w . y tha I bound them to perpetual physical shorter than the dress skirt.—Brooklyn k has come to pass that the Unit- eerr Ices, Eagle. ed States, under its Republican admin- Everybody knows that ------------------------ istrntlon. has Anally succeeded In en- W ars Your Frisnd's Plants. terlng Into a convention with Great BRYAN 'S POLICIES DESTRUCTIVE • I f you have a friend going away for we keep the best Meats Home Notes. Britain whereby after the 1st o f Octo­ the summer,” said the woman o f ex N ever use on the face a wash rag ber this year, a two-cent postage rate Mr. T a ft Compares Republican and to be had, but this is to perlenre. ’’don't keep a plant for her w ill obtain between this country and T h e thing w ill probably die away, and which Is not scalded each day. Dem ocratic Platform s. you would consider yourself respon remind you to give us a T o prevent sandwiches from drying England. Ireland, Scotland and Wales. (F rom Mr. T a ft s Speech o f Accep­ Bible I worried through six weeks when they have to be kept for a time W e already have such an arrangement tance.) call. one sum mer tending a plant for n wrap them In pnrnrttn paper and then with Canada. Mexico, Cuba. Panama The chief difference between the Re­ frien d and theu was Invited to the pack In a tin box. and our colonial possessions. This groat country fo r a week end. I stayed tw o t ut sheets o f ttu foil ar,u place outlet accomplishment Is universally recog­ publican ami the iK-niooratle platforms A . S A E L E N S days In addition. O f course the plant the tL wer vnse dollies, and you will nised ss the proper beginning which is is the difference which has heretofore was dead when I cam e tuck, and my lim e no trouble with any dampness to result In s universal two-cent) «ta g e lieen seen between the policies o f Mr. F o re s t G ro v e , O re. Roosevelt and those which have been outing was half spoiled by w orryin g affecting the l>c«t polished furniture. rate around the world. over It. I bought a duplicate o f It the advocated by the Democratic candidate. Hang your broom In the eellarway Im portant Thing* % r r o r»t p| |« h « * t l , day before my friend returned, and It when not In use. and It w ill keep soft Mr Rryan. Jlr. Roosevelt's policies T w o other important things that the cost me $2. Bren then she said she and pliant and wear much longer than have been progressive and regulative; Republican administration accomplish thought It looked som ewhat peaked.-*— when kept In the dry air o f the kltcb Mr B ryans destructive. Mr Roose­ ed at the Rome Universal Postal Con­ Exchange en. velt has favored regulation o f the busi­ gress through Its representatives, must ness In which evils have grown up so Equal parts o f turpeutlue and am not be lost sight of. One was the adop­ )is to stamp out the evils ami permit monta w ill take paint out o f clothing Fool and Sags. tion o f a universal return coupon the business to continue. The tendency Saturate the T h e fool and his money are parted, even I f hard and dry stamp. In exchange for which, upon Its spot as often as necessary and wash of Mr B rian's proposals has generally not long did they stay In cahoots, but FINE WORK DONE CHEAP— PRICES presentation at s postofllce in another been destructive o f the business with re- the fool Is the cheeriest hearted and off with warm tu«py water Whit, .hlit . . 10c D raw n . g ,0 j country, the person presenting It shall *peot to which he Is demanding reform. I Sen “ - - - 10c Whit. w .im ■ 10 m 10c gladdest o f human galoots. His nelgh- receive a postage stamp o f the value o f Tbe Candidate’s Course. WWW Shir* . 10 n SO CBdcrtklrto . 1 J , Sc Mr Ro<*eTrlt would compel the trusts Is better and wiser, six figures ’’ When a candidate thinks he a right 5 cents, good In any country o f the to conduct their business In a lawful Cndeephirt, . . Sc Stocking, . . ,q , might tell what he’s worth, but, oh, how world, thus enabling people here to ke must stick to his belief.” “ kerchief, - • • « C o il« , . . . . g. manner and secure the heneflts o f their folks wish the old miser would fall Men', Whit, Vera !0 IS p „ t , . . . . |Jt “ But supposing all his constituents prepay postage at regular rates upon o ff the edge o f the earth! Emporia G a­ operation and the maintenance o f tbe Costs . * 10 10 , Dimer, . IS 10c I think differentlyT” reply letters. rni to. prosperity o f the country o f which they Ten!«, . . ate Dm Nepktnt . . me D u “ In that case he must show his true The other significant concession was are an Important part; while Mr Th* felt, wing .tflcl«, 50c pc, f c ,: rilln r ^ N othing preaches b e ttir Gian the 1 greatness by casting aside all personal that in all World Postal Congresses to Rryan would extirpate and destroy the S «l Sheet,. TsbteckMhe,. night C o w ». W m en', bias and emphatically assuming that a be held In the future, the United States snt. and she says nothing -Franklin. D n w m . V n U m u . A p r* » end Cmet Certn. entire business In order to stamp out cannot be wrong.” — U to be granted an cdlttional vote, in the evils which they have practiced. 1 Plain Dealer. PACIFIC AVENUE 1 FOREST GROVE O. A. Q orVs From Louisville $41 70 Pacific A ve. H. IV. H O LLIS A M o rn e y a t-L a w Forest Grove, Oregon Dr. Geiger Homeopathist and Surgery Ore got Forest Grove, Moulton & Bogan B A R B E R S HAIR CUTTIN6 A SPECIALTY Postoffice Row Forest Grov< W ood Sawing A L B E R T D IX O N Forest Grove • - Oregon M isner & Gordon F a s h i o n iStiibles Siylish T u rn o u ts PACIFIC AVE d r . FOREST S M « j . m . k in o x Veterinarian County Stock Inspector Office, Fiist Street and Pacific Avenue Both Phones at Office and Residence Monuments W E E K S l . R A M T E CO. 301 tlth at. P o r tla n d . Ora. Tor Design* amt Price* *** V . H . L IM B E R Local A ie n t F o rc a i tirar* •i A. BALDWIN Real Estate Exchange Houses Rented apd Rents CollK*^ Forest Grove