100 115 100 200 1 ACRE, 5 ACRES 10 ACRES 30 ACRES or 30 ACRES, the sized LOT YOU CAN BU" j the Sunday School. A special pro­ X gram will be arranged for the usual X | Sunday School hour. Mrs. J. Dempsey of Portland who | has just returned from San Francisco j was visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Levi Smith. Mrs. Levi Smith and Mrs. Henry C A N RTTV TN Hamilton were called to Yamhill Wed-| | nesday on account of the illness of Mrs. Smith’s sister Mrs. Mayew. Dr. and Mrs. Wendt, the new physician, returned from Seattle last Friday, and have taken up temporary quarters at the Forest Grove Hotel. 1 he two best Disk Plows made, are constructed so as to John Brooks who was formerly em-1 __ make them as strong as it is possible for a plow to be made ployed in The News office, but who -H OUSG, so as to stand the strain of plowing the hardest ground. has been in Portland and Alaska, has No ground is too hard for our Plows to work in. We will again accepted a position in this office. put them out on trial against any plow made; can give you 24-inch, 26-inch or 28-inch Disks. If you intend buying a Raleigh Walker has returned from plow take one out, try it, compare it with any other plow Rev. Gould of the M. E. church, is Yamhill, where he has been picking made and for lightness of draft, easy operating, good work in attendance at the M. E conference hops. He made the highest record in and strong construction, you can take your choice. at Salem this week, over 15 had been harvested and placed the yards, picking 615 pounds in one Burt Caples of Portland is in town. w 24-inch Single Disk - ' $47.50 in the flophouse The fire caught J. N. West of Rock Creek, Eastern day. Miss Zela Dougherty has *one ,0 Oregon 26-inch Single Disk - 45.50 from the kiln. The hophouse was is in this city visiting his Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sams of ^Portland for a few days. conducted by Mrs. Sinclair's sons, wl o uncle Benj. Mulkey. Bonneville, this state, Saturday, a boy. Henry Wirtz spent Sunday in 1 John Stribich has been limping Mrs. Sams is at the home of her par­ carried $1500 insurance on the build­ Portland. about town for the past few days suf- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Hochings, South ing and contents. Miss Penfield spent Saturday ln fering with a bad case of lumbago. Park. Eld Hostetler, postmaster at The ] For the next 30 days we will close out our odd lines ol Portland. P of. Hazzard. principal of Portland —There is a large number of stu­ Dalles and Grand Master of the I. O. | Graniteware at actual cost, this will give you a chance to Miss Alice Cronin spent Saturday ln High School, has moved his family in- dents learning typewiiting and short­ O. F. of the state, was in Forest Grove ' stock up on cooking utensils at a great bargain. Portland. , to Col. Haynes, house in the Grove. hand at the college thS*- year. Why Monday night and attended the meet- : « J. P. Heltzel of Banks was in town Mrs. Anna Jarmin has returned to do you not aspire to be a stenog­ ing of the lodge here. Mr. Hostetler 12-t2 is much pleased with this city and has Monday. ' her home in Seattle, Wash, after a rapher? Clifford Brown in Tillamook for short visit with Mrs A. G. Hoffman. The local street car service was tied many words of praise for it. a few days. There will be a special meeting of up Monday morning owing to a mishap The local oaseball enthusiasts will —Enroll for shorthand and type- j Holbrook lodge A. F. & A. M. Satur- at the power house. The juice was have one more chance to see a gocd 12 t2 day night. Work in the F. C. degree, soon turned on however, and trains game this year. The O. R. & N. ol writing now. Carload of KfJVS I O N H I -'tiINLiliNt ■ Jua t Arrived Portland will meet the Colts Sunday M. S. Allen ancj daughters in Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman and were met. ^jrtland Friday. drughter Aelien and Mrs. Anna Jar- Miss Gertrude Kirkwood left last afternoon at the usual hour on the local I —TheTop price at Bailey's for your mln were in Porland the first of the week for San Jose, Cal., where she ex­ field. This will be a good game rs week. pects to spend a year in the hope of the Portlanders have a good record. Wool and Mohair. Mrs. Mary Rilston fell and sprained | E. W. Lamb an i, wj|i make mem lay. Bryant's Studio night or day. who was murdered July 3. above Bux­ Forest Grove, Forest Grove S48.223.17 ton, by Walter Johnson. The official Oregon May 20, 1907 National Bank has written to Sparta, N. C., where $89,822.17 A. I*. T H O M A S H D W A k l) 8 IIY M O L U Johnson says he thinks Perdue lived, I ’rcHldtint Mee. finti Mgr. A ugust 22, 1907 but no response has been received. $130.722.92 John Cornelius, of Forest Grove, has D ecem ber 3, 1907 consented to interest himself in the horse «how for the Street Fair. John is a hustler, and hopes to get out a lot February 14, 1908 of fine horses. Twenty dollars worth (IN C O KPO M ATU D l $ 1 0 5 ,3 2 - 4 .0 9 of prizes have already been subscribed, and more will be secured before the MAY 14, 1908 Fair.—Argus. $ 249,533.04 The hophouse of Mrs. I. Sinclair, a •M>8 widow living five miles northeast of JU L Y Forest Grove, was burned Saturday af­ P orest G rove , O regon B oth T elep h o n es ternoon, with a loss of $2200. The Sinclair yards contain 20 acres and T£ FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Forest» Grove, Oregon Capital and Surplus $35,000,00 The Oldest National Bank in Washing­ ton County THE C IT Y PARK PLACE ADDITION TO CORNELIUS, OR. BENICIA, HANCOCK DISK PLOWS Sanders Disk Plow ! ! See Plat at the Auction Forest Grove, Oregon L. L. HOLLINGER, Owner. See our Bargain Counter On Saturday only we will sell a No. 8 14-oz. Copper Tea Kettle for $1 _____ SATURDAY ONLY GOFF BROS. HARDWARE FOREST GROVF. OREGON SPECIAL SALE O:» RWEAR We have been fortunate in buying a traveling man’s Sample Line of Un- derwear for LAD1ES, MEN AND CHILDREN Which we will offer for one week aL special prices, Beginning MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st, Here is your chance to lay in your winter’s supply of underwear at a nominal price. V. S. A B R A H A M T he C orner S to r e OLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE 1 $160,372.46 Oregon Land and Trading Company We have for sale one of the best Apple Orchards in this part of the county. Can divide into Acre Tracts if so desired. Good location- Lcss than one mile from our office. If interested please call and get particulars. V. $ 279,165.08