THE NEW S riiU h rf M IT T tarfw b, quietly organized such a club in Forest Grove a few weeks ago, > u tw h e n the r e s p o n s i ,ty lor Washington County Publishing Co., j its organization was QlSCOvered Incorporated. the ciufi was dissolved and its Th, Entered at the post-office at Forest delegates to the State conven- Grove, Oregon, as second class tion of Taft clubs were with­ mail matter. drawn, T h e club to b e formed Pretty Wedding. A pretty autumn wedcllft was that of Miss Ida Stewart, second daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. B. Stewart of South Tualatin, and Mr. Ira Crawford, second son of Mrs. Wm. Hines of Greenville, al tbejr home in Greenville, Sunday, Sept. 20, 1908, at high noon, Rev. James Campbell of Portland officiating. T r y a Sack of “ H o m e P ro d u c t’ RIour===AII G ro ce rs WHEAT ? HILLS Every Seek Guaranteed The bride wore a dress of cre8ra Subscription $1.50 Per Year tonight will be organized by' serge and silk and carried a large bou- RUjE STEM FLOUf^ v5|ÜA ítHARTBíMFf | many of the members of the or- i cluet °* br*de roses and asparagus fern MANUFACTURED BY CRESCENT MILLS— FGREST GROVE crtscekt ^ VICTO» d ________ ____________________ , I iginal club but it W1 | while the groom wore the conventional Official Paper Washington Co. filiated with the Republican b,ack. Miss Bertha Stevart, a sister of the brother of the groom, was best man. A. E. NOMRSE ......................MANAGER I State organization, according to N o republican bride was the bridesmaid and wore silk p Gilbert, of Portland, father of the I. F. W o o d s ......................... editor Mr. Williams.' also carrying a boquet the same as the gr0om, was also present, B of this city or vicinity ever at­ bride. Mr. Vie Jack, a cousin of the \ j r Gilbert first met his bride while T H U R S D A Y , SEPT. 24, 1908 tempted to organize a Bourne bride attended the groom. the two were attending Pacific Univer- or Fulton Taft club neither After the ceremony the happy ljty> at Forest Grove, Or. He is 23 It is announced that Senator were the delegates to the state young couple led their guests to the years 0ld and, with the exception of Beveridge of Indiana, will make when | dining room where they partook of tbe tjme spent at Yale, has always re convention withdrawn speeches in Oregon for Taft. the identity of the organization delicate refreshments. Mrs. T. C. s-ded in Oregon. Mr. Gilbert is one Mas disclosed.’’ T he News ! Johnson, Mrs. H. C Toille. Miss Het- of the best-known all-around athletes in H . M. Cake, who was defeat- nQt th a t M r_ W il_ tie Jack and Miss Rose Vose serving America. In addition to holding the j _ . ! at the bude’s table, world’s championsnip in the pole ed by Gov. Chamberlain for U. , hams ever gave the Oregonian Aboat 40 relatives and friends were vault he won a medal at Yale as a S. senator, has returned from any such rot. | present, and presented the bride and wrestler. When the American team Japan and has offered to go on groom with many beautiful and useful was sent to the Olympic games at Lon­ the stump for Taft. H is ser­ The famous Charter Oak Heating Stoves are the best Rate leaflets is- presents. don he was selected as a member and The Colonist vices have been accepted. heat producers with the least fuel of any stoves on the he has just returned from the scene of with th e1 Tlie happy C0UP,e wil1 malce their sued in connection home in Greenville, where the groom his triumph. market. Sunset Magazine Homeseekers jf engaged whh the Big Four Lumber There is a bad feature in the After completing his medical course A s for Ranges there are no better makes than the Bureau, and paid for by the cit- Co at Yale Mr. Gilbert intends to return to morning mail service that it Real Estate Range, prices range from izens of Washington county. the Pacific Coast and practice his would seem should be remedied. Jensen— Coleman. Forest Grove included, comes profession. The mail from Portland at 8:39 A pre'ty wedding was that which oc­ as near ignoring the largest The above and a picture of the is loaded on the street car and town in the county and the one curred at the M. E. church in Cor­ bride appeared in Sunday’s Oregonian. carried to within one block of nelius, last Sunday at 1:30 p. m., Both the bride and groom are remem­ that put up the most money, of when Mr. Frank Jensen was united in bered by Forest Grove people when t ie postoff’ce and is then carried , , , , , , . , anything that has ever been marriage to Miss Lulu M. Coleman, they went to school here. back to the depot to await the . , - t - l _ sent here for distribution. The Rev. D. L. Fields officiating. O r e g o n --------------------— arrival of the 8:50 from the Resolutions, real estate men positively refuse grape and ferns were used in the dec- 1 C 3 11113 cllll id south. Sometimes this U train is *' r , ' oration, and a beautiful bell of roses Mrs Addie Morgan was a ,rue sis. to send them out and as a con- late, but even if it was always was suspended over the altar. The ter of our Relief Corps, and one who entire lot sent to o i time, it mokes the patrons of ^ nc^ 1 e bride was handsomely gowned in white a ways commanded the greatest re- a- , . i Forest Grove has gone to waste, toe posiomce wait from three , _ _ , crepe de-chine and carried bride’s spect of all who knew her, but she has , , . J u s t why Forest Grove is ob- roses. Miss Gladys Couture, in bine finished her race, she has gone to her quarters to an hour longer for /, , , S u c c e s s o r to S . a . H u g h es .. . literated from the map, and you silk, was maid of honor, and Miss reward and we will greatly miss her, . their mail than is necessary. , ■ , a ■ F o re s t G ro ve O re g o n - t -, ■ , ,. , , might say the entire leaflet, is Helen Olsen, bride’s maid, wore pink for many indeed were her deeds of I can be remedied and the & , , 3 , , , silk. , one of the conundrums unsolved charity, and we may never see her street car company should see , , , , . , , The little Misses Mildred and Lona like again. Her kindness of heart and by the people of this place and that it is done. Fisk were the flower girls, dressed in true devotion made all of us love and until someone comes forth with white. Miss Lina Hancock, sister of respect her. Her great heart over­ “ That might can be made to more knowledge of the case the bride, sang “ Oh, Perfect Love,” flowed with love to God and her fellow tik e the place of right is plainly than it has been our good for­ and Mr. Lester Mooheng played men. It has been our lot to have sien in the case of the Min­ tune to find as yet, it will never Loehgrm’s Wedding March. After known her but a few years. We are the ceremony a luncheon was served proud that we could claim her as our nesota primary laws. A more be solved. /Mvartislng ratal rrada known on application. \ ^ $ 2 6 to $ 5 0 Graniteware and Tinware CARL HINMÄN ■ f to about 250 guests in Alpha Hall. friend and sister. But for her the bat­ damnable measure was never Mrs. Jensen is a daughter of Mr. tle is over, the hour of her triumph has Gov. Chamberlain, U. S. and Mrs. C. C. Hancock of Cornelius, enacted into law. Concocted came. She lived a true Christian and by scheming republican politi- Senator elect (? ) has given his and Mr. Jensen is a son of Mrs. Mary laved her family, and to them we ex­ cians and supported by the re- consent to go on the stump for K Watrous of this city. tend our sympathy with those who After a short wedding trip the mourn her departure. Let us think publican party for self-perpetuat- Bryan and Kern. This is one ing purposes.” etc. of the most decided non-partisan young couple will reside in Comelius, that her dying eyes read a mystic where Mr. Jensen is associated with meaning which only the wrapt and de­ This comes from a Demc- acts the governor has as yet the Base Line Lumber Co. parting soul can know. Let us be­ c-atic paper in Minnesota, and participated in and one that lieve that in the silence of the reced- the primary law there is prar- ■ should be cherished by the re- iig world she heard the great waves 1 Champion Gilbert Married. lically the same as the Oregon publicans who so generously j Wash Sept 19 _ Albett b eaking on a farther shore and felt •aw. What a different howl voted for him in the last June | Carlton Gilbert, 0f Portland, Or., who a’ready upon her wasted brow the we hear in this state about the e l e c t i o n , Chamberlain, you holds the world’s record of 12 feet 7j breath of the eternal morning. There­ primary law! But net from the know, is absolutely non-partisan j inches in the pole vault, and Miss fore be it Resolved, that in the death of our Democratic press, nor most of and should be helped by the re- Marv Thompson were married at 8:30 sister we have lost a faithful worker in the Republican press, but from publican voters to anything he 10nlKht at I the home of the bride’s oar Corps father, James M. Thompson, 36311 the “scheming republican poli- wants, and when he visits our Stone avenue. Resolved, that we extend to the be­ ticians.” This is a clear case community again in the inter- reaved family our heartfelt sympathy in The ceremony was performed by that “somebody lied.” ests of the Bryan and Kern can- Rev. William C. Katner, of the Edge- the hour of their sad bereavment. Resolved, that these resolutions be ----------- :------ ! didacy, why of course the same water Congregational church. A wed- printed in the local papers, also be T h e Oregonian of Tuesday republicans should rally to the j ding supper and reception followed the spread on the minutes of our Corps. had the following to say of a great non-partisan. T his is a ! ceremony and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E mily A nderson , I aft Club that was N O T or- gentle dose and the Chamber - left later for New York, Mr. Gilbert anna P eters , will enter UD on his last year in Yale ganized here a few weeks ago: lain republicans are justly en- E stella C ornelius . Medical College. “ W. A . Williams, of Forest titled to it, for the governor will Miss Isabel Ballou was bridesmaid — We always pay the highest price Grove, called at Republican ro doubt tell you that the office and Wellington Gilbert of Portland, for wool and mohair. Bailey. headquarters yesterday and re- of the president is absolutly non- “ “ ported that a Taft club would partisan and there is nothing be organized in that city to- else left to do but to believe O u r P rlcu it T a lk . W o k c t a l l *»t NVholu.milu night, under the auspices of the what you hear. Now honestly, W r i t « for Hntimnte«* on Republican State Central Com- isn’t this another case where W in d o w s , D o o r s , H e a rd w a re , P a in ts mittee. The Bourne people “somebody lied?” T H E R O S S C O ., 87 6rand A it., PORTLAND, ORES. Washington Fair 1-2-3 HSLLSSÖH0 STREET CARNIVAL Sept. Big Livestock Show of Dairy Stock, Big Stallion Parade. Exhibit of Spring Colts. Finest Fruit Exhibit Ever Witnessed in Washington County. Fruit Inspector Harris, of Forest Grove, says that he will help with the finest fruit display ever seen in this section. Bring in your big vegetables; samples of jour grain, etc. Gov. Chamberlain and Senator Fulton on Program Three Whole Business Blocks of Canvas. Big time, rain or shine, Races two days of the session. Baseball game by selected teams from Washington County. ARNOLD Save iWortey==Buy Direct T H E B A Z A A R Opening Display of Fall Millinery K . iV. S T A B H R , M a n a g e r H ig h G ra d e P ia n o s , O rg a n s a n d S e w in g M a ch in e s sold way below Portland prices and on easy monthly pay­ ments. A lso a full line of Edison and Columbia Talking Machines and Records always in stock. Cata­ logues sent free to any address. The leading place in the County for Stationery and School Supplies. ■ EVERY BAY ” " Balloon Ascensions I am prepared to show a nice line of Hats, Velvets, Silks, Ribbons, Ostrich and Fancy Feathers. Wednesday and Thursday. Sept, 16 and 17 inJ A . e. D IX O N , Main St.. FOREST GROVE DAILY Follow! Of Dayx Farmers and Stockmen are requested to give this Fair and Carnival their enthusiastic Aid. Thousands of People are Coming to Washing- *"" County this Fall, and many will visit the Fair. f ' v G o ld e n ro d F H > W > M M M M H « » » » » » » a a M . a « iM . . . . T H —H M tt H —K H t f — êtêî— aaaaaHa t m t t f t ) ) 1