Im practicable D em ocratic Proposi* tion fo r Trust C ontrol. Convincing Exposition o f Fallacy of B ryan ’s Panacea for Solving Problem s of Hadern Business. (From Gov. flushes* Youngstown speech.) When we consider remedies that are proposed for the trusts, we find our­ selves Journeying in a laud of dreams. Again the magician of 18ÍX1 waves his wand. At a stroke difficulties disap­ pear and the complex problems of mod­ ern business are forgotten in the fas­ cination of the simple panacea. And, as the free coinage of silver In the ratio of lfl to 1 was to destroy the curse of gold, so the new found specific of equal perfection is to remove the curse of industrial oppression. The de­ lusion of 1P08 is comparable only to that of twelve years ago. The first sugestión is that the law should prevent a duplication of di­ rectors among competing corporations. However advisable it may be to have 4 Indejieudent directorates of competing corporations. It would seem still more important to have independent stock­ holders. for i) majority of the stock­ holders o f a cori>oratlon choose the di­ rectors. If a law were passed pre­ venting the duplication o f directors It would easily he evaded in the selection of men who would represent the snme Interests. The most ordinary exper­ ie n c e shows that It Is not necessary to serve on a board o f directors in order to control Its proceedings. Whatever the advantage of such a law as Is pro- I*>sed, it hardly rises to the dignity of a "remedy," or vindicates its title to a place In an imposing scheme o f reform outlined in a national platform. But the more im|>ortnnt proposal is "that any manufacturing or trading corporation engaged in Interstate com­ merce shall be required to take out a federal license before it shall be per­ mitted to control as much as 25 per cent of the product In which it deals.” A license Is permission, and the object of the remedy Is not to regulate large businesses, but to destroy trusts. Hence the supposed efficiency of the plan Is to be found in the prohibition of the con­ trol by any such corporation “of more than 50 per cent of the total amount of any product consumed in the United States.” This Is another delusion of ratio. It might be Interesting to Inquire what is the meaning of “ any product consumed In the United States.” Does It refer to a class o f commodities? And, if so, how shall the classes be de­ fined? Or does it refer to each sepa­ rate article of commerce? And, if so, what account does this projKisal take of the skill and Initiative of manufac­ turers who have huilt up a more or less exclusive trade in particular ur- ' tides, often protected by trade-marks, although In most active competition with other artl les designed for the same general purpose and seeking the same market? In a desire to correct the evils o f business are we to place nn embargo upon honest endeavor whose activities present none of the abuses requiring remedies? And, if Tnot, what statutory definitions shall be found to be adequate and just if we lay down our prohibition in terms of volume or ratio o f business and not in terms o f right and wrong? If we adopt Mr. Bryan's proposal, to what pe­ riod of production is the prohibition to apply? Is the excess for a day or for a month to be considered? Or Is the average production for a year to be taken? And what system shall be de­ vised by which suitable information may be furnished in the nature of dan­ ger signals along the routes of trade so that the manufacturer may know when he is about to exceed the pre­ scribed ratio? lie may Justly be re­ quired to govern bis own conduct, but how shall he be apprised o f the con­ duct of others upon which is to depend £is guilt or innocence? The patent laws confer a true monopoly in the exclusive right to man­ ufacture and sell. Are these laws to lie repealed because a “private mon­ opoly is indefensible and intolerable?” exceptions to cover such cases, and we have learned that it is equally “ binding as to what it omits.” If we could imagine such a crude prohibithm to be enacted Into law. am! to be regard«! as valid, wbat would be the effect? Mr. Bryan, with bis usual readiness, suggests that the concern may sell as much of Its plants as are not needed to produce the amount al­ lowed by law. He speaks as though every manufacturing concern had as many fully equitqied units of produc­ tion as would correspond to any given percentage o f trade which it might be required to lop off. Plants are not so easily dismembered. Reduction in out­ put means reduction in work, reduction in the number of men employed and curtailment of the efficiency of a going concern. Let us suppose a concern which controls SO per cent of a given product—that is to say, makes and sells in value out o f a total trade in the product amounting to $10,- 000,000. Is It to he compelled to reduce its output to $2.000,000 because only $2.1X10.010 in value are made by others? Then, if It could sell a part of Its plant on Mr. Bryan’s theory, what should it sell? Should it sell off enough to re­ duce its capacity to $5.000,000, and allow three-fifths of its plant to remain idle until others developed a capacity for handling the other $5,000,000? Should It assume that the total trade will increase and is not always to re­ main at $10,000,000. and hence retain a larger |K>rtion of Its plant In idle­ ness? Or suppose a concern controls 100 per cent of the trade in some artl cle, what plants shall It retain? It can produce nothing until others pro­ duce : lint it may produee an amount equal to the production of others, and it holies the trade will grow. Wbat a vision of business uncertainty and con­ fusion. of idle and impaired plants, of the ruin of workingmen whose lives have clustered around particular indus­ tries ami who depend upon their con­ tinued efficiency, is presented by this fanciful remedy for the destruction of trusts! Apart from this, if the dissolution were effected in the manner desired anil portions of plnnts could lie sold and were sold as suggested, to whom would the sale he made? Would it be lie« ssarlly to foes or to those ambi­ tious to he competitors and anxious to take advantage of its plight? This proposal In Its utter disregard of the facts of business, in its substi­ tution of the phantasies of the imagin­ ation for the realities o f life, stanqis the Democratic platform with the fatal stamp of 1811(1. The commerce and in­ dustry of tills country, the Interests of its wage earners and of Its interdepend­ ent masses, who must rely upon the stability of business, cannot afford to give license to such vagaries. In the solemnity with which tills proposal has been declared, and the in­ sistence with which It is advocated, we find an appropriate test of the capacity of our opponents to deal wisely with the probie'n* of the day. COUNTY COURT. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The House that is Satisfied Only When You 21 re CANTON PLOWS The Canton plow is the only disc plow that will give perfect satisfaction on all kinds of land, and we can prove it. W e have already sold a number of these plows this fall and can cite you to numerous satisfied users. Ranges and Heaters W e carry the largest stock of Ranges and Heaters west of Portland. W e sell on the installment plan at prices that are lower than the other fellow’s cash price. If in need of anything in the Stove Line come and see us, if not come and see us any­ way PAINT We give you a written guar­ antiee for five years. No oth­ er dealer dares do it; therefore our Paint is the best. W e pay spot cash for our goods and pay no rent. Who can sell the cheapest? MAM.UI UiiiyttfiAL M. PETERSON ®> SON, Wm Reidt et ux to C S Smith Its 13, 14, 15, 30, 31 & 32 bk 27 West Port­ land H e ig h ts ..................... 1 00 J H Shields et al to Louisa Hiller et al pt of sec 26 t 1 s 2 w ............................... 1 00 Bank of Sherwood to S E McGill It 4 bk 2 Naylor’ s Oregon Nursery Co to Harriet Hillman Its 3 & 4 bk 5 1 00 add Forest G rov e.............. M Baker 5 acres in Wm S h e rw o o d ............................... 850 00 H Bennett d i e t 1 n 2 v 650 00 Barbara Ann Gates et al to S T Bowser et ux to Katie E Frank C Taylor 7.91 acres Oregon Nursery Co to F A Ü Brown Its 2 & 3 bk 17 in B H Catching d 1 c t 1 Baker 1 acre in W H Ben­ Simmons add H illsb oro.. 425 00 800 00 n 4 w ................................... nett d i e t I n 3 w ......... 200 00 G A Cobb et ux to Wm Ry­ F A Markley et al to W H John G Wagner et al to H S an et al pt of Joe W ood d Kay et al It 8 Witch Hazel 2500 00 Reed pt of sec 4 t 2 s 2 w 1600 00 l c t 1 s 2 ............................ 5000 CO James D Wilmpt et ux to U A W Smith et ux to D J M c- John E Day et al to Walter G Smith 5 acres in sec 22 Creedy Its 6 & 7 Green­ H Day pt of sec 35 t 2 s t 1 s 1 w ....................... berg H eights................... 1 00 1 ............................................. 7000 00 Geo N Rouse et al to D B Ann M Nichols et al th Cor­ Lab .e 20 a in sec 25 t 1 s nell Fellnagle Its 18 & 19 2 .................................. Nichols add Garden Horne 1100 00 Ann M Nichols et al to Jo'.ty Maggie Ryan et al to John Campbell Smith It 24 Morting pt of Philip Har­ Public Sale. 00 Nichols add to Garden ris d 1 c t 1 s 2 ................. H o m e ................................... 400 00 Thos Talbot et ux to E G Having sold my farm two miles east Addie Peters et al to Geo W Wilkins et al Its 6 & 7 bk and one mile north of Banks, two miles Clarke 11 acres in sec 36 t 125 00 4 Talbots add to Cornelius northwest of Mountaindale, I will sell 1 n 3 » ................................. 2750 00 P H Hanson et ux to W S at public auction on the premises on Mary E Hoxter to Ida M Smith et al 23.81 acres in Wednesday. Sept. 30, 1908 ! sec 15 t 2 s 0 . . . .......... Sale com m ences at 10 a. m ., the Emily E Watson et al to W A Bellinger pt of bk 2 following property, to-wit: 2 work 1 00 Forest G rove........................ horses, 5 milk cows 2 giving milk 2 E L Mapes et al to Lewis will be fresh soon and one will be fresh Come to Hundreds of Forest 50 Meyers pt of sec 9 t 2 s 3 in a month, 2 2-year-old heifers will be S S Barnes et ux to J Nico- Grove People. demus tract in M Moore fresh about the middle of January, j d l c t l s 2 w . . . ............ 1700 00 2 vea< old Jersey bull, yearling heifer, There are days of dizziness; ^ B r y a n ’a (r u tle R e a e o n ln g. An example of Mr. Bryan's reason- Spells of headache, sideache, back­ Wm Reidt et ux to F H wagon 3 j wide steel tire, top buggy, Dunham pt of It A bk 31 •ng is found in his statement that ache; Lazyback cart nearly new, cultivator, 1 . . . . West Portland Hgts “when a corporation ‘ controls 50 per Sometimes rheumatic pains; 12-inch plow, hav rake, mower, hay Martin Vandehey et ux to '■ent of the total product It supplies Often urinary disorders. J H Stephenson Its 9 & 10 rack, 10-foot log chain, set horse forty millions of people with that prod­ uct.” There are, o f course, specialties bk 2 Henry’ s add Cornelius 220 00 b ankets, 6 milk cans, set work har­ 'I tell you plainly the kidneys are For Sale. which hare a limited market and are J C Schulmerick et ux to W ness, single buggy harness, grindstone, used by a relatively small number of •itk. H Prickett pt of sec 36 t One lot 100x100 feet A 7 room Daily, living on Second A t «.. F or« t Grove the people o f the United States. More 406 50 some household goods. Free lunch at | house, well finished, hot and cold 2 n 4 ................................... Ore . »ay*: “ For over ten ye>r* I «uffered from kidney than 50 per cent, and indeed even as trouble and no matter how many remedies I tried. I wa? A E Cooper et ux to Olive E noon. Terms of sale: All sums of j water, bath and electric lights, plenty much as too per cent of the trade In unab e 'o And relief My kidne>s were in a much dir S10 and less, cash. Oo sums over of fruit. Corner 4th St. and 2nd Ave. Hurlbert pt of sec 36 t 1 such articles may be in the control ordered condition, the secretiooa too frequent m acticr 1 00 $10, six months time will be given on Price $1 500. Also one lot on 2nd s l w ...................................... of a particular corporation. This may. and greatly in terfered with m y reat at night. ! sut Harriet A Foster et al to Street, 100x100 feet, c'o s e to car line notes bearing 6 percent interest from j f n fact, be relatively a small eoriiora- fered severly from d itty spells aDd say eyes ght h* Daniel Deavill w j of It 4 $400. One lot 100x200 feet on 2nd •lon. It may never have aspired to the came affected. I grew weak and at the time Doar. date on approved security. 2 percent | Kidney Fills were brought to my attention, I was feel Ave. Also 5 room house, lot 100 bk 43 Forest G rove............ 1550 0C unsavory renown of a “ trust.” But by mg very mirerable. I received good results from thei off for cash on all sums over $10. xlOO, plenty of fruit. Price $1150. Daniel Deviile et ux to Har­ prosecuting Its particular line with use, continued taking them and at the present time ar PETER H. F ie l d s , owner, riet Foster et al nw J of See J a s S t e p h e n s o n 2-tf. fidelity and meeting satisfactorily s absolutely free from any sign of kidney compfain*. 600 00 I. W. Hughes, nw J sec 2 t 1 n 5 ............ limited w ant; or by reason o f some g .v e Doan's Kidney Pills credit for the great change ¡1 Geo. F. Naylor, secret processes or advantage o f experi­ my condition.'* Robina L Boardman et al to Auctioneer. Clerk. — New stock of latest Ladies’ Hom e ence, it may control the trade in a giv­ Georgia A Hughes pt of For sale by all deafen. Price 5f Journal dress patterns at Bailey's Big en article o f commerce. Or. suppose a cents. sec 31 t 1 n 3 w ................ Foster-Milburn C o , Buffalo Cider Apples Wanted. concern controls the whole trade In Store. F A Young et ux to G eo A some useful byproduct which it has New York, sole agents for the Unitec I will buy all the cider apples you Young It 12 Garden Hom e 2000 o o : — W hite River Flour made of best found It advantageous to make, is the Statea. will fetch me. Will take them in any Felix Findley et ux to Matt trade to be prohibited? Eastern Oregon wheat for sale at Bat quantity delivered at Cornelius. , Rem em ber the dame— Doan’ s Stell Its 6 & 7 Brugger The Democratic platform makes no ley’ s Big Store. 47 tf W. H . STRATTON. 9 tf take no other. t r a c t ...................................... 1500 OOj FOREST GROVE, OREGON 1000 00 2200 oo PUBLIC SALES! 10 1000 00 DAYS OF DIZZINESS 00 KODAKS and SUPPLIES Hines’ Drug Store 00 1000 00 j Notice to Taxpayers. The last half of 1907 taxes, where the first half was paid before the first Monday in April, 1908, will be due rn or before Monday, Oct. 5, 1908, ar d inless paid by that date interest will be added penalty ard fro n April 6, 1 1908, until paid. G G. H a n c o c k , U -t2 Sheriff Washington C o., Ore. Let THE NEWS do your We guarantee good job work. workmanship good stock and most reasonable prices. We print everything. — W e’ ll buy your wool and mohair. , Bring it in. Bailey.