Hoppickers Headquarters i - - J —; JL # . V - M We have almost every thing you cen think of that you will need and at» the lowest price. For instance—Hop gloves, straw cuffs, hats, sunbonnets, overalls, handkerchiefs, shoes, stockings, rubbers, umbrellas, mirrors, belts, slickers, overcoats, and then of course you’ll want something to eat», and we can supply your needs in that way. KO D AK S and SUPPLIES Hines' Drug Store MILLINERY OPENliNG We will have on display a new and complete line of Ladies’ and Misses’ Hats School Opens Non- Sept. 21 Bring the Children to our store and fit them for the occasion. HOFFMAN ALLEN COMPANY 'H IG H GRADE "COFFEE Tuesday, September 22nd, 1908 The Public is cordially invited to attend. MISS KIRKWOOD Pacific Avenue T o the F i r s t F i f t y Ladies c a llin g for t h e m , w e w ill p re ­ s e n t for tr ia l a liberal s a m p le of CHASE & SANBORN’S “ DUR BLEND’’ pack e d in a useful tin coffee m e a s u r e . T h i s i3 a n e w grade w e h a v e j u s t p la ce d in stock, w h i c h w e can give you at Forest Grove, Oregon 3 5 C E N T S P E R LB. TAFT'S RELIGION. A C o n siste n t C h ris tia n w ith No S pot U pon H is R e co rd of P r i v a te C on­ d u c t a n d P u b lic S e rv ice . I t ’ s s p le n d id va lu e — full b o d y - ric h , s a tis fy in g f la v o r — C h a s e At S a n b o r n q u a l i t y th r o u g h and th rough. THE PARIS MILLINERY PARLOR Imported and Domestic Patterns and Novelties You are cordially invited to call and inspect our stock To disjHMM* of q u est In ns w hich should not be asked a s speedily a s |M.sallile let us say th a t Mr. T a ft is a m em ber of th e I'n lta rla n church. T h a t w as the ch u rch of his p a ren ts, a n d he Ims never s«|>arated him self from It. H is wife, however. Is a n K plscopallan, a n d he w orships m ore o ften beside h e r in her church. These a re th e facts, w hich a re u tte r ­ ly and a bsolutely u n im p o rta n t T he m a tte r of n m an's religion h a s no rig h t­ ful plae* In c o n sid era tio n of hla tit ness tan q u a county. Thfa la 'w h a t he h a s to fo r the presidency. T h e c o n stitu tio n aay of th e effort o f Mr. tlo n ip e rs to of the nation, ordained a n d estab lish ed tu rn th e latter vote over to Mr. B ry a n : "I am a union labor m an. and I w a n t "to aeettre the hlesalngs o f lib erty to ourselves and o u r p o ste rity ," expressly to aay fu rth e r th a t no m an can c a rry ftlHces the very suggest ton o f such the lab o r vote Into th e D em ocratic cam p. I know how union labor men thought outside the pale of laitrlo tlsm No w ords csti lie d e a r e r th a n th ese feel In tltla city, anil tlire e-fo u rth s o f fro m our country's fum bim ental law , them will sta n d by th e R epublican "N o religions test ev er sh a ll lie re ­ im rty because only lit th a t way have q u ire d a s a qualification to a u y oflice they th e a ssu ra n c e of freedom from o r public tru s t under th e U nited th e business d istu rb an c e th a t Mr. B ry­ a n prom ises for a t least fo u r y e a rs If S ta te s ." W e w orkingm en T h e num erous queries about Mr. he can be elected T a f t 's rsllgV.ua bellsf show s sim ply the c a n 't e a rn w ages If sta te sm e n a re p u t e x te n t to w hich his enem ies have gone In office to d is tu rb business and m aks to rouse som e prejudice again st him. trouble.” Since th e re w a s no spot upon his whole I Miss Florence Mott will entertain c lean record o f p riv ate conduct and p u b lic se rv ice to w hich they could her Sunday School class Friday after­ p o in t to T a f t's detrim en t they display­ noon at her home. ed th e ir w illingness to dm evnd to »nv d e p th of petty, cow ardly, contem ptible FARM FOR R e n t —Good 126 aerr a tta c k th a t m ight do him harm .— larm on North Prairie. Inquire of P h ilad e lp h ia N orth Am erican FOREST GROVE Miss Marie Spiesheart Liner Column FOR SALE—Knabe Piano E. Williams, Forest Grove. It is all smooth sailing when you place a Liner Ad in this column. A few words here will reach 5,000 readers and the results are certain. 5c line 1st insertion, 2Mi cents each subsequent insertion. Minimum charge 10 cts. F or RENT —Small ranch. Write D Pierce, Gales Creek, Ore., phone 9 tf LIST your farms and other properties No. 32 Ind. Gales Creek. for sale with T. H. Littlehales, Forest F or S ale — Dry Fir wood. L. L. Grove National Bank Building. 27tf Doane, Forest Grove. Ind. phone 8-t4 FOR SALE —Shade land Wonder 5453. white seed oats. Edward Navlor. 39-tf Wood Sawing FOR SALE —Good 7 room house Wood sawed on short notice small outside city limits. Pantry and Fruit house. Lot, 1 acre. Good Orchard orders promptly filled. Residence on and Barn. Furniture goes with the corner First Ave. and Fourth street. place. Price $1800; easy terms. T. Ind. phone. H. Littlehales, Forest Grove, Ore. 46. 9-t4 J. E. P a tto n . FOR SALE—Good 7 room house close to car line $1100. T. H. Little Vetch Seed for Sale. hales, Forest Grove, National Bank The best variety. Apply to A. Bldg. ltf CHALMERS, Forest Grove or farm FOR SALE—New Cream Separator; near Centerville. Wm. Kane, Forest Grove. 11-tf 9-tf | capacity 450 lbs, per hour. John U n io n L a b o r V ote, —We’ll buy your wool and mohair. Dames, Gaston, Ore., R 1. 6-tf ilo u . W illiam II. lluchuuaB la on* of Bring it in. For Sale. Bailey. th o leading union men of woatero New —Buy Tipless Electric Lamp FOR SALE— 4 acre tract with im­ One lot 100x100 feet. A 7 room York am i in 1W>7 w as th e D em ocratic provements near town. Tel. 5435. house, well finished, hot and cold m itd ld a fe fo r a -w n iM v m an . In Chau burners at V. S. Abraham's. 9-3t ; Also cow for sale. 8-tf water, bath and electric lights, plenty of fruit. Comer 4th St. and 2nd Ave. FOR SALE— Dry fir wood. L. L. Price $1500. Also one lot on 2nd Doane, Forest Grove. Ind. phone Street, 100x100 feet, close to car line 5453. 8-t4 $400. One lot 100x200 feet on 2nd Ave. Also 5 room house, lot 100 FOR RENT—The building opposite xlOO. plenty of fruit. Price $1150. 2-tf. | News office, recently occupied as. a See J as . S teph en so n . barber shop. Edward I.. Naylor. 5-tf l ;( i r o a t ( i n n i O r » . I n t J . D i t t i n o - 1 7 .1 — Bailey will buy your Wool and LOST— Between A. H. Gates' resi- Mohair. | dence and Forest Grove, Monday, pair | gold rim spectacles. Leave at The State Fair Salem. News office. Il-t2* The Southern Pacific will sell round j ÍF Till-; HOOK STORK j j ALL READY FOR SCHOOL!! A Fine Line of Tablets, Pencils, P<*ns and Inks. INKS Postal REST Card Special Saturday R ooms to R e n t — With or without trip tickets to Salem at one and one board. Apply at Aunt Ann Smith's third fare. Sept. 14 to 19 inclusive. Return limit Sep‘t. 20. residence. College Way. 11-tf R ooms TO R e n t —4 large, u n f i­ Cider Apples Wanted. nished rooms on Pacific avenue. In­ I will buy all the cider apples you quire of Joe Stream, next door to Hin- will fetch me. Will take them in any man’s Hardware. ll-tl quantity delivered at Cornelius. w. h . S t r a t t o n . 9 -tf OREGON Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Roe, deceased. Notice is hereby given that thé County Court of Washington County, Oregon, has appointed Mary A. Roe and Chas. O. Roe executors of the las: wiil and testament of Thomas Roe, deceased. And all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to us. pioperly verified, at the store of Chas. O. Roe 6r Co., Forest Grove, Ore­ gon, within six months from this date. Dated Sept. 8. 1908. MARY A. ROE. CHAS. O. ROE, Executors of the last will and testament of Thomas Roe, deceased. Barnett Y. Roe, Atty. for Executors. 10-14 ’ Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon« August 5th, 1908. is hereby given that Magdalene Hoffma«of! p- Or»;-' r.. who. on August 5th, 1908. made tin:-! . . ' r S ': of NE't and 1« . : -■ ' n 6, T J N. R 3 W of Will«* V 'O, ;.:.s h.fd notice of intention to make final J pro« f, to ect.-.biish claim to the land above described,I*| .........Hegis-er and Receiver at Portland, Oregon," the 15th day of Octobe., 1908. Claim.* names as witnesses: ^ Peter Hoffman, of Bacona, Oregon. Charlie C. Nelson, of Bacona, Oregon. Soren Jeppesen, of Bacona, Oregen. Eli Howell, of Bacona, Oregon. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Regist*. First Pub. Aug. 13, Not For the purpose of introducing my stock I will give special discount on everything in my store, beginning on 28 , and Ending Saturday, Oct». 3 Monday, Sept. I have a complete line of P u r n it u r e Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Window Shades, Mattings, Cur*I tains, W all Paper, Paints, Oils, Glass, Trunks, Suit Cas©»^ and Valises. Pidtures and Picture Framing. Framing and Enlarging a Specialty