NFWS THE ____ ters. When what is called the improvement of road in district 21 re-1 “pork barrel” is opened, as ferred to Commissioner McClaran. A refund of SI 1.46 was made J. E. .... . , , .... many 3 Democratic a s Republican Published every Thursday by The r Williams from school district 94 on ac­ Washington County Publishing Co., \ arms are thrust m, and b o th count of erroneous assessment. Incorporated. sides draw out as large slices as Petition of Western Timber Com­ they can seize. pany for quit claim deed granted. Entered at the post-office at Forest Grove, Oregon, as second class If Mr. Bryan reaches the — Buy Tipless Electric Lamp mail matter. White House he will want Con- burners at V. S. Abraham’s. 9-3t Subscription $1.50 Per Year ¡gress to do for him, and so he Advtrtltln« rates matte known on will be obliged to do for Con­ application. gress. He will find himself Official Paper Washington . powerless if he vetoes appropri- A. E. N o h r s e .................... manager ctions right and left in order to J. F. W o o d s ................................ e d it o r redeem campaign deliverances about economy. Bills will be THURSDAY, SEPT. 17, 1908 ! passed over his vetoes—for ap- propriation bills are always pop- Mr. Bryan's Economy. ular— while measures he desires From the W ashington S ta r, In d ’t. —TheTop price at Bailey’s for your Wool and Mohair. Try a S a c k of “ H om e P ro d u ct’ F lour—AII G ro cers HAR0 WHEAT M IL L S Every Sack Guarantees 4* MO® T a t i * «jjCSTCM nouf* SUUHAimÜP MANUFACTURED BY CRESCENT MILLS— FOREST GROVE —Chase & Sanborn Coffees always the best. Hoffman & Allen Co. ex­ clusive agents. Schuster 1 acre in sec 32 t 2 » 1 .............................................. 250 “ BRYAN’S POLICIES DESTRUC­ Louise Liesman et at to Samuel TIVE.” Kunz 20 acres in Jackson d 1 c t 1 n 2...................................... 1400 Mr. Taft Compares Republican and J J Weik et ux to J C Kuratli tract in L Moore d l c t l s 2 w 975 Democratic Platforms. Economy is a good cry, but wiU 6nd hLard sledding, and may (From M r. T a f t’s S p eech o f A cceptance.) Henry Wilkens et ux to W E Vv heeler tract in M Moore to be effective it must be illus­ not get through at all. Uncle The chief difference between the S im ’s establishment requires a d i e t 1 s 2 w ........................... 250 Republican and the Democratic plat- trated, io to say. Particulars and stint- forms is the difference which has here- ] Stephen Holland et ux to Julius as to extravagences complained good deal of money, tofore been seen between the policies Sorensen et ux part blk 2 economy, of and as to promised retrench­ ing it would not be of Mr. Roosevelt and those which have 1 Tucker & Stewart’s add to but, in the end, the very ments must be given. been advocated by the Democratic Hillsboro.......................... 800 This is the difficulty with Mr. opposite. candidate, Mr. Bryan. Mr. Roose- Ezra Wright et al to A J Van- velt’s policies have been progressive dehey 40 acres in sec t 2 n Bryan’s latest campaign deliver­ Gov. Hughes was nominated and regulative; Mr. Bryan’s destructive. 3 w .................................. 4000 ance. It is not sufficiently spe­ for governor of New York state Mr. Roosevelt has favored regulation ot A W Smith et ux to Estelle M cific. Appropriations h a v e on the first ballot. There seems Davis lot 8 Greeberg Heights 1 the business in which evils have grown grown. But so has the country. tQ be nQ question o{ his election up so as to stamp out the evils ând Geo L Ashton to S M Holland The army and navy are costing and the subsequent carrying permit the business to continue. The part of blk 5 Finney’s add to Hillsboro.................................. 850] more than ever before. But the state for Taft. tendency of Mr. Bryan’s proposals has generally been destructive of the busi­ R A Petersen et ux to P W they are doing more work than ------------ Watkins part of sec 30 t 1 ness with respect to which he is de­ ever before. Would Mr. Bry- The T aft c]ubs of this state s 3 w ....................................... 2900 manding reform. Mr. Roosevelt an halt the country’s growth? are not Bourne-Taft, Fulton- would compel the trusts to conduct I John C Pidcock to M P Dixon Would he reduce the army to Taft nor Cake-Taft. Just plain their business in a lawful manner and 3 acres in H Buxton d i e t 1 the old skeleton figure, and stop Ta{t) that’s enough, a 4 w........................................ 1600 secure the benefits of their operation all additions td the navy? ■ . - and the maintenance of the prosperity E L Hopkins to D P Hopkins part of sec 18 t 2 n 3 w ......... 800 ] Let us see how that sort of The Republicans of Forest of the country of which they are an B H Parker to Eliza M Parker important part; while Mr. Bryan would retrenchment would work with Grove are to organize a Taft lots 3 and 5 blk 1 Gaston.. . . 1 extirpate and destroy the entire busi­ the Bryan policies in force. club. Hurrah! ness in order to stamp out the evils Elizabeth Sting et al to John R The peerless leader would ■ ■ ■ Pearl lots 4 to 12 Ash Valley which they have practiced. have us haul down the flag im­ tract........................................... 50 I mediately in the Philippines, Felix Verhoven et ux to Ruel COUNTY COURT. 4 N Baker \ interest in lots 10 t jm the country 3 over to the na- Following _ „ T . . are the cymplete pro- PROBATE COURT and 11 blk 10 Forest Grove (S tives, and warn the outside ceedings of thr county board, which P a d d ) - ..........., ....................... 1000 Estate of Henry R Austin deceased. world to keep hands o ff as to met Sept. 2. John P Wagner et ux to W S Inventory and appraisement filed and the native control. But what Report of Coroner E C. Brown, on Reynolds lot 16 blk 2 Curtis » would such a warning be worth deat*'* °l Wm. A. Bolton and Harold approved. Estate of S A Bowers deceased. add io Forest Grove............... 100 in the face of the continued Davis‘ approved and bills ordered paid Bonds of administratrix and adminis- Win Ogden et ux to Jacob . . . , . Also bills for exhuming body of E. growth of the naval power of PerJue approved #nd prdered paid trator approved. Miles Watrous, Wm Michel part of I Kelsey d i e . 2500 O ther nations and the decay of Coroner’s report on death of Robert Watrous and D D Bump appointed ap- Jno W Gibson et ux to T J Shaw part of sec 5 t 2 s 3 w our own? What p o w er would M. Wood, approved and bills allowed. praisers. ( l j a c re s ) .............................. 125 Estate of Lulu J Davenport de­ heed it? We should in issuing Transcripts in the cases of State vs ceased. Inventory and appraisement Wm Reidt et ux to C S Smith it simply make ourselves a Fred Rice and Fred Fox- and s,ate vs filed and approved. part of blk 27 West Portland lauchine stock. ^ shoemaker' approved and bills al- Heights..................................... 1 Estate of John D McDonald de­ allowed. Then suppose we should Report of County Recorder Ireland, ceased. Inventory and appraisement \ J W Hughes et ux to David Kirkland 3.22 acres in David approved. Ordered that personal prop­ brandish a sword in the face of showing fees of 8464.30, approved. Harper d i e t 1 s 4 w ........... 600 erty exempt from execution be set Report of County Clerk Bailey, the Orient, Japan in particular, G W McGraw et ux to C H aside for use of widow, and that the on the general proposition of showing fees of 8171.74, approved. Hamilton 16 acres in sec Warehouse bond of John Milne ap­ sum of $400.00 be allowed for sup­ Asiatic immigration, inviting t 1 n 4 ...................................... 1200] port of widow and children. proved and license issued. trouble and certain to provoke Resignation of J. W. Stitt, road su­ Estate of N Stoltz deceased. Final Geo W McGraw et ux to H B Dauchy 16 acres in sec 2 t 1 it. If we had cut off naval in­ pervisor district 10, accepted. arct filed Monday. Oct 19th time set n 4 .............................................1200 for final settlement. crease and put that service on Warehouse bond of E. X. Harding J D Bates to W C Freeman 1 Estate of John B Scott deceased. short commons, what would in­ approved and license issued. acre near Gaston................... 500, Administrator discharged and estate evitably be the result? War, with Resignation of Oliver C Thornton, W B Emmons et al to Ernest closed of record. this government unprepared, justice of the Beaverton district, ac­ Estate of Chas P Clark deceased. A Wollf lot 2 Fruitful L ands.. 10 cepted. and European sympathy scant Petition of H. T. Bagley and Benton A V Smith, W F McLellan and W S E C Millett to C A Cavill se 1 of se I sec 19 t 2 s 2 ........... 600 because of our cheese-paring j Bowman for order auihorizing an ap- Gregory appointed appraisers. F Colfelt to J B Slemmons part Estate of Nellie M Ritchey minor policy toward our National de- pea! in the suit of F. E. Cornelius vs of sec 2 t 2 s 1 ............... ........................ 1 Bond of Guardian filed and approved. fense. We should occupy the 1- W. Goodin et al, denied, Bean Investment Co i to Jane D REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ridiculous attitude of having Road petition of R. S. Robinson et lot 17 North i Tigardville add C W McFee et al to A Berrath made a bluff without the means ll’ received and G- w - M»rsh, A. B. 1 1.30 acres) ) of supporting it. r" M “ 4 the county surveTOr appoinl' part of sec 13 t 2 s 2 .............$4000 Grafton Vickers s et ux to Pratt E A Hyde et al to Martha Cro­ As to other things, Mr. Bry- Road defds o( the 0reKOn Nursery nin part of blk 42 Forest Grove 275 G Vicki .06 acres in Wm an should know, and does know, Co. were accepted and James Sewell, August Muller et ux to Carl McLin d i e ............................ 1800 that there has been as much c. B. Buchanan and county surveyor Democratic as Republican sup- appointed to view and locate the road port for pensions, for improving Act'on on report of viewers in road OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS. VICTO» THE B A Z A A R O u r Priced T a l k . As for Ranges there are no better makes than the Real Estate Range, prices range from $26 to $ 5 0 Graniteware and Tinware CARL HINMÄN S u c c e s s o r to S . G . H u g h e s F o r e s t G ro v e O re g o n I Fair HILLSBORO STREET CARNIVAL Sept. 30, Big Livestock Show of Dairy Stock, Big Stallion Parade. Exhibit of Spring Colts. Finest Fruit Exhibit Ever Witnessed in Washington County. Fruit Inspector Harris, of Forest Grove, says that he will help with the finest fruit display ever seen in this section. Bring in your big vegetables, samples of your grain, etc. Gov. Chamberlain and Senator Fulton on Program Three Whole Business Blocks of Canvas. Big time, rain or shine, Races two days of the session. Baseball game by selected teams from Washington County. ARNOLD’S BIG W e Metall at Wholeanle , D o o rs , H e a rd w a re , W r i t * for r.Mtlm ntcN on W in d o w s T H E R O S S C O ., P a in ts H igh G rade Pianos , Organs and S ew ing Machines sold way below Portland prices and on easy monthly pay­ ments. Also a full line of I am prepared to show a nice line of Hats, Velvets, Silks, Ribbons, Ostrich and Fancy Feathers. Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 16 and 17 Days F#n#w,Br Ä. E. DIXON, EVERY DAY 87 6rand An.. PORTLAND. ORES. Opening Display of Fall Millinery K . X . S T A E H K . M anager Main SI.. FOREST 6R0VE Balloon Ascensions DAILY Farmers and Stockmen aie requested to give this Fair and Carnival their enthusiastic Aid. Thousands of People are Cominj to Washing­ ton County this Fall, and many will visit the Fair. Edison and Columbia Talking Machines and Records always in stock, logues sent free to any address. Cata- The leading place in the County for Stationery and School Supplies. Try i The famous Charter Oak Heating Stoves are the best heat producers with the least fuel of any stoves on the market. S a v e M o n e y — E3uy D ir e c t rivers and harbors, for public f e,i,i°nrd '°r by 01e 01eson et a1’ con' buildings, for extending rural board free delivery’, and all sue!) mat- Petition of A. W. Wolford et al. hr j oldenrod Guaranteed