A N .w ANIMAL LEGENDS. WONDERLAND. Z e a la n d * 1! B e lt of G e y a .ra B o ilin g W a te r. of If oue can imagine u furious am) ac­ tive volcano with a crater a thousand miles in extent, sunk level with tbe earth and thinly covered with a screen of soil, one has some idea of the awe Inspiring "wonderland” of New Zea­ land's north island. You canuot poke a stick Into the ground without start­ ing a boiling spring, and wherever ydu turn the ground is fairly alive with geysers of boiling water—steam jets and blowholes, with quiveriug vol­ canoes and gurgling "mud pots.” all colored fantastically with rainbow hues, ranging from brllliaut sapphire to vivid scarlet. Stranger still, tbe entire face of this region is constantly changing in shape and color, and there are hot springs here stretching lu a continuous chain for 300 miles. Tbe ground throbs and quivers with vol­ canic activity, aud set in the midst of 5t all are native Maori villages of sur­ passing Interest, a strange race of magnificent savages, who, although they have been cannibals within the memory of man, are now a highly in­ telligent race and actually send rep­ resentatives to the parliament In Wel­ lington. The native women, gorgeous in gar­ ments of crimson, green aud purple, are forever putting stolidly at big pipes and going bljther and thither about their household work with the quaintest of babies slung across their backs. This reminds me that domes­ tic work in this strauge region is made light indeed for white house­ wives as well as the Maori women. Every garden and back yard has its hot water provided by nature. . And when these easy going people grow hungry the mother prepares a meat pudding or a joint and drops it into a convenient pot of uatural boiling w ater In the earth, and in a few minutes it is cooked. The same conveniences nre still more in evi­ dence on washing day. Stepping care­ fully through a tangle of boiling gey­ sers and gurgling mud pots, one sud­ denly c lines upon a great collection of native women and girls doing their washing In n vast smoking lake big enough to have steam ers on it.—W. T. Fltz-Gerald in St. Nicholas. LIVING PROOF OF IT. How M a r r ia g e D e v e lo p s th e T r a i t s in a M a n . B est Ths Buzz cf the Mosquito and the Swallow’s Forked Tail. In Palestiue. where several religions exist side by side, It'ge. d i hive crossed und intermingled in such a way as to make a distinct folklore. A collection of stories from “ Folkkre lu the Holy Laud.” by the ltev. J E. Hanauer, contains many Bible legends in new forms and with humorous additions. Oue explains how tbe mosquito came to buzz aud why the swallow's tail is forked. After the fall of man the serpent missed the reward which the evil one had promised him—namely, the sweet­ est food in the world. An augel was appointed to assign to every creature his food and dwelling pla e. The ser- fent asked for human tlesli. But Adam protested aud |>oi:ited out shrewdly that as nobody had ever lusted human flesh It was impossible to maintain that it was the most luscious of food, ’i n u s he gained a year's respite for the race. Meanwhile the mosquito was sent round the world with instructions to taste and report upon the blood of ev­ ery living (feature. At the end of twelve months It was to report in open court the result of its researches. Now. Adam had a frlet d in that sa­ cred bird the swallow, which annually makes a pilgrimage to Mecca aud all holy places. This bird shadowed the mosquito all the twelve mouths until the day of the decision. Then as the insect was ou its way to the court the swallow met it openly and asked what flesh and blood it had found sweetest. "Alan's," replied the mosquito. “ W hat?" naked the swallow. "Please say it again, for 1 am rather deaf.” Ou this the mosquito opened its mouth wide to shout, and the swallow darted in its bill and plucked out the Insect's tongue. They tuen proceeded to the court, where all living creatures were assem­ bled to hear the decision. On being asked the outcome of its Investigation the mosquito, which could now only buzz, was unable to make itself under­ stood. and the swallow, pretending to be Its spokesman, declared that the Insect had said that it had found the blood of tlie frog the most delicious. Sentence was therefore given that frogs, not men, should be the serpent's food. In Its rage and disappointment the serpent darted forward to destroy the swallow. But the bird was too quick; the serpent succeeded only in biting some feathers out of the middle of the swallow’s tail. This is why swallows have forked tails. T h e H o u s e th a t is S a t is fie d O n ly W h e n Y o u T ire CANTON PLOWS The Canton plow is the only disc plow that will give perfect satisfaction on all kinds of land, and we can prove it. We have already sold a number of these plows this fall and can cite you to numerous satisfied users. 40 Ranges and Heaters We carry the largest stock of Ranges and Heaters west of Portland. We sell on the installment plan at prices that are lower than the other fellow’s cash price. If in need of anything in the Stove Line coma and see us, if not come and see us any­ way PAINT We give you a written guar­ antee for five years. No oth­ er dealer dares do it; therefore our Paint is the best. i “By the way, Mary,” said Mr. Win- terbottom, “young Ascot asked for We pay spot cash for our my advice today about getting m ar­ ried.” goods and pay no rent. Mrs. W lnterbottom looked up from the pile of socks that she was darn­ ing. “And w hat advice did you give SOAP BUBBLES. Who can sell the cheapest? him, John?” she said. “Er—hand me them matches, will H o w S o m e P r e tt y a n d M a r v e lo u s E f ­ you? My pipe's out,” said Winterbot fe c ts M a y Be P ro d u c e d . tom. M A S C O T U N IV E R S A L There are degrees of skill in all pas­ She transferred the mound of mend­ times. but oue would hardly thiuk that ing from her lap to a chair, rose and, there were specialists in the art of taking the matches to her husband, blowing soap bubbles. An article In quietly resumed her work again. the Windsor Magazine by Meredith Nu­ "Well,” continued Mr. Wlnterbottom. gent. however, shows that some very wallowing in his big chair, "1 told pretty aud marvelous effects may be Ascot to go ahead and marry at once. obtained by the exercise of care and I told him w hat I have always be­ patience with soap aud water. lieved—namely. that nothing develops The first step Is to make a solution the best traits in a man's -character by rubbing pure white castile soap Into like matrimony. Nothing. I told him, a I mjw I partly filled with water until a so splendidly brings Into blossom lather has been formed. Then remove those seeds of unselfishness, of self every particle of lather, dip a clay pipe sacrifice, that lie dorm ant in even the into the cleared solution and start to best of bachelors. The bachelor thinks blow a bubble. only of himself. The m arried man If you cau blow one six Inches In di­ blankets, 6 milk cans, set work har- forgets himself In the protectiug care am eter so that it will hang suspended EASY PHYSICAL CULTURE. ness, single buggy harness, grindston', scribed property: 4 work horses, in­ that he m ust eternally lavish upon from the pipe und will allow your fore­ some household goods. Free lunch at cluding sorrel mare weight 1300; bay wife and babes. Coarse, selfish brutes finger covered with the solution to be H o w O n . M a y P r o m o » . G o od H e a lth W it h o u t E x p e n se . of bachelors I have seen transm uted pushed through into the bubble with­ Public Sale. mare weight 1300; gray gelding weight j noon. Terms of sale: All sums of by marriage into a fine gold of such out breaking, then the mixture is ready First of all, there Is the sensible use 1450; black gelding weight 1250; 2 810 and less, cash. On sums over The undersigned will sell at public of the odd moments of the day. For self forgetfulness and tender eonsider- for use. , ation. such delicate solicitude and Six bubbles may be blown, oue Inside example, 1 must go out to my work in auction on the premises, known as the year old brown gelding, 3 brood sows 810, six months time will be given on courtesy—er—as”— the other. This is performed by dlp- the city; I must get up from my chair and 16 pigs three months old, 9 notes bearing 6 percent interest from Mr. W lnterbottom had been slapping ping the end of a straw In the soapy after or at Intervals during my work; I Tim Thompson place, l j miles south shoats weight from 80 to 150 pounds, date on approved security. 2 percent his pockets and frowning. Now he water aud after resting the wet end must go upstairs. Here are tbe oppor­ of Gaston, on thorougbred Poland China boar two off for cash on all sums over 810. stopped abruptly. “Here's my pipe upou an Inverted plate or sheet d f tunities: Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1908 out,” he said, "and I forgot to bring glass, which should have been previ­ During the wash 1 can rub myself years old, new Stoughton wagon 3 j PETER H. FIELDS, owner, down that pouch again. Do you mind, ously wet with the solution, blow a well all over my skin. Haviug used Sale begins at 10 a. m. The fol- inch wide tire, 3 inch wagon narrow 1 1. W. Hughes, Geo. F. Naylor, the warm water and aoap aud warm Mary? It’s on tbe dressing table in bubble six Inches lu diameter. water agaiu, I can dip my hands in I lowing described property: Triumph tire, Deering binder 6 ft cut in good Auctioneer. Clerk, the fourth story front.” Then dip the straw Into the solution cold water aud theu give my skiu a sulky plow 14 inch, 2 Chill walking running order, 2 good 14 inch plows, j Mrs. W interbottom. with pleasant again, carefully thrust it through Into friction with the palms of my [ plows, 2 drag harrows one nearly new, alacrity, hastened from the room.— the center of this first bubble and blow capital Osborne spring tooth harrow, spike ’ Notice. New York Press. i another. Coutinue in this manner until hands. This will afford excelieut ex­ disk harrow, cultivator, Studebaker To Whom This May Concern: ercise for tlie arms and shoulders and, tooth steel harrow 60 tooth, new cider ull the bubbles are In position. Great when I stoop, for the truuk muscles. inch heavy, Bain light 3 press, new Chatham fanning mill, new We, the undersigned, have had the care must be taken that the straw is It will clean me, will help to harden wagon > Spoiled the Prayer. A west end man who had been out thoroughly wet with solution for fully invigorate me aud will make my | inch wagon, nearly new top buggy, 2 Rock Island 14 inch gang plow, clover huiler belonging to Crop Broth­ with a party of friends sipping from half its length before each bubble is | and hands and my whole body glow de­ sets double harness, 4 sets plow har­ Hoosier grain drill 18 disks, 4 horse ers under W. H. Lyda’s management the bowl of Joy more than usual stag­ blown. With practice ten or twelve lightfully. gered home, at a loss to know how to ! bubbles may be placed Inside of one extra time. It will need scarcely any ness, platform scale, fanning mill, hay equalizer, 2 hay forks 1 double and 1 hull our clover and are glad to say that conduct himself to prevent his wife I another. \Phen I go out Into the street, and i fork complete nearly new, set bnggy single 2 ropes for hay fork 180 ft., 2 they do the fastest and cleanest work cf knowing he was intoxicated. After indeed whenever I go out. I can take harness, 5 milk cans, 4 stands bees, pitch forks, heating stove. 2 sets har-1 ¡»"y machine we ever saw. Any one turning the question over in his mind j two extra deep and full breaths of McCormick binder 1 year’s wear.mower, wanting clover hulled will make no several times he decided that It would ] | fresh air in through the uostrils. And hay rack, tedder, Van Buran disk drill, ness, 8 hotse collars. Free lunch at mistake J ne well for him to kneel in prayer just j by getting them to do their noon. Terms of sale: Amounts under | I can repeat this wonderfully healthy before retiring, as he sometimes did. some household furniture, and other [ practice whenever 1 wait at a crossing, work. 810 cash. Over ten dollars 1 years “W hat in the world are you doing j whenever I wait at all, and Just before things too numerous to mention, 1 bay C. B. C a m p b e il , there. John?” asked his wife. time at 6 per cent with approved se­ Forest Grove People Are j I go into any building from the street, horse weight 1200, brown horse "Praying.” w m . w esten . 10-12 curity. Sums over 810 2 per cent dis­ also before any important work Pleased to Learn How I or nnd interview, “Well, your prayer might have more weight 1200, team gray mares weight and. of course, tbe first count for cash. It is Done. *iTect If you took off that silk hat.”— thing in the morning and tbe last thing 1300, gray horse and gray mare 1300, Notice to Taxpayers. St. Louis Republic. HENRY M e y er , Owner. ! at night. Here there Is not one mo­ ho se colt 1 year and pass, 14 milk It’s pretty hard to attend to duties The last half of 1907 taxes, where t . L. Geiger, J. W. Hughes, ment of extra time demanded, but With a constantly aching back; C a n W e P u ll A n y t h i n g ? cows most all to freshen this fall, 5 there is so much effective but easy the first half was paid before the first Clerk Auctioneer. Sir Oliver Lodge, the eminent Eng­ With annoying urinary disorders. physical culture that at the end of a yearling heifers, 3 yearling steers, sow Monday in April, 1908, will be due on lish scientist, said In a lecture that Doan’s Kidney Pills make work easier. I year the improvement in the breathing and 10 shoats, Holstein and Jersey there is no such thing as puiiiug. To or before Monday, Oct. 5, 1908, aid capacity, the endurance, the vigor, the Public Sale. speak of a horse pulling a cart was, he They cure backache. bull 2 years’ old. Terms ol Sale: All unless paid by that date penalty and complexion and even in tbe control of said, incorrect. The horse did not pull They cure every kidney ill. Having sold my farm two miles east the temper may be almost beyond be­ sums of S10 and less, cash. On sums interest will be added fro n April 6, the ca rt It pushed against its collar Mr*. A. H. Vote, liv in f in Beaverton, O ft., m yt: And, best of all, the automatic cf over 810 12 months time will be and one mile north of Banks, two miles 1908, until paid. and thereby produced motion lu the "Doan i Kidney Pills have proved of great vaiue tome. lief. of fuller and more rhythmical cart. Similarly the oarsman pushed At the time I be*an their ute. I had been tuffering fox habit G. G. H ancock , inhalations may be firmly fixed.-E us­ g ven on notes bearing 7 per cent in- ! northwest of Mountaindale, I will sell the water, and the man drawing a a long time from a weakness of the kidney* and back. tace Miles I d Metropolitan Magazine. t-rest from date with approved se­ at public auction on the premises on ll-t2 Sheriff Washington Co., Ore. j handcart had to clasp the handle, and I would arise in the morning feeiing unrefreahed and Wednesday. Sept. 30, 1908 to begin my household duties. My head acbtd curity. Two per cent off for cast» on the driving force was caused by the at illfltted T h . D e a r O ld D a y s . and I seemed to be weak all over. My kidney« Sale commences at 10 a. m., the Let THE NEWS do your job work. part which clasped the handle and was were time* sums over S10. Free lunch at noon. of order and gave me a great deal of annoy Touched by his sad story, a Harris­ therefore behind It. Even if the cart ane£ out I procured following property, to-wit: 2 work We guarantee good workmanship box of Doan’s K 'dney Pills and burg woman recently furnished a meal H a r r y T u r n e r , Owner. " a s fastened to the man's coat tall he after taking a few a dotes was greatly relieved, I was to a melancholy looking bubo wbo bad horses, 5 milk cows 2 giving milk 2 good stock and most reasonable prices. J. W. Hughes, Geo. F. Naylor, did not pull It He pushed against bis so delighted that 1 procured another supply and in a applied therefor at tbe back door. clothes. will be fresh soon and one will be fresh We print everything. month was entirely free from tbe complaint. I am Auctioneer. C lerk.! "Why do you stick out tbe middle much better in every way since using Doan’s Kidney in a month, 2 2-year-old heifers will be finger of your left hand so straight Pills and give them the credit.” C o n sid e ra te . Public Sale. while you are eating?" asked the com- fresh about the middle of Januan, — White River Flour made of best “And would you marry me If I were For sale by all dealers. Price 50 j passionate woman "W as It ever bro- Eastern Oregon wheat for sale at Bai­ • l«x>r girl, working for a living?" ask- cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, I will sell at public auction to the 2-year old Jersey bull, yearling heifer, ley’s j ken?” Big Store. 47-tf ®d the heiress. 3j wide steel tire, top buggy. "Darling." responded the accepted New York, sole agents lor the United "No. mum." answered tbe botio. with highest bidder, at the Geo. V. James wagon —New stock of latest Ladies' Home Lazy back cart nearly new, cultivator, i a snuffle. "But during my halcyon place, 4 j miles Southeast of Cornelius *oitor. "It wouldn't be fair. You’d be States. hay rake, mower, hay Journal dress patterns at Bailey’s Big doing enough In supporting yourself.”— Remember the name—Doan's—and | days I wore a diamond ring on that on 12-inch plow, I Anger, and old habit« are hard to break Philadelphia Ledger. rack, 10-foot log chain, set horse Store. Thursday, Sept 24th. 1908 mum."—H arper's Weekly. take no other. L MAKES WORK EASIER M. PETERSON ®> SON, FOREST GROVE, OREGON PUBLIC SALES! *.<• «--«Ir