Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 17, 1908, Image 1

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    HiNGTON C ounty
Standard Kenera] scheme of hunting down waste
Government tO Change •iinuuuiu
from Butter Fat to Sol.ds.
I which the Commission is following in
making its inventory. It is ;oing af­
ter the little wastes here and there,
which, added together, and put into
dollars and cents, make an astonishing
For instance, take the making of
veneer. At first blush it may not
Investigation Is Being Made to Con­
seem worthy of consideration with the
vince Pure Food Authorities that
manufacture of other products men­
It Is Unfair.
tioned. Yet, the scarcity of the more
attractive finishing woods in the last
few years has led to the annual pro­
duction of over 1,100,000.000 square
What seems will be a fatal blow to feet of veneer. This, of course, has
* the milk industry in this county and been made possible only by the intro­
state is trying to be overcome by the duction of new veneer making
milk condenseries of this section and machinery.
more particularly the Pacific Coast
The use of veneer is generally re­
Condensed Milk Co., of this place.
garded as exemplifying the scarcety of
Rulings have recently been made
finer woods and typifying the com
by the Federal Pure Food authorities p',ete utilization of various kinds of
} affecting the standard of condensed wuods, yet, from one of the schedules
milk, the standard having been appar- 0; the National Conservation Commis-
ently based upon the chemical com- , s;on ¡t ¡s evident that the Commission
position of milk produced in the east; expects to discover great waste even
the standard which is based at 7.7 but- in veneer manufacture.
terfat has been changed to 28 per cent
Though the word veneer carries
solids. This recommendation made many meanings, from a glaze appl.ed
by eastern members of the Pure Food tu pottery to the “ polish” of a man of
Commission will require the conden­ the world, it is most commonly em­
series to either adulterate this product, ployed as the name for the thin slices
or if the entire 28 per cent solids are of wood now extensively used in the
used, will make an unmarketable con- manufacture of all sorts of articles of
densed milk.
use, such as wood plates, baskets, and
The Pacific Coast Condensed Milk the exterior finish of furniture and wood
Co., in order to overcome the rulings WJrk. The manufacture of veneer in
of the Pure Food authorities and to the tast |ew years has advanced by
save the Washington County Dairyman ieaps anci bounds,
has begun an extended investigation of
The best veneer is sawed, but a
the milk production in this county. great deal is sliced and still more is
Circular letters have been sent to the “ jotary cut.” By the last named pro­
divers dairymen calling their attention cess logs of
the desired wood are
to the necessity of scoping with what steamed until they are soft and then
seems to be an unfair ruling, and have fixed in a lathe-like machine, in which
asked those who would to make af- they are turned against a wood knife,
fidavit to the condition of this milk on As the log rotates against .he knife,
September 1st. A great many dairy- veneer of the desired thickness is
men have responded and the testings j peeled off in a continuous slice, as if
thus taken will go a long way towards yOU should pare an apple, going deep
convincing the pure food authorities er at each complete turn, until noth-
that the ruling is unjust to the Western ;nK ¡s ieft but
the core. The center
dairyman. An excerpt from the letter 0f the log left after the veneer is cut is
sent to the dairymen shows the fear en aiso called a “ core.”
tertained by the Pacific Coast Con-
The woods principally used for mak-
denser of this place, and is as follows: jng veneer are red gum, maple, and
“ You will appreciate that 80 per yen0w poplar, which together yield
cent of the condensed milk manufae more than half of the total product,
tured in this state is shipped out of the Re(j gum ¡s largely used lor baskets
state for consumption, and unless we anci ^aple for furniture. More valu­
are able to prove to the Pure Food able than those, however, are white
authorities by submitting figures (the oak an¿ walnut veneer. Beech, which
accuracy of which cannot he ques- Can be cut very thin, is used very
tioned) that the composition of milk largely for wooden plates. A number
in the Northwest is different from that 0f 0ther kinds of woods are used,
produced in the East we will be un-
\ good deal of waste occurs in the
able to convince them that the stand- manufacture of veneer. It is always a
a d adopted is unjust to the manufae- problem, for instance, what use 10
turer and milk producer of this state, make of the cores left by the rotary
Should we be successful in convincing process. In many cases these are
the authorities that the stand we have use(i f0r pulp wood, pillars, or panel
taken is correct it will practically mean headings, and they are largely used fer
the destruction of the condensed milk
excelsior, crates, boxes and bask-
business in the Northwest, and you e;s.
know the set-back that will give to our
j n the schedule of inquiries which
dairying interests.”
the National Conservation Commission,
through the Forest Service, is sending
out, several questions are aimed to se-
---------- -
cure information as to the amount of
Government Asks for Opinions from waste in veneer manufacture and the
Lumbermen About Wastes
possibilities of finding ways to utilize it.
Washington, Sept. 16.— Five hun-
dred manufacturers of explosives, pulp
wood and similar products, have been
asked by the National Conservation
Commission for information as to all
possible uses of sawdust. From this it
will be seen the Commission is going
into fine details in its inventory of the
natural resources of the country.
Seven thousand lumbermen have been
asked for their opinion as to the waste
of lumber in saw mills, and more than
two thousand lumber dealers and coop
erage, veneer, furniture, box, vehicle
and implement manufacturers have
been asked to point out striking feat-
ures of was.e in their respective lines,
Yet all this is only one part of the
q .
C ox Killed,
D L q , , ol Waitsburg, Wash., and
# brother o( c R and John Cox cf
Cedar Canyon, was killed in the above
city last week by having a house fall
upon him. He was helping move the
structure and was underneath working
when the house swerved catching Cox
as it fell. The brothers of this section
attended the funeral which was held
last Thursday.
Mrs. Stephen Morgan Dead.
Mrs. Mary A. Morgan, wife of
Stephen Morgan of this city, died at
the Portland Sanitarium Wednesday
morning at 9:20 of blood poisoning:
She had been at the institution
about two weeks. She was working
about the garden with a hoe and in
some manner bruised her hand.
Nothing was thought of the injury un­
til a few days later when her hand be­
gan to swell. The doctor pronounced
it rheumatism and was treating for that
Guud Attendance un First Day—
disease, but the hand got worse and
she was taken to Portland. The
physician lanced the wound and gave
every other attention possible, but to
no avail. She suffered intensely until
Wednesday when death released her. j
The remains were brought to her home j
in this city this morning and the fun- |
eral will be held from the residence in ! Rev. C. F. Clapp Delivers Principle
Address and Is Followed by
South Park on Saturday morning at 10]
Professor Kirkwood.
Mrs. Morgan was born in Tioga, N.
Y., 58 years ago. She was married to
Stephen Morgan on December 10,
Pacific University threw open its
1868. She moved from Nebraska, to
doors to the students for the school
Forest Grove about five years ago.
term of 1908-9 on Wednesday morn­
She leaves besides her husband four ing of this week
children: Leo L. of Portland, Albert
Preparations have been in progress
P. of Nebraska, Mrs. Daisy Markee,
for several weeks past for the recep­
and Emma M. Morgan of this city.
tion of the students, and as the expect­
NEARLY DROWNED IN CREEK ation of a larger student body for this
year has been realized, the year starts
out in a most prosperous condition.
Miss Mabel Smith of This Place
Many new faces arc to be seen at the
Barely Escapes Death.
institution while many of the old stu­
Miss Mabel Smith, daughter of Mr. dents have not yet arrived.
and Mrs. Hugh Smith, came mar
The opening exercises were held in
drowning last Saturday afternoon at the the chapel. President Ferrin in a few
Hutehrosft three roi'es w.st of North well chosen remarks introduced the
Yamhill. Miss Smith and
Miss new teachers, a number of whom are
Glenn of Portland, who were visiting present this year. Prof. E. J. Baker
there, went down to. the creek will have charge of the department of
for the purpose of bathing. They chemistry; Dr. W. D. Ferguson in
captured a log and climbed on it and the Bible department; Prof. F. T.
were riding down stream, when Miss Price, mathematics and engineering;
Smith lost her balance and fell into and Miss Helen G. Abbott is assistant
the water. The stream at this place at the Academy.
was quite deep. In attempting to
Following the introduction of the
save her companion Miss Glenn was new teachers Rev. C. F. Clapp deliv­
thrown into the water and seeing the ered the principal address, and was
danger their associates on shore called followed by Prof. J. D. Kirkwood, pro­
for help. Raleigh Walker and Will fessor of botany, of the University of
Morley of this place were farther down Syracuse. Mr. Kirkwood is an alutnni
stream and came to their aid just in if P. U.
On Thursday the school took up the
time to rescue Miss Smith as she went
down the last time. Walker plunged lessons and the students are once more
into the stream to save the struggling busy in the search for knowledge.
girls but the task was proving too much
for him, when young Morley came to
the rescue and between them all they, Thatcher school begins next Mon-
managed to get to shore safely. Miss [ da7-
Smith was in much danger even after j Farmers are busy drawing their grain
reaching shore, and it took the united and hay to town,
efforts of all present to restore her to 1 An ice cream social was enjoyed
by most every one in Thatcher.
A Toast.
NO. 11
Gabriel Sohler of Verboort District
Dies Suddenly of Heart Failure.
Gabriel Sohler of the Verboort dis­
trict, died suddenly while hauling clov­
er last Friday afternoon at his home.
Smithson, Gilbert and Kelly Feast­
Mr. Sohler was assisting in hauling
ed at Portland.
clover to a clover huller and after the
wagon was loaded he complained that
he fi It bad and would go to the house,
which was only a short distance away.
He started for the house and had gone
only a short way, when he fell. His
associates ran to his assistance but President Ferrin Delivers Addrets
found life extinct. He was removed
at Banquet— Gilbert Former
to his home. Deceased was born in
Student of P. U.
Wisconsin and was 56 years of age.
He leaves a wife and twelve children.
The funeral occurrad Monday at the
Catholic church with interment at that
The welcoming home of the three
world champion athletes, Smithsor,
Gilbert and Kelley, in Portland Moi -
dav and-Tuesday, was one of the m o t
The little eleven months old bov of gorgeous affairs ever held in that city.
Mr. and Mis. Earnest Olson of Gales The demonstration is not only of stale
Creek, died of choltra infantum last and national importance but to Fore t
Friday afternoon after a short illness. Grove and Pacific University the af­
Tne funeral occurred Sunday with in­ fair will always live in our hearts.
terment at Hillside cemetery.
Gilbert, the world’s champion po’e
vauiter, was for five years a student t f
Veterans Attention.
the Academy and Pacific University
The Washington County Veterans’
and for this reason Forest Grove ai d
Association will hold a meeting in For­
the University were represented in tl e
est Grove, on Thursday, October 8th.
Ptrade in a tallyho and floated banners
All veterans and their families please
and inscriptions in behalf of Gilbeit,
tike notice. By order
who was captain of the track term
H. G. fitch , R. w M c N utt ,
while in school here.
On Tuesday evening the athletes
were tendered a banquet by the citi­
Card of Thanks.
zens of Portland at the Commerci; 1
To all the freinds whose sympathy Club, when President W. N. Ferrin tf
and services were so kindly tendered
this city appeared on the program. Jn
in our time of bereavement, we desire speaking of the talk delivered by M’.
to extend our sincere thanks.
Ferrin the Telegram said: “ The
M rs . S avilla S parks and F amily .
clca-est r-nerption of amateur athlet­
ics that has been given in a speech in
this city for a long time came unei-
Miss Kate Reuter of Portland, spent
pectedly from Professor W. N. Ferrir,
Sunday with her relatives and friends
president of Pacific University. He
on Davids Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker drove
over from Greenville and spent Sunday
at the home of E. H. Burk.
The many friends of the sick onrs
at the Bisbee home will be pleased to
hear that they are all improving.
Jas. Dilley and son Roy, Rufus and
Reuben Frost left Saturday for the
coast. They expect to be away two
It is said “ anything which tends to
The old and the young folks are bring the farming communities into
busy picking hops in Mr. Hoffman’s c'oser touch and better relations with
and Mr. Love’s yards.
the cities and villages should be en-
Joe Davids of California, is cook at onraged.” We would suggest the
Henry Rhoad’s ranch. Joe knows repairing of the raid from the “ Y” in­
to Forest Grove before the rainy season
how to get up a good meal.
A number of Thatcher young people sets in. would be an important factor in
attended a dance a few nights ago at doing this.
“ It is not so much what you bo; «
hive done that we are here tonight,
but the way you did it. You went
forth from among our citizens and w n
your laurels, and now you are returned
amongst us to take up your walks in
life. You are amateurs, with athletics
your avocation, and not your vocaticn
in life. For that we honor you and
welcome you back to our lives as s e
could not do if you were professionals
aud playing upon your popularity and
our patriotism for gain.”
Pres. Ferrin wishes to extend his
hearty appreciation for the assistance
the citizens gave the University in
making its fine showing in the parade,
stating that P. U. was up to the minu'e
with the other institutions of the state.
Here’s to you, dear Ladies,
May you live one thousand years,
To sort ’er keep things lively,
In this vale of human tears.
And here’s tha. we may live
• One thousand years, too.
Did we say "a thousand years?”
No, a thousand less a day,
Nate Willis. All report a good time.
For we should hate to live on earth
Mr. Pegg has returned from Bremei-
And learn that you had passed awav.
The News $ 1.50 per year in advance. ton, Washington.
Passed Away After a Short Illness
Geo. Briggs has come back to civil-
Last Friday.
| ization for a few days.
Levi Spaiks, for 18 years a resident
Mrs. S. Pollock has been on the
o' this city, died at his home on Third
| sick list for a few days.
street last Friday.
Mr. Rudolph's daughter has been
He was born at Winchester, Ohio,
very sick for a few days, b it is reported lune 1, 1832, and was of Irish and
A meeting was held in the offices of join in making one of the largest Taft ! some better.
English ancestry, his mother being a
Judge Hollis, last Monday evening Clubs in the county.
The self propelling gasoline woed relitive if Thomas Moore, the poet ol
preliminery to issuing a call for the or-; The call is as follows:
saw, belonging to Frank Bernard, was Ireland
He moved with his parents
ginizing a Taft Republican Club. The
We, the undersigned Republicans sawing wood for J. W. Hughes.
to Dubique, Iowa, when 15 years of
meeting of Monday evening was called} of Forest Grove and vicinity believing
Walter Liriegar, wife and mother, ige ani lived there until 1874, whrn
upon short notice consequently was ii the principles of Republicanism,
•who have spent several weeks at the with his family he moved to Vai-
not well attended, however a move­ and that the Party’s interest can be ad-
home of Win. Linnegar. have left for couver, Washington, and came to Orr-
ment was started that will mean one of vinced by the organization of a Taft
gon in 1883, living for seven yean at
the largest Taft Clubs in the county Republican Club in this locality, here
and then moving to this city.
Mrs. Forbis and family left for their
being organized here. The date for by enroll ourselves for that purpose,
at Peosla, Iowa, Mr. Sparl s
the meeting is scheduled for next and agree to attend a meeting at home in Butte, Montana, after spend­ was united in marriage to Miss Sevilla
Tuesday evening in Masonic Hall at Masonic Hall, on Tuesday evening at ing the summer months on their ipurgeon, who with a sister, Mrs,
beautiful farm.
eight o’clock.
eight o’clock, September 22, for per­
Kitherine Laughery of this place ard
At the Monday meeting representa­ fecting an organization:
The window of the Bo ik Store is the following children survive h in »
tives of the Republ ctn party were
Chas. O
Roe, A. B. Capler, worth looking at this week, bring es­ Mrs. Emily Brown, Portland; Mrs. Ai -
chosen to attend the Taft Clubs con
W. A. Bellinger, A. G. Hoffman, pecially interesting to College studrnts. n e Bellinger, Lee William, Maud,
vjntion called for Portland on Tuesday
R. M. Taylor, John Ireland, M.
Miss Minnie Meyers will give a | io­ Hugh and Edwin of this city.
morning. W. A. Williams, E. V/. •
The funeral was held at the Christi n
S. Allen. F. S. Allen, E. B. Sapping nic to her Sunday School class on the
Haines. Chas. Hines, L. J. Cor! and
ton, W H. Hollis, B. H. Laughlin, J. college grounds this afternoon from church, of which Mr. Sparks wa> a
Judge Hollis were selected and at­
member. Sunday, Rey. Siaa officiating,
H Hartley, C. B Campbell, Wilbur two to five.
tended. when delegates to the National
with burial in Forest View cemeteiy.
McEldowney, J. A. Thornburg. Chas.
The working society of the Congre- j
Republican League, to be held in Cin­
Hines, J. P. Wagner. W. A. Williams, (rational Church met with Mr*. W. N. Nephews from Vancouver acted as pa 1
cinnati on September 23, were chosen.
W. M. Pollock, E. W. Haines, L. J. Ferrin Wedneslay afternoon.
Every republican in Forest Grove
—Buy Tipless
—Money to luan on farm tecurity
and vicinity is invited to be at the Corf, J. F Woods. J. W. Hughes, V.
burners at V. S. Abraham.
W. H. Hollis.
meeting next Tuesday evening and H. Limber.