Correspondence. WATTS DISTRICT. ' School will begin Monday, Sept. 28. John Stevenson is out from Portland vi>iting relatives. Wm. Adler purchased a horse of Frank Bleid recently. Albert Dixon sawed wood last week for A. Rice, J. H. DeMoss and J. L. Van Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. John McCoy of Green­ ville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Holscher. boxes and stayed on the outside mak- sng music for all within, until they were called in to eat oysters and were treated to some fine cigars. GASTON his slashing E. J. Monday. H. L. Cowles sawed wood for Thos. j Carmichael Tuesday. Mrs. Hudson of Portland, visit rd her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rut- sell, for several days. Mr. Freeman has nearly completed the new building which will be used for a slaughter house. Mrs. Harvey Rogers of Forest Grove We are glad to see J. D. Hibbs’ was an over Sunday guest at the home . s niling face again after an absence of of her sister, Mrs. E. H. Burk. s :veral weeks at the coast. ^ The sale at A. S. Dilley’s last Satur­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and little day called out quite a crowd and the son of Portland, were visiting the home prices were good for which the cows folks, Mr. and Mrs. Storey. sold. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dennis of Scog­ Wm. Johnson returned from Pasco, gins Valiev, and Mrs. Oscar Anderson Wash., last Friday and is helping care of Portland, were guests of B. C. Den­ for his wife, who has been very ill, but nis and family Sunday. is now improving. State Fair Salem. Miss Dora Schmale returned home Sunday from Scoggins Valley, where The Southern Pacific will sell round she has been working for Mrs. Matte- trip tickets to Salem at one and one son for the past six months. third fare, Sept. 14 to 19 inclusive. Return limit Sept. 20. DILLEY. Mrs. Forbes went to Portland Mon day. Dilley schcol is ready for the plasterers. Mrs. I,. Bralley went to Hood River for a visit. Miss L da Epplett is visiting Mrs. Pollock lor several weeks. Miss Jessie Stevens and her grand­ father went to Witc i Hazel. F. H. Colin an l son Gilbert of Portland, 1 Mr. Saling on Sunday. C. Hubbart left for an extended visit with his son i t Calgary, Alberta. M. L. Pratt and Miss S. Schr..'.dt are visiting Mrs. H. Hubbart this week. Mr. Forbes has left for his home a Butte, Montana, after spending two months at his farm. THATCHER Carrie Bonshu has a new organ. Mrs. Harry Graham left last Wed­ nesday for her new home in College Place, Walla Walla, Wash. Herman Flinch, who lost his hand by a wood saw, left last week for his home in Michigan. His wife is a niece of A. J. Raymond of Thatcher. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McElliot went to Portland with Mrs. Graham. They also went to St. Johns to visit Wm. Hamilton and wife, a sister of Mr. M 'Elliott. Mr. and M's. E. J. Bonshu enter­ tained thirty-one of their friends last wrek at an oyster supper. Music and games were enjoyed until a late hour when all went home with a friendly feeling towards Mr. and Mrs. Bonshu and daughter. Young and old are not left out when it comes to getting up socials. An ice cream party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs, M. L. Roberts last week, in honor of Miss Lueza Jounker’s birthday. Many were present and all had a merry time. Ward burned Cider Apples Wanted. I will buy all the cider apples you will fetch me. Will take them in any quantity delivered at Cornelius. W. H. STRATTON. 9-tf —Dr. C. L. Large reports a daugh­ ter weighing nine pounds born to the wife of Sherman Bacon, of this place, last Wednesday. Parties wishing the attendance of Dr. Large in this class of cases, will greatly oblige him, if con­ venient, by engaging his services two or three months prior to the expected event. Dr. Large has both phones. —Many people suffer from head ache for years not knowing it is caused from eye strain. If the eyes are prop­ erly tested and glasses correctly fitted they experience almost instant relief. Consult Dr. Lowe on this subject at Hotel Laughlin next Thursday, Friday and to noon Saturday, Sept. 10, 11 and to noon of 12th. — Do not be deceived concerning Dr. Lowe and his charges for glasses. He does not over charge. Have him test your eves and talk it over with him. He will be at Forest Grove Sept. 10, 11 and to noon of 12th. M. Peterson & Son, hardware, have been doing a land office business in plows lately. They report the sale of eight disc plows on Wednesday of this week. Hoppickers Headquarters I We have almost every thing you can think of that you will need and a6 the lowest price. For instance—Hop gloves, straw cuffs, hats, sunbonnets, overalls, handkerchiefs, shoes, stockings, rubbers, umbrellas, mirrors, belts, slickers, overcoats, and then of course you’ll want something to eat>, and we can supply your needs in that way. School Opens Mon­ day, Sept. 21 Bring the Children to our store and fit them for the occasion. HOFFMAN ®> ALLEN Forest Grove Real Estate Co. has same rare bargains in real estate this week. A 20 acre tract, all cleared with or­ chard, one mile out. A 10 acre tract with fruit one mile out. A five acre tract with good buildings and fruit one mile out. An 8 room house in town with J acre lot. Fine shade and fruit trees. Several new, modern houses in South Park. Two good building lots close in for 180 and $85 respectively. See K. N. STAEHR in The Bazaar next to P. O , about those bargains at once. They will not last long. It is all smooth sailin g whrn you place a Liner Ad j in this column. A few words here w ili reach 5.000 readers and the results are certain. 5c line 1st Insertion, 2'y cents each subsequent insertion. I Minimum charge 10 cts. LIST your farms and other properties I for sale with T. H. Littlehales, Forest | Grove National Bank Building. 27tf FOR S A L E —Shadeland Wonder white seed oats. Edward Naylor. 39-tf FOR S a le —Knabe Piano E. Williams, Forest Grove. Mrs. E. 9-tf FOR S a l e —Good milch cow. In­ quire o( E. G. Mills at Hoffman & Allen Co.’s store. 9-t2* FOR RENT—Place for rent and not for sale. Residence in Forest Grove on A street, good 10 room house and bam, only one block from public school. Ind. Phone 282, Hillsboro. 9-t2 FOR SALE—Good 7 room house outside city limits. Pantry and Fruit house. Lot, 1 acre. Good Orchard and Barn. Furniture goes with the F or R e n t —Small ranch. Write place. Price S1800; easy terms. T. H. Littlehales, Forest Grove, Ore. 46. D. Pierce, Gales Creek, Ore., phone No. 32 Ind. Gales Creek. 9-tf F arm F or S a l e —On account of death I offer my farm of, 119 acres, FOR SALE— Dry Fir wood. for sale at $85 per acre. Three and a Doane, Forest Grove. Ind. half miles north of Forest Grove. 5453. C. Jaspers. Owner. 51-2m Will Haney and Minnie Thatcher were married last Wednesday. A re­ ception was given at the home of the groom last Friday night. The young —Chase St Sanborn Coffees always Wood Sawing FOR S a l e —Good 7 room house people live in Thatcher and are highly the best. Hoffman St Allen Co. ex­ close to car line $1100. T. H. Little ! Wood sawed on short notice; small respected. The Thatcher boys did clusive agents. hales, Forest Grove, National Bank orders promptly filled. Residence on not slight the young married couple. Ill —Buy Tipless Electric Lamp Bldg. corner First Ave. and Fourth street. They brought all kinds of noisy rattle burners at V. S. Abraham. 9-3t WANTED— Housekeeper for family *n1 m m A <- I* tie n ta tafeen --------------------- .... *p. Uü - w i t h o u t jb c h a a r r g g s e , . tu I n 4hs lb s A k»nd«o.T!»Iv niiwtnUH » » U T - L’ t C f s • e n fiatoti o f a n y » e te n tlflc V*nrr.m ' yen r: f '..r m o n th s, IL g u id b ja H I* * Z u MUNK S Co "'-— ifflP B ruch u m «. m r s t.. W M Í I M '»