There is every indication of a most cordial co-operation on the part of the commercial bodies of Oregon and Washington in advancing the interests of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, and in every other movement having for its purpose the upbuilding of the North Pacific Coast. An evidence of this is a recent interchange of visits by the active officers of commercial bodies in Portland. Seattle, Tacoma and other 4 Northwestern cities. Co-operation of the same character exists between the livestock associations of the different sections, and through their working in harmony there is assurance that, begin- nmg with the first meeting this Fall. the finest horses from the best stables of the entire country will participite in the events planned for Oregon, Wash­ ington and Idaho. One of the finest fruit farms in Washington county exchanged hands list week, when the Oregon Land & Trading Company sold Frans Bleid’s home place on David’s Hill to J. C. Mackrodt of Peru. Illinois. Consider­ ation 86000. We understand that Mr. Bleid and family are to make their home in Portland. We are sorry to lose this family as they have done much in the twenty years they have lived on David’s Hill to prove that the ( hill lands surrounding Forest Grove can produce the finest of (ruit. The United Chambers of Commeice of Japan have extended an invitation to the representative business men of the cities along the Pacific Coast to participate in an excursion which will leave San Francisco on September 25th. Those preferring to go by an­ other route, however, will join the party in Japan. The entire trip will consume about three months, and the visitors will see the famous chrysan­ themums at their best. David Mobley, who has been work­ ing in the harvest fields with Gordon Brown in Franklin county, Wn., had a leg broken above the knee, by a derrick falling on it. Gordon cared for his friend for two weeks, and he is now at a farmer s home there. He will return to Forest Grove as soon as able and take up his studies when college opens. — Dr C. L. Large reports a son weighing nine pounds born to the wife of W. F. Stockman, here last Saturday. Parties wishing the attendance of Dr. Large in this class of cases, will great­ ly oblige him, if convenient, by en- gaging his service two or three months prior to the- expected event. Dr. Large has both phones. J. T. Shannon is home on a visit, having just completed a Condenser for the Pacific Milk Company at Monroe, Wash. At the grand open- ing 2300 people were present and a royal time was had under the aus- pices of the Commercial Club. PUBLIC SALES ! / Public Sale T h e House that is Satisfied O n ly W h e n You Fire The undersigned will sell at public auction on the premises, known as the Tim Thompson place, l i miles south of Gaston, on CANTON PLOWS Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1908 Sale begins at 10 a. m. The fol­ lowing described property: Triumph sulky plow 14 inch, 2 Chill walking plows, 2 drag harrows one nearly new, disk harrow, cultivator, Studebaker wagon 3J inch heavyi Bajn ,igh, 3 inch wagoni nearly new top buggY) 2 sets double harne3S> 4 sets plow h„ . nesSi D,at(orm scale. finning min< bay fork complete nearly new, set bnggy harness, 5 milk cans, 4 stands bees, McCormick binder 1 year’s wear.mower, hay rack, tedder. Van Buran disk drill, some household furniture, and other things too numerous to mention, 1 bay horse weight 1200, brown horse weight 1200, team gray mares weight 1300, gray horse and gray mare 1300, l o se colt 1 year and pass, 14 milk cows most all to freshen this fall, 5 yearling heifers, 3 yearling steers, sow and 10 shoats, Holstein and Jersey bull 2 years’ old. Terms ot Sale: All sums of 810 and less, cash. On sums of over 810 6 months time will be g ven on notes bearing 7 per cent in­ terest from date with approved se­ curity. Two per cent off for cash on sums over 810. Free lunch at noon. H arry T u r n e r , Owner. J. W. Hughes, Geo. F. Naylor, Auctioneer. Clerk. The Canton plow is the only disc plow that w ill give perfect satisfaction on all kinds of land, and we can prove it. We have already sold a number of these plows this tail and can cite you to numerous ' satisfied users. Ranges and Heaters W e carry the largest stock of Ranges and Heaters west of Portland. W e sell on the installment plan at prices that are lower than the other fellow’s cash price. T in need of anything in the Stove Line come and see us, if not come and see us any­ way Public Sale. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Geo. V. James | place, 4 j miles Southeast of Cornelius j on Thursday, Sept 24th. 1908 At 10 o’clock, the following de­ scribed property: 4 work horses, in­ cluding sorrel mare weight 1300; bay- mare weight 1300; gray gelding weight 1450; black gelding weight 1250; 2 year old brown gelding, 3 brood sows and 16 pigs three months old, 9 shoats weigl t from 80 to 150 pounds, thorougbred Poland China boar two years o'd, new Stoughton wagon 3 i inch wide tire, 3 inch wagon narrow tire, Deering binder 6 ft cut in goojl running order, 2 good 14 inch plows. Osborne spring tooth harrow, spike tooth steel harrow 60 tooth, new cider press, new Chatham fanning mi.l, new Rock Island 14 inch gang plow. Hoosier grain drill 18 disks, 4 horse equalizer, 2 hay forks 1 double and 1 single 2 ropes for hay fork 180 ft., 2 pitch forks, heating stove. 2 sets har­ ness, 8 hoise collars. Free lunch at comes to hunting butter-nose dogs I ’m noon. Terms of sale: Amounts under a poor sleuth.” At last accounts Fido «10 cash. Over ten dollars 1 years was still at large.— Argus. PAINT We give you a written guar­ antee for five years. No oth­ er dealer dares do it; therefore We pay spot cash for our Who can sell the cheapest? our Paint is the best. i il rnri p r if a u it h MASCOT UNIVERSAL M. PETERSON PERFECT CONFIDENCE Do you know how— To find quick relief from backacnr To correct distressing urinary ills- To surely cure sick kidneys? Just one way— your neighbors know— Have used Doan’s Kidney Pills; Have proved their worth in many tests. Here’s Forest Grove testimony. M J. S. T n u n b le . H r i n f in Forest G rove, O re., s*y* For some tim e I suffered from a dull ache across my loins and hip« accom panied by a deran g ed condition cl m y kidneys T hese organs w ere v ery fre q u e n t in ac tioa and I was forced to arise so m a n y tim es d u rin g the n ight to pats The secretions that m y life was a burden to m e . The trouble grew worse a rd I g rad u a lly ran down In h ealth . I saw D oan’s K idney Pills so h ig h ly advertised th at I decided to try them and pro cu red a t r * I noticed a g rea t cha n g e in my condition after a s h o r tim e and a fte r ta k in g the contents of th e first bos. I felt u n u su ally w ell. D oan's K tdney F ills h a v e m y recoin r.e n d a tio a as a kidney rem edy u n e s c e llo d .’' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name— Doan’s and take no other. famed "Golden Medical Discovery,” for the cure of weak stomach, indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver, er biliousness and kindred derangements was first made, as It ever sinie has been, without a particle of alcohol in its malre-up. A glanceVgxtfcf full list of Its Ingredi­ ents, printed ' v A 1 >v bottle-wrapper, will show that It Is hiaAe from the most valuable medicinal roois\found growing In our American foresaw All these In- SON, FOREST GROVE, OREGON ■ A CLERK’S BLUNDER. „Oregon „ Its Effact Upon the Fortunes of Our Revolutionary War. Miss Ethel Fortune of Portland took time at 6 Per cent with apProved se‘ — We always pay the highest price | T he element of chance as exem pli­ charge of Miss Kirkwood’s Millinery c ^ ty' Sums over 2 per cent dis- fied In the blunder of a copyist had an count for cash. | for wool and mohair. Bailey. Store last week| Miss Kirkwood will Important bearing on the result of our HENRY MEYER, Owner, 1 — New stock of latest Ladies’ Home j war for Independence. As Is well take a rest for a few months. She ex­ f . L. Geiger, J. W. Hughes, Journal dress patterns at Bailey’s Big I known, the crisis of the m ilitary lie- pects to spend a part of the coming j tween G reat Britain and the revolting Clerk Auctioneer. Store. winter in California. colonies was reached when General — Be sure to take advantage of the Burgoyne's cam paign was planned In Mrs. L. C. Trites of Gales Creek, | Notice. ’ Mid-Summer Clearance Sale now on at London. T h e object w as to strike a has returned from Portland where she treraendons blow at the center of the Hoffman & Allen Co.’s store. Revolution. T he British forces were has been visiting with Mrs. J. Cook, j T° Whom This May Concern: We, the undersigned, have had the to take possession of the M ohawk and Mrs. Cook returned with Mrs. Trites The Story o f a Medicine. Hudson valleys by a concentric march and will be at her home in Gales Creek clover huller belonging to Crop Broth­ It* name—"Golden Medical D iscover.* from Lake Champlain. O sw ego and ers under W. H. Lyda’s management was suggested by one of its most import­ New York on converging lines toward tor two weeks. I hull our clover and are glad to say that ant and valuable ingredients — Goldeu Albany. T h e ascent o f the Hudson by Mrs. Wm. Thatcher and son, who | Seal root. Sir W illiam H ow e’s arm y was essen­ ^o the fastest and cleanest work of Nearly forty years ago. Dr. Pierce dis* have been visiting with Mrs 'That~ { ! tial to the success of a scheme b.v covered that he could, by the use of pure, cher’s daughter, Mrs. O. S. Higbv any machine we ever saw. Any one triple-refined glycerine, aided by a cer­ which N ew England waa to be cut off since April, have returned to their wanting clover hulled will make no tain degree of constantly maintained as by a wedge from the southern colo­ home in Omaha, Nebraska. mistake by getting them to do their beat and with the aid of apparatus and nies. appliances designed for that purpose, ex­ Orders were sent out from I.ondon work. tract from our most valuable native me­ for the advance of Burgoyne's and St. dicinal roots their curative properties Leger’s forces from Canada. At first C. B. C a m pb ell , much better than by the use of alcohol, Sir W illiam H ow e was merely Inform W m . W e s t e n . 10-t2 so generally employed. So the now world- Forest Grove People Have Gcot Reason for Complete Reliance. yB fe § l goods and pay no rent. ed of the plan and was armed with discretionary powers, hut finally a dis­ patch was drafted positively ordering him to co-operate In the movement from New York. A British clerk made a hasty and very careless copy of the dispatch, which the minister. Lord George Ger malne. found great difficulty In read Ing He an grily reprimanded the cul­ prit and ordered a fresh copy to he made without flaw or erasure. Being pressed for tim e snd anxious for a holiday, laird G eorge posted off to the country without w aiting for the fresh copy. T h e m ilitary order was laboriously copied In the clerk's heat hand, hut when It was finished the minister w as not there to sign It. It was pigeon holed and overlooked when he returned and w as not sent to Am erica until long afterward. Howe, being left with full j discretion, allowed him self to he draw n Into m ilitary operations against W ash­ ington's arm y near Philadelphia. Bur- goyne'a array waa entrapped, cut off from retreat and forced to aurrender at Saratoga. Tbua the fortunea of the R evolution­ | ary war turned upon the carelessness | of s British c le g k .-C h ic a g o Record- Herald. _ Miss Manche Langley, the versatile local editor of the Forest Grove Times, wis in town Saturday, accompanied by a beautiful liver colored doggie, which was presented to her by an admiring (riend. The dog, however, was prone •redientsJiave . V. - ■ ■ ■ » ” - ‘ received, the ¿iroiutcsta.^- ntTrom In to wander, much to the owner’s dis­ ten.-. •m« teAcIieh M cuuw w h o r p r fim r r>m1 m thA Mçdon w gust. so a false friend told her to smear the purp’s nose with oleomargarine, Go[d‘-il MiiiicaL Discovery" Is S d v i^ T A uttleuooK of these endorsements and it would not leave her. On the been compiled by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., and will be mailedI frm to occasion of her visit to Hillsboro, Miss any one asking same by postal card, or Langley greased Fido’s nose plentifully letter addressed to the lloctor as above. From these endorsements, copied from with expensive creamery food, but still standard medical books of all the differ­ ent schools of practice, it will tie found the dorg would stray While at dinner that the ingredients composing the "Gold­ Misti cal Discovery* here, the canine vanished completely, en only for the cure of the above mentioned but al«o for the cure of all ca­ and the owner asked obliging John diseases, tarrhal. bronchial and throat affections, Vanderwahl to hunt it up for her, accompanied with catarrhal discharge-, hoarsen««, sore throat, lingering, or promising John "a nice puff in the hang-on-cotighs. and all those wasting affections which, if not promptly and Times” for his trouble. After collar­ properly treated are liable to terminate ing three dogs, and narrowly escaping in consumption. Take Dr Pierce's Dis­ covery in time and persevere in its use trouble with the owners, John threw up until you give It a fair trial and It is not likely to disappoint. Too much must not the sponge, and in apologizing for his he expected of it. It will not perform It will not cure consumption failure, said: ‘‘I’m all right on fire- miracles. In its advanced stages. No medicine will. insurance, Miss Manche, but when it It trill cure the aff'-etions that lead up to consumption, 1/ token in time. J Builders A r e you d o in g w h a t y o u c a n to p o p u la te y o u r stale? OREGON NEED.5 PEOPLE—Settlers, honest farmers mechanics merchants, clerks, people with brains, strong hands and a willing heart—capital or no capital. Southern Pacific Co— Lines in Ore. is sending tons of Oregon literature to the East (or distribution through every available agency. Will you not help the good work of building Oregon bv sending us the names and addresses ol vour friends who are likely to be interested in this state? We will be glad to bear the expense ol sending them complete in­ formation about OREGON and its opportunities COLONIST TICKETS • b OCTOBER from the East to all points in Oregon. The lares front the principal cities are $30 00 From Louisville $41 From Denver . “ Cincinnati 42 “ Omaha . . . 30 00 “ Cleveland 44 “ Kansas City 30 00 “ New'York 55 “ St. Louis . . 35 50 “ Chicago . . 38 00 TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID. II you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon, deposit the proper amount with any ol our agents. 'I he ticket will then be lurnished bv telegraph. W. BROWN. Local Agent. Forest Grove. O f WM. M c MURPAY. General Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon Save Mone.V” Buy Direct O a r f r i c « « T al U . W • Wo »t YY h o to « .. Io W e t t . » r i t . f* .r o«» Windows, Doors, Hearil w II - )S S L - C )« . L e t T H E NEW S do your job work We guarantee good workmanship good atock and moat reaaonaole price*. We print everything. m re, I <- rnts 87 6rtnd h i., PCRÍLAND, 0RE6, — White River Flour made ol beat Oregon wheat lor sale at Ba - Blg Store. ^7-tl Eastern E I