was registered at the Leabo hotel Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dempsey were Link Hill of Gaston was in our town out from Portland Sunday visiting yesterday. friends. Frank Meresse was over to Oregon Miss Martha Holmes, editor of this City Sunday. year’s Index, was visiting Miss Prin. Bates has returned from a trip Templeton. to Mt. Hood. Mrs. Will Van Dorn of David’s Kill, Mr. and Mrs. Weatherford were in has been visiting Miss Stella Via a few Portland Saturday. days this week. Rolla Peterson was in Portland Fri­ Mrs. Bertha Schaffer and mother day and Saturday. have returned from a two weeks’ out- Mr. 0 . Brown was in Portland for outing at Soda Springs. the day last Monday. Mrs. J. Weatherford left Tuesday Frank Meresse was in the Rose city day for Roseburg, where she will spendl Sunday of this week. a month with her parents. Mrs. Henry Wirtz spent Saturday Miss Bess Ott was visiting at the J. and Sunday in Portland. K. Sear’s home in McCoy, for several Max Crandall, assessor-elect, was in days the first of the week. Forest Grove Wednesday. Miss Belle Denny returned from M r. J, C. Latta and son Rosco Eugene Monday, where she has been visiting the past two weeks. were in Portland over Sunday. \ Miss Mable Watkins of Olympie, Mrs. 0 . S. Higby was in Portland Wash., is visiting her mother, Mrs. for a couple of days last week. Mrs. J. M. Garrison and children re­ Mary Watkins in South Park. THE CITY BROWN’S S t a t e m e n t of th e C o nd ition of F /R ST NATIONAL BANK P O H B 8 T O R O V B , OREOOIN FIVE. At Gall of the Comptroller, July 15, 1908 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Cash on hand due from Banks and U. S. Treas $53,099.31 Deposits ..............$118,303.30 Capital paid in .......... 25,000.00 gu ......................io.000.00 United States Bonds. .25,000.00 2 51 Prem.umsCU S Bonds) ..8 2 5 .0 0 Undivided profit,. . . - .2.238.31 Bonds and Securities. .20,358.25 Circulation......................25.000.00 Loans and discounts .74,532.33 Furniture and Fixtures.3,443.80 Real Estate................... 3,282.92 Total $ 180 , 541.61 Total * ¡M AR K School Shoes $ 180 , 541.61 Correct Attest: R. M. DOOLY. President M PETERSON, Vice President D. I. ALLER. Cashier r REGISTERED. School opens Monday, September 21, and yru’ll net d to have a pair of the best shoes on earth— the Brown sh je. PRETTY AS Miss Bertha Williams is home from AS APICTURE Long Beach, where she spent most cl is an expression the summer. one often hea.-s. Miss Lueila Markee is back in The picture re­ ferred to must be Hughes’ telephone office, after a Y r one of our week’s vacation. Howard Edmunds, who managed the PHOTOGRAPHS Miss Essie Baker of McMinnville, turned from Newport yesterday. Tillamook baseball team that played for they make the Mrs. Eva Derby spent Saturday in has been visiting with her grandmother’ here Sunday, was a former student of prettiest pictures Mrs. S. A. Hunter for a week. Portland with her son Howard. Tualatin Academy. you can imagine, j Ex-mayor Johnson was in town Moi - Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Moore were in Let us make some Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shively and day making some final arrangements of you, so your | Portland on business on Tuesday. little baby of Portland, are out at friends can have | for starting hop picking today. Commissioner John McClaran of “ drandpa” M. Peterson's ranch east of something to re­ Mrs. Harry Goff and son Willis went this city, rusticating for a few days. Gales Creek was in town yesterday. mind them of you to Newport Monday to spend a couple as you look vour Pres. Ferrin and family have re­ Without doubt the game between ol weeks with Mrs. Thomas Roe. best. We don’t j turned from their trip to Mt. Hood. the Colts and the All Star St. John’s care how hard a 1 Raleigh Walker returned from New­ team of the Tri City league next Mon­ — Buy Tipless Electric Lamp subject you think < port Monday, having closed a success­ burners at V. S. Abraham's. 9-3t day on the local grounds will be you are. We have j ful season with his dance pavilion. made good por-1 the fastest matinee of the season. Mesdarres John Wittz and J. C. — Dr. Lowe, the optician,, will be in traits of people j Litta were Portland visitors Saturday. Miss Farnham returned to the Grove Forest Grove Sept, 10, 11 and to nocn twice as difficult Monday, after spending three months Miss Veda Sappington of Tillamook, of 12. 7-t3 to take as you are. in Boston and other parts of the East is visiting Mrs. Floyd Loomis for a few Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Prideaux of Port­ Bryant's Studio days. .j land spent Sunday in this city with Mrs. Rogers, who went East with her, C. 0 . Roe was in Portland Saturdai, Mrs. Prideaux’s mother, Mrs. Sorenson. is expected to arrive home in a few days. — Buy Tipless Electric Lamp and found time to witness the bail Will Kopple returned from Coos burners at V. S. Abraham. 9-3t Mr. Hoffman of Hoffman, Allen & game. Bay last Saturday where he has been . . . Co., presented this office with a box of FOR RENT—Small ranch. Write O. W. Humphrey of this city, has playing ball with the Marshfield team. b :en engaged to teach the Thatcher Mrs. J. C. Latta will go to Mt. An­ Flash. It is an antiseptic hand clean­ D Pierce, Gales Creek, Ore., phone er and certainly does its work well, No. 32 Ind. Gales Creek. 9 tf school. gel, Oregon, next Monday with her son tiking off the ink and grease like | Supt. H. H Stuart of the condenser, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Park of Port Rosco, who will attend the Catholic . raiKlc- | and wife left Saturday for a sea voyage land were greeting friends in the Grove school for boys there. A special meeting of the M. M. S. down the coast of California. They Monday. Mrs. Wm. Johnson and children of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Johnson ol Eton, Wash., are visiting at the home will be held at the home of Miss will stop at the principal cities and will Fern Hill Farm were seen in town of Bertha Leabo. Mrs. Johnson was Amanda and Dorothy Boldrick, North be gone about three weeks, Mr. Stu- Mount on the afternoon of SeDt. 10th. art’s mother of Minneapolis, is here Tuesday. formerly Miss Bessie Beauchamp of All members are requested to be ( during their absence, Chas. Smith of Portland spent Sun­ Forest Grove. preient. . j The ladies of the office are the re -1 day in the Grove with his sister, Miss Over the Jerico Road, and Inciden­ Messrs. Dooly, McArthur and Me- cipiants of a sample of Chase and San- Ivy Smith. tal Lessons will be Mr. Sias’ theme at Pherson, and Misses Buenerand Hume burn’s coffee which HoffmaD & Allen Claud Gatch of Salem, the Nationa at the Christian chapel next Sunday of Portland drove out from that city Co. are giving to the first fifty ladies Bank Examiner, was in the city night. Morning theme, Salutory Faith, Sunday in an automobile, and were calling at their store. The delicious yesterday. Elements, Rewards. pleasant guests at Banke* Dooly’s home flavor of this coffee is retained indefi­ Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nourse and Second avenve. Eaton Tullin, a chemist of Pullman, nitely in tightly covered cans. Wash., has been here several days test­ granddaughter, Frances Woods, and A card from John H. Baker, from Miss Estella Stearns, who attended Mrs. Eva Derby and granddaughter, ing milk. Portland, states that he and his wife Pacific University last year and has Fern Goodemote, will go to Newpcrt are at the home of their daughter, hav­ many friends here, will attend the Uni­ Miss Maud Shannon returned hon e Saturday, (or several days’ outing. ing gone to that city for treatment, j versity of Oregon this year, where she Monday altet a month's vacation, spet l FOR SALE— Dry Fir wood. L. L. He asks that The News be sent him at Seaview'. will enter as a Sophomore. Her Doane, Forest Grove. Ind. phone for he is lonesome. mother will be matron at the boys’ 5453. 8-t4 A. C. Brackenbury of McMinnville, It was the intention of last week’s dormitory, a position she has just been News to state that Lair Gregory was elected to fill. visiting in Portland instead of here as Mrs Wm ^ who hw been viji,. COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF DEPOSITS the type had it, however, he made | ing h„ niece> Mrs Mary Ralston ^ good this week and spent the day with 1 M » r. 2 2 . 1 9 0 7 the past three weeks, went to Portland Forest Grove Forest Grove, ; friends here yesterday. $ 4 4 . 2 2 3 .1 7 | yesterday on her way to San Francisco [ National Bank May 20, 1907 $89.822.17 Oregon A u g u it 22, 1907 $ 130 . 722.92 D ecem ber 3, 1907 $ 1 6 0 ,3 7 2 .4 6 February 14, 1908 $ 1 H S , 3 2 - 4 .0 0 M A Y 14, 1908 $ 2 4 Q ,5 3 3 . 0 4 JULY IS , I «» oh $ 279 , 165.08 R ound T r ip t o [K L A M A T H F A L L S Is a Very L o w Rate Fro m l\ir il: m d W«> will take a Urge crowd of enthusiastic Uu-mcss men an«l investors on this popular exeumion, leaving Portland on tlie Southern Pacific, Sunday M orning, Sept. 6th Tickets will lie limited to Ik-tober 4. giving you lots of time to thoroughlv investigwte the Klamath Hasin, one of Oregon's most I'lMsis-mus and growing eonnini'iitieie— fish to your heart's content on Klamath laki—and visit Orv- got.'• (treat«>st Natural Wonder CRATER LAKE Round trip tn ket. Klamath Kails to Crater Lake, $17, including expenses —limit three day*. Tram leaves Portland l:,'«» a. m.. Sunday. N>pteint*-r 8 There will he a special Pullman ear to Wee«I for this party Pullman rate $4 00, including night in ear at Weeit Passengers may enter ear anv time after 9:30 Saturday night. For particular«, rail at City Ticket Otfic«\ 3d ami Washington Sts, W m . M c M u rra y , (1. P. ,4., l\t r t \a n d Archie Bryant, of the studio, has presented The News with one of the most handsome calendars for 1909 we have ever seen. The subject is “ Hel­ en” and was painted by Abbey Altson, one of the well-known artists. V.S. A brah am IW where she will spend the coming win- ter. She will meet her son in Port­ land who has been in there for three months past. T he C orner S to r e Off t o t h e W e are well fixed to take care of your every need in the way of Camp Supplies, Fishing Tackle, Cuns, Riñes and Amuniticm W e carry in stock the following rifles and guns 2 2 C A L. FROM * 1 .7 5 TO * 1 2 .0 0 25 cal. Stevens, 25-20 Winchester 30-30 Winchester 32 special Win­ chester, 25-35 Winchester; 30-30 Savage, 30-30 lightweight f avage 30-30 Remington autom atic. L. C. Smith, Stevens, Parker, Baker and other makes of shot­ guns. In fact all kinds of Guns and Rifles that you can get any­ where and at the same price you would pay for them in Portland. GOFF BROS. HARDWARE FOREST GROVE, OREGON Frank Fletcher, who has been . __ ,■__ . . T “ !, spending his vacation over on the Wil- - F o r more than 19 years Dr son River, is home for a few days be-1 Lowe, the optician, has made a spec- fore going for a big hunt and then to iilty of fitting glasses to children. Whitman college, where he is promi­ Have your child’s eyes tested before it nent in all student body affairs. N ext! j starts to school. Consult him Sept, j spring Frank will manage the track 10, 11, and 12 to noon. team and he has a brilliant outlook fer Miss Laura Smith of this city, and a good team. W A S H IN G T O N A N D T E N T H S T R E E T S W. L. Park of Portland, were quiet y - —' 11 — PORTLAND, OREGON I married by Rev. Poole at the parsonage , . . . . . v ’ u; u i . a 1 have ,he *Kency for the AutofiUer WRITE FOR CATALOG in Vancouver. Wash., last Saturday | - S e lf KiHing .Self Cleaning Fountain _%The School that Placrg You in a Good ]'o»\t\on ! afternoon. Mrs. Park is well known Pen. A lw a y s W rite s in Forest Grove where she has many A i m a y R e a d y Come in and see them . T hey s re w ith out a doubt friends. the beat se lt filling p en on the m arket today. W a r­ ranted by both m an u fa c tu re r and retailer. Su™ ,,Ph1vsici.a n, *no - T h e top - rice at Bailey’, for you. A . M . V E IN E N Mrs. H. Hatfield, who has been burgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap- Wool anH Mo’’iir pliances in office. Calls answered Mof.i». spending the summer with her mother, night or day. Mrs. A. Jackson, left today for her —Chase & Sanborn Coffees a', -ays — We’ll buy your wool and mohair. [ Try Schultz’s ground bone for the best. H ffman & Allen Co. ex* home in Silver Bell, Arizona. Mr. Bring it in. Bailey. your hens. It will make them lav. elusive agents. Hatfield will join her in Los Angeles and they will spend a few days there \ before going home. EDW ARD SEYM OUR A. B. THOM AS Sec. fand M gr. Art B. Caples has opened a neat es- P r*3 U te n t state office in the Forest Grove Nation­ al Bank building. He has quite a l rge amount of property already listed and expects in a short time to have anything wanted by a prospective buy­ er at a nominal price. ( I N C O R P O R A T F .I ) Wm. Muir, who recently sold h i farm near Dilley, purchased the Chas. Mertz property on Pacific avenue last week, through the Oregon Land & Trading Company. Mr. Mu» expects to remodel the house in the near B o th T e le p h o n e s F o r e s t G r o v e , O re g o n future for a rooming house. LME& BUSINESS COLLEGE Oregon Land and Trading Company FARM and GITYPROPERTY