W ashington vi FOREST G RO VE, WORK RESUMED I ON P. R. & N. ROAD C A T H O LIC M IS S IO N C LO S E S Audience Hears Last Joy In Tllhmooh Over Harrmau’s 1 1 — - lo i.iiish Ruad to This City. CREWS BEGAN TUESOAY CO .. O R E ., Library Board Elec s Officers. its month­ Capital Address by Rev. E. day afternoon. \ 1 N O .^ C ITY NO T S E L L IN G O U T . were elected: President, A. G. Hoff­ On last Sunday evening the Catholic | man; vice president, Mrs. L. L. H oi Mission given at Masonic Hall by the linger; treasurer, Prof. Marsh; secre­ Rev. E. C. Cantwell C. SS. R. closed tary, Mrs. A. J. Folsom ; librarian with an immense audience in attend­ Mrs. Sanford. In the report it was ance. Every available seat wa? o ccu ­ stated that 329 books had been circu pied and the »pace in the rear of the hall was crowded to the doors with lated during the past month. There those who could not find seats. In have been 55 new books added from Winter. the Catholic Church’ s attitude toward McClures, Everybody’ s, Life, St. Nick- the Public School. T h e principal ad- olas, Scribners and the Saturday Even­ to Tillamook at on ce. Crews were assembled Tuesday and tlr« s of the evening was "T h e True ing Post. It was decided to keep the library The remarks of the lecturer the work started on that day. The Church.” open from 9 to 1 1 a . m., and 1 :3 0 ' to were followed by the audience with Oregonian of Tuesday has the follow­ of the P. R. fir N. R.R. close attention and no doubt made a 5 p. m , and 6:3 0 to 7:30 p. m. “ Three mi'lion dollars will be spent favorable impression on their minds. H E R OW N As on the other evenings the lec- O R EG O N H O LD IN G • i gompleting the project. Over $1,- ,000 has been spent already on ture was preceded by a solo rendered Increases in Lumber Production tools and by one of the ladies of Forest Grove the road. Construction While Many Other States followed by a hymn sung by a number .machinery for diiving tunnels ar.d ing to say on the subject: grading are on the ground and work­ of young ladies of the Verboort parish. It is the sincere hope of Catholics men are in close touch with contrac­ Fall Off. Washington, Sept. Attorney General A. M 3 .— Figures of pretation of the law by Concern W;s Asked to Buy City’s Plant Is Denied. State Game The city of Hillsboro has bet n Warden R. O. Stevensen of this city. negotiating with the Portland Railway T h e decision holds that it is unlaw­ Light and Power company for the sale ful to kill deer pursued by dogs, con­ of its Electric Light and Water Works trary to the com m on belief that deer plant. Representatives of the former could be hunted with dogs during the company have been to Hillsboro and open season which opinion ex-State on Tuesday night of last week they Warden Baker held. A misconstruc­ offered the city council $14,500 tion has been placed on the law and it for the entire system. The propo­ nas been the com m on thing for hunt­ sition was turned down. ers to use dogs when killing deer. B. S. Josselyn, president of the Following is a copy of a letter sent Portland company, denies that his out to various wardens throughout the company has made any overtures to state advising them concerning the re­ Hillsboro but states that the managers cent decision: of the plants at Hillsboro and Forest WARNING TO HUNTERS Grove have tried several times to sell As the impression, that it is legal to their plants to the Portland company kill deer pursued by dogs during the but they had each time turned the open season, has gone forth, I wish to proposition down. H e further states: state that in accordance with a decision “ Because Mr Sykes went out there on rendered by the Attorney General, it is his own account the story was staited unlawful to kill deer pursued by dogs, that the Portland company had made at any time of the year, and that the an effort to secure the plant. T h ere’ s law in regard to the same will be rigid­ nothing in the report whatever.” ly enforced. As far as can be learned here none R. O. S t e v e n s o n , of the councilm en nor any one else in State Game and Forestry Warden. authority have ever made the Portland Railway, Light Died any offers to and sell Power company or lease the city’ s Mrs. Mary Jarmin, aged 81 years, com ­ that the mission has been the means of the lumber cut in 1907 com piled by plants or any one else. bringing to those j the Bureau of the Census and the For- died this morning at 8:30, after being est is Mr. Lytle, president of the road, who attended a better and more inti- 1 est Service showed the largest total confined to her bed for three months. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. Four years ago she came here with that work will continued all Winter, so mate understanding of Catholic d og ­ ever reported in the United States, ex­ — Buy Tipless Electric Lamp Many subjects of ceeding by over seven per cent the husband from Osceola, Nebraska. Mr. that the line may be com pleted as matic teaching. burners at V. S. Abraham’ s. 9-3t Jarmin died three years ago. She was much importance could not be treated soon as possible. cut reported for 1906, until then the Col. Haynes, who has been spend­ Orders to resume open, ons on the in the few lectures given and therefore record year. This does not neces­ a member of the Methodist Episcopal ing a few weeks in Utah returned church. Funeral will be held Saturday anyone wishing to make further inquir­ Tillamook road, which, when com ­ sarily show a larger actual cut than to Forest Grove Tuesday. pleted, will be a feeder of the Harri ies concerning the teachings of the ever before. The figures themselves or Sunday. Following children survive: Mrs. A. Miss Lepha Ha ^'ey of Amity, was man system, are the result of the re­ Catholic Church may communicate disclose some interesting facts, cent visit of Jules Kruttschnitt to the v.ith Father Ke.tenhofen at Verboort | In 1907. 2 8 ,8 “;o mills made returns, G. Hoffman, and Mrs. M. S. Allen of visiting friends here Monday. She tors so that actual operations m enced Tuesday. So much in earn­ doing much good, I I Tillamoo k district, and his conference who will be more than pleased to give and their production was over 40 bil- this city; W. H . Jarmin of Corvallis; J. 'with Mr. Harriman at Pelican Bav, any information on any subject of in­ lion feet of lumber. This is believed P. Jarmin of Spokane; Geo. Jarmin of which was com pleted Monday. Wi.ile terest touching the Catholic religion. to include 95 per cent of the actual Decatur, III.; John Jarmin of Stanley, Father Kettenhofen wishes to extend Mr. Lytle has been persistently work­ cut. In 1903, 22,398 mills reported N. D .; Mrs. S. A. Richm ond of East Jordan, Michigan. to all who have so generously aided by ing for the resumption of construction about 37J billion feet. Since accord­ their personal efforts or otherwise to and the early com pletion of the pro­ ing to these figures nearly 29 per cent Died. ject, he has had many obstacles to make the mission the success it was more mills reported last year than the Silas A. Bowers, aged 80 years, died fight ¿because of the lack of money his heartfelt gratitude. year before, while the increase in pro­ at the home of his daughter Mrs. Belle available during the past few months duction was only a little over seven Haines of this city Sunday and was in­ or n ilr o id building. H e has kept hammering away, however, until he per cent, it might be thought that the terred in the Forest View cemetery actually manufactured must Monday. H e was born in New York The fifth annual reunion of the ,. succeeded in arousing sufficient in­ l , j T, . „ , ave been greater in the earlier year. state and came to this city 20 years Hicks-Hoyt families was held at H ills­ terest in Mr. Harriman to dispatch j This, however, would be a tco hasty ago. H e was a skillful wood worker, boro, at the home of W. R. Hoyt, Julius Kruttschnitt, director of mainte­ inference, for it is almost wholly among and was wont to turn out wooden vases Saturday and Sunday, August 29 and nance and operation of the Harriman mills of small individual output that and other things that wfere delicate and 30. tyst’e m, to Tillamook to look over the the gain in the number of establish­ beautiful. Besides his daughter here This organization is a western branch territory and report to him whether or ments reporting has been made. he leaves another daughter, Mrs. Ida of the parent organization of Ohio, not to continue the Lytle line this A classification of the returns by Burtis in New York. which has held annual reunions for 35 states and regions throws additional * years. New Clothing Store. Mr. Krut tschnutt’ s report to his light on the situation. Individual The occasion was observed by the M. J. Benjamin of Portland, has changes, as for example the remark­ c h ie fiit appears, was of the most glow­ attendance of thirty eight members ing nature in regard to the traffic pos able rise of Texas from eighth to third rented the building on the Naylor cor­ and three invited guests. »¡bifides in the Tillam ook country place among the lumber-producing ner and is having it refitted for a cloth­ At a business meeting held on Sat­ His enthusiam so affected Mr. Harri­ states, are doubtless accounted for ing store. . Mr. Benjamin expects to urday afternoon officers for the ensuing man that the latter ordered the work primarily by the greater accuracy of have his store opened by next Tues­ year were elected as follows: President, resumed at once and pushed to com the 1907 figures; but in the majority day and will have a full line of M en’ s. L. M. H oyt; Vice President, F. E. pleticn. .That Mr. Kruttschnitt’ s of cases the advances and declines Boys’ and Children’ s clothing. Hicks; Secretary, Mrs. W. R. H oyt; recommendation in the matter would can be traced to specific influences. John Caples Sr., who ran a general Assistant Secretary, Mrs. W. A. Hicks; % followed was a foregone conclusion, Before the year closed the general merchandise store in this city for years, Treasurer, Miss Arah C. Hoyt. for he is known to be a keen judge of business depression was severely felt in and at other places in the Northwest At six o ’ clock the reunion dinner traffic that will be developed by a new the lumber industry. It was not, during the early days, received a was served, and if any one went away fine and he almost invariably consulted hungry it was not for lack of good import,nl cause of | cou Ple ° f dollar* "c o n sc ie n c e ” money by Mr. Harriman when new construc- a falling off in the production of the ' the other day from a man at a small things. The whole evening was then ti n is being planned. year where a falling off occurred. For place near Vancouver. It was over 35 given up to the best kind of a good V "We will resume work at both ends decline in production took place only years ago. says Mr. Caples, that the time, a feature of which was an enter- o ' the "M — en — — line,” ------ said Mr. Lytle. - , , , *n certain regions. The South is the converted man purchased a dollars and horses will be assembled im med- , region of greatest activity in lumber worth of goods from him and never lately and everything is in such shape , readm* s' e ,c - membe" present. productioili and yeiiow pine the most came around with the coin. H e has There were in attendance Mr. and •that actual operations will be started important wood, forming 33 per cent turned over a new leaf and sent an Mrs. W. R. Hoyt, Misses Eula and Tuesday of the entire cut of the country. The order for two dollars to make amends Arah Hoyt, Mrs. L. M. Hoyt and “ We will work all our forces as late cut of yellow pine reported shows g for his wrong. Mr. Caples savs that children of Hillsboro, Mr. Hoyt being this Win er as possible. M uch can be increase of 13 per cent over that of about six months ago he received ten away in the East; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. shed before heavy rains set in, 1906. In the early part of the year cents from a fellow living in Idaho Kirkwood and family from Mazapil, Hy if we have a late Fall. But many of the southern mills cut so who had "sw iped” only a cracker over M e x e o , and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. atioas will be continued through­ heavily that, in spite of the curtailed twenty years ago. out th e 'W in te r, for there is much Hoyt and family of Forest G rove; Mr output which followed the business j Mrs. Stephen Morgan injured her work - to be done that can be ac­ and Mrs. L. J. Hicks, Miss Lucile and disturbance later, the total was greater right hand last week while Uking up Mr. Claud Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. complished to advantage during the than ever before. But in both the bulbs from the garden with a hoe. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. F. E Hicks and rainy aenon W e can do d ea lin g of Lake Sutes and the Northwest a rock work, grubbing and the family’ Mr and Mrs. E - L. Anderson, smaller cut was reported than for 1906, The hand and arm swelled badly caus- cooat ruction of tunnels at any time. Treasure and Otis Anderson, of Port- though the number of mills reporting ing such intense pain that Mrs. Mor- gan was confined to her bed. They There i * » u c h of all of these classes and; *nd Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hicks increased. took her to the hospital in Portland of E 3 h c t i o a to be done. and of Corbett. The invited In the Lake States the falling off J Sunday, when it was found that blood " W e « p e c t to have the Tillamook * ue,ts were Mrs. E. J. Sanford of Port­ evidenced the waning supply of white poisoning had set in. The hand was line com pleted and trains running by ,and' Mr. W m . A. Worrill of Hillsboro pine. Michigan, which for many lanced and treated and Mrs. Morgan June, l t l O . ” and Mr. C. P. Devereaux c f Eugene. years led all the states in lumber pro- ** now re,tln* e**7;_________ The fine to Tillamook has a project- T"he guests stayed all night and had duction, and then gave way to Wis- Cider Apples Wanted, ed mileage of 86 miles. At the Hills- dinner the next day at the home of L consin, sank in 1907 from fourth to I « in buy all the cider apples you ^ ^ B f the road 18J m ile, in M Hoyt continuing this most de- and 4 j miles additional of . , , seventh place, while Wisconsin went will fetch me. Will u k e them in any i been done. Over a mile ghd d ,o c c e ” iul occasion till from third to fifth. M innesou as late qeentity delivered at Cornelius. Cm um m * « P a g fii Hicks-Hoyt Reunion amount C Y tM U g brought the Tt ¿DiOO tO &D end. CMtaM oa fa« Sia. J BASE BALL THAT’S AIL in regard to following Crawford at the solicitation of an inter­ end speaker on the closing night were .o be found at the reading room: T h e pe ople of this county as well as of considerable interest to non-Cath- Pacific Monthly, Harpers Monthly, W eekly. American Boy, ^Tillamook will receive with joy, the olics. The first part of the lecture Harpers American Magazine, World’ s Work, decision of E. H . Karri man to finish was taken up with an explanation of con tra ction An important decision It was also the annual this week by election of officers and the the outside be­ the Oregon circulating library. It was cause there was no room left in the voted to give $35 to the City Council $3.00C,000 Will Be Spent in Corn- to help toward expenses. hall. Completing Project— Work Will The following list of magazines are The subjects treated bv the Rever­ A ll SEPTEM BER 3, 1908. An Important Decision. fact people stood on Continue TH U R SD A Y . and ly meeting at the reading rooms Tues­ hunting deer with dogs was given out Report that Portland B. Cantwell. îed tc W ASH IN G TO N The Library board held Large county news W. H . STRATTON. 9 -tf will not return to college this year. The Order of Eastern Star will open its meetings Monday 7. It is hoped will be there. evening, Sept. that every member Cults Tdke Easy Game Cheesumakurs, 8 SURPRISE lu HEXT Fruii 0 MONBAY Game With the All Star St. John's Team Next Monday There was nothing Sunday between to the game last the Colts and the Tillamooker’ s only for the first two or three innings when both teams went out in one, two, three order. Jones of Sheridan, a University of Michigan man, pitched for the visitors and had the locals on his list with the spit ball for a lime, but the Colts soon got to slugging and then there was no end to the clouting. The Tillamook boys would stack six or seven high and then the ball would get by them. Robinson shut them out completely score 8 to 0, and was not in a hole at any stage in the day’ s matinee game. Robbie With Sun­ has pitched 27 innings with only one man crossing the rubber, and tiiat was not an earned run. It took two bad errors to set re it. Fleming, who played Colts, made a back short for tl e thrilling play bi a one handed scoop when going at full speed and a whip to first which cann d his man. Willie couple of chances Schultz accepted a in left garden ai d made good nicely. Friday’ s married men exhibition between tl e and singles was a hur - mer with a score of 14 to 6 in favor of the bachelors. Our big mayor, Bed Laughlin tossed Word was received here this morn­ the first ball fiver the plate which was received by "P osy ” LaRue, and big ing from Po tland that Mrs. Stephen Bill Taft Doores was Johnnie at tl e Morgan is decidedly better, but not rat hole all the time with the indicator. yet out of danger. Beu, Bill and "P osey ” all got weighed Mrs. Georgia Hughes is expected before the game, lest umpire Bill home tomorrow from Newport, where might be killed in the conflict and the she has been spending two weeks w.th world would never know the total of Mrs. Thomas Roe. the trio. A kid near the scales Miss Kate Shannon will leave Satur­ guessed their weight as 1113 pounds day for H ood Rirer for a visit with and he just missed it two. But La- Miss Gladys Hartly who will spend the Course’ s big clerk took a blunderbus winter in Arizona. on to .he grounds and the players were Prof. O. M Gardner and family will very good. occupy the house on 2nd avenue and 3rd street, recently vacated Hiatt, who M oore, pitcher; Dooley, catcher (or the Colts; Russell, pitcher, formerly Frankie Clark, catcher men. Ben Kori and family. Miss Lillian Batteries: by Prof. lived in this city, will begin tr.mming for the married Anyoue havin({ rooms lQ ren, Qr ftn Monday for Miss Mane Spiescharl’ s provide ituden tl with worit for their millinery establishment board are requested notify D. J. Mrs. S. A. Hunter is back from M c ­ Taylor, - secretary Y. C. A ., cr Minnville, where she has been spend­ phone 163, Ind. * ing a part of the summer with her Gordon Brown, who has been work­ daughter, Mrs. M. A. Baker. ing in Franklin county, W n., the past Miss Maud Putman of Pullman, three months, returned to his home Wash., and Miss Alma Jelison of in the Grove Sunday and will attend Amity, Ore., were visiting with Mr college the com ing year. and Mrs. L. C. Walker two days of last — Next week, Thursday, Friday and week. “ Billie” Boos and wife left for the Saturday to noon, September 10, 11, “ Billie” and 12, Dr. Lowe, the well known Yamhill hop fields yesterday. Banks Outlaw baseball ocu lo optician, iv... be in Forest Grove team that plays Yamhill Sunday at at H otel Laughlin. Don’ t fail to have him test your eyes for glasses. 9;t2 Yamhill. The committee, which is at wo.k Rebekah lodge gave a social W ed­ may be in the nesday night after the regular busi- drawing up a new city charter, meets ness, in honor of Mrs. Foster and ever> Wednesday night in Judge Hol­ dau« hter Laura, who will soon remove lis’ office. Anyone having suggestio- s to make should submit their ideas in to The Dalles. Miss Anna Dean, who has been em ­ writing to the committee which will _____ ployed in Judge H ollis’ office this consider them. summer has accepted a position with Bagley fir Hare of Hillsboro and will do their abstracting. Mr. and Mrs. P. Millinery Opening The Paris Millinery Pariors anounce their Opening of imported and riomet- W . Cronin are in tic paterns and novelties on Tuesday their daughter, Mrs. September 15th. a id 16th. to which Norval Atkins, formerly of this city. you are cordially invited. P. W. may erect a California bungalow Miss Marie Spieshart. in the Grove on his return. Millinery Opening Mrs. Stephen Morgan was taken to I am prepared to show a new line of the Portland Sanitarium last Sunday, Portland visiting suffering hand. with blood poisoning in the hats, velvets silks ribbons astrich and Morgan went down on fancy feathers. Opening September Mr. Wednesday as she better. was getting no 16 anl following days. A- E- Dixou, Mainstreet.