S t a t e m e n t of t h e S a v e M o n e y - B u y D ir e c t O u r P r i c e s T alk. FIRST W e k ctu il a t W h o le s a le W in d o w s , D o o r s , H e a r d w a r e , P a i n t s T H E K O S S C O ., 87 Grand Are., PORTLAND, OREG. Q uicker ar.d B e tte r N ATIO N AL BANK s t a r FO R EST (1ROVE, OREGON W rit« for Ii**timat»;H on T ire s S et B R O W N ’S C o n d i t i o n of RESOURCES Gale Church from California is visit-1 ing at the Beach home where he used to live. Recorder Ireland of Hillsboro, was an j interested spectator at the ball game ; Sunday. Roy Watkins was a Portland visitor Tuesday taking in Barnum and Bailey’s Big Show. Cash on hand due from Banks and U. S. Treas $53,099.31 United States Bonds. .25,000.00 Premiums(U S Bonds). .825.00 Bonds and Securities. .20,358.25 Loans and discounts. .74,532.33 Furniture and Fixtures. 3,443.80 Real Estate.....................3,282.92 S T A B F IV E A t G d H «*/ t h e U o m p t r o / i e r , J u l y 15, 1 9 0 8 LIABILITIES Deposits...........$1 18.303.30 Capital paid in ....... 25,000.00 Surplus.......................... 10,000.00 Undivided profits..........2,238.31 Circulation....................25.000.00 R E G I S T E R E D. MARK S cho o l Shoes Total $180.541.61 Total $180.541. And Will Run Longer Without Loosen­ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Baldwin of I ing Than Is Possible When Set the Correct Attest: R. M. DOOLY, President School opens Monday, September 21, and you’ll need to Old Way. You Will Not Be Out the Portland spent Sunday with Miss Anna | D. I. ALLER, Cashier PETERSON, Vice President M Cornelius. : have a pair of the best shoes on earth—the Brown shoe. Use of Your Vehicle, as it Requires Joy But a Few Minutes to Do the Work. Wm‘ Kreider is expected home j the later part of from Marshfeild Ore No Charred Surfaces to Wear Away PLEASANT this week. “ The Wood is T h e L i'e .” and Loosed the Tire. THOUGHTS No Overdishing Wheels or Splitting Science has never vone beyond the Mrs. Bertha Schaeffer and mother Felloes or Cutting Out Too Much of are enjoying an outing at Soda Springs above simple statenn ntuf scripture. But of the surprise in The C o rn e r S to re It has illuminated tl.a »tement and the Rim. store for your j this week. given it a meaning ever broadening with The BROOKS Sets Them in a friends accompany “ S. B. Starrett is visiting with his the increasing breadth of knowledge. Mechanical and Scientific Way. photographs. You When the blood is U-d " or impure it The BROOKS COLD TIRE SET­ daughter who lives on a ranch near is not alona the body which suffers can imagine how The Dalles TER compresses the metal cold. No through disease. The brain is also pleased they will steam and watersoaked felloes to shrink Frank Allen and Alec Scott killed clouded, 'tin* mind and judgement are be to receive a :cted, a’uihruny an evil deed or impure away and loosen the tire; to burnt two deer while hunting in Scoggins picture of you t l i o i i 1 y traced to the J paint to replace. It gives just the Valley last week. looking your best. Iropimly of the l'""l. impure blood amount of dish required. For you surely will Miss Anna Johnson has returned can be made pun- ijy th- iiaii_of L>r. (The United Statrs Government home from a trip to Hood River and Fierce's G o ld in .* , . I Di-ii-oy.'ry. I t look that way in enriches a n d nnr i l i es t h e lilt'd thereby Finds the Cold Process the Best and Stevenson, Wash. our curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions and has Adopted the BROOKS at the Shops | cutaneous affections, as eczema, P h o t o g r a ph s j of the U. S. Forts and the Department \ Herchal Kreider has returned to his other tetter, or salt-rheum, hives and other ' work at Parson’s Blacksmith shop after of the Interior.) manifestations of impure blood. We are not con­ a month vacation. ® ® ® ® ® ® tent to make a 1 J. f\ McGILL, In the cure of scrofulous swellings, en­ Burdette Shipman left Tuesday even­ faithful likeness. ! ing for an extended visit to his folks larged glands, open eating ulcers, or old We aim to and do Blacksmitiiing & General Repairing sores, the "Golden Medical Discovery "has in New York state. produce portraits j performed the most marvelous cures. In FOREST GH0VE, ORE. that seem imbued Charley Walker, who was taken to cases of old sores, or open eating ulcers, We are well fixed to take care of your every need in with life, that j the hospital at Portland a couple weeks it Is well to apply to the open sores Dr. Pierce’s All-Healing Salve, which pos­ the way of bring an answer­ ago, is home again. sesses wonderful healing potency when THE CITY ing smile to the Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Giddings of used as an application to the sores In con­ pleased beholders. Portland are visiting with their aunt junction with the use of "Golden Medical Discovery " as a blood cleansing consti­ Miss. Belle Denny is visiting in Mrs. Geo. Boldrick. Bryant's Studio tutional treatment. If your druggist Eugene. Mrs. James Montague of Norton, don't happen to have the "All-Healing Claud Smith spent Sunday in Mc- Kansas, has been visiting the past Salve" in stock, you can easily procure it by inclosing fifty-four cents In postage I week with Mrs. A. Jackson. Minnville. stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, «13 Main St., We carry in stock the following rifles and guns Miss Trrs-a Striback spent Tuesday | Mr. and Mrs. Willis Goff left Tuesday Buffalo, N. Y., and it will come to you by in Portland. for a week's visit at the Astoria Regatta return post. Most druggists keep it as well as the "Golden Medical Discovery.* 2 2 CAL. FROM $ 1 .7 5 TO $ 1 2 .0 0 Miss Helen Corl is spending a week and other points on the coast. ® ® ® ® ® ® You can’t afford to accept any medicine Lair Gregory, who has been working at Newport. of unknown composition as a substitute Gertrude Nickols is visiting in Port­ on “ The Call” in San Francisco, re­ for "Golden Medical Discovory," which is turned to the Grove Tuesday. land this week. a medicine o f k n o w n c o m po s it io n , I have the agency for the Autofiller Ed. Dixon left Tuesday for Hunting- having a complete list of ingredients in —Self Filling, Self Cleaning Fountain Miss Manche Langley was a Portland ton, Ore., to bid on some tunnel work plain English on its bottle-wrapper, the Pen. visitor Tuesday. same being attested ns correct under oath. a lw a ys Ready for the O. R. & N. company. Ttiw ays W rite s Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate M. S. Allen was in Portland Tues­ in and sec them . T h ey a re w ith out a doubt and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowel*. th e Come best s e lt fillin g p en on the m ark et today. W ar Mrs. H. E. Parkhurst and children day taking in the Big Show ranted by both m a n u fa c tu re r and reta ile r. have returned to Portland after spend­ A. M. VKNEN Miss Emma Briggs attended the ing a week at Springhill Farm. tells of two delightful trips she has just Circus in Portland Tuesday. One to Niagara Falls and one with K Miss Pollock goes to Olympia Wash, taken Mrs. Adolph Eiler is visiting her next week where she will teach in the to Toronto, Canada. which v grandfather Mr. Levi Smith. schools during the coming year. Miss Zella Daugherty of Sheridan Mr. Ly Mis, Edna Hamilton visited friends Mrs. Caroline Fankboner and Miss Ore. has come to the Grove to spend Corvallis. Oregon. iag for in McMinnville over Sunday. Mattie Knox, who live out in Todd’s the winter with her sister Mrs. H. M. and the J Schaffer. Offers collegiate courses in Agricul­ Mrs. Chester Johnson of Hillsboro, Lane, spent Sunday at Newport. ject, he ture, including Agronomy, Horti­ was a visitor in town Monday. Prof. O. M Gardner the new prin. A son was born last week to Mr. fight b culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hillsboro Methodists have begun and Mrs. Kapple. The little fellow of the public schools has returned from Husbandry, etc.; Forestry; Domestic availabli , Ohio where he has been spending the came on Mr. Kapples’ birthday. work on their new parsonage. Science and Art; Civil, Electrical, or railr ■ summer. Miss Pearl Cook returned Tuesday Mechanical, and Mining Engineering; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Thomas took in hammei from Newport where she had been In fact all kinds of Guns and Rifles that you can get any­ Goff Bros, have moved their office Commerce; Pharmacy. the big circus at Portland Tuesday. soccer«; spending a week with Miss Corl. from the center of the store to the Offers elementary courses in Agri­ F. E. Willis of Banks, was in attend* where and at the same price you would pay for them in terest in west side of the room where they now culture, Forestry, Domestic Science Miss Anna Cornelius is back at her ance at the ball game here Sunday. and Art, Commerce, and Mechanic Julius K place in Bailey’s store after a three have better light. Portland. — For plain sewing see Mrs. Car weeks vacation spent at the coast. Arts, including forge work, cabinet nance ai Rev. Kellems, who is conducting lyle, Forest Grove, phone 435. 8-tlp making, steam fitting, plumbing, ■¡Kkn, Sheriff Hancock is attending the revival meetings in Hillsboro, has had machine work. etc. Jerrv Walker of Hoqium, Wash, is State Association of Sheriffs at Astoria, about 40 additions to the Cnristian territory Strong faculty, modern equipment; visiting at the home of L. C. Walker. which is in session there this week. Church up to date. nct to c 1 free tuition; opens Sept. 25. Mrs. J. E. Bellinger is visiting with Illustrated catalogue with full in­ Mrs. Dutcher, who has been visiting: The P. W. Cronin property on A Mrs. Nora Baker at Hillside this week “ L. Carlyle has rt- street was sold Tuesday to Mrs. Herb, formation on application to the Regis­ her niece Mrs. S. Mi. 5-t4 Mrs. Hatfield and Miss Kate Jack- turned to her home in Walla Walla. through the agency of the Oregon trar, free. chief, i; son are spending a few days in Portland. Land & Trading Co. ing nat : Dr. Via reports the birth of a fine Mrs. S. L. Carlyle and her aunt boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris — We’ll buy your wool and mohair. — Joe Stream guarantees to please Sibilities Mrs. Dutcher spent Sunday at New­ Jensen just west of town, on the 21st. with the latest haircut. Sharp razors Bring it in. Bailey. His enth port. properly handled. Pacific avenue near Money to loan on farm security. man tliat Willie Schultz and Harry Danforth Hinman’s Hardware. Miss Elda Walker will return next W. H. Hollis. Forest Grove resumed week to her school duties in Lihctjfh will leave the latter part of September Will Kertson, who has moved his for a month’s trip through California. pleti n. Neb. Hoffman and Allen Co. are agents family to Portland where he is to en­ recomme for the famous Buttenck patterns. Chas. Stokes and daughter have — Dr. Lowe, the optician, will be in gage in the grocery business, was out ♦ follow Forest Grove Sept, 10, 11 and to noon gone to Tillamook to spend a month to our town Monday. Dr. J. S. Bishop has gone on a with his brother-in law, Frank Bester. of 13. 7-t3 for he is Mrs. C. L Large and daughter Lu- trip to the East and will return about traffic tha October 1st. This trip is for the pur­ Misses Louise Wylie and Caroline Miss Marie Spieschart is attending eile and Miss Florence Hicks returned Miss Belle from Portland today where they at- i pose of general post-graduate study fin : and 1 the millinery openings at Portland this Kohler are guests of and hospital work. He will also pay Johnson at Springhill Farm this week. tended the Circus. week. by Mr. H special attention to the latest methods ti n is bei FOR S a l e — Dry Fir wood. L. L. Mrs. Lloyd Loomis was called to W A S H IN G T O N A N D T E N T H S T R E E T S — Miss Penfield has just received a in the treatment of tuberculosis in all Doane, Forest Grove. Ind. phone Tillamook Tuesday, to be with her fine line of the latest stationary and its forms and of cancers, viriting some W ’We w P O R T LA N D . O R EG O N 5453. 8 t4 grandmother, who fell and broke an has a verv artistic display in the show of the largest sanatariums and confer­ o' the lin< W R IT E FOR CATALOG arm. window of her book store. F. J. Miller and family returned ring with specialists in these lines, and and horse: )T7ie School (hot Placet Pou in a Good P o s i f i n n Monday from a pleasant outing on the A letter from Miss Josephine Baber, expects on his return to be prepared to iately and Mrs. Chas. Roe is expected home who is visiting in Lancaster, Ohio, treat such cases according to the best o a s t. that actna from Newport today where she and her and most successful methods. 5-t4 son Bruce have been spending sever­ Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and —The top price at Bailey’s for jam al days with Mrs. Thomas Roe. The preliminary hearing of Walter Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap • w i w; Wool and Mohair. COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF DEPOSITS this Wint" Mrs. P. H. Buxton of Morrow, Johnson, who admitted the killing of pliances in office. Calls answered Perdue near Buxton, will be held be­ night or day. —Chase & Sanborn Coffees alwif accomplis: Sherman county, is visiting with her j Mar 2 2 . 1907 fore Judge Goodin at Hillsboro some Try Schultz’s ground bone fi» the best. Hoffman & Allen Co. & Forest Grove Forest Grove, parents, Mr. and Mrs Harry Nauffts day this $ 4 6 . week. ‘ your hens. It wil' make them lay. elusive agents. in this city. She will stay a month. V. S. Abraham ORE Off t o the TAINS Camp Supplies, Fishing Tackle, Cuns, Rifles and Aimmition 2 5 cal. Stevens, 2 5 -2 0 Winchester 3 0 -3 0 W in ch ester 3 2 special Win­ chester, 2 5 -3 5 W inchester; 30-30 Savage, 3 0 -3 0 lightw eight Savage 3 0 -3 0 R em in gton a u to m a tic. Agricultural College L. C. Smith, Stevens, Parker, Baker and o th e r makes o f shot­ guns. GOFF BROS. HARDWARE FOREST GROVE, OREGON BUSINESS COLLEGE National Bank M ay 2 0. 1907 $ 8 9 .8 2 2 .1 7 A u g u s t 2 2 , 1907 $130.722.92 D e c e m b e r 3, 1907 $160,372.46 F e b ru a ry 14. 1908 $ 1 8 5 ,3 2 4 .0 9 MAY 1901! $ 2 4 9 ,5 3 3 .0 4 JULY IS, I'M»« $ 2 7 9 ,1 6 5 .0 8 l Oregon Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Jennings of Gas­ ton, were in town Monday making ar- I rangements to hold a public sale which will be held on Thursday, September 3. Miss Gladys L. Todd will leave Fri­ day afternoon for Chico, Cal., to re­ sume her studies in the State Normal. She will graduate in the June class ’09. j Miss Helen Boldrick, Mils Ada Taylor. Howard Taylor and Egbert Bishop visited at the Walker Camp at Tripple Springs, a couple daps this week. Dr. Dimmick has moved his household effects from the rooms over Russell’s shoe store, to a neat little i cottage near W. W. McEldowney’s residence. out the V EDWARD SEYMOUR Sec. and M *r. A. B. THOM AS P resid en t Oregon Land INCORPORATED F A R M and B o t h T e le p h o n e s Company work • to compiuti« rock coast ructk There is m of construe “ We ex line compì' June. 191( The to r ed mileage boro end o: operation a; g-admg ka GITYPROPERTY F o r e s t G r o v e , O re g o n