M E L B A ’S SON HAS and keen gray *ye* that Ilf up pleasantry, the effect of his well-modelled, strong- M A R IT A L TROUBLE jawed face being, however, somewhat mar­ red by a large aquiline nose shaped like a vulture’s beak. “ By the way, where is Son Altesse?” Sarto glanced around, his abnormally alert mind sorting out the possibilities of the situation just as an experienced game­ i ^ u Copyright, *>7 J. B. L i p f i n c o t t C o m p a n y . ster looks over his hand. “ Where is Son Hi All rights reserved. Edith /W o rgan W illett Altesse?” he achoed wonderingly. “ But a T h e Crow*« M istake. I the time is w illin g when the whole moment ago he was handing some ladies j A MUcy old crow hovered high in the air; earth w ill lie covered wth water. O f into a ^cab, and now I see him not any- j pride and conceit he had more than course that means the complete extinc­ I where.” his share, tion o f the human race nml o f every “ Gone!” ejaculated the other blankly, Ag ht, galej OI1 orntield alar down kind o f life ; but, as has been said, you “ and 1 came to the docks e oecially to j below till in matter-of-fact tones and between C H A P T E R V II.— (Continued.) need not get excited about it, for that meet him. What can have become of him, \vt,ere tender, green blades were begin- Women of Gussie'* stamp are as elus steady whiffs of his cigarette. supreme condition w ill not come for at do you suppose?” niug ,0 „how. Ive, as intangible, as running water, and The detective looked vaguely injured. The ehaiifTeur shrugged his shoulders. An(j_ as if stauj i ug guard o’er his acres least 4,500,000 years. The statement, when, with painstaking zeal, some poor, “ All I can say,” he volunteered sulkily, as here given. Is general in its nature, “ Who knows?” he said, in his characteris- ’ g0 fajr deluded mortal attempts to corner th« “ is that there isn’t a corner of the ship way. "M y orders are to await Son ^ gaunt, ugly figure stood motionless but the scientist has figured it down to | pretty, sparkling thing- -lo and behold hat I don’t know about and not a pas- tic 1 U ..i. r, n s e V« m t T ..e «l % X — a * 1 '1 , ,« e 1 .« Altesse at the Hotel Waldorf, That is detail. T o be exact, the annual re- I there, it slips away through his fingers to ripple ieuger who can’t be accounted for. No,” His coa^ inside out and all ragged at daction o f the land surface height is j gayly down hill. he turned decisively to Mrs. Waring, "my all I can tell you. There was a moment’s pause while Sou- tjmt al)out six-thousandths of an inch, j lopes are now all banked over here. W e’ ve “ No, don’t speak.” Gerald shook him self determinedly. “ 1 think I see how got our men on the lookout, you see, and ravieff seemed to be considering the situa- |jis hoa(| quite concealed by a battered which, a fte r all, is not startling, for \ tion. old hat. things are, and there’s no use in losing no shipping can get in without being six-thousandths o f an inch is an al- i “ W ell !** he said at length, hailing a oue’s temper.” lie spoke tersely. “ Dei pretty thoroughly overhauled. My opin- most Inappreciable quantity. But when ! cab, “ there is nothing to be done, so far j j e st0(Xj as though planning some work Pino’* a very different affair from your on is that we’ll land him oefore long.” that reduction goes on year a fte r year, as I can see, but to return. Come, mmy t0 he done. other amusements! This fellow’s got “ I should not be at all surprised if you and still year a fter year, Niere fra no money and position, and he’s in earnest. •ire right,” agreed the individual in ques­ friend, I will give you a lift to your ho- NVhile iPani„ g on’ something that looked tel. It is in my own direction. Diable!” j a KUn< avoiding the scientific conclusion that I t ’s just this. Things have come to a tion. Crow cocked his head on the Great Hour w ill come In time, un- I point where you’ve got to decide which of He was standing up now. his hand In he jumped into the trap with a word to p>ut ol(j th* driver, Sarto following. “ Curses take less, indeed, some cataclysnml disturb- I one side, us it is to be, Gussie. You can’t put m*- his pockets, watching the detective with a be foreseen oif any longer. Bather know the worst, cool, patronizing stare. “ And yet, as you these steamship companies. Here have I ^'hen the queer looking figure beneath mice that cannot now him he spied. jou know. Come! Which of us is it English have it, ‘ It takes a thief to catch been, since eight o’clock this morning, should Interfere with the natural kicking my heels in their wretched office, g uoth he: “ For a scarecrow you really to be?” a thief.’ ” course o f things. But you need not and I am now only granted my permit in look slick. “ Gerald . lie relaxed into an irrepressible smile. lose any sleep over the matter. time to find— parbleu !— that the prince, But I ’ll not be cheated by any such Poor Gussie Waring felt all the natural " I cannot tell you how much I am inter- trick. Irritation of a professional gamester ested in this capture of yours, Monsieur whom I especially wanted to see, has al­ S W IN D L E R S GO SCOT F R E E . That make-believe gun is indeed very whose hand is forced unwarrantably by Blantock. Just keep your eyes open, my ready departed.” “ Too bad!” ejaculated the chatiffeui fiue, a clumsy amateur. friend— that is my advice— and, believe “ Itow absurd and uncalled-for this is !” me, you will come across Sarto before you hypocritically. “ I f your Excellency had But down in that cornfield I ’ m going to H a n k W r e c k e r s i n S o m e S t a t e * E s ­ only reached th°re five minutes earlier— ” c a p e P u iiiM h iiie n t A l t o g e t h e r . dine.” she objected petulantly. “ I might just know i t !” lie did not complete his sentence.— One o f the commonest ways o f giving as well call you to account for the time A half hour later, amid the shrieking of ami. indeed, how could he? What would [n vajn (]il, hig gab|e mate urge him to you spend with Annette. You’re certain­ whistles, the rolling of trucks— in fact, fictitious value to stock and o f selling have happened if Count Souravieff . n had pause, ly not alone when the prince and I are the composite roar of a great city, that af­ large quantities o f worthless certific­ reached there five minute, earlier? While voicing her fear« in moat vigor- together and Annette------” fects so disagreeably the nerves of the ates is by paying large dividends not For a moment, ns the latter settled | QUg “ caw*g •” “ She's a nice girl,” the interruption returning American— Ludovic Sarto, hav­ (ait o f the actual earnings o f the com­ came uncompromisingly, “ and you know ing passed successfully through the purga­ himself on the cushion* and the cab roiled The obatinate bird heeded not her ad- pany, hut out o f tiie money paid by yjce our standing perfectly well. Would you tory of the custom house, found himself off, Sarto fell to wondering over the Count’s recognizing him in the disguise For down *o the cornfield he swooped in stockholders for their stock. Stock­ T h e son o f Mine. Melba, the great H mind answering my question? I ’ll not in the comparative paradise of Eleventh which had so successfully taken m his j ir jop holders and others, believing from these prlm a donna, has been having marital j trouble you again. Do you consider your street, standing with Gerald Buist outside late employers, and yet— what could bo He thought to alight on the grim figure’s dividends that the company Is actually troubles. The youth, George Armstrong, self engaged to me?” of Mrs. Waring** carriage window, which head. “ No, of course not; but,” (tussle’s tones was indeed effectually blocked up by the more natural? They reny ibered him as prosperous and earning money, either , recently sued for a divorce, and in turn the mustached and bearded chauffeur, dis- : But, bang ! went the gun, and his crow- increase th eir holdings or buy stock at was sued by the beautiful girl he mar-1 rartg with genuine alarm, “ i don’t wan Englishman’s thick-set form, Gussie’s at­ figured by an all-concealing motoring get- ship fell dead. to lose you, Gerald; l really can’t do tention being temporarily absorbed in bid­ up, and he had been clean shaven during And the scarecrow remarked ( ’twas the high prices, only to find later that it rled less than two years ago. Before) without you after all these years!” ding her rejected suitor a sisterly good- Is worthless. T h e penal code provides her m arriage Mrs. Armstrong was Mia that tour in the Tryol when he was farmer, you’ve guessed) ; Bu 1st laughed bitterly. “ I ’ m afraid by. that the directors o f a cori>oratlon who Ruby Otway, daughter o f S ir Jocelyn! thrown with Souravieff. “ Your thieving is ended, you bold little you’ ll have to,” he ejaculated, “ and tin Quick to realize the advantages of the I>erpetuate this swindle are guilty simp- ; Otway, owner o f the famous Tuftoi, “ Well, my friend Sarto,” the latter re- ! pest !” aooner I take myself off the better. You’!! moment, the pseudo-prince made his way after a short — Katherine L. Daniher. ly o f a misdemeanor. Equally serious collection o f paintings. l i e has a town I forget me quick enough!” His voice around to the other side of the carriage, marked good-naturedly, is the action o f directors in knowingly and a country house at Taplow . Hill grated. “ Just as conveniently as you for where Annette was leaning out of her pause occupied in, lighting a cigar, “ how l has the world gone with thee since we T a b le T a lk . making and publishing false statements wealth Is estimated In the millions and [ got that five days ago you promised to window expectantly. last met?— well, judging by thine opulent marry me. Now if you care to go in Come eat a piece of pie w ith me,” or reports ns to the financial condition his daughter is his principal heir, "I wonder,” he said, smiling down at As the steps and voices retreated, some her, “ if it is to be actually a final adieu ; appearance. Ma f o i! With that Parisian said the K n ife to the Soup-ladle. “ No, of the company o f which they are trus* I Mine. Melba’s son fell desperately in I overcoat and expensive hat one would al- j one moved stiflly out of his chair and. do you know, Miss Bancroft, I have a thanks,” said the Soup-ladle. “ I may | love about two and a half years ago most take thee for the prince himself. standing up somewhat unsteadily, peered curious— shall we say presentiment?— W hittaker W right (th e great com- at a garden party on the upper Thames, I Ah !” he chuckled and blew great rings of ! the soup, but I never eat pie ahead into the darkn* >s. that I am to see you again. That is the with a knife.' pnny promoter who committed suicide where Miss O tw ay’s parents had taken 1 “ She’s jilted him, she’s jilted him, and reason I am about to ask for your card.” smoke into the air, “ hast thou forgotten “ Let's go to sea,” said the Spoon to a fter being sentenced to hard labor for a house. The attachment did not be- I the little masquerade at St. Moritz, when because of me!” he ejaculated, with a low He stopped short, struck, startled even, thou personated the prince in the Casino the Salt. “ You are an old salt.” issuing false balance sheets o f the come known to the parents for three I whistle. by the deep flush that swept over the so that he might prove an alibi in that “ That's so. But what’ ll we go in?” wrecked London and Globe Finance j months. When the truth was admitted He was silent for some moments, and girl’s clear skin at his slight words. affair we knew of? ITa, ha. ha! 11 is High­ asked the Salt. ‘T h e gravy-boat,” said Corporation) was convicted In England both Sir Jocelyn and Mme. Melha e.< then a low laugh gurgled out of the dark She looked down hurriedly, however, ness was not any too well pleased when uess. the Spoon. under a statute substantially sim ilar to | pressed their strong disapproval. Mint G and, searching for a card in the bag on “ Nom d’un chlen!” said a soft voice her lap. handed it to him silently with he had to pay for the money thou lost for “ I hate soup,” said the Soup-tureen. this section o f the penal code. He was Mellm settled $10,000 a year on her son. him that night, thou rogue !” very rapidly, “ after all, Sarto the chauf­ eye* averted. A slight smile crept over the chaufferr’3 “ And I hate toast,” salt! the Toast- sentenced to seven years penal serti- o f which $4,000 secured the marring» feur has given thee hack thy kick with “ Does that mean.” she faltered, “ that impassive face. lie was thinking of other rack. “ W ell, let’s swap trades,” said tude. Ender this New York law the settlements. Clouds o f distrust and dis­ interest! Monsieur the Englishman, that Your Highness is really thinking of com­ and greater escapades since then and ask­ the Tiim ui. “ You hold the soup and maximum penalty which he could have content began to gather, and then (Time •core is settled!” ing to Washington?” received would have been one year's separation. ing himself with decided curiosity if the Most profound sympathy , Again Sarto wondered over her irre­ count read daily pni»ers. Imprisonment or a fine o f $500. Is expressed for Mme. Melba. C H A P T E R V III. pressible agitation, with a faint, curious "Son Altesse has not been well of late,” In dealing with offenses by criminals “ Yes, It’s almost over,” Mrs. Waring thrill somewhere in the region of his col­ he ventured guardedly. " l i e was quite P r e o n n o p o f t h e E n «r le . of previous good social standing we remarked at length. lar-bone. seriously ill at Liverpool, and those Eng­ rarely look l>eyond the offender him­ She and her companion had been sitting “ Who knows?” he returned laughingly : Everybody recognizes the American lish journals have it that he is down with silent for some time on a secluded angle “ I am nothing but a feu follet, what you self to consider the w elfare o f the com­ eagle ns the emblem o f the United some malignant disease at the present of the upper deck as the Majestic made call will-o’-the-wisp, appearing now here, munity. If, fo r example, a man steals, j States, but not everybody knows that its stately progress into New York har­ now there. Who knows where I may moment.” and. after his indictment fo r the I before the eagle was adopted the popti- “ I am not surprised.” assented th« bor, the following Saturday morning— a turn up?” and he pocketed the strip of crime, his friends or relatives repay the ! lar symbol o f the young nation was a other indifferently. “ The reporters pro­ wonderful morning, by the way. with a pasteboard, conscious that Mrs. Waring’s amount o f the theft. In America that is rattlesnake. dappled blue and white sky on which the eye* were upon him, viewing the incident bably say the same things about myself. I never have time to read anything nowa­ the end <»f the matter, and the offense Early in the revolutionary w ar flan multitudinous tangle of shipping, and the with small favor. unmitted against criminal law, devis- used to be carried by the colonists “ We’ ve really got to be o ff!’* she now days but the foreign dispatches. A dip­ airy fabric of Brooklyn bridge, hung like ed as a protection for the public, is which bore a rattlesnake with this mot- Intrusive cobwebs that a breath of wind announced crisply. “ Gerald, just tell the lomat’s life is no sinecure in this country, UVEI; II EARS TABLE ARTICLES entirely negligible. might blow away. man the St. Begis, please. Well, prince,” where one is feted and entertained from j o h n n y to : “ Don’t tread on me.” TALKING. The man in the steamer chair beside holding out her hand as that individual night till morning! A hall here, a dinner The greatest bank wrecker in Amer- Those who adopted this symbol be there, a carnival beyond— one can scarce- _____________________ Mrs. Waring glanced around from his came hastily round, “ I ’ m going to be in lean criminal history now live« midis- j lleved that the reptile was speeially fit- ly keep one’s appointments at the Embas- I’ ll hold the toast, “ I ’d look well gloomy contemplation of the scene in an­ Washington for a week of getting to turU'd In New Y*»rk. He nevr served ting ns an emblem o f the national rights before leaving for Newport. We’ re sy.” lie yawned. "Ah, bah! I have not trying to hold a quart o f soup, swer to her remark. a day in jail for a defalcation o f $r».- character. The rattlesnake does not slept for a week, ami the appetite it wouldn’t I?” sneered the Toast-rack. “ Over?” he repeated, in carefully ac­ off by the four o’clock train this after­ “ I believe I ’ve got a chill,” said the bOO.OOO. The Indictments against him w illin gly attack man but when hard cented English. “ 1 do not know about noon.” She bent towards him. dropping comes no more in eating. Sarto, thy sim­ ple, uneventful existence, my man. is her voice. “ Don’t you leave then, too?” that. Why should it be over?” Salt. “ Well, who wouldn’t, living in were all dismissed a few years ago. driven it becomes vicious; nevertheless, Sarto looked at her an instant. There more to be envied. The fatigue! To-night a cellar all the time?” He sat up suddenly with an alert move­ jeered the Ile even seenis to hâve returned to it always gives fa ir warning of its H snme sort of social position and the so­ presence and intention. T h e poets of J ment and looked at the morning, then at was a queer, twisted smile nl>out his l am at Newport— only here for the day Olive-fork. Gussie, who lounged beside him. a very mouth and a very wistful look in his eyes. to meet some Indies.” he rubbed his nose “ Isn’t this room a little cold?” ask­ ciety columns of the New York Times, the day said that the bright eyes of rliet-f savagely, “ whom, alas! I have not met. "W hy do you tempt me?" he asked re­ smart, brilliant personage in her cadet- eommentlng sonie tlm e ngo upon a ré­ snake, free from lids, represented cease sj Plague take those steamship companies!” ed the Oil. “ I feel a little congealed." blue. tailor-made fittings. proachfully. ception at lds New York home, alluded •css vigilance. And he fell silent, musing over his I don’t think so,” said the Bed Pep- “ That depends” — Mrs. Waring told “ Tempt you?” Gussie laughed. “ Dear with becomltig g ra vlty to certain In course o f time, however, the hunt him, with smiling evasiveness- “ every­ me! There is nothing going on in Wash­ wrongs, while the chauffeur gazed out of ’ per. “ I ’m hot.” “ H eigh o!” sight'd the Napkin. ( ’anadian guests as friends whom their | ble snake became too insignificant as a ington at this season. Every one has left ; the window and the cab pursued its tortu- thing depends on your definition of it.” The other i*mderetl an instant. even your friend fount Souravieff is in ous way. “ W hat’s the matter?” asked the Fork. lo s t and fam ily had made “ during their national emblem and a more iinpn*9- At last Count Souravieff turned his long stay in Quebec!” — Atlantic »Iv e symbol was desired and the aspir­ “ The it to which 1 was referring.” he Newport now. I have positively no in­ “ I ’m wondering whether I ’ ll ever grow keen gray eyes on hi* companion. Monthly. •aid gravely, "is an exceedingly difficult ducement to offer you.” ing and expanding colonists lifted their big enough to be a table-cloth.” “ There were two American ladie* on matter to define. I have been trying to “ Except the only one that matters to ______ _ ___ “ from the creatures o f the earth to "You are very impudent.” said the boar«! the Majestic,” he said suddenly, do so during the past five days, but in me.” finished the other in a very low OW TO D ISCO VER SPR ING S. the heavens and chose the eagle as best Madame Beechard Spoon to the Little Spoon. “ Well, “ friends of mine,- vain. It Imfiles me; it eludes me; it is tone. I suited to their needs. The eagle means bewildering, alluring, impossible !’* lie glanced around. Buist was shouting Wareeng and her dame on ; i Indluua nml i ron 1 1 e n u r a K n o w a i . • n , , . “ Jack usixl me when eating his cran­ “ Why impossible?" asked Gussie. with directions to the cabman, and at the other vous les avoz remarke. men ami Sarto? ...... nr-. P ro m » ! „ „ A b „ „ , T h e m . T ? an<1 IN (T o he continued.) berry sauce last night, and I ’m nat­ lifted eyebrows. She sat smiling enigmat­ eml of the cab sat the girl looking deter­ There is midouhtedlv a practical art ° f y helftht9- ot «d u r a n c e nml tier« H urally saucey.” ically and toying with the rings on her un­ minedly out of her window. Then, with o f discovering springs. Indians or 0,,,ln" t,‘ nnd o f Protection to home and M r . B r o w n o f S h o iil» * « !« T o w n , a daring laugh, “ I ought not to go,” said gloved hands. “ I think it’s real m ean!” so M hh I the frontiersmen can find water in the FOUn* on e,' ~ :P hiladelphia Record, Involuntarily Sarto’s eyes dropped to Sarto sot to-voce, “ but I cannot resist it Mr. Brown of Sh»>pless Town Dessert-si>oon. "H ere they’re gtdng to desert when a "tenderfoot” can not. j n « i i r t That Doe* K ill. the hands, studying them intently, fhey I just for a few days!’’ Is very much distressed— have rice pudding for dinner tonight, .Mexicans and experienced prosq>ectors A bnllet that hits the mark hnt U “ Four o’clock then." were •«> characteristic of the woman, so Cannot buy the things he needs; and I ’ve got to go upstairs to give ; I ' And ore. rbeee art* con- does ti"t l.i!! in s jnsr been Invent« f l 7 And he drew back as the carriage start- perfectly made, so indolent, so luxurious, The stores are all non est. Jack .Is cod-liver oil. U g h !” - 1 st mainly in the recognition o f super- hy Hr. Delrllers o f Paris. The detail« ■ | ed off. his parting look more than his tantalliingly within his reach! * Merchants • *lo^-.*•! ’em up last year “ I was very much disappointed at **| wonder If it is impossible!’’ he spec words haunting Gussie for the rest of the i' ial signs which escape the ordinary ' o f its construction are not mentioned, I An«l started out to roam dinner last night.” said the Table­ morning, filling her with an agreeable ulated. in a curiously vibrant tone. T ill they found a trading place observer. j hut It Is said to be hollow and can l* f j cloth. “ I simply love currant Jelly, Only a few word* spoken and Gussie sense of satisfa» tion- and Mrs. Waring Where people trade at home. I* is not necessary that the operator used several times. In a test for dwt -j and nobody spilled a bit o f It on me.” Waring would be engag'd to him the needed satisfacci« should consciously not these signs s*.j>- practice pistols were used with steel i Never in the »■»f her success fu former employer at the mercy of tier di* Mr. Brown Sii.» • -* Town. irately ami reas n upon them. No guards resembling a sword hilt, be P i c t u r e * b y T e le g r r n p h . career had she V baffled l For. ii carded chauffeur, lie had a heavy «.^»re When «hoi bullet dot's nd What would you think if u sa w In ■liHiht he frequently dm-s go. though he cause, although the against the woman beside him ! Why not spite of the enf l ’seti to mai vy not penetrate the clothing. It w ill weual n ! to relieft It n"W in full? the Hut 1 1 “ W hy not?’’ asked the man breath!*** naked flesh. Both men wore goggl® For stances he rt | y < and he leaned forward. s hv Out o f 27" shots 2o2 struck s<>nie jqirt Knrope that da Ti 1 vjuetry *a nction. thè ine and memory •rediMe fact re- pro- It w a* while the itici•itAble, or thodox of the I xk IU' s o f the duelists. o f indications cre word* w**re shaping th*»niseive* «an hi* j inaine«! that thè Urine* dlel Pino had not p en n ed : huh G a**tie win so evidenttly ex- Rp*rrTPcI fu r a P n rp o *e , he has rep-af lip*»« to till to The cab with ir* two inmate* had roll- J pectin*. that a 1toot heel click**«! « harp! y springs or ..re ilep -dts A certain Kentucky Justice o f Mr Hr I.vous. I M II ed away. and Sarto wa* making off, hi« on the deck Hoof•, anil suiddtMily, *;thwart This skill, dll ' to h: ’■It. Is often a), pence was <-nl!ed up n to marry a ran-1 do,! in its whit e #xpon*e betweeni the two. a \oi\j eve« on the* ground, meoh a inleaHy retracing nvst unerring for a x ven limited ills- away couple who drove tip to his hoiiar. hi* step* iute thè quay ofli«**, when he I shadow fell, blott ing out 1 [he sun. under nev “ Oh. i* that yi>u. Mr. 1Ilian rock r '* Ou»* humped vilofently again*t *ome one who | •n a p ic tu re trict. hut conditions It When the final words were said tM breaks down. 01.1 ml tors from <’all- bridegroom fumbled in his pockets. >wl a«** were not preoi*cly cordtal. was haste:fiing in the opp*'*ite direction— | *1«'« to1 , forria or Australia ha. e often made in In n lly fished out a silver dollar. •MUvo >row anythi>ng new to report t« u » r 1 a mid«i!e-aged persoci, evi« lently a foreign- I nation. II, ".ledge." said he. “ this here's all th* « thor regions the n •sr foolish nml *1 srimh 1 had. Mr*. \Yaring,” c«»nfe**- er, in a 1ight gray apri:ng suit, with a eet from a He “ But *tripcd wokistcoat, vivld t ie, and iromacu | #«l the detective Apohuret fealty. d gobi, because cash I ’ve got In the world. I f y * I.ltt (Stints gild. late derby. lie are al luck'* against me n it place "lrt..kcd wants It. you kin have I t ; but I dmt j glano* at onr Item lai most in and no news of our *t J n « ( n M « ! « I**nr. place In which mind tellin' you that I set It aside W : mpUlijr b? hir turhsMv this man w Taking out * cigar.-tte i ey had mine« the honeymoon expenses."— Woma«** ‘Hie teller* pro •fully. an angry i from les vest pocket, th.- mat rlgh Apart from sudden ide was referring lit il sad r* •d his Hipfl»’ minoro1* Home Companion. ml ere is no pr.. whirl apnsr to the mice dreaded brown iat orv (‘polita ex- T h e I ’ n n as Rad as t h e Play- "Sarto !" ‘t Sarto cried, still I F re 'Tea. ” I»ld *ou indeed expect I hat I m s , nnd n ire bv Jinr un­ " I see that Sastley's play has mad* I my old frier tly and I "Why 1 on hoar,!?" he inquired pi lu t i ttra • r other tu tlve force. With si fortuno 'I Itelln’s met? quite a furore." I Sarte 1" with the utmost nonchalance. water h*»v‘ ever, there may ir 1 fourni lat o f !*rof. K o r "Indeed, and what did the few roar? Flushing The detective hesitated s m by tnrr >n affect In.:r the temperature for tim 'Shoot the au th or!’ ’s c a t!’ and «* chauffeur s -«V e il: Tour Highness 1" he ev ire o f the • ■verlylng surface forth?” — Boston T ra n scrip t ■nphs o f pers>.i: with swift doubtfully. " I thought It « s * on th seems more like. llcavcn ty praised ! Buist had taken chat he'd try to make this stesine n ♦*n»v * •ire manifested T h e O nly W a y , ere de the eharpeet of u* ean't always tel! to an himself «ff i tot in time! Recovering hinv " b e t a «.en ln g la, Says. -Houst Belle— I told you not to kiss me IP loch where a crook of t h f aort'll »tow self. "SI. le Uonife Souravieff !” he «aid. rver rather than Don’t get excited when the klnself. I don't deny I hud a sort of also In Frvneh, with a deferential how. iffectlon o| hla nervous er peatedly. An i ■11a you something that a dtstin life la the only fortuno idea at first that the man might he on "This ia In.:Irei a pleasure.” Jack (a lrea d y a delinquent)— B** yareni. T t ie favorite fields orth ag : and It la not to be found geologist says shout " « o u cam* over with th* prince. I •hi» steamer.” livincru are regions In which that's the only w ay I enn kiss J * “ And are you quite convinced that he take It. ' th* other returned, with a amile. In foreign lands, but tn the heart Itself. ’’"Hh. average heigh blindant, bht not gathered IL L. Stevenson Ue had rtmarkahly whit«, *v*n taeth assuredly ia not?" Inquired the chautfeur. >f the land surface all over the glob. i boritomi o f impermeable rlJin* poro us rucks The Çhauifeur and the J e w e ls j j j I