Correspondence. EAST GASTON. Miss May Davis spent Sunday Miss Mabel Shell. Walter Burke went to Portland y and sold his hay. Paget and her mother spending some time at the beach. W. K. Newell left Saturday Southern Oregon where he spent | ttal days. ■a* with Sat- are for sev- ▼Jas. Miller and family of Cornelius, were visiting relatives in the Hill dis­ trict Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Aydelott and daughter were visiting at Thatcher last week. Miss Lu’u Raymond came home last week She helped her brother in his store at Raymond, Wash. Thatcher folks were all out to Soda Springs last Tuesday, and all had good appetites and a gooa time. Mr and Mrs. H. G. King were over to Thatcher last week and made their brother Ed a visit. Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker were out to Thatcher Sunday and took dinner with Ed. King’s and made them a visit. H. H. Grahana, who went to Walla Walla, Wash., a couple of weeks ago, bought a home near College Place. Henry Rhodes finished baling 75 tons of hay. He will thresh his wheat and oats this week. Henry is a thrifty farmer. A good chance for some young maid. Don’t all apply at once Mrs. C. I. Dakin has been enjoying a visit from her oldest brother, Lorenzo Doble and wife, from Ranier, Wash. He is an old soldier and is in his eighty fifth year. They returned home last Tuesday morning. Mrs. James Hill presides at the or­ gan at Sunday school in the absence of Miss Paget. S. Shotwell has the contract for building the new schoolhouse and will hfgin as soon as the lumber arrives. Miss Effie Fisher, who has been working at Burkes all summer, re­ turned to her home at Beaverton Sat­ urday. Mr. and Mrs. Bayliss visited with the Crunicans Sunday. Mr. Crunican re­ DILLEY . turned in the evening; she remained P * Tuesday. Elwood Eisenburg from Pen­ Mrs. Stone and Mrs. Johnson of nsylvania, is visiting Mrs. Sating. Portland, who have been visiting the Miss Forbis and her friend spent Mackies the past week, returned home from Friday till Monday at Portland. Saturday and Mrs. Webb, also of Miss Mabel Bryan of the Grove, Portland, came out Sunday morning was visiting Miss Porter over Sunday. and is now visiting Mrs. Mackie. The dance given Saturday at Dilley was well attended and a financial W ATT’S DISTRICT. success. H. W. Burk is in Portland visiting J. Vermilla had charge of the store a brother. in the absence of Mr. Pegg and Mr. Bleid’s sister is out from Port­ Press er. land on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Saling drove to Port­ W. Johnson returned Monday from land Tuesday and spent several days a visit to a son in Eastern Oregon and there on business. also at Pasco, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Pegg have returned Harvey Rogers and wife are now from Brimmington, after attending the residents of Forest Grove, having funeral of Mrs. Pegg’s brother-in-law* moved there last week. The Artisan lodge will give an ice Mrs Will Johnson is very ill at the cream social Wednesday evening at home of M. Bisbee. Dr. Brown is the their hall. Everybody invited. attending physician. Miss Emma Briggs returned to her Two threshing machines at work in work in the Grove Thursday, after the neighborhood at the same time spending her vacation at Amity and make lively times here. Dilley. Mr. Rice and family called at Mr. Fred Linegar and Chas. Hoxtcbbe Van Kirk’s one day last week to see from Nebraska, brother-in-law and the baby girl which arrived there cousin of W. Linegar is visiting W. recently. Linegar. Mrs. Conger and son spent last GALES. week with her daughter, Mrs. L Ed. Henry of Gaston visited friends Dickson and her brother and family here Sunday. spent Sunday with them. A. Beckmyer attended the dance at Mr. and Mrs. Preser and family Dilley Saturday night. returned from Brimmington, after at­ Mrs. May Beal called on Mrs. tending the funeral of Mr. Fliks, brother-in-law of Mrs. Preser. Henry Dames Sunday. at the Progressive Store This Fall’s stock will eclipse any thing ever brought to the coun­ ty. We have made careful selections and good buys and are in posi­ tion to give our customers th e very best values—as we always are. The Last Call on Our Mid-Summer Sale Time is getting short* and the stock of Summer Goods is getting low, buL we have a few good bargains left*. Prices arrange about like the following: $5.00 Silk Shirt Waists 4.50 Silk Shirt Waists 4.00 Silk Shirt Waists 3.50 Persian Lawn Shirt Waists 3.25 Persian Lawn Shirt Waists 3.00 Persian Lawn Shirt Waists 2.50 Batiste Shirt Waits 2.00 Batiste Shirt Waists 1.75 India Linon Shirt Waists 1.50 U U U H 1.25 U U U U 1.00 U U U U $3.70 3.35 3.10 2.60 2.45 2.30 1.85 1.45 1.25 1.10 .90 .65 HOFFMAN ®> ALLEN COMPANY FOREST GROVE OREGON parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lee of Public Sale. Notice for Publication. Gales Creek, returned home last Satur­ United States Land O ffice, P o rtla n d , O regon, The undersigned will sell at public day. A u gust 5th, It is all smooth s a ilin g w h rn you place a L iner Ad I auction on the premises, two and one- N otice is h ereby g iv en th at M agdalene H offm an of in this colum n. A few words here will reach 5,000 j half miles west ol Forest Grove on the Bacons, O regon, who, on A ugust 5th, 1908, m ade tim ­ readers and th e resu lts a re certa in . 5c lin e 1st Insertion, 2 l4i c ents each subsequent in sertion. < ber land a p p lic a tio n . No. 0202, for SV* of NEW and lots Gales Creek road, on NEWPORT one and two, o f Section 6, T 3 N , R 3 W of W illam ette M inim um ch arg e 10 cts. M eridian, ha» filed notice of in te n tio n to m ake final Saturday, Sept. 5, 1908 Misses Corl and Cook spent a short proof, to establish claim to th e land above described, be­ LIST your farms and other properties fore the R e g iste r and R e c e iv e r at P o rtla n d , O regon, on Sale begins at 10 o’clock a. m., the vacation by the sea. 15th day o f Octobe*, 1908. for sale with T. H. Littlehales, Forest the C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: following property to-wit: New Plano P eter llotTm an, of B acona, O regon. The weather has been very pleasant Grove National Bank Building. 27tf binder, new chopper, 10 milch cows C harlie C. N elson, of B acona, O regon. 4 The E B. F. M. club met at J. the past week but is almost too late Soren Je ppe3en, of B acona, O regon. G ALES CREEK and 8 heifers most all to freshen this | FOR SALE —Shadeland Cummins last Saturday night. Wonder Eli H ow ell, of B acona, O regon. for the summer crowd. A L G E R N O N S. DRESNER. Mrs. Joseph Lee and daughter, Mrs. fall, Hambletonian colt 1 year old, full white seed oats. Edward Naylor. 39-tf Miss Gertrude Robinson of Spring- R egister. Many of the cottages have resumed blooded Chester white boar six months ! Coffman, spent a few days in Portland F irst Pub. A u g . 13, water, visited here last week. their winter appearance by having their old, 3 spring calves, 2 heifers, 1 bull, i FOR SALE—Good 7 room house last week. Ed Phenline and George Emmert bay mare 5 years old partly broke, outside city limits. Pantry and Fruit Mrs. Wm. Lyda of Forest Grove windows covered with shutters. Executors Notice. dug t well for Peter Stakel last week. visited with her son Elmer Lyda of Mrs. S. Hughes and Mrs. Thomas weight 975, 3 milk cans. 15 stands house. Lot, 1 acre. Good Orchard N otice ia h e re b y g iv en th a t th e County Court of W ashington C o u n ty , O re g o n , has appointed the under­ Mrs. Maud Harris of Cornelius Gales Creek last week. Roe came in this week for a short stay bees all in patent hives, Chatham fan­ and Barn. Furniture goes with the signed as e x e cu to rs of the Last W ill and Testam ent of ning mill, 140 egg Chatham incubator. place. Price 81800; easy terms. T. A ’an so n H tn m an , de c ea se d , and all persons having passed through here Sunday on her at the beach, returning home Thursday Fred Lilly of Seattle has been visit­ claim s a said esta te are hereby notified to present harrow steel frame, garden seeder, self H. Littlehales, Forest Grove, Ore. 46. them to g u a s, in a st t the way to Scoggins Valley. Law office of W . N. B arrett, at Hi I la­ ing with his father N. C. Lilly of with Mrs. C. O. Roe. bor, in said C ou n ty , w ith p ro p e r vouchers, w ithin six dump hay rake. Free lunch at noon. : from th is date. The dance given at Dilley last Sat- Gales Creek, for the past few days. W. N. Sears and Raleigh Walker re- Terms of sale: All sums of $10 and j FARM FOR SALE—On account of m onths D ated th is A ugust 4, 1908. % urday night was a success, the young ALAN SON HIN M A N, JR ., Samuel Smith and wife of Tillamook, ; port a very successful season in the less, cash. On sums of over $10 12 ! death I offer my farm of, 119 acres, CH A R LES L. HIN M A N. for sale at $85 per acre. Three and a | dancers from here participating. are visiting with the latter’s parents, : dance business with the crowds very months time will be given on notes E x ecu to rs of th e Last W ill and T estam ent of Alanson Forest Grove. , , 1 half miles north of H inm an, deceased. bearing 6 per cent interest from date i , There will be a dance in the hop- Mr. and Mrs. Grove of Gales Creek good yet, but expect to close soon. B arrett | C. Jaspers. Owner. 51-2m W . N. A ttorney for E x ecu to rs. • 5-t5 with approved security. Two per cent , house in Scoggins Valley next Satur­ this week. off for cash on sums over 810. FOR SALE —Good 7 room house day night, three piece orchestra. Ev­ Wm. Obrien, who has been visiting A S. DILLEY, owner. ! close to car line 81100. T. H. Little erybody cordially invited. For Sale. with his sister, Mrs. Gertrude Williams J. W. Hughes, Geo. F. Naylor, | hales, Forest Grove, National Bank of Gales Creek, returned to his home One lot 100x100 feet. A 7 room Auctioneer Clerk Bldg. ltf in Portland last Sunday. THATCHER house, well finished, hot and cold WANTED — Housekeeper for family i water, bath and electric lights, plenty Mr. and Mrs. Story of Tillamook, E. J. Bonshu entertained company Public Sale of Stock. of three. State wages expected. Ad of fruit. Corner 4th St. and 2nd Ave. who has been visiting with the latter's from Mountaindale last week. The undersigned will sell at public dress X, care of News. Price 81500. Also one lot on 2nd 7 auction on the premises one mile east Street, 100x100 feet, close to car line FARM W a n t e d —An Eastern Ore- $4 qq of Gaston, on One lot 100x200 feet on 2nd gon client wants a Valley farm of about j A v p Thursday, Sept. 3, 1908 Also 5 room house, lot 100 Sale begins at 10 o’clock a. m.. the 400 or 500 acres, partly improved. xlOO, plenty of fruit. Price $1150. 2tf. following property to wit: Ten head Must be good soil, Would take sev- See JAC STEPHENSON choice milch cows, 7 fresh and 3 to eral smaller pieces to make up that freshen soon; 1 two year old Jersey amount. Give full legal description — Bailey will buy your Wool and and lowest price in first letter. Ad 1 Mohair. bull, and 1 yearling bull; 2 heifers 1 You are going to need a F o r e s t G ro v e , O re . year old, 1 team heavy horses, 21 dress Cady it Seiple, 322 Mohawk In c l. P h o n e 4 7 .1 steel rim wheel this win­ —Money to loan on farm security shoats, 3 sows and pigs, 3 i Rushford Bldg., Portland, Oregon wagon Free lunch at noon. Terms ' FOR SALE—New Cream Separator; J W. H. Hollis. ter. Don’t fool your of Sale: All sums of $10 and less, , i capacity 450 lbs, per hour. John New Line of Fine Fall Stationery time away on wood rims cash. On sums of over $10 12 j Dames, Gaston, Ore., R 1. 6-tf SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY months time will be given on notes in wet weather; trade 50c to 65c values Fnreit Grove Time Table FOR SALE—Two young cows bearing 6 per cent interest from date your old wheel in on a with approved security. Two per ! Phone No. 535, Thatcher. Grant Bai- — TO P<>8 I j ley, Davids Hill. 6-t4* | new nickeled steel rim cent off for cash on sums over 810. arrive« at fo rt land 8:00 a. m. No. 6 departs 6:«o a. “ " * I 0 J 0 a. m H. D. JENNINGS, Owner, 4 8 55 a. wheel at '* ll:S o « . m. F or S a le — 4 acre tract with im­ No No. S lo :to a. 4:Jc ». m . J. W. Hughes, Geo. F. Naylor, provements near town. Tel. 5435. Come and look at our W indow 4:37 9 ......................... 6 *> * m. No. 2 Auctioneer Clerk n O M PORTLAND i Also cow for sale. 8-tf h T H E HOOK. S T O R E Liner Column Mr. Bicycle Rider! on Sale Saturday, 39c JJo p . A woman is known almost as well by the stationery [she uses as by the coumpany she keeps. Here is a chance to afforb the best. FOR SALE — Dry fir wood. L. L. —New stock of latest Ladies’ Home Doane, Forest Grove. Ind. phone Journal dress patterns at Bailey’s Big 8-t4 P h o n e »: S h o p 5 03 R e n . 59/ 5453. Store. FOR RENT— The building opposite Be sure to take advantage of the — We always pay the highest price Mid Summer Clearance Sale now on at New. office, recently occupied a, a barber shop. Edward L. Naylor. 5-tl for wool and mohair. Bailey. ’ Hoffman it Allen Co.’s store. O. 7\. QorVs E J! no •» ‘ Portland 7:2o«. m . Iv. Tore*« G rove 8:39 a. m. “ 8 So a. m .t ar. ] " l o . l o p . m. ** 1 n o p m. ar “ * 2:3# ». an. " 4:lo ». m. lv. 5 4o p. m . ** 5.4o p. m. a t. ' ** 7 n o p . d l w BROWN, Agent WM. M(^URRAY^ General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.