Washington County News Issued Euch W eek P R O B E S A M E R IC A N Belgian T R A IN IS W R E C K E D . M IN E S . Exp ert C o m e s a s Govern ment. Cottage G r o v e Local G o e s Into Ditch N e a r Eugene. G u e st of BANDIT'S RICH H » Eugene, Or., Aug. 25.— Fireman New York, Aug. 26.—Victor W. Frank Boulter and three unknown Watteyne, chief o f the Belgian depart- j tramps were killed, Engineer Jack ment o f mines, was a passenger on the ADD NO RM AL W ORK. P R U N E G R O W E R S U N IT E . Nichols was fatally injured, and six Red Star liner Kroonland, which ar­ rived in port today. Chief Watteyne New A ssoc iation B u y s P a c k i n g Plant N e w C o u r s e o f Study Issued by State passengers were badly hurt in a wreck of the southbound Cottage Grove local Superintendent Ackerman. at Albany. comes as the guest of the United States government and will be consult­ Salem—The establishment of a one- shortly after 9 o ’clock Sunday night, | Salem—The Northwest association year teachers’ training course, to be four miles north of this city. has been formed at this place for the ed by the bureau of geodetic survey in When two miles north of Irving, i optional with pupils in the 10th, 11th purpose o f packing prunes this season. its coming investigation o f the mining and 12th grades, is the principal fea­ the engine, going at schedule speed, j U n a r m e d P a s s e n g e r s A ls o Give Up struck a cow, which was on the track, conditions in this country. Congress A Resume o f the Less Important but has appropriatted 1150,000 for this valley prune market. It includes some ture of the new course of study which and turned turtle, landing in the ditch. W atcher, Jew elry and Ot her Val­ has been issued by Superintendent of the largest growers of this section Not Less Interesting Events The baggage cars and passenger coach-1 purpose. Captain Desbrough, of Eng­ u ab le s— S o ld i e r s Pursue. o f the valley. Its members declare it Ackerman and which will be used in es, pushing the tender ahead of them, i o f the Past Week. land, and A. Meismer, o f Germany, will not join the packers’ combine, all Oregon public schools hereafter. continued on the ties for 75 feet until both expert mining engineers, will The new course of study is practical­ which was formed here some time ago, the baggage car climbed on top of the come later to join Chief Watteyne. and will be the only large packing firm ly the same as heretofore in use so far Lake Hotel, Yellowstone Park, Wyo,, Ten million bushels of the new wheat In the United States there are 3,200 outside the Packers’ association. The as the first eight grades are concerned. tender and stood on end. The impact crop of the Pacific Northwest have deaths due to accidents every year in new Growers’ association has pur- The new features are found in the high hurled three of the passenger coaches Aug. 25.— The greatest stage hold-up been sold. the mines, or three to every thousand chased the packing plant of Lesselle schools, which comprise the 9th, 10th, from the track, only the last two r e -! in the West in many years, at least ia the number o f coaches held up, occur­ Speaking o f the Bros., at Albany, and will operate it. 11th and 12th grades. The new teach- maining on the rails. The French ambassador to Spain has mining employes. The wreck, from the standpoint of red yesterday within the boundaries of been called home to discuss the Moroc­ tremendous death rate, Chief Watteyne The plant has a capacity of 150 cars ers’ training course is not designed to said yesterday: for the season. The capital stock of take the place of normal school work, destruction to rolling stock, is one o f j the Yellowstone park. The work was can situation. “ In Belgium, where the mines are the new concern is $10,000. I but is provided as an aid to those high the worst in recent years in the South- j done by a lone highwayman, and the | The president will go to Jordanville, the oldest in Europe and the most dan­ The engine passengers were absolutely helpless in Lesselle was formerly manager of school pupils who contemplate entering ern Pacific in Oregon. N. Y., to take part in the dedication gerous and deepest in the world, the the packing plant owned by Lesselle the teaching profession, but who can­ and tender are a pile of scrap iron, his hands, as no guns are permitted in o f a public library. death rate is only one man in a thous- , Brog; Rnd ¡J - nt)y the purpose not see their way clear to attend one of The rails and ties are torn up for a d is -, the park to either drivers or tourista. In all, it is estimated from the state- | new assocf atioI1 to make use of the normal schools. Many young peo­ tance o f 75 feet, while the passenger A. O. Brown & Co., a big brokerage and a very good record, considering f of pac.king and market- ple now go from the high schools into coaches and baggage car lie on their ment of passengers, that something | firm o f New York, has failed for more the extremely hazardous nature of the hjg know|ed The cow which like $2,000 in cash was obtained, work. I expect to be very much in- . fruU * Mr Lesselle says that the common schools as teachers, and it sides in the ditch. than a million dollars. forested in my commission to study j can be gold jn the East at figures is the purpose of the training course to tried to cross the track and caused the drafts worth $10,000, other papers and I Six Chinese have been caught at El American methods. wreck was cut completely in two. transportation, besides a rich haul in I „ <*,,11 thp nrirps now offered fit them better for such work. Paso, Tex., who had been smuggled watches and jewelry. Chief Watteyne left promptly for i by the packing houses which are mem- The course includes 14 weeks in , across the line from Mexico. Pittsburg. He will go from there to bers of the Packers’ ««uw-iutinn In all, 21 coaches left the Upper White’s “ Art of Teaching,” seven ARE REA DY FOR H O M E RULE. association. Geyser basin in the morning. The • The government has about fixed the Hanna, Wyo., to study a sealed mine The growers who have organized the weeks of observation work, seven weeks responsibility for the big robbery of in which, during ten years over 300 new association will proceed at once of practice teaching, four weeks’ study C u b a n s C a p a b le o f Self-G o vernm en t, highwayman was encountered about l Chief to enlarge the membership. One of of the common school course of study, five miles further on at a lonely spot the subtreasury at San Frncisco re­ miners have lost their lives. A c c o r d i n g to M a g o o n . Watteyne will suggest some scheme by the plans of the new concern is to re­ and four weeks’ study of practical along the banks of Spring creek, a1 cently. which it can be worked with safety. Hot Springs, Va., Aug. 25.— Charles tributary of the Fire Hole river. The I quire all members to dry their prunes school problems. Returns from the Demorcatic pri­ Superintendent Ackerman expresses E. Magoon, provisional governor of creek is lined with bushes. The first thoroughly, so that there will be no maries indicate that Governor Ansel danger of the fruit spoiling, as was the opinion that this optional work will Cuba, talked with Mr. Taft today re- lot of coaches, numbering seven, and ¿r B I S B E E A G A IN F L O O D E D . will again be the nomine for governor | following each other closely, passed by ! the case in some instances last year. be taken by many high school pupils garding conditions in Cuba. of South Carolina. That the people of Cuba are qualified | the place unharmed. There was a gap In order that the growers shall have no who will thereby be induced to attend T h ir d Cloudb urst Within Month Does The Illinois Steel comvany, whose for self government is the positive between them, and the next lot of ___ incentive to underdry, each grower one of the regular normal schools. Much Damage. plant is at South Chicago, has just put assertion of Governor Magoon. The eight following. will be credited with the additional 500 men to work and expects to employ Bisbee, Ariz., Aug. 26.—Bisbee for weight his fruit may gain during the Cuban people, he indicated, are heart-1 After the first of the eight came! Extension N e a r s C om ple tion. another 500 next week. the third time in three weeks was yes­ processing, grading and packing, which Wallowa—By September 5, if the ily in favor of . government ownership along the highwayman stepped from i The increase is considerable in many in­ present rate of progress is maintained of public utilities. They now own the the bushes and ordered the driver to | St. Paul has asked 300 Sioux Indians terday visited by a cloudburst. to visit the city during the state fair damage is estimated at $2,>,000. The stances. by the O. R. & N. tracklaying crew, telegraph lines and the test of the pop­ halt. He did not molest the driver, and take part in a reproduction of the bursting of a subway at the head of the whistle of the O. R. & N. construc­ ular w'ill, which has just been made on nor any of the drivers following. LAW B E N E F IT S S T A T E . These eight coaches had barely gone massacre of 1862, when 800 whites Main street caused the damage. When tion locomotives will pierce the long- the question of private concessions for were killed. the subway burst a wall of water six waiting silence of the Wallowa valley. telephone lines, he believes has demon­ on when three more came along, anil feet deep swept down the street, carry- S c h o o l Attendance in a Majority o f The work of laying track on the Wal- strated their desire for government these were robbed in a like manner. Mulai Halid has formally assumed | ¡ng ahead of it horses, wagons, buggies In all about 125 people were held I lowa extension is now progressing ownership. The test referred to was C ou nties S h o w s Increase. the throne of Morocco. and the automobile of G. J. Cunning- toward this valley at the rate of two made at the suggestion of President up, though not all of these suffered! Salem—The operation o f Oregon’s A serious fire in Omaha destroyed ham, cashier o f the bank of Bisbee. miles per day, and the tracklaying Roosevelt, and consisted in the submis- j loss. When the robber ordered the I several manufacturing plants. At the lower end o f the street the au- new compulsory education law which crew has crossed the Wallowa river s«on to tbe 82 provinces of the draft of drivers to move on, he stood a few I has been under one year of practical _ . _ . . .. tomobile was rescued. near Grand Ronde and is now working a 'aw which, if approved and enacted. minutes with his gun pointed toward ( Count von Oootzen may succeed the A number of house foundations were demonstration has been very satisfac- directly toward this place. The would have resulted, according to Gov- them, and then walked down the road. late Baron von Sternberg as ambassa- weakened. The Grand hotel was con- (kory according to the reports received main Wallowa river canyon, 16 miles ernor Magoon, in the telephone busi- As quickly as possible after a tele­ dor to Washington. evening and the guests , by Superintendent o f Public Instruc- demned this in length, is all that intervenes be- nesa ° f the island going into the hands phone was reached at Thumb Station] A Baltimore woman has confessed ! moved out. Last night the town was t'° n Ackerman. The statistics of the tween the end of the track and this the present Havana Telephone com- word was sent to the soldiers and il thut her son murdered her husband be- without fire protection, owing to water biennial report also bear out this state- place. pany. The concession of this company detail started in pursuit of the ma-l mains being washed away. The gas ment. There are several counties were caus< he was cruel to her. expires in 1910, whereupon the tele- who is described as about 5 feet C the per cent of attendance has fallen Grab Water Power Sites. phone lines and plant of the company inches tall, with bluish-grey eyes, and'* The United States and Mexico are was off and all big sewerage mains are dow'n but an especial effort w’ ill be Pendleton— What is taken as an ef- in that city will revert to the Cuban bristly grey whiskers. He acted life about ready to make a naval demon­ broken in many places. So far as is made during the approaching school known there is no loss o f life. fort to corner the water supply of the government. i a man short o f breath or a consiimp- stration against Honduras. year to extend the operation of the law. Bisbee is located in a canyon, so Umatilla river before the city of Pen- tive. Under this law parents may be fined dleton can file, is being made by the The wife of Major General Luard that cloudbursts in|the mountains above F O R T Y P E R IS H W IT H S H IP . was murderer! in a wood near London. make the place peculiarly susceptible from $5 to $25 if they do not compel Weneha Water & Power company, a G U N S IL E N C E R IS T EST ED . their children to go to school. The law corporation capitalized at $10,000, Her jewelry was the object. to Hoods. N o rw e gian S te a m e r G o e s Dow n O ff provides that truant officers be appoint­ which is filing on three fine water pow­ M a x i m ' s Late st Invention Gives As­ Oregon National Guardsmen are C o a s t o f Norway. ed for every district in the state to re­ er sites on the river above Wenaha J A P A N IS B U S Y . among the leaders in the ride shoot in tounding Resu lt s in Practice. ceive $2 for each day’s work. Bergen, Norway, Aug. 25.—The springs. The filings of the new com­ the United States army matches. The truant officer may notify the par­ pany will practically monopolize the Norwegian steamer Folgen Fonden, Springfield, Mass., Aug. 25.—The j Herr Geltermann, cashier of a Ger­ Imm ense W a r Debt and L a b o r P rob - ents first and then if not action is tak­ water sources and power sites which from Bergen to Haugesund, on the official test of Hiram P. Maxim’s gun i lems W o r r y Sta te sm en. en a complaint will be brought against were deemed to be available for the west coast of Norway, was wrecked [ silencer was made by officers stationed i man bank, committed suicide after The county superin- city’s use. An engineer for the city is last night near Skoneviks and sank in | at the United States armory here to- >• confessing to the theft of $125,000. New York, Aug. 26.—Japan, sorely them in court. day. The test, it is said, proved the Texas railroad attorneys are prepar­ pressed in financial matters, with labor tendents must furnish each teacher now in the field but every available three minutes. The steamer carried '70 passengers truth ° f the claims of the inventor, ing to tightt the state commission’s! troubles and increased cost of living w>th the census roll o f their district. site seems to have been cornered. and it is believed 40 of them were The device was attached to a regal* order forbidding a raise in freight j changing the entire economic system, 1 The teacher is compelled to report drowned. Fifteen bodies have been tion-army rifle. The test was made« 1 will not go to war with any nation for every four weeks those who are not at- Growers Conform to Law. rateB. 10 years at least, according to General tending school. If the superintendents Salem- Fruit Inspector Armstrong recovered. The captain of the steamer rpffular ranges, relays o f signals being The American press humorists are Adolphus W. Greeley, U. S. A., re­ or teachers violate any of these pro­ stationed at intervals. It was found is watching the Marion county markets was among those saved. Fore in session at Denver ami are said to be tired who, with Mrs. Greeley and their visions they are subject to a fine of The Folgen Fonden carried on only a that while the discharge o f the une-; closely for infected fruit, but so far aliout the most somemn looking men two daughters, arrived on the President from $5 to $20. local traffic and it is believed that quipped rifle is audible 7,700 yank | has been called upon to destroy very possible, barring undertakers. with the silencer this distance was cut - j Grant of the Hamburg-American line little of it. Growers are learning fast no foreigners w-ere aboard. Freewate r-W est on Line. It is reported that a terrible panic down to 1,500 yards. Further test/ g Bryan counts on carrying New York. today from Hamburg. that wormy apples cannot be disposed Pendleton—According to the present “ There have been within a year not of. In most instances it is only ne­ occurred when the steamer struck; w-ere made to determine whether thffi The big theater hat has been abol­ less than 140 strikes in Japan, so I plans of the Walla Walla Traction cessary to notify the retailer that the that fearful scenes were witnessed as I silencer interferred with the velocity ■ ished in Paris play houses. ' company, which is now operating the was told by a prominent official,” said apples must not be sold and must be the vessel sank. Boats were hurriedly of the bullet and it was found that this 1 The grand jury at Springfield, III., Mr. Greeley, "and I do not believe the electric line into Milton and Freewater returned to the grower. In only a few manned by those who had witnessed interference was slight, reducing the 1 has returned 20 more indictments. world in general knows that they ended in the north end of Umatilla county, cases this summer has fruit been con­ the catastrophe and they hurried to j velocity not more than 5 or 6 per cent U Forest This the company will use gasoline motors fiscated. where the steamer had gone down, but Taft says that, if sleeted, he will successfully for the strikers. on the extension of the line to Weston most of them arrived too late to rescue I N D I G N A N T A T J C A S T R O ’S ORDER call a special session of congress to re­ makes for entirely different economic and Athena, a distance o f 20 miles. conditions in that country. Japan has the passengers. ------------- PORTLAND M ARKETS. vise the tariff. Special motors will be ordered for this enough, with financial problems and Citizens o f Parian P o r t s Resent Em­ section o f the line, and the expense of The sultan is recalling his ministers the question of^ higher wages, to be Wheat Club, 88c per bushel: forty­ Victory is Complete. b a r g o on Travel. anti ambassadors ami replacing them met. to keep her wisest heads busy on electric juice, wire and poles will be fold, 90c: Turkey red. 9<*c; fife, 88c; with new men. the situation at home for years to éliminât«!. It is understood that con­ bluestem, 92c; vailey, 88c:. tViJenff'11"’ iri A ~ 6 Port of Spain, Aug. 25.— News has tracts for 10 miles of grade between Post Barley Feed, $24.50 ton; rolled, u & thue fr e9 been received here that President Ca* Serious troulbe is feared in the Ala­ come.” Freewater and Weston have been let. $273/28; brewing, $26. l l n u Har d’ haa been tro has instructed the collectors of cue j bama coal district where the white 3 The sultan of record was toms in Venezuelan ports not to clef j Oat*— No. 1 white, $273/27.50 ton: ™ Unwritten Law Is Good Law. miners have ordered the blacks to leave. G o o d Yield o f Watermelons. gray. $263/ 26.50. ( V l 9 an-v P a g e r s for the West Indi« Eastland, Tex.. Aug. 26. The grand During a storm near Pottsville, Pa., Albany A good yield o f watermel­ Hay Timothy, Willamette valley, lT /L n PS df r rteCl t0 tbe islands. The Venezuelan consul hem' ¡jury today recommended that the “ un- lightning set off a charge of dynamite ons, both in quantity and quality, will $’ 4 ton; Willamette valley ordinary, fir L n » ( hPr g Sp tan ,af T- the has been instructed to withhold Pa* 1,300 feet under ground, killing two I written law” be put on the statute greet Linn county growers this season. $11; Eastern Oregon, $16.50; mixed, T ports from persons desirous of taking books o f the state in order that young men. The melons, however, will be from 10 $13: clover, $9: alfalfa, $11; alfalfa Forest °t E Az/ \ Wa3 due passage on the steamers to Venezuela i I women can have greater protection. days to two weeks late, due to the late meal. $20. A Southern Indiana coal mine has The recommendation grew out of seri- tnhcsmJ^ v ° f v h‘S OWn This action on the part o f the Vene*»-1 pro- spring, which necessitated considera­ Fruits—Peaches. 603 85c box; pears, been foreclosed by a Chicago bank ,>us crimes against young girls and at Tangier Most o f the Linn $10/1.50 box: plums, 75c box: grapes, c t a t e w nTtionVa rT ent ■“ " ' S T to ' t the S ifr m l K nation and is a ‘“ serious blow which held paper to the amount o f $3,- women her.- lately. The whole com­ ble replanting. and announcement of the proclamation habitants of the Parian ports ani J county melons are raised on the San- 85c3t$1.50 crate; blackberries, $13/ 000 , 000 . munity has been aroused. In its re­ telegraphed to all parts of the country. tiam bottom land, in the vicinity of 1 . 10 . Cuidad Bolivar, and will add consider-" The trial o f Theodore W. Halsey, the port the grand jury recommends that Potatoes — $1(31.10 per hundred; ably to the misery already existing * mothers give their daughter* more pro- ,'eb^ on' U A arK° < ’ uantltr V art' also San Francisco telephone magnate, ha« M in ers Burn Nevad a T o w n . there. ,n cou.nt-v ’ Just acros* sw eet potatoes, 3 343/4c pound. been postponed until September 26, on tection from the world and asks the Reno, Nev., Aug. 25.— Hazen. the Melons Cantaloupes. $13/1.25 per state legislature to put the “ unwritten the nver from th,a c,t>’’ account o f illness. crate: watermelons, $1.50 per 100 junction point of three railroads into law” on the statute books. Bandits B u r n T w o T o w n s . "Boosting” Booklets Out. Mayor Taylor, o f San Francisco, has loose, crated. i,c pound additional; ca- the mining camps was destroyed by Aberdeen, S. D., Aug. 25.— It isrn fire, when miners celebrating the sec­ Albany—Fifteen thousand of A1 received notice that the government sahas, $2.25 32.50 dozen. First Train Into Calor. ported here today that the towns rf bany’s new advertising booklets have has made an additional appropriation Vegetables Turnips, 1.50 sack; car­ ond stampede to Rawhide, overturned Lowry and Ataska, on the M in n e a p o lis San Francisco, Aug. 26. The line of o f $3,300 a month with which to fight the California Northeastern railrorad been received and are ready for distri­ rots. $1.75; parsnips, $1.75; beets, a gasoline generator in their room. A bution at the rooms of the Albany $1.50; beans, 5c pound; cabbage, 1 3,c loss of nearly $100,000 was caused, & St. Louis railroad’s river extensi® the plgaue. was opened from this city to Calor. on Commercial club. The booklet con- pound: com, 25(330c dozen; cucum­ every building in the town being were burned in a raid by a mystei A non-union negro miner was shot the line between Oregon and Califor­ taines 68 pages, and is illustrated with bers. 303/40c box; egg plant, $1.75 burned excepting the Southern Pacific company of mounted men last nighLl nia, today. The first car to stop at from ambush near Birmingham, Ala. fee al The mounted company completely 61 photos. Bound with vari-colored crate; lettuce, head, 15c dozen pars- depot and frei* ht sheds. The fire rounded the two towns and fired evi Calor was that of W. F. Herrin, chief Holland awaits the report o f M. De ___ [burned from the eart-"-" «-H -c covers and printed and illustrated in ley, 15c dozen; peas. 6c pound attorney for the Southern Pacific road. building. The reason for the raids Reus before deciding on final action P" town to the extreme western end. E. H. Harriman, since he went over splendid shape, it is one o f the best pers, 8(?25c; seconds. 22023c; thirds The I nited States commissioners of­ The Congo Reform association has Major T. Tanaka, of the Japanese em­ pany. The warehouses heret 'fore 153? 20c; Eastern, 24/./25c. fice. the jail and a few cabine were was learned today that Count Zepp»1* was again visited two days ago H protested to Secretary Root against bassy in Washington, arrived at the mangaged and maintained at Tallman. Poultry Mixed chickens. 133/13«.. left standing. He was Tangent and other outside points by agents of the mysterious Amefi» the annexation o f Free State by Bel­ maneuver camp last night. pound; fancy hens, 14c; roosters, 1Oe- met at the railroad station by one of syndicate which offered $4,000,000 ft*! the old company will be in direct con­ spring. 16c; ducks, old. 12c: spring. gium. Turkish Carital Aflame. General Kerr's personal staff, and es­ trol of the new company and carry on the airship recently lost at E ch ter^ * 13(315c; geese, old. 8e; young. 10c; Constantinople. Aug. 25.- Fire broke gen. The Americans are now tryW A Connecticut farmer emulaatedl cort«! to headquarters, where he was the business as o f old. turkeys, old, 173/18c; young. 20c. out this afternoon in the Stamboul to secure _ possession o f the new ball®«* Darius Green by atttempting to fiy introduced to General Kerr and other Veal—Extra. 8c pound ordmary, 7 quarter and within a very-brief period under construction'“by ¿ ^ H n . to * ith a pair o f paper wings he hail con- officers o f the staff. Major Tanaka M il Nearing Completion. 3/ 7 «vc; heavy, 5c. will remain an observer at the camp •tructed. Lakevtew I.akeview's new flouring Z r ra* irip- A known « No. 5. It is said that Porl' Fancy, “ c pound; ordinary. Itr for several days. string wind carried the flames along at have even gone so far as to of* mill will soon be ready for operation. 6c: large. So. The repeal of the Fourteenth amend­ great speed and for six hours they $1,000.000 for the plans. When the need for a flour mill at home ment was predicted at the National Mutton Fancy, 83/9c. Toronto H a s $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 0 Fire swept over the section, destroying ------------ ------------ - was suggested last winter, the merch­ association o f attorney general* held Hops 1907. prime and choice. 4«-., l.oOO houses an i shops. Toronto, On'., Aug. 26.-—Half of ants of Lakey iew and farmers of Goose Old Virginia is Shaken. in Denver. (