T ire s Set Quicker and B e tte r Chas. O. R oc £ Co . and Abraham’ s i store. It pays to advertise. Prof. J E. Kirkwood and family of M exico are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kirkwood. T . Littlehales sold to R. W . Kirk- I wood of this city, lot 3 Block 10, in South Park, yesterday, for 8105. _ . .... . . T Mrs. W . W. Ryals of Scoggins Vat- And Will Run LongerWithout lo o s e n - was vislting h„ sisters Mrs. H um- ing Than Is Possible When Set the , phiey and Mrs Q L Fieids, M onday. Old Way. You Will Not Be Out the Use of Your Vehicle, as it Requires Chas. Potts of Gales Creek, cut his But a Few Minutes to Do the Work, big toe of the right foot nearly off last , No Charred Surfaces to Wear Away Saturday evening while cutting wood, and Loosed the Tire. Mrs. W. A. Daly is visiting with her , No Overdishing Wheels or Splitting niece, Mrs. Ralston, for a few weeks Felloes or Cutting Out T oo Much of before going to Cahflornia for the the Rim. winter. The BROOKS Sets Them in a Mrs. Chamberlain of Denver, C ol., Mechanical and Scientific Way. who has been visiting her sister-in-law, t The BROOKS COLD T IR E SET Mrs. Nettie Austin, has returned to T E R compresses the metal cold. No Denver. steam and watersoaked felloes to shrink away and loosen the tire; to burnt Mr. Jesse Emory from Goldendale, paint to replace. It gives just the Wash , cousin of Mrs. N B. La Course amount of dish required. . was visiting at the La Course home (T h e United Statrs Government over Sunday. Finds the Cold Process the Best and Cashier Thornburg of the Forest has Adopted the BROOKS at the Shops , Grove National Bank, and family re- of the U. S. Forts and the Department■ (Urne(j Monday from a two weeks’ of the Interior.) visit at New| ort. S tiitc m c n t of th « F IR S T C o n d itio n o f N A T IO N A L s r o w n BANK s t a r P O R B 8 T O R O V e . O R B O O IN f i v e ’ s s t a . * a t <£all o l t h e t i o m p t r o U e r , J u l y 1 5 , 1 9 0 8 L IA B IL IT IE S RESOURCES Cash on hand due from Banks and U. S. Treas $53 .09 9.3 1 United Slates Bonds. .2 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Prem ium sfU S B on d s). .8 2 5 .0 0 Bonds and Securities. .2 0 ,3 5 8 .2 5 Loans and discounts. .7 4 ,5 3 2 .3 3 Furniture and Fixtures.3 ,4 4 3 .8 0 Real Estate..................... 3,2 8 2 .9 2 Total $180.541.61 Correct Attest: Deposits............. $1 18.303.30 Capital paid in ........ 25,000.00 Surplus............................ 10,000.00 Circulation......................25.000.00 T v í a r T T " Total R. M. DOOLY, President D. I. A LLE R, Cashier Otrer-hunleretl Wompn School $180.541.61 M PETERSON, Vice President Nuvsina Mothers and R E G I S T E R ^ Undivided profits...........2,238.31 PLEASANT THOUGHTS Cl Shoes School opens Monday, September 21, and yot 11 need te ! have a pair of the best shoes on earth— the Brown she i. V . S o A b r a h Mase ¿ u n T he C orn er S to re ol the surprise in In all stations of life, wtioso vigor and store lor your vitality may uave .*■» a Ui,,,erui,nt ii and broken-down by over-work, exacting friends accompany social duties, the too frequent bearing of photographs. You . I BflC h ih b children, or o.In , c— . will lind in Dr. can imagine how Pierce's Fav 'rite Prescription the most M any pleased they will potent, invigorating restorative strength- giver ever devised for their special bene­ D be to receive a fit. Nursingauothcrs wiNJjnd it especial­ Pres. Ferrin and son William, Prin picture of you : ly valuable ik sustaining Njeir strength Bates, A. Alexander and family and and promotirig\ii abundant nsuirishment looking your best. John Alexander left Tuesday for a trip for the child. >.’ \pWtant>i; others too Blacksmithing &, General Repairing For you surely will i pt sol W the to Mt, H ood and will be gone a week. will find it a pricele— system for baby's coming and rebdNring look that way in ! FOREST GROVE, ORE. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Whaley and the ordeal comparatively painless. It our can do no harm in any state, or condition * The Miss Elva Whaley, of Callaway, Nebr . of the female system, P h o t o g r a p h s the i tJelTcatc. nervous, ~* weak women, who who have spent the past month in the suffer from frequent headaches, back­ on Sui Grove, left Monday for Ridgefield, ache, dragging-down distress low down W e are not con - 1 Mass i in the alKiomen, or from painful or Irreg­ Wash. tent to make a ular monthly |>eriods, gnawing or dis­ ward l Hugh Sparks was in Gaston Saturday. tressed sensation in stomach, dizzy or faithful likeness. Wm. Ridgley and family have for and h Howard Derby has gone to Portland their guests this week, Chas. Maxwell faint spells, see imaginary specks or spots W e aim to and do floating before eyes, have disagreeable, non-Ci t > work. produce portraits of Iowa, and Mrs. Ham. Davidson, pelvic catarrhal drain, prolapsus, ante- the let or retroversion or other displace- i that seem imbued Ridgley’ s sister, of Eastern version W e are well fixed to take care of your every need in Geo. W ood of Greenville was in town Mr. The ments of womanly organs from weakness with life, that of parts will, whether they experience Oregon. Monday. vThe many or only a few of the above symp­ the way of bring an answer­ Monda U. S. Montgomery and family have toms, find relief and a permanent cure by Sam Show returned Monday from ing smile to the using faithfully and fairly persistently G od ;” moved back to their old home in Newport. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. pleased beholders. Jesus C Walla Walla, having sold their place This world-famed s|>eeitic for woman's Mrs. Htrry Goff and son Willie and thi here to Mr. Adams who will occupy it weaknesses and peculiar ailments is a Bryant's Studio pure glvcerlc extract of the choicest na­ were in Portland last Saturday. Tod: with his mother. tive, medicinal roots without a drop of alcohol in its make-up. All its ingredi­ Cathol: Miss Mary Corl went to Newport The Y. M. C. A. boys, who cam e ents printed in plain Kngli- h on its bottle- day nif Tuesday for a ten days’ vacation. from Portland and tramped across the wrapper and attested under oath. I)r. On : Pierce thus invites the fullest investiga­ W e carry in stock the following rifles and guns A barn belonging to D. D. Thorns country to the Wilson River, arrived in tion of liis formula knowing that it will lecture of Hillsboro, burned Friday night. Forest Grove last Friday, after enjoying be found to contain only the best agents | the ma known to the most advanced medical science of all the dilTeront schools of prac­ 2 2 C A L . P R O M $ 1 . 7 5 T O $ l2 . 0 i> Mesdames W. H. Hollis and V. H. ten days by the sea. fice of tice for the cure of woman’s peculiar Limber visited Portland the first of the Arthur Gilmore of Hillsboro, sus; weaknesses and ailments. the clo: If you want to know more about the week. F old,” tained injuries in a gasoline launch composition and professional endorse­ sion. — Dr. Lowe, the optician, will be in explosion at Clear L ake, Iowa, last ment of the "Favorite Prescription." send I have the agency for the Autofiller A qu week. H e was recently married and ostal card request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, ? Forest Grove Sept, 10, 11 and to noon Buffalo, N. Y., for his free booklet treat­ — Self Filling, Self Cleaning Fountain conveni was on his honeymoon. of 12. 7-t3 ing of same. Pen. persons You can’t afford to accept as a substi­ Dr. Hines and family and Mrs. tute for this remedy o f known composition A lw a y s R e a d y A lw a y s W r ite s on mat It is reported that a band of elk Come in and see them. They are with out a doubt a secret nostrum of unknown oomposir any way were seen at the head of Trash creek Hines, sister in law of the D r , of lion. Don’t do it. the best sell filling pen on the market today. War- ranted by both manufacturer and retailer. Jacksonville, Southern Ore., have re­ which last week. A . M . VEN EN turned to the Grove after spending lecture. Forest Grove, for the past six weeks, Finley M cLeod of Patton Valley is some time at the Springs. Som- left today for a week’ s visit with friends constructing a new dwelling on the answert Edwin Hughes of Greenville, has and relatives in Portland after which Seth place. preach exhibited some wheat stalks in Goff she will return home. tongue? Mrs. Henry Dutcher of Walla Walla, Bros.’ window, that arp of unusual Corvallis, Oregon. and do ( Peter Fields has sold his farm three is visiting her niece, Mrs. S. L. Car­ sizes and shapes. Nothing like them don’ t miles northeast of Banks and will again lyle this week. Offers collegiate courses in Agricul­ have been seen in .his county. Catholic make his home in Forest Grove. Mr. ture, including Agronomy, Horti­ Mrs. Oella Kirkpatrick of Nehawka, Hersey Vandecar, a druggist of Fields has bought the Byron Smith culture, Animal “ Do G Husbandry, Dairy Neb., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. North Branch, M ich ., is making an ex­ images? home in South Park. This sale was Husbandry, etc.; Forestry; Domestic Carlyle this week. tended trip through the West, and made by the Oregon Land & Trading Science and Art; Civil, Electrical, Some V. H. Limber, the funeral director, stopped off for the day Monday with Co. Verboor: Mechanical, and Mining Engineering; will soon erect a building to the rear of his cousins Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle. lie friern Mrs. Wm. Smith of this city is visit­ Com m erce; Pharmacy. In fact all kinds of Guns and Rifles that you can get any­ kindly r his establishment. A house belonging to Mrs. J S ing her son in Wisconsin, having been Offers elementary courses in Agri­ before a Miss Edna Jensen left Monday for Keir and occupied by W m. Presco in called there by the sickness ol her culture, Forestry, Domestic Science where and at the same price you would pay for them m Rev. Fat Klamath Falls, where she has a school Hillsboro, was burned down last Friday son’ s wile. She is homesick, so she and Art, Com merce, and Mechanic his than, night. Presco saved about all of his states in a letter to her husband here, Arts, including forge work, cabinet for the coming year. Portland. promotin steam fitting, plumbing, household goods but had no insurance. \ and wjshes she was back in Forest making, J. W. Hughes and family have gone the lectu machine work. etc. Barnett Roe, nephew of the late Grove. to Vernonia for two weeks. Call The le Strong faculty, modern equipment; Thos. Roe, and wife of Chicago, Ohio, phone E. Nickerson. Dr. Henry E. Jones of Portland and special i free tuition; opens Sept. 25. arrived in Forest Grove last week for a Major G. M. Magruder. surgeon in the tfcats ( ; G eo. Patterson joined his wife at Illustrated catalogue with full in­ visit. After spending a few days here U. S. service of the same city, were und idersTx Seaside Saturday, and they both re­ formation on application to the Regis­ and at the coast they will go to Seattle. out to Forest Grove Tuesday, the brief syn< turned home Monday. trar, free. 5-t4 Mrs, Cornelia White, aunt of Miss guests of Capt. F. S. Barnes. They lows: It^ A. L. Sexton, who has been.con- Kstelle Elliott, left litis week for enjoyed a shoot on the archery range evil is t and around Portland for several years. fined to his bed for several days, is out [¿astern Oregon, where she will visit a on the campus while here. “ What si He lived in this county as a boy, and on the streets again. short time before going to Waterloo, Catholic Poultry is to have its due recognition the pa Miss Anna Dean spent three days Iowa, where she will make her home at the Livestock Show at Portland in his father, the late Charles M. Johnson, conducted a saloon in Cornelius fdr a What pr taking the last week in Hillsboro B. Fleischhauer of Patton Valley, was September. Over S500 in prizes is number of years, later going to Gaston, ance? I teachers' examination. in town Tuesday and paid this office a offered and the interest may be judged where he raised hops until his death a - be comm He stated that thresh- from the fact that already over one Mrs. Chas. F. Miller left Tuesday pleasant call. few years ago. The family was always of sin tc with her would begin in the vallev on Thursday thousand entries are booked. Poultry considered respectable, and the father to spend several weeks haracte: (to d a y ) with the Bert V \ hite thresher, means almost $5 ,000,000 to Oregon mother near Tillamook. bore a reputation for honesty. He reports crops good and everybody annually. Young Johnson was brought to Mrs. Knox, mother of Dr. Knox, ar­ The m is busy. — Hoffman and Allen Co. are agents Hillsboro and is languishing in the rived here from Canada Saturday, and ing, and Mrs. Thomas Roe left for Newport for the famous Buttenck patterns. county jail, awaiting the action of the will reside with her son. meeting c Wednesday. Mr. Barnet Roe, nephew _______________ __ courts. city. It W . A Johnston of Gaston, was in I o( M fv R of and wj(e accofnpanied Catholic FOR MURDER OF PERDUE. town Friday and added his name to her bu| ,e(t , he d {or Seattle — W e’ ll buy your wool and mohair. J o , s o m e ti T E N T H S T R E E T S W A S H I N G T O N A N D (Continued from Page 1.) The New, subscnption list. .where they have a son living. Mrs Bring it in. Bailey. iWre, and PORTLAND O REGON The The Golden West ball team, (co l- Georgia Hughes also went with her to first location was a timber filing. ing have , — We always pay the highest price filing, however, did not suit Perdue, o re d ) of Portland will play the Banks stay a couple weeks. W R IT E FOR CATALOG ing a thur Bailey. and for some reason it was dropped at for wool and mohair. team Sunday August 30th. Mrs. A. R. Heimbach of Chico, Cal., the Land Office. )The School that Place» You in a Oood Position — Money to loan on farm security Great large black and white signs who has been visitir g her parents, Mr It has been ascertained that Perdue, W H. Hollis. Forest Grove Lot have been painted on the buildings of and Mrs. Robt. Alexander west of in company with a number of Swedes H e af:i — New stock of latest Ladies’ H om e — Dr. E. v H. Brown, and J. J. Fisher, a book-store man of d , hvsician and — The t0p pT;ce at Bailey's 1 « ' are ngi Journal dress patterns at Bailey's Big burgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap- W ooi and Mohrir. Portland, were piloted by Johnson into a.-qu Store. pliances in office. Calls answered the mountains north of Buxton the lat­ C O M P A R A T IV E STATEM ENTS OF DEPOSITS Son, . la: a ter part of June. The party, minus — Be sure to take advantage of the night or day. — Chase & Sanborn Coffe "S al< denera Jn Perdue and Johnson, who were left in Mid-Summer Clearance Sale now on at 1 — Try Schultz’ s M.r 22. 1907 ground bone for the best. Hoffman & Allen Co. special»-. Forest Grove, Foreat Grove the hills, returned, and Perdue was Hoffman & Allen C o.’ s store. $49.223.17 your hens. It will make them lav. elusive agents. never seen alive again H e was a May 20. 1907 Oregon National Bank comparative stranger in and conse­ $ 9 9 .8 2 2 .17 quently his disappearance created EDWARD SEY.MOI R A . B . TH O M A* August 22, 1907 little mystery. all oveMht Sec. and Mgr. It is now known, however, that he $ 13 0.7 22 92 ind v idâ t had been in Portland several weeks cen. December 3, 1907 prior to his disappearance and that he $ 1 6 0 ,3 7 2 .4 6 had a large sum of money on his per­ M son. Another fact that Sheriff Han­ The W February 14, 1908 cock regards as suspicious is that John­ Congrega' son, who is said to have been without $ 1 8 5 ,3 2 -4 .0 9 .-rrin ye st i funds when he went into the hills, ap­ was the ; ro I N C O R P O R A T E D parently had money on his return. H e M A Y I I. 190« Topic is said to have paid off a number of votioael. M claims at Buxton and is also said to lege, I T have returned money to men in Port Mrs. L e; JU LY 15, 1 9 0 « land whom he had falsely located. tatú», Grac Johnson is 23 years of age and is »! Coll ge. married to a daughter of Riler Thomas A. Ha tell; Both Telephones a Nehal-m homesteader. H e has F o re s t G ro v e , O re * been leading a precarious existence in' Off t o the J. F. McGILL, TH E M AY C IT Y Camp Supplies, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Rifles and Amu ution Agricultural College 25 cal. Stevens, 2 5 -2 0 Winchester 3 0 -3 0 W in ch ester 32 special Win­ chester, 2 5 -3 5 W inchester; 30-30 Savage, 3 0 -3 0 lightweight Savage 3 0 -3 0 R em in gton au tom atic. L. C. Smith, Stevens, Parker, Baker and o th e r makes o f shot­ guns. GOFF BROS. HARDWARE FOREST GROVE, OREGON BUSINESS COLLEGE ST C Oregon Land and Trading Company» $ 2 4 9 ,5 3 3 .0 4 $ 2 7 9 ,1 6 5 .0 8 F A R M and GITYPROPERTY 40