MOUNTAIN IS MOVING. RIOTERS UNDER CONTROL. Men Combat Landslide on Southern Two Regiments of Soldiers at Spring- Pacific in Nevada. l u ll'd Each Week field Ordered Home. Reno, Nev., Aug. 18.—For the past 111., Aug. 19. That the FOREST GROVE...........OREGON race Springfield, three days scores of section men in the Two More Deaths Recorded at war situation in this city is con­ sidered much less serious was evidenc­ employ of the Southern Pacific com­ PRUNE GROWERS SMILE. BUILD BIG SMELTER. Springfield, Illinois. ed last night, when Governor Deneen pany on the Palisade division in Ne­ ordered the First and Fourth infantry regiments to take trains for their Douglas County Promised Immense Eastern Capitalists Will Do This if vada have been at work trying to pre­ vent the caving of the big tunnel of homes today. Crop This Season. County Bjilds Bridges. “ I took this action after a confer­ Roseburg—Tillson & Co. have pur- Salem—The County Commissioners’ that company near Palisade. The tun­ HARD TO MAINTAIN ANT ORDER i t f thei. I d a Condensed Form for Our ence with Sheriff Warner, Mayor . . fi at their last meeting heard the nel is 300 feet or more in length and Reece, Major General Young, Adjutant Chastd a n"e ^ ulPment the,r la‘^ court petition of Mining Engineer Gadsden, cost more than $150,000 to complete. Busy Readers. General Scott, General Pack,ng ” th,a clt>/ . . , Foster _ and Gen- „ De­ Prune. have begun work P to ant enlarge and and rt- representing Eastern capitalists, for Last year the Western Pacific started Frequent Shots From Ambush at the eral Wells,” explained Governor model the plant to handle Douglas the appropriation of $2,000 for the A Resume of the Lets Important but neen last night. Troops Serve to Keep Whole building of five bridges across the San- ; a tunnel 50 feet to the south of the large prune crop this year. tiam Not Less Interesting Events “ Does that mean that you consider county’s river, to make the Gold Creek Southern Pacific. This was reoentl> Town in Uproar. A new 30 horsepower boiler is now be­ of the Past Week. all danger of serious trouble past?” ing placed for the steam plant, and copper mines accessible. In return for completed, and now it is known that he was asked. new pieces of machinery for this investment, Mr. Gadsden guaran- the blasting has practically shaken the “ It means that we can properly guard several and packing will be installed. tees the erection of a smelter with a mountain> which is now slowly Springfield, 111., Aug. 18.—Follow­ Castro continues to refuse Dutch the city with the troops which will re­ grading of 100 tons per day. ’ . u . ing the addition of two victims to the 200 cars of evaporated prunes capacity vessels to call. main. There will still be the Second Nearly will be shipped out of the county from It is expected that the opening up of sliding into the Humboldt river,. B g death outbursts of law­ and Seventh regiments under General The Young Turk party is perfecting Foster in the Western division, and the various points, a large portion of these mines and the building of the timbers in the Southern Pacific tunnel lessness list, in sporadic various parts of the city a plan to depose the sultan. which will be handled by local firms. smelter will result in the location of a are being slowly crushed like so much and increased symptoms generally Third and Fifth under General Wells. that In addition to the new machinery the refinery in this city. The Gold Creek matchwood and unle98 a means of The Oregon Supreme court has just The departure of the First and Fourth 1 building will be enlarged to almost mines are located on the head waters combatti the sUde is determined the mob spirit still rules Springfield decided a case started 18 years ago. will lessen our forces by about 1,000 twice its present size. Deneen last night issued six of the Santiam in the extreme Eastern jt necessitate the company Governor leaving a good 2,000 here.” proclamations offering rewards amount­ The Russian government continues men, part of Marion county. H. L. Giles & Co., of Salem, have abandoning the tunnel. General Young said: ing to $ 1,200 the arrest and con­ to execute alleged revolutionists by “ Major A number of leading citizens appear­ purchased the Douglas County prune A thousand men and twice as many viction of the riot for leaders. The mob element has had a lesson, packing house of Receiver T. R. Sheri­ ed before the court and argued in favor horses The deaths the score. and mules were placed at work and the way citizens with knowledge now number five, but since death of the $2,000 appropriation. dan, and will thoroughly overhaul and The Rock Island railroad is said to Qf rj0t0US misdeeds are responding to make additions to the equipment. along the Western Pacific railroad in was due only indirectly to the one disturb­ be seeking control ^of the Moffat roacl the appt.a, for information on which to These two large packing houses are 1 this state yesterday, and from now on ance, no account has been taken of it Tree Loaded With Honey. now building from Denver to Salt Lake | base indictments will furnish further kept running for from three to four Pendleton—One the line will be rushed to completion. The two new victims were J. W. of the finest bee City. instruction to the violently inclined. months every fall. Besides these two trees ever found in this section of the For nearly a year operations have been Scott and a three-weeks old negro practically at a standstill in this state. baby, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Great preparations will be made to We are getting news on which we will there is another packing house Blue mountains was found this week The grade has been completed from Lawrence Payne, of Springfield. The welcome Roosevelt in Egypt when he be able to make many arrests of im­ at plants, on the Joe Parks homestead, a mile Creek that handles from 20 Salt Lake to a point near Elko, while baby succumbed to exposure when its visits there on his trip around the portance, and these arrests will render to Myrtle every season. There from Meacham. Three swarms of bees from this end the grading has reached the situation much easier to handle. will 50 also carloads world. started to walk from Spring- were in the immense tamarack tree be about 30 carloads of ap­ the ringleaders behind the bars, ples shipped from Douglas county this and eight gallons of fine honey was ex­ a comparatively short distance. Work parents field to Pittsfield in an effort to avoid 1 In his speech of acceptance, Chafin, With there will be little for the military to year. The Douglas County Fruit­ tracted. The bees had entered the westward will continue now until com­ persecution. Scott died in a hospital Prohobition candidate for president, ac­ do.” pleted. Trains will probably be run­ wounds received Friday night. cused the old parties of suppressing the There were the usual baseless alarms growers’ association will handle about hollow tree through a hole 20 feet ning into Winnemucca early this fall. from Scattered sections of the city were above the ground and the entire inside liquor issue. last night, but up to midnight nothing half of this crop of apples. in an uproar at different times during of the tree, which was hollow, was A Canadian pressman at Chicago has of a serious character had occurred. the early part of the night. Harvard filled with the clear, rich wild honey, OREGON FAIR PLANS. NEEDS CASH FOR BIG NAVY. appealed to the British consul for pro­ park was fgiin the storm center. the first ever found in this section. tection against the labor union, fearing EVANS RETIRES. patrols were fired upon in that tree was located by an old woods­ Counties Preparing for Their Annual The Raise Loan of $500,000,- Twice his life is in danger. vicinity, but in neither case was any man engaged in cutting cordwood on Britain Will 000 Exhibition of Resources. for Ships. one injured. This is the section to T. W. Burgess, a noted English Admiral Leaves the Service After 48 The Dalles—The eighteenth annual the Parkes place, who watched the London, Aug. 18.—The British gov­ which troops were called Sunday night Years on Duty. swarms come to water at a mountain swimmer, made an effortt to swim the of the Second Eastern Oregon dis­ spring near his cabin. English channel, but gave up when Lake Mohonk, N. Y., Aug. 19.—Far fair ernment, according to the Daily Tele­ by similar occurrences. Over in the trict, Wasco, Sherman, Gil­ within a mile of the French coast. western enc* °f town in the vicinity of from grim warships and the sea where liam, comprising contemplates raising large | the Wheeler, Crook and Hood River Normal Draws Teachers graph, state house and arsenal there were White miners at Knoxville, Tenn., he spent nearly half a century in the counties, will be held at The Dalles Summer loan in view of the growing naval com­ teachers, lectur­ petition abroad. It is stated that | several cases of revolver firing by A have told the negroes to go or they service of his country. Rear Admiral for five days, commencing October 6, ers Brownsville—Many ! rowdies. and ministers from this section are will be killed. No troulble is looked Robley D. Evans, U. S. N., who is at and closing October 10. advantage of the summer nor­ financiers of the highest standing have The marauders traveled in groups of for, as it is believed the colored men this quiet mountain hotel, yesterday A large number of premiums will taking mal school conducted by the Albany undertaken to get $500,000,000 on two or three, obeying the orders of the I reached the age limit of 62 years and be offered for exhibits, races, etc. The college. will leave. The attendahee is very large. nominal terms to meet the necessities I militia patrols to keep moving, but as I passed from the ranks of the country’s main attractions will be the big pavil­ Extreme heat in the East is again active sea fighters. His has been the Hereafter will probably be one of of"phe fleet for the next few years soon as they were well past the groups ion, where all the fruits, cereals, flow­ the drawing this causing prostratiions and deaths. cards for Albany college. without disorganizing the annual bud­ of soldiers they drew their revolvers longest service (but two years short of ers, fancy work, etc., will be exhibited. Teachers are in attendance Mar­ gets or casting a heavy burden upon and fired into the air and fled down side Fire in a San Francisco shirt waist half a century) of any man who has There races every day, a ion, Lane, Benton, Lincoln, from Linn and the present generation. streets, escaping in the darkness. Mtablishment burned .> 11111,11011 worth reached the rank of rear admiral in the track meet will by be of the schools other nearby counties. Lane county Two arrests, apparently not connect­ of goods. United States navy. All through the of the district, athletes If such a plan is attempted, it will Arnold’s Amusement is proving its loyalty toward be because it is possible to forecast the ed with the rioting, added excitement the hotel was thronged with ad­ company will have concessions, and in especially Governor Hughes, of New York, has day the church college by a good attend­ future requirements of the navy until and served to frighten timid residents. mirers of “ Fighting Bob,” anxious to addition there will be balloon ascen­ ance. ordered an investigation of betting at congratulate the summer school the col­ a general shipbuilding program has As a consequence calls for troops were him on his 62nd birthday Saratoga. sions, high diving and other free at­ lege has For secured the services of some been crystallized and the setting aside [ frequent and the militia had a hard and to wish him many more happy and of the best educators in the United of this fund would be a declaration, night. King Leopold is reported ill, but useful years. Telegrams by the score tractions. As at present fruits and grains give States. courtt officials deny that his condition reached him from all parts of the coun­ premise A picket from Company L, Fifth translated into terms of cash, of the j infantry, of being of excellent quality is alarming. fired five shots at a negn try, all expressing felicitations and and of large yield, it is expected that Big Demand tor Harney Ranches. country’s intention to maintain a two- j j at who Eighth attempted to break the sentry Urn for the man who had done so the fair this year will surpass all Drewsey William Dunlap of this power standard at all costs. A young man, heir to 1200,000, was affection and Jefferson streets early to build up the American navy. killed near West Chicago while beating much place recently purchased the Howard today. The negro escaped. Many of the messages brought delight­ other efforts. his way on a passenger train. ranch, which is located about one half Thomas Richardson, a brother of the smiles to the admiral’s face, while TROOPS PURSUE REBELS. Blow Out Beecher Rock. At new revolt is under way in Mo­ ed mile west of here. The ranch is a 160 negro of attacking Mrs. Mabel others brought just a suspicion of mois­ rocco. An army of 25,000 has been ture to his eyes. The telegram in par­ Eugene In the improvements which acre tract seeded down in alfalfa. The Thousand Chinese Pillage Town and Hallam, accused fled to Mississippi last night mobilized to attack the French troops. ticular which caused “ Fighting Bob” the County court has authorized for consideration was $3,400. Mr. Dunlap after he had been attacked by white Flee to Mountains. Eugene-Mapleton wagon eroad, the sold his stock ranch at Juntura, Or., men in Harvard park. Richard­ A decrease of over $10,000,000 is re­ many smiles came from an old fritnd the most noteworthy is the order to blow about two miles west of Drewsey, to Hongkong, Aug. 18.—The soldiers son was a teamster, and Tom when attacked ported in the net earnings of the Ilar- in Washington and said: Beecher rock, and Commissioner Ed Stallard, of Juntura, for $3,000. stationed at Konghau, near Wuchow, he jumped from his wagon, leaving the riman lines for the year ending June “ For some of us, skipper, your flag out Price will soon take up this big task. The ranch is a 160 acre tract. Several standing in the street, went to will always fly.” 30 last. Beecher rock, which overhangs the valuable ranches have changed hands who rebelled last Tuesday and killed horses railroad station, and boarded a their commander because a comrade the The steamer Aberdeen, with a cargo Siulslaw road, will be remembered by in this section this year. EUREKA IS SHAKEN. train for the South. of lumber, went on the rocks at Hum­ every one who has made the trip to had been arrested for gambling, have boldt bay, California. Latef the ves­ Early Morning Trembler Likened to Mapleton as the most dangerous point Baker City to Have Creamery. joined the Yaus, a warlike tribe of YELLOW PERIL IS REAL. sel was beached. on the trip. The rock, which is a Baker City—It is settled now that aborigines, living in the southwest Big One of 1906. one weighing thousands of this city is to have a creamery. The portion ____ __ of the province of Kwangtung. Insurance companies will pay no Eureka, Cal., Aug. 19.—An earth­ mammoth tons, will be blown to pieces and a Business Men s association has pledged Their home is in a region of inaccessi- Canadian Statesman Says America j losses occasioned by the rioters at shock ablmost as severe as the better and safer road cut out in the proper Has Cause to Fear. support to E. D. Severance, and ble mountains and they have never Springfield, Illinois. The only re­ quake of April 18, 1906, but not of so side of the mountain. he has promise«! to erect a modern been subjected to governmental con-j Montreal, Aug. 18. — T. Hamer course for property owners will be to one long duration, shook this city a 2:58 plant here. Mr. Severance owns tro'' sue the municipality. Greenwood, the most prominent Cans- I o'clock yesterday monring. It seemed Better Service on C. S. Railway. creameries at Rock Creek and Pine Admiral Li _ has arrived here in his dian in the British parliament, and a j Because the charges of the restau­ to come from the west, and was what Condon Valley in this county and one at Can­ postal officials are con­ yon City. flagship, accompanied by gunboats, member of the executive committee of | rants were too high, three companies is known as a “ twister.” No one was sidering the The feasibility of securing a torpedo boats and launches. Troops the Libeial party of Great Britain, who of North Dakota national guardsmen injured, but considerable damage was more adequate mail service between have also been summoned and the coun- ¡s visiting Canada, predicts a conflict , on their way to American lake raided done. PORTLAND MARKETS. and points on the Columbia try is in a turmoil. The mutineers are between Japan and America. He says: | the Pasco. Washington, eating houses. A second and lighter shock was felt Condon Southern railway. Under the present \V heat—Club, 88c per bushel: forty­ 1,000 in number. After murdering “Japan is preparing to restrict tie | Everything edible was carried away. at 5 :30 o’clock. system it takes three days to get re­ commander, they pillaged the overflow of her people into countries Chimneys were thrown down and turn mail from points on these branch­ fold, 90c; turkey red, 90c fife, 88c; thelr The War department will ask for a people * village, securing to $100,000 in money where they are not wanted, but it rushed from their houses in es. Considerable mail matter is car­ bluestem, 92c; valley, 88c. million dollars to build airships. and withdrew the Taiking moun- not require a prophet to foresee that , Barley Feed, $24.50 per ton; roll- fright when the first quake shook the between these towns. It is $27(n28; brewing, $26. tains. A woman is said to have led some of city. The courthouse was damaged ried the feeling between these swarthy thought that what is called a closed «1. Oats the rioters at Springfield, Illinois. No. 1 white, $26.50 per ten; John Bulls of the Pacific and the wh'te most by the shake. The right arm of pouch will be mad«' up on the Condon Waste Coin on Novels. $26. of America may soon grow acute A fire in the East Buffalo stockyards the statue of Minerva, carrying asp« ar, branch and then placed on No. 7 at gray, Po Berlin, Aug. 18.—Twelve and a half races and may mean war. Just now Japan Hav Timothy, Willamette valley, million burned between 15,00 and 2,000 sheep was twisted off the statue on the dome. Arlington, so as to make better connec­ dollars are thrown away every 1 having a struggle to make both ends $4 per ton; Willamette valley ordi­ The spear crash«! through the roof of tions at Biggs with the other branch. and calves. in Germany by the poorer class meet in national finance and has cut nary. $1; Eastern Oregon, $16.50; year the building and into Judge Hunter's Governor Deneen says the whole courtroom. in the purchase of “ pernicous penny down her naval and military program mixed, $13; clover, $9; alfalfa, $11; power of Illinois will be exerted to The statues on the north side of the Oregon Two Days Without Executive. alfalfa meal, $20. dreadfuls, accord mg to a statement by large amounts, For two days last week Ore­ Fruits -Cherries, 3« 10c per pound; just published protect the negroes. by the Durer Union. **I have no doubt myself, however, building were shaken off and brick and gon Salem was without even an acting chief An Omaha judge denounced a woman plaster were loosened and fell to the ex«'«’Utive. Governor Chamberlain p»>aches, 40« 90c per box: prunes, which is engaged in a campaign that when she gets over the enormous Poi for marrying an old man for his money ground. Plate glass windows in sev­ went to Seattle to inspect the progress $1.25 per crate; Bartlett pears. $1.25 against the growing tendency in Ger- losses of the late war with Russia many to read trashy literature. The there will be trouble If she can stir «1.75 per box; eral business houses were cracked. and refused to give her a divorce. being made on the Oregon building at b o iT gE^es^Vl. 2 5 « L 5 0 d e r a te ' secretary of the union vouches for the up and force an alliance with half The Alaska Pacific Steamship com­ M declaration that 40,000 es­ awakened China the yellow peril will Conference on Strike. pany will establish daily papers on its Winnipeg, Aug. 19. The departure *1: — W- 90cm kb- $1 - per ’ hundred; ’ astounding tablished booksellers and 30,000 ped­ Potatoes be a reality.” two passenger steamers between San | for the East of the heads of the engin- been absent for some time; therefore sweet potatoes, 4c per pound. are engaged in selling sensation­ F Francisco and Puget sound. the state was without any person to Melons Cantaloupe*,IT.25« 1.75 p«r dlers al serials and books of a low order. | «‘era’ and trainmen's branches of or­ Call on Langdon to Act. the functions of chief execu­ Altogether there are 4,200 militia­ watermelons, $1.50 per 100 railway laborers is current talk exercise San Francisco, Aug. 18.—District tive. While in Washington the gov­ crate; May Talk 700 Miles. men on duty at Springfield, Illinois, as [ ganized loose: crated. '4c per pound addition- among the strikers tonight. J. H. Mc- Attorney Langdon today was presented ernor also stopped at American lake. MCI a result of the race riots. This is all Vey is also absent, presumably at Ot- Paris, Aug. 18.—The naval lieuten­ with a copy j al; casabas, $2.25 per dozen. of a resolution adopted by of the state troops except the col oriel j 1 tawa. ants, Colin, Joance and Mercer, the Vegetatbles — Turinips, $1.50 per where a conference of the war­ the depositors of the Market street members. . . Famous . . . . Pear Orchard , Sold. _ | sack; carrots, $1.75: parsnips. $1.75; inventors of an apparatus which re­ bank ring factions in the Canadian Pacific M«!fon! at a meeting yesterday, calling A syndicate of Eastern beets. $1.50; beans, 5c per pound; cent tests have shown to be superior In the recent holdup of a Great ! strike is to take place as a result of men. head»Hl by John D. dwell, of this cabbage. 2(a2xxc per pound; corn 25 to any existing, achieved remarkable upon him to immediately begin the I Northern mail car near Spokane the the alleged government intervention. prosecution , (""¡'« «uim ii u of i the in e o officials m c ia is a and r directors has purchased the famous pear «30c per doz; cucumbers $1 00 ’ «iii'i-rg« v a i i .n l i ,. ...__... . . . clerks outwitted the robbers by dump­ ! Prominent officials of the Canatlian city, Langdon | orchard of C. H. Lewis, near this city, box: eggplant. 10c per pound fr ing the register«! letters into news­ | Pacific railway have also disappear«-«! for $lh0.000. The orchard has held head, 15c per dozen- par«lev lettuce, was scored by several persons at the 15c per 8 department of Finistere, a distance of meeting for his alleged inactivity ! and it is assum«! that they tin« will the world's rewrd for the highest price dozen: peas, 6c per pound ; 'rieppers. paper sacks. in about 310 miles. The officers are con- j ! join the «inference. the investigation of the bank’s affairs. Unveiling of a Roosevelt statue in «aid for a carlo«,I of Cornice pears for « lep er pound; radishes. . 12'..c per __sc per that they can make great im- resolution demanding immediate two years, one car bringing $6,800. dozen: spinach. 2c per pound: toma- Provements in the apparatus, enabling The a Texas town caused a riot, the people Warships to Venezuela. action the district attorney wa* This the largest deal in the history of being divided in their views of the The More 75c«$1 per crate; celery, 90c« conversation up to 600 or 700 miles. adopted by unanimously. Aug. 19. As a part of the fruit lands of the Rogue river val­ toes. president. One person was fatally j the plan Hague. $1 per dozen; arttichokes, 75c per to awe President Castro, of hurt and nine others injur«!. dozen. Employes Will Assist. Venezuela. into submission and apology ley. Arkansans Draw Color Line. The battleship fleet has sail«l from without an actual d«'monstration or Hops 1907, prime and choice. 4 ta« St. Paul, Aug. 1 8 .-Three hundred Memphis, Ecclss May Back Scheme. Tenn., Aug. 18.—Serio» oc per pound; olds. 1« 1 ^c per pound: railroad employes met in Auckland to Sydney. j bombardment of the ports, the Dutch I.a Grande—David Eccles, a Utah this city to- trouble is expected today at Trumaa, W contracts, nominal. day to organize an cruisers Holland and Utrecht were or- capitalist, heavily interest«! in sugar, Japan is paying off her war debt in ! ! dered association to fight Poinzett county, Arkansas, the today to pn-pare for spe«ly dis- railroail and lumber interests, is con­ \V°ol . Eastern Orejron. average le^slationhostiletotherailroadinfer- importation of 12 negrroes to over good sit«! installments. work is best l 0 f.'lKc«4 p«>r pound, accordmp The men are of the opinion that patch to Curarao on August 29. They ferring the Commercial club rela­ to shrinkage; valley. 15ff»15\.c: mo- by standing by the railroads in their the yards of the Springfield Lumbif 1 The Canadian government is to me- are expect«*! to arrive at Curacao Octo- tive to a with con pvny. Last night the white m>- &| large scheme which It * \c per pound. fipht they will be benefiting them- ployea ber 25, when the Netherlands will have he may finance irrigation diate in the railroail strike. the company and residents of V here. The proposition 1 Extras. :>0c per pound; fan- »clvea. It is the intention to support the town of declared five formidable ships in Caribbean means an outlay of nearly $1,500.000. cy. Butter they would not per- Ira D. Sankey, the evangelist, is waters. 27 V : choice. 25c: store. 18c. I«fly those candidates dead. He was 68 years old. Eccles will announce soon whether or Eggs Or«>gon extras. 26«26 ,o : election who are favorable to 'th T -" * ?-*-* ,hp.blac,t8 to rail- declared they would be driven from tb* not he will back the project with his first«. 24« 25c; seconds. 22« 23c; road» and their employes Fire in the Buffalo, N. Y., st«wk Holland Has Free Hand. county. A possee visited the cam|X thirds. 15« 26c. yards, bum«! close to $ 1,000,000 worth The Hague. Aug. 19. With the sin­ money. but the negroes fled. Poultry Mixed chickens. 12«112t,c of property. Crimes Puzzle Police. gle proviso that no military occupation B le University Begins Next Month. per lb; fancy hens. 3c: roosters. 8«9c; of territory must occur, the government Boston. Aug. 18.- Boston and East­ Contractors driving the big St. Paul at Washington is understood to have I mversity of Oregon. Eugene— The sprmg, 5«; 6c; ducks, old, 23c; spring. Eva Booth is Stricken. ern Massachusetts are undergoing a Warsaw, Eugene Bible university, the leading 3« tunnel in Montana are bn aking all i given « n « , oia, t«c; young, Ind.. Aug. 18.—Overcome 5c; geese, old. 8c; young. 10c; the cabinet of The Netherlands ministerial school of the Christian turkeys, old. 17« 18c; ycuiig, 20c record* for spe«i. mvitor«*3*^ .fi"1* ! ^ ?mr(,er by the intense heat, after address,nC j a free hand to deal as it sees fit with church west of the by the po- an audience of 4.000 persons at the ___ „ . 2 * ^ mountains. Veal -Extra. 8c per pound; ordi- lie. The Two people were killed and six in- Presi«!ent Castro, of Venezuela. The ... ''l of*‘n September 22. About 100 narv. 7«75,C; heavy 5c c i^ ite ? ^ thW ' . l re,'r ’ 0f Cr'meis Win°"» Lake Bible conference. M>- lur«l by the explosion of a balloon at ! Netherlands cruiser Friesland will not i student* are expected to enroll. The Pork -Fancy, 7c ¿er ‘pound- ordi- «IX ar- w* J m*ny i0rei*T,‘ Ev* Booth, leader of the Salvstioa Ho- London A spectator attempted to sa I for the Paribbean before the end faculty consist* of seven instructors, narv, 6c; large, 5c. to adootX. V ' att,mPt'nK Army in the United States, fainted jus* light a cigar, of next month. i br President E. C. Sanderson. | Mutton-Fancy. 8«9c. tOt*d°pt the method* of European ban- after leaving the auditorium and • Fort-s 1 now under the care of physician*. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST Washington County News NEWS OF THE WEEK oral Wo a o v n a in o d l.n u jrn n r I )o. 1 Ä * & T S t5 r V